London Health Sciences Centre
London Health Sciences Centre is one of Canada's largest teaching hospitals as a result of the merger between University Hospital and Victoria Hospital in 1995.
Dedicated to patient care, teaching and research, London Health Sciences Centre has a capacity of 811 beds and 25 bassinets. The staff and physicians at LHSC care for more than half a million inpatient, outpatient and emergency patients annually.
While the primary commitment of London Health Sciences Centre is to excellence in patient care, to ensure excellence in health care to future generations, a great emphasis is placed on teaching and research.
London Health Sciences Centre is affiliated with The University of Western Ontario and Fanshawe College and the three share not only staff and students but also a mandate to high quality education and research. (Top) |
LHSC Mental Health Care Program: Traumatic Stress Services
We serve clients, aged 18-65, who have experienced acts of violence (personal or witnessed), emotional, physical and/or sexual abuse, severe neglect, catastrophic events such as motor vehicle accidents, natural disasters, or war-related trauma and are currently suffering from vivid, distressing memories, nightmares, intrusive memories, anxiety and/or panic, depression, anger and/or irritability, shame and guilt, low self-esteem, self destructive behaviour. Exclusion criteria includes: organic etiology, forensic involvement, substance abuse and psychotic disorders.
The services we provide included: Assessments, consultations, inpatient and outpatient treatment, individual and/or group therapy, dialectical behavioural therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, community education.
Our treatment team is a specialized multi-disciplinary team consisting of nursing, occupational therapy and social work with the medical leadership provided by a psychiatrist.We are involved in research with neuroimaging to demonstrate the effects of trauma on the brain, and efficacy of pharmacological and psychotherapeutic approaches. (Top) |
Robarts Research Institute
The Laboratory for Functional Magnetic Resonance Research (LfMRR) is located in a purpose built addition to the John P. Robarts Research Institute on the University of Western Ontario Campus in London, Ontario. The LfMRR houses Canada's highest field (4 Tesla) Magnetic Resonance Imaging / Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRI/MRS) scanner. The 4T facility is used primarily for in-vivo studies of human brain structure and function. These studies include assessment of brain metabolism and physiology, cognitive function and vascular dynamics, not only in normal and research patient populations, but also in in-vitro and animal models using a variety of advanced nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy techniques. The 4T facility represents a unique national resource for state-of-the-art evaluation of brain structure and functional activity using a variety of MRI and MRS techniques in a research setting. (Top) |
Robarts Research Institute: Imaging Research Laboratories
The Imaging Research Laboratories (IRL) focus is on discovery and development of innovative imaging techniques and instrumentation to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. The Imaging Research Laboratories are developing innovations for medical imaging, a field that has revolutionized medicine this century. During the last three decades, medical imaging has advanced beyond film-based x-rays to sophisticated computerized imaging techniques like digital subtraction angiography (DSA), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Our group of 13 principal investigators and 19 associated principal investigators are focused on imaging in 6 programs: (Top)
- Cardiovascular Imaging
- Brain and Mind Imaging & Spectroscopy
- Image-Guided Surgery & Therapy
- Musculoskeletal Imaging
- Cellular and Micro-imaging
- Basic Imaging Science & Engineerin
Robarts Research Institute: Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping
The Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping (CFMM) is currently pursuing research interests in many aspects of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS). In the field of MRI we have groups of scientists, students and technicians working together on parallel imaging techniques, pulse sequence development, optical imaging techniques with the use of contrast agents to verify, clarify and expand our understanding of the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) effect in functional MRI. There are also ongoing projects in physiological noise reduction in post processing, 23Na imaging, and radiofrequency coil design.
Many of the current MRS projects are disease related and focus on measuring changes in metabolite levels with the hope that this knowledge will be used in the development of more effective treatment for patients. Some of the diseases being studied are brain cancer, epilepsy, stroke, and Alzheimer’s disease. (Top) |
University of Western Ontario
Founded in 1878 by Bishop Isaac Hellmuth and the Anglican Diocese of Huron as "The Western University of London Ontario," Western is one of Canada’s oldest and best universities. The first students graduated in arts and medicine in 1883.
Today, The University of Western Ontario is a vibrant centre of learning with 1,164 faculty members and almost 29,000 undergraduate and graduate students. Through its 12 Faculties and Schools, and three affiliated Colleges, the University offers more than 60 different degree and diploma programs.
Research is an integral part of the University’s mission and external support for research projects totals approximately $141.5 million per year. The University is located on 155 hectares of land along the banks of the Thames River in London, Ontario - a thriving city of 432,451 people, 200 kilometres west of Toronto.
University of Western Ontario: Graduate Program in Neuroscience
The University of Western Ontario offers students the opportunity to pursue graduate studies in the interdisciplinary field of Neuroscience. Western's new program is unique within the province of Ontario in that it enables students to obtain an M.Sc. or Ph.D specifically in Neuroscience.
The Program is designed for students with a variety of interests and backgrounds. These can include such areas as computer science, mathematics, engineering, chemistry and physics as well as the more traditional areas of anatomy, pharmacology, psychology, physiology, zoology, neurology, ophthalmology and physical therapy. The M.Sc. program provides a strong foundation in Neuroscience, while the Ph.D program builds on this foundation and develops the research skills necessary for a career in Neuroscience. (Top) |
University of Western Ontario: Department of Psychiatry
The Department of Psychiatry in the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry at the University of Western Ontario is committed to a forward-looking vision, which includes its academic mission as well as the implementation of a comprehensive mental health care system. The academic and clinical enterprise for the Western Department of Psychiatry spars early childhood to geriatrics, comprises acute care and psychosocial rehabilitation, general psychiatry and specialty care and are a resource for the South Western Ontario Region (particularly for special care).
The academic and clinical faculty for the above enterprise consists of a group of specialized physicians, physician educators and teachers, physician investigators, physician scientists and basic science research. Dedicated and knowledgeable administrative staff supports the department. In addition to the full time clinical academics and basis scientists there is a large cadre of adjunct and part time faculty, many of who make significant contributions to education and research.
This is an exciting time for psychiatry at Western. With the support of the affiliated research institutes at Robarts and Lawson Health Research and the success of our physician and basis scientists a range of research is being carried out in neuroimaging of schizophrenia, mood disorders, post traumatic stress disorder and autism, in genomic and proteomic studies of antipsychotic medications and in health outcomes. There is a strong and vibrant CME program and energetic leadership for postgraduate training in psychiatry and undergraduate medical education. Career programs in child & geriatric psychiatry are available. (Top)