a logo of a bucket withe the letters LST for the brand


Let's Seize Today

About Keleigh

Hi I'm Keleigh, the creator of this website. I am currently a second year Western student studying in the MIT program. I made this website for one of my 2nd year courses called MIT 2570.

The inspiration behind this website came from me desperately needing a vacation and browsing the internet to find some spots I could dream about going to. When I discovered it was actually pretty difficult to figure out the best locations I realized just how difficult planning an entire trip would be.

This is why I created BucketLST. I simplified the vast amount of content on the internet into 4 great location options, with 3 quality hotels, activities and restaurants for you to pick from.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me using the email below.

Contact BucketLST via email.