The Works of Pietro Metastasio
How to browse this index:
- Entries are arranged alphabetically by title
- Possible alternate versions of the title have been cross-referenced;
- if you select such a version of the title, "click" on the "see"
reference given
- Use your browser find/search command to locate a word in a title, a
date, or a character, etc.
Order of information in the individual entries:
- The title of the work followed by its abbreviation (in parenthesis)
- The genre that the work represents and the abbreviation for the genre
[in square brackets]
- A full list of the dramatix personae
- The text of the first line of the work
- The composer, place and date of the first performance (or date
of completion) if known
- (In many instances), a note about the occasion of the first performance
The volume and page numbers given refer to:
Metastasio, Pietro. Tutte le opere di Pietro Metastasio.
Edited by Bruno Brunelli. 5 vols. Verona: Mondadori, 1951-65, vols. 1-2
Metastasio Home