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Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)
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Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)
Chadwyck-Healey (a Bell & Howell Information and Learning company)
English Poetry Second Edition
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Bibliographic details for the Source Text
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745
The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams
Clarendon Press
3 v.
Preliminaries omitted
Copyright © Oxford University Press 1958. From The Poems of Jonathan Swift edited by Harold Williams (1958), by permission of Oxford University Press. This text may not be reproduced, except for fair dealing purposes, without the permission of Bell and Howell Information and Learning Company and the copyright holder.
[Page v]
Swift, as the Introduction to these volumes shows,
was at little pains to ensure the publication of an
authoritative collection of his writings, whether in prose
or in verse. Two miscellany gatherings, 1711 and 1727-32,
and six volumes of a Dublin edition of his Works received
some measure of editorial attention from him. But
at his death a large proportion of his verse lay scattered
in manuscripts, in broadsides, and in pamphlets. These
stray leaves were gradually brought together by successive
editors, combined with many conjectural attributions
which have little or no claim to be regarded as Swift's.
Scarcely any effort at an arrangement of the poems was
made by early editors, Faulkner, Deane Swift, Sheridan,
and John Nichols. Sir Walter Scott, in his editions of
Swift's Works, 1814 and 1824, attempted a partial grouping
by subject-matter; but the poems were distributed
through several volumes, the arrangement was imperfectly
executed, the text was little considered, and many
questionable pieces, together with poems by other hands,
were indiscriminately included. Little has since been
done; and the need for a new edition of Swift's poems
requires no emphasis or argument.
In this edition I have attempted to determine, as nearly
as may be, the exact date of composition of each poem.
In each section, grouped by subject-matter, the poems
are arranged in chronological sequence, following the date
of composition, not that of first publication. Poems
written by others, which it was necessary to print for an
understanding of Swift's reply, appear in smaller type.
In two sections, 'Riddles' and 'Trifles', in which Swift's
share could not be clearly determined, this differentiation
by type has not been observed.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page vi]
A large part of the time spent in the preparation of this
edition has been devoted to bibliographical scrutiny and
textual collation. Nearly every poem has its separate
bibliography, and a list of editions collated, together with
autographs and early transcripts, whenever these are preserved,
is given at the head of each poem. I have printed
the text from manuscript, from a first edition, or from an
authoritative early text. In only one instance, 'Verses on
the Death of Dr. Swift' (see p. 551), have I printed a
The introductory notes to each poem, or group of
poems, discuss the date, the occasion, the bibliography,
and the text. They have, in effect, together with the footnotes,
a biographical design and purpose.
I have many acknowledgements to make for the helpful
interest of older friends, and I recognize gratefully the
kindness of the new friends my work has brought me.
The courtesy of Dr. F. Elrington Ball is a happy
memory. He was ever ready to answer questions. His
death, in 1928, deprived me of his unrivalled knowledge
of Anglo-Ireland. But my chief debt for encouragement,
advice, and active help, is due to Professor D. Nichol
Smith, whom I have consulted throughout the progress
of this work. He has, furthermore, read the proofs, contributed
valuable suggestions, and saved me from oversights
and mistakes. It would be difficult to assess the sum of my obligation to him.
I have received many courtesies from owners of manuscripts,
rare books, and annotated volumes, who have
afforded me access to their collections and the use of manuscripts
in their possession. I am gratefully indebted to
the Duke of Bedford, the Duke of Portland, the Marquis
of Bath, Lord Mount Temple, Major-General Sir W. J.
Maxwell-Scott, Major Evelyn Shirley of Lough Fea, co.
Monaghan, Mrs. Baker, Malahow, Naul, co. Dublin,
Mrs. W. G. Panter, the Rev. John Longe, the Rev. J. J.
Antrobus, Mr. T. J. Wise, Mr. Cecil Harmsworth, and
Mr. Seumas O'Sullivan. Mr. Victor Rothschild has
[Page vii]
always been ready to place his fine collection of manuscripts
and printed pieces fully at my disposal. Mr. Shane
Leslie has been generous with his help, and obtained
entries for me to private libraries. Among those who have
drawn my attention to manuscripts, or furnished me with
rotographs, are Professor G. C. Moore Smith, Professor
Herbert Davis, Professor George Sherburn, Dr. A. S. W.
Rosenbach, Mr. Arthur Pforzheimer, Dr. Francis S.
Bourke, and Mr. Francis Needham. I cannot sufficiently
thank Dr. Robin Flower for the assistance he has often
given me in the examination of manuscripts and rotographs,
and for the helpfulness of his opinion on questions
of handwriting. I am particularly under an obligation
to Mr. M. B. Gold for examining the Orrery Papers
in the library of Harvard College, and for sending me
My thanks are due to the Very Rev. D. F. R. Wilson,
Dean of St. Patrick's, the Very Rev. W. J. Askins, Dean
of Kilmore, the Rev. H. C. Armour, Professor Edward
Bensly, Mrs. Arundell Esdaile, Mr. I. A. Williams, and
Mr. Séamus Ó Casaide for answers readily given to questions
addressed to them. For help, none the less valuable
because difficult to define, I am most grateful to Mr. John
Hayward and to Dr. T. Percy Kirkpatrick.
Messrs. Bernard Quaritch, Ltd., Messrs. P. J. and
A. E. Dobell (and especially I thank Mr. Percy Dobell),
Messrs. Pickering and Chatto, and Mr. M. J. Mac-Manus
have kindly allowed me to examine volumes which
have passed through their hands, and given me information
about other books.
I have been received with unfailing courtesy and helpfulness
in many libraries. In Dublin Mr. J. Hanna,
Assistant Librarian at Trinity College, Dr. Best of the
National Library of Ireland, Mr. Newport B. White of
Archbishop Marsh's Library, the staff of the Royal Irish
Academy, and Mr. Fennelly, custodian of the Gilbert
Collection, belonging to the City of Dublin, have been
generous of their time and knowledge. I thank, in general,
[Page viii]
the staff of the British Museum, the Bodleian Library,
the University Library, Cambridge, the National Library
of Scotland, the Public Record Office, the Victoria and
Albert Museum, the Goldsmiths' Library, and the John
Rylands Library, Manchester.
I acknowledge the generosity of the trustees of the
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, in supplying me
with photographs of manuscripts in that library, and for
kind permission accorded me to make full use of them in
this work. Captain Haselden and Mr. H. C. Schulz,
Curator and Assistant Curator of manuscripts in the
Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California,
have been at much pains to supply me with information
and rotographs; and I have the permission of Dr. Max
Farrand, Director of Research, to make use of the information
thus obtained. The authorities of Harvard College
have generously allowed me the use of rotographs from
the Orrery Papers.
I am obliged to the publishers, Messrs. G. Bell & Sons,
for allowing me to quote extensively from Dr. Elrington
Ball's edition of Swift's Correspondence.
I am indebted to the Delegates of the Clarendon Press
and their staff for their careful attention to a work which
has not been without problems and difficulties while it
was passing through the press.
H. W.
February 1937.
[Page xiii]
As a prose-writer Swift won the immediate recognition
of his contemporaries. Even the pedantic Orrery
praised the 'masterly conciseness', which he regarded as
unequalled by any writer; and Delany, for once, echoed
his lordship's words. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
A few have cavilled at what they
considered the bareness of Swift's prose, its want of
decorative epithets or graceful turns of phrase; but the
passage of time has served to establish his fame securely.
The judgement of Dr. Johnson stands: 'He studied
purity ... and whoever depends on his authority may
generally conclude himself safe.' [Footnote 2: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
The ideal Swift consciously pursued in the writing of
prose he followed in his verse. The very conciseness,
clarity, and directness which lend to his prose a deceptive
simplicity, seemingly so easy to imitate and so impossible
to attain in practice, fetter him as a poet and confine his
range. The scepticism of enthusiasms, pretentions, and
cant which underlies his counsel in the Letter of Advice
to a Young Poet, in his 'Directions for a Birth-Day Song',
and in his rhapsody 'On Poetry' confined a natural genius
within self-imposed barriers. His poetic vesture was too
small for him. In Swift's verse, as in his life, we are
conscious of a frustration. In prose he was free. Although
there are poems 'which are as dreadful and as easy as
though one of the major prophets had written vers de
société', [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
he had something to give to English poetry that
he never wholly gave.
[Page xiv]
The unhappiness of Swift's life was in no small part
chargeable against himself; and he added to it the misfortune
of falling short of his friends, Pope, Prior, and Gay,
in the poetic content of his work. But even at the worst,
and when toiling under unnatural conditions, there is an
occasional illumination which bids us remeber what
manner of man he was.
But what does our proud Ign'rance Learning call,
We odly Plato's Paradox make good,
Our Knowledge is but mere Remembrance all,
Remembrance is our Treasure and our Food;
Nature's fair Table-book our tender Souls
We scrawl all o'er with old and empty Rules,
Stale Memorandums of the Schools;
For Learning's mighty Treasures look
In that deep Grave a Book. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
If this be Cowley, it is Cowley with a sombre power. But
when Swift recognized the futility of unnatural pindarics,
and turned, after a pause in which he seems hardly to have
written verse at all, to a style more natural, he allowed the
pendulum to swing too far, and fell into an opposite error.
In a poem half-earnest, half-satire, he represents Apollo
as appointing him vicegerent in Ireland, and bidding
other poets to follow his example in rejecting similes and
picturesque figures of speech.
No Simile shall be begun,
With rising or with setting Sun:
And let the secret Head of Nile
Be ever banish'd from your Isle.
When wretched Lovers live on Air,
I beg you'll the Camelion spare.
And when you'd make a Heroe grander,
Forget he 's like a Salamander.
When you describe a lovely Girl,
No Lips of Coral Teeth of Pearl. [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
[Page xv]
These and the like phrases litter the 'beaten Paths' of
poetry, the old stock-in-trade of those who make a business
of it, for it is they only who deserve the name of poet. 'I do
not call him a Poet that writes for his Diversion, any more
than that Gentleman a Fidler, who amuses himself with a
Violin.' [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
And Swift was not a poet by profession. He
was constantly turning verses as a common part of his
everyday life, so much so that no part of his writing is as
complete an autobiography, and no part of his writing
so calls for annotation. No part of his writing, furthermore,
has been so neglected and mishandled by editors.
Nearly two hundred years ago Deane Swift described the
arrangement of the Dean's poetical writings as a 'heap
of confusion'; [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
and little has since been done to improve
matters. Sir Walter Scott loosely sorted the growing
heap into smaller heaps; but Dr. Elrington Ball's essay on
Swift's Verse was the first informed attempt to bring order
where none had been.
The poems of Jonathan Swift have been undeservedly
overshadowed. The perfection of his prose, the satirical and
imaginative genius of A Tale of a Tub, Gulliver's Travels,
and Polite Conversation, the incisive mastery of his political
pamphlets have screened off his pages of verse. Nevertheless
it must be recognized that his standing was within the
circle of the Augustan poets; and in prose his range was
far beyond their compass. In verse Pope was his superior.
In Pope, I cannot read a Line,
But with a Sigh, I wish it mine. [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
Gay and Prior had a more lyrical gift. Swift's genius lay
in the succession of Samuel Butler. Hudibras he knew
by heart. But Butler's stream ran in a narrow channel
through a monotonous country. His antipathies and sympathies
were limited by a confined experience and limited
responsiveness. Swift's powers of mind were far greater
[Page xvi]
than Butler's; his experience of life was more complex; he
knew more intimately the extremes of joy and pain, love
and hate. The content of his verse shows a diversity
Butler's lacks; his variations of theme and metre are
frequent. Cadenus and Vanessa may want the porcelain
elegance of The Rape of the Lock, but it is a definite achievement
of sustained artifice and fancy. The metrical accomplishment
and vigour of On Poetry: A Rapsody, which
moved the admiration of contemporaries, are not less
apparent to-day. No verse satire in English, or in any
language, pierces, wounds, and scarifies like that of Swift.
There was no warding off the thrust, whether the attack
was personal, directed at Nottingham, Richard Tighe,
Lord Allen, or Bettesworth, or general, against the ministry
and parliamentary measures. And here there is all the
wide range from a squib or lampoon of a few lines to
lengthy and polished pieces like the Libel on Dr. Delany,
or Epistle to Mr. Gay, or the typical social satire of The
Journal of a Modern Lady, or, finally, the uncontrolled
outburst of The Legion Club. Again, there is the everyday
friendliness of his familiar verse, the addresses to Stella,
to the Rochforts, Achesons, Sheridan, Delany, and other
Irish friends, and the great Verses on the Death of Dr.
Swift, which are also of this order, if with a difference.
And, yet again, is not Mrs. Harris's Petition one of the best
of all colloquial pieces? Add to these the nonsense poems
and frolics in rhyme, and we have not exhausted a variety
which rarely falters or fails.
Swift's verse has been shabbily treated by his editors.
Perhaps readers and critics may plead this neglect in
excuse for theirs. Much of his verse is not readily, or completely,
intelligible until ordered chronologically and annotated.
If this be an admission that the chief interest of
Swift's verse lies elsewhere than in poetic content, it is
unnecessary to plead the contrary. Poetry is there, and
the instinct to poetry, though trammelled and impeded.
Further, the events of Swift's life, his character, his standing
with his fellows, and his place in history can only be adequately
[Page xvii]
interpreted if his verse is closely read and understood.
Swift, like Marlborough, is not easily explicable.
Each was an enigma to his contemporaries; and each has
left to succeeding generations unsolved problems of life
and character. If a better text and clearer arrangement of
Swift's poems can serve to bring us a fuller knowledge
of the author, the editor of these volumes will have been
repaid for his long task. Lacunae there may be, and
unavoidably; mistakes there must be; but, at the least,
the attempt has been made to edit Swift's poetical writings
by a standard they merited.
The editor of Swift's verse is, from beginning to end,
beset by the constant problem of determining the canon.
The apocrypha spring like weeds choking the good seed.
Omitting riddles and epigrams from separate enumeration,
not less than one hundred and fifty attributions and
suppositious pieces may be counted, over against two
hundred and fifty genuine poems. During Swift's life, and
after, any witty, grotesque, or indecent piece, of Irish
origin and uncertain parentage, was ascribed to the great
Dean of St. Patrick's, as if by a standing affiliation order.
It is to the credit of Swift's earliest editors, Faulkner in
Dublin, Hawkesworth, Deane Swift, and Sheridan in
England, that they admitted comparatively few of the
doubtful poems. Unfortunately, before Faulkner published
his edition of the Works in 1735, the Swift and
Pope Miscellanies of 1727-32, for which Pope was responsible
as editor, included, without indication of authorship,
pieces both in prose and verse written by others, as
indeed their joint preface particularly informs the reader.
These Miscellanies, reprinted from time to time, and extended,
became the façade of all the London editions of
the Works, until Sheridan, in 1784, removed to his seventeenth
volume those pieces for which Swift was not directly
or wholly responsible.
[Page xviii]
In Bathurst's small octavo edition of the Miscellanies,
1742, an attempt was made to assign to Arbuthnot and
Gay their parts. In the fourth volume, which contains
the verse, fifty-four pieces out of a total of one hundred
are marked with an asterisk, explained in a note---'Whatever
are not mark'd with a Star, are Dr. Swift's.' This
may, presumably, be taken also to mean that no piece
marked with a star is Swift's. Many of those so marked
are attributable to Pope.
This arrangement of the Miscellanies led to confusion
and misunderstanding. Charles Ford admonished Swift
that a careful edition of his Works was 'become absolutely
necessary, since that jumble with Pope, etc., in three
volumes', which put him 'in a rage' whenever he met
with them. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
The first move in this direction came from
Dublin with the publication of Faulkner's edition of
the Works in four volumes, dated 1735. Although this
edition aroused protests from Motte, the London bookseller,
and adverse criticism from successive London
editors, Hawkesworth, Sheridan, and even Nichols, the
Dublin volumes, rather than Hawkesworth's 1755
volumes, merit the description of the 'earliest regular
edition'. [Footnote 2: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Only two collections of Swift's writings issued before
1735 were authoritative, or recognized by him, the
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse printed for John Morphew
in 1711, and the Miscellanies in four volumes, 1727-32.
The remaining pieces, scattered in pamphlet and broadsheet
form, had been partially 'scraped up' by Curll and
other publishers, together with 'trash' which Swift disowned. [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
These unauthorized publications, together with
the haphazard 1727-32 Miscellanies, became a source of
confusion from which editors failed to escape.
[Page xix]
As early as 1708 Swift began to draw up a list of occasional
pieces suitable for publication in a miscellany
volume. This was during a residence in London extending
from 1707 to 1709. The list, written on the back of a
letter directed to him in October, 1708, [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
contained, in
addition to prose, nine verse pieces. The projected miscellany
is referred to in Swift's correspondence, and in the
Journal to Stella. [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
From these references it appears that
originally there was some thought of a preface by Steele;
and that, although the volume finally appeared with
Morphew's imprint, Benjamin Tooke was earlier busied
with it. The book was published at the end of February,
1711. [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
It contained the nine verse pieces proposed by
Swift in 1708, and four others, or five if we count the
verse portion of 'Merlin's Prophecy'. They are (1)
'Verses Wrote in a Lady's Ivory Table Book'; (2) 'Mrs.
Harris's Petition'; (3) the ballad 'To the Tune of the
Cutpurse'; (4) 'Vanbrug's House'; (5) 'The Description
of a Salamander'; (6) 'Baucis and Philemon'; (7)
'To Mrs. Biddy Floyd'; (8) 'The History of Vanbrug's
House'; (9) 'Elegy on Patrige'; (10) 'Apollo
Outwitted'; (11) 'A Description of the Morning'; (12)
'A Description of a City Shower'; (13) 'Sid Hamet'.
Five of these, (1), (3), (4), (5), and, apparently, (10), [Footnote 4: 1Kb]
were here printed for the first time. A second edition of
these Miscellanies, dated 1713, was published by Morphew
early in 1714. [Footnote 5: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[Page xx]
Fifteen years passed before Swift was again moved to
collect his scattered writings. His brief span of power and
fame during the last four years of Queen Anne was over,
and he had endured twelve years of separation from his
English friends. In the summer of 1726 he visited
England again; and during that visit he and Pope concerted
a joint miscellany. After his return to Dublin we
find him writing to Pope: 'I am mustering, as I told you,
all the little things in verse that I think may be safely
printed, but I give you despotic power to tear as many as
you please.' [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
In February of the following year Pope was
able to report, but it would seem prematurely, 'Our
Miscellany is now quite printed'; [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
for the first two volumes
did not appear till the latter part of June, [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
and his accompanying
remarks give a completely erroneous description
of the set as it was finally published. He speaks of 'this
joint volume, in which methinks we look like friends side
by side'. In the first volume, consisting wholly of prose,
the only piece by Pope is the preface, jointly signed by
Swift and himself. In the second volume, also prose, one
piece only can be wholly assigned to Pope, with some
further share in a series of pieces in which Arbuthnot, Gay,
and Fortescue, as well as Swift, were represented. [Footnote 4: 1Kb]
further, Pope's statement that 'The third volume consists
of verses' is evidence only of his intention at the time, for
this volume, called 'The Last', did not appear till March,
1728, [Footnote 5: 1Kb]
and contained, as well as verse, Pope's Art of
Sinking in Poetry occupying over ninety pages. The truth
is that Pope was not, as his letters might suggest, an
equal partner in the venture. His contribution to the
three volumes was far less than Swift's; he enjoyed any
advantages to be derived from publication; and he
reserved material for future use.
[Page xxi]
The delay in the publication of the third (so-called
'Last') volume may also be attributed to Pope. Courthope
suggests that, 'though ready', it was kept back 'in anticipation
of the appearance of the "Dunciad"'. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
But the
volume was certainly not ready, and, although delayed till
March of the following year, it then appeared more than two
months before the Dunciad. [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
Pope evidently found himself
with insufficient copy to fill out a third volume, unless,
and for this he seems to have been unprepared, he drew
upon his own resources. He fell back on Swift, who was
during 1727 again in England, and for a visit extending
from April to September, over six months. In July Swift,
then at Twickenham, wrote to Sheridan for a copy of the
verses addressed to Stella on her collecting his poems, as
these, although he did not propose to print them entire,
were wanted to enlarge the miscellany. [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
Pope, however,
succeeded in obtaining much more additional copy. The
particular poem was printed in full, and six other Stella
pieces also appeared, including even the verses written for
her birthday 1726-7. 'It might excite surprise at any
time', writes Dr. Ball, 'that Swift could have borne the
publication of these verses, but especially so when he
believed her to be dying and was writing to Sheridan in an
agony of affliction. The only explanation seems to be
that Swift had delivered himself in his infatuation for
Pope completely into his hands. Pope is recorded to
have said that he wished the verses to Stella had never
been written, but none the less he had the power to
prevent their inclusion in the Miscellanies and did not use
it.' [Footnote 4: 1Kb]
It may be questioned, however, whether Pope is
accurately reported; and Dr. Ball's suggestion that Swift
was a puppet in his hands cannot be entertained. We,
at least, have good reason to be thankful that the Stella
verses were included in the Miscellanies.
[Page xxii]
The volume, as finally published, contained as Swift's
contribution the thirteen verse pieces included in the
Miscellanies of 1711, 'Cadenus and Vanessa', the Stella
poems, the imitation of Horace addressed to Oxford in
1713, the imitation of Hoc erat, 'The South-Sea', 'New-gate's
Garland' (if by Swift), 'Prometheus', 'Corinna',
'The Quidnuncki's' (if by Swift), 'Phyllis: Or the Progress
of Love', 'The Progress of Poetry', 'The Progress of
Beauty', 'Pethox the Great', 'Epilogue to a Play for the
Benefit of the Weavers', the 'Epitaph on a Miser'
(Demar), and 'On Dreams'. Swift was evidently prepared
to make even further contributions; [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
but apparently these
came too late to the printer's hand. In the result the
'Last' volume bears all the marks of editorial and printing
indecision. It falls into three sections, each with a separate
register and pagination: (1) 'The Art of Sinking in
Poetry'; (2) 'Cadenus and Vanessa'; (3) miscellaneous
verses by Swift, Pope, and others.
Miscellanies. The Last Volume was published a few
weeks after Stella's death on the 28th of January, 1727-8.
New-formed friendships with the Achesons and Leslies,
and long summer visits to Market Hill, 1728-29-30,
served to fill Swift's time and occupy his mind in the first
years of bereavement. From the autumn of 1730 to the
fateful decay of his mental powers he became more and
more of a recluse, immured in the large and bare deanery
house. But these six years, 1731-6, saw the composition
of several of his greatest poems. If the number declined,
and more rapidly towards the end, in wit, in power of
invective, and in versification, there was, in the major pieces,
gain rather than loss, until the terrible 'Legion Club'
(1736) finished the tale of his greater poems.
In these latter years his Irish friends, including even
Sheridan and Delany, became less to him; and several of
[Page xxiii]
his English friends were removed. Congreve died on
19 January, 1729; Gay died on 4 December, 1732; and
the news of Arbuthnot's death, 27 February, 1735,
struck him to the heart. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
As he withdrew himself from
social life his poems began to owe less to the passing
occasion, and to become more general in character.
Furthermore, in these years three important groups of
collected poems saw the light. The story of their
publication, severally associated with the names of Pope,
Pilkington, and Faulkner, is, in each instance, complicated
by some uncertainty and mystery. The three
groups are:
(1) | A further volume of the Miscellanies, called 'The
Third', edited by Pope, and published in 1732 with
the joint imprint of Benjamin Motte and Lawton
(2) | On Poetry: A Rapsody, 1733; An Epistle to a Lady,
... Also a Poem, Occasion'd by Reading Dr. Young's
Satires, 1734; A Beautiful Young Nymph. ... To
which are added, Strephon and Chloe. And Cassinus
and Peter, 1734. These six poems, appearing in
three separate publications, were, in August, 1733,
conveyed by Mrs. Barber to Matthew Pilkington,
then in London. He was responsible for negotiating
their publication; and was also concerned in the
publication by Roberts, through Motte, of The Life
and Genuine Character of Dr. Swift, 1733.
(3) | The second volume of Faulkner's 1735 four-volume
edition of Swift's Works. In the publication
of this important collection Faulkner received
assistance not only from the Dean's friends, but from
Swift himself.
The story of Pilkington's connexion with the pieces
named under (2) can best be followed in the introductory
notes to each poem; but (1) and (3) call for fuller discussion.
[Page xxiv]
Three volumes of the Swift and Pope Miscellanies,
distinguished as 'First', 'Second', and 'Last', had been
published in 1727-8. During the summer of 1732 Pope
projected a further volume and applied to Swift for copy.
On 12 June Swift wrote in reply to a letter of Pope's
which has been lost, naming those issues of The Intelligencer [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
written by him, and giving a list of pieces in prose
and verse composed 'since I left you'. [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
The verse pieces
enumerated by him are 'a Libel on Dr. Delany and Lord
Carteret, a Letter to Dr. Delany on the Libels writ against
him, the Barrack (a stolen copy), the Lady's Journal, the
Lady's Dressing-room (a stolen copy), [and] the [Place]
of the Damned (a stolen copy). ... Besides these there
are five or six, perhaps more, papers of verses writ in the
North, but perfect family things, two or three of which
may be tolerable, the rest but indifferent, and the humour
only local, and some that would give offence to the times'.
It is evident that several letters relating to the publication
of this volume have been lost; but Pope, it is clear, was
too much concerned with the commercial side of the
transaction, and paid too little regard to Swift's feelings
in the matter. He intended originally to issue the volume
through Lawton Gilliver, his new publisher, but deferred
so far to Motte, on account of his previous association
with Swift, that the two names were joined on the imprint.
The volume was published at the beginning of October,
1732. [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
A month later, on 4 November, Swift wrote to
tell Motte that 'two copies of the last Miscellany' had just
reached him. He was annoyed to find that Pope had taken
his own course in selecting the verse, with the result that
'almost six-sevenths of the whole verse part in the book'
was his, and chosen with insufficient regard for the list he
[Page xxv]
had sent Pope in June. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
He was particularly aggrieved
that the 'Libel on Delany', which he considered the best
thing he had written, was omitted. Much the greater part
of the volume consisted of prose, followed by one hundred
pages of verse, paged separately, containing the following
pieces by Swift: (1) 'The Journal of a Modern Lady';
(2) 'The Country Life'; (3) 'On Cutting down the Old
Thorn at Market-Hill'; (4) 'A Pastoral Dialogue'; (5)
'Mary the Cook-Maid's Letter to Dr. Sheridan'; (6) 'A
Dialogue between Mad Mullinix and Timothy'; (7)
'Epigram On seeing a worthy Prelate go out of Church';
(8) 'Dr. Sw---to Mr. P---e, While he was writing the
Dunciad'; (9) 'A Soldier and a Scholar'; (10) 'To Doctor
D---1---y on the Libels Writ against him'. There were, in
addition, three short poems and a few epigrams not by
Furthermore, in the prose section of the volume Pope
had printed several pieces disowned by Swift; and it is
hardly to be wondered at that Swift found difficulty in reconciling
himself to such negligent and inconsiderate
editorial practices. On 9 December he wrote again to
Motte to express his dissatisfaction, complaining, though
hardly with justification, that his part in the verses was
'very uncorrect'. He went on to say he had reason to believe
certain Dublin 'printers will collect all they think to
be mine, and print them by subscription, which I will
neither encourage nor oppose'. [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
This was the first hint
of Faulkner's edition of the Works, a project which soon
began to take more definite shape.
Meanwhile, as Pope's volume was in course of preparation,
Matthew Pilkington, a young Irish clergyman,
was, with Swift's recognition, negotiating the publication
of a rival volume. This transaction was distinct from the
publication through Pilkington, in 1733-4, of the pieces
[Page xxvi]
conveyed to him by Mrs. Barber. Once again, for want
of all the papers and correspondence, the affair is not
wholly clear.
As noted above, on 12 June, 1732, Swift sent to Pope
a list of pieces suitable for the miscellany volume in preparation.
A month later [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
he wrote to Motte, in answer
to a letter which has not been preserved, but which
evidently related to Pope's desire to relegate Motte to a
secondary position. In this letter Swift affirms categorically
that (a) he wished Motte alone to issue anything
published with his consent when alive, or with the consent
of his executors after his death; (b) he intended to
entrust any posthumous pieces to Pope with a recommendation
that Motte alone should be employed in their
publication; (c) he hoped also that anything he acknowledged
and approved during his life should be published
by Motte 'by themselves', provided it turned to his advantage;
(d) Motte was authorized to emphasize these
points to Pope.
Within a week of this letter, however, on 22 July,
Swift executed a surprising document assigning 'all
manner of right' in his 'scattered papers, in prose and
verse, for three or four years last past' to Matthew
Pilkington. [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
Following upon this assignment Pilkington
wrote to Bowyer on 17 August to say that the Dean was
reading over 'two or three of those papers' to see if any
revision was necessary. He inquired whether Bowyer
possessed copies of 'The Journal of a Dublin Lady, The
Ballad on the English Dean, and Rochford's Journal,
because you shall have the copies sent to you and the
property effectually secured'. He added: 'The Dean says
[Page xxvii]
he thinks the assignment as full as it is possible for him
to write; but that he will comply with any alterations we
think proper.' This was sufficiently comprehensive and
definite. On the 28th of the same month he informed
Bowyer that the parcel of pamphlets with the Dean's
corrections had been dispatched, and promised shortly to
forward 'another pamphlet at least, and a new assignment
from the Dean'. He also reported that Swift had 'received
a letter from Mr. Pope and Mr. Motte; but neither have
been of the least disadvantage to my request'. He added:
'I desire that you will insist upon your right by the assignment
I formerly sent; and let Mr. Motte shew you anything
under the Dean's hand which will invalidate it!' He
appended to this letter a list of 'some of' the pieces in
prose and verse which Bowyer was entitled to print. The
verse pieces were: (1) 'The Barrack'; (2) 'An Ode to
Ireland from Horace'; (3) 'A Libel on Dr. Delany and
Ld. Carteret'; (4) 'To Dr. Delany on the Libels against
him'; (5) 'O'Rourk'; (6) 'The Dressing-room'; (7) 'The
Journal at Rochford's'; (8) 'The Thorn'; (9) 'Poem on
the English Dean'; (10) 'Journal of a Dublin Lady';
and any pieces from The Intelligencer which were by Swift.
It will be seen that this list misses only one piece, 'The
Place of the Damn'd', of those Swift named to Pope in his
letter of 12 June, 1732. On the other hand, (2), (3), (5),
(6), and (9) were not included in the volume edited by
By this time Pope had become aware of what was going
on. He adopted a characteristic method of conveying a
reproach. On 28 August, 1732, the Duchess of Queensberry
and Gay wrote a joint letter to Swift, in the course
of which Gay quoted a paragraph from a letter of Pope's
containing the complaint that 'Motte and another idle
fellow, I find, have been writing to the Dean to get him
to give them some copyright, which surely he will not
be so indiscreet as to do, when he knows my design, and
has done these two months and more'. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
He suggested,
[Page xxviii]
further, that the Dean was acting unadvisedly in committing
his affairs to 'mercenaries'. Gay also added a line
of caution. To this letter Swift made no response till
3 October; and, unfortunately, that part of his reply in
which he promised 'two or three full answers' to Pope's
complaint has not been preserved. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
It seems evident,
however, that he was in no mood of conciliation. Two
days later Pilkington conveyed his right, under Swift's
assignment of 22 June, to William Bowyer, thus empowering
him to make what use he would of the Dean's scattered
writings. It was then, however, too late to proceed.
Miscellanies. The Third Volume had just been published
by Motte and Gilliver.
All the facts are not before us, and the correspondence
between Swift and Pope, relating to the publication of
the 1732 volume of Miscellanies, has been, for the most
part, destroyed; but so far as these tortuous transactions
can be followed, they reflect no credit on either Pope
or Swift. Pope's chief interest seems to have been a
display of editorial activity at little personal sacrifice. He
cut down to narrow limits his own contribution to the
forthcoming volume, at the same time playing off Gilliver
against Motte to draw the best fee he could from the
publisher, or publishers. Motte, aggrieved at the attempt
to pass him over, must have written to Swift insinuating,
probably, that Pope was negotiating with little regard to
the Dean's interest. Swift's letter of 15 July [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
was a reply
to Motte's complaint; and thereupon, also, to forestall
Pope's volume, he commissioned Pilkington to treat with
Bowyer. By this secret transaction he hoped, no doubt,
to checkmate Pope, pleading ignorance if necessary,
bestow a kindness on his protégé the young Irish clergyman,
and regain control over the publication of his
writings. As it proved, nothing came of the scheme.
Pilkington's and Bowyer's methods were too dilatory;
whereas they should have made the utmost speed to
publish their volume first.
[Page xxix]
To George Faulkner, [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
the Dublin bookseller and
printer, belongs the credit of first realizing that the time
had come for a standard edition of the Dean's works.
The plan took shape in his mind towards the end of 1732,
or the beginning of 1733. In a letter dated 16 February,
1732-3, commending Faulkner to Lord Oxford, Swift
referred to the Dublin printer's project as 'a work that
very much discontents me', although he admitted that he
would rather have it fall into his hands 'than any other's
on this side'. [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
The hint of a Dublin edition reached Pope,
and possibly aroused a fear that he would be deprived of
writings which might be used in a further volume of
Miscellanies. On 1 May, 1733, Swift wrote to say that a
printer in Dublin intended to publish 'my works, as he
called them, in four volumes by subscription', despite his
own expressed disfavour and preference for a London
edition. 'Much of this discourse passed,' he continues,
'and he goes on with the matter, wherein I determined
not to intermeddle.' [Footnote: 1Kb]
Swift may have regarded Faulkner's
proceedings with qualified approval; he would probably
have preferred a London edition; but he certainly exaggerated
the degree of his indifference.
Faulkner went forward but slowly. In August, 1734,
Oxford inquired why publication had been so long delayed. [Footnote 4: 1Kb]
Swift artlessly explained that he was not interested,
that, indeed the whole affair was a 'great vexation' to him,
that Faulkner was dependent upon others for copy, and
that delays had arisen through his ordering 'certain things
to be struck out after they were printed'. [Footnote 5: 1Kb]
More than six
months later Lord Carteret had not received the copies
for which he had subscribed. [Footnote 6: 1Kb]
The four volumes were,
however, issued about this time. During 1733 and 1734
Faulkner made a practice of appending to his various
[Page xxx]
publications a lengthy advertisement [Footnote: 1Kb]
of his intention to
publish in four volumes 'all the Works that are generally
allowed to have been written' by Swift. Subscriptions
were invited and delivery promised upon dates which
proved to be continuously movable, as were also the dates
given for the closing of the subscription lists. In January,
1735, however, the complete set was at last published, [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
and attracted an unexpected notoriety, for in the Dublin
Gazette of 15-19 April Faulkner advertised a reward
for the detection of persons who had stolen copies from
his warehouse to hawk them in the streets.
After publication Swift continued to pretend a displeasure
with Faulkner. Writing to William Pulteney, 12
May, 1735, he repeated his earlier observations upon 'some
volumes of what are called my Works', protesting that the
printer 'consulted some friends, who were readier to direct
him than I desired they should'. [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
He affirmed categorically
to Motte that, 'Mr. Faulkner in printing those volumes did
what I much disliked, and yet what was not in my power to
hinder, and all my friends pressed him to print them, and
gave him what manuscript copies they had occasionally
gotten from me'. [Footnote 4: 1Kb]
Nevertheless when Motte, who considered
himself to have a prior claim to the Dean's writings,
filed a bill in Chancery to stop the sale of Faulkner's
edition in England, Swift wrote sternly to his English
bookseller asserting that Irish printers were morally, if
not legally, justified in trying to sell their publications in
England. [Footnote 5: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
These and other references by Swift to Faulkner's
edition of his writings are, at the least, equivocal. He
protests overmuch. Faulkner consulted him in the first
[Page xxxi]
instance; he knew that friends were furnishing Faulkner
with copy; yet he pretends an inability to stay either him
or them. It was but a part of his ingrained habit of dissociating
himself from the open publication of his own
There is, on the other hand, evidence, internal and
external, which leaves no doubt that Swift was trying to
conceal the real measure of his co-operation with Faulkner.
The evidence, so far as it relates to the third volume of the
Works, containing Gulliver's Travels, shows that Swift
wrote to his friends for a manuscript list of errata and a
corrected copy of Motte's edition, with the intention of
allowing Faulkner to make use of them. There are further
corrections in the text of Faulkner's third volume which
could have come, directly or indirectly, only from the
author. Swift's co-operation with the printer of the third
volume is beyond a doubt. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
It is hardly likely that where
assistance went far with one volume it was withheld from
the other three; and an examination of their text supports
this inference. In the second volume, which contains the
poems, corrections are embodied which Swift made with
his own hand in a copy of the Miscellanies, 1727-32. [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
Furthermore a set of Faulkner's edition, in six volumes,
appears in the sale catalogue of Swift's library, lot number
486, marked as annotated by the Dean himself. This set
is, possibly, that now in the Shirley library, Lough Fea,
co. Monaghan, Ireland. The second volume has a number
of corrections in Swift's hand. These are quite unimportant,
relating chiefly to printer's errors and the like, and
suggest that he approved both of Faulkner's selection
and text.
In a letter written to Pope, 8 July, 1733, Swift drops
into an important admission: 'As to the printing of my
[Page xxxii]
things going on here, it is an evil I cannot prevent. I
shall not be a penny the richer. Some friends correct the
errors, and now and then I look on them for a minute or
two.' [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
This can be read only as a confession that he sometimes
examined the proof-sheets. Orrery, who knew
Swift well in his later years, has a more circumstantial
story: 'Faulkner's edition, at least the four first volumes
of it (for there are now eight) were published, by the permission
and connivance, if not by the particular appointment
of the Dean himself.' [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
And later he grows more
explicit: 'The four first volumes were published by subscription,
and every sheet of them was brought to the
Dean for his revisal and correction. The two next were
published in the same manner. ... In the publication of
the six first volumes, the situation and arrangement of
each particular piece, in verse and prose, was left entirely
to the editor. In that point, the Dean either could not,
or would not give him the least assistance. The dates were
often guessed at.' [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
The last remark is interesting, for
it aptly fits the second volume containing the verses.
Some of the dates are clearly wrong, and the result of pure
guess-work. If we allow something for exaggeration,
Orrery's evidence cannot be wholly set aside; and some
years later it was emphatically corroborated by Deane
Swift, who states that the first four volumes 'were actually
revised and corrected by Swift himself, as indeed were
afterwards the two subsequent volumes, printed by
Faulkner in the year 1738: and, what is very surprising,
these six volumes, as far as they run, are still by many
degrees, notwithstanding they want at present many
illustrations, the best edition of the Dr.'s Works now
extant. If any one doubt this, let him compare Cadenus
and Vanessa, or the poem on the South-Sea Project, as
printed by Faulkner, with the English edition; especially
the latter.' [Footnote 4: 1Kb]
The statement is clear; the examples cited
[Page xxxiii]
are to the point. Nevertheless Faulkner's edition has
been depreciated, its textual value overlooked for nearly
two centuries, owing to the jealousy with which it was
regarded by the English booksellers, furthered by a
bitter but ignorant and misguided attack made upon it
by Hawkesworth, in 1755, in the Preface to his edition
of the Dean's Works issued in London by Bathurst and
Swift's admissions, the testimony of Orrery and Deane
Swift, and the nature of the textual revisions, combine to
give to Faulkner's first six volumes a semi-authoritative
character. And Faulkner's prefaces are a further testimony
in his favour. These are skilfully phrased, discreetly
reserved, and may, very probably, have been
written by Swift himself. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
'The Publisher's Preface' to
the set, appearing in the first volume, repeats in similar
words Swift's remarks upon the edition in his letters.
The 'supposed Author', we are told, was almost indifferent
to the fate of any 'Copies of Verses' he ever wrote, which
had, for the most part, found their way into print from
transcripts made by friends. The 'supposed Author' could
not be prevailed on by argument to lend assistance
in the preparation of the new edition, although it was
represented to him that disagreements between different
booksellers on the question of partnership rights would
prevent the publication of a full edition in London, that
literary property was not recognized in Ireland, and that,
failing Faulkner, a less desirable printer would seize upon
his works. He would not, however, do more than permit
some friends to revise proofs, and occasionally offer an
opinion himself. In the 'Advertisement' prefixed to the
volume of poems we are told that 'Our Intentions were to
print the Poems according to the Time they were writ in; but
[Page xxxiv]
we could not do it so exactly as we desired, because we could
never get the least Satisfaction in that or many other Circumstances
from the supposed Author.' The style of these prefaces
strongly resembles Swift's; and several of the
phrases ring familiarly like those in his letters in which he
had affected indifference to the whole project.
It seems plain that Faulkner was precluded from professing
any direct communication with the author. And
for years he loyally accepted a pose which cannot have
been to his liking. A charge of piratical practices, however,
stung him, and in 1744 he published a notice in
his Dublin Journal declaring that his edition of the Dean's
Works was published at the request of Swift's friends, that
'the Author was pleased to consent, and was so kind as to
correct the whole work, ready for printing, and, in order
to have them appear in the most accurate manner, the
Author was pleased to revise every Proof Sheet'. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
later, after Hawkesworth's attack, he repeated this statement,
affirming that it was his practice to attend the Dean
and read aloud from the proof-sheets, not only to the
author but to two men servants, 'Which, if they did not
comprehend, he would alter and amend, until they understood
it perfectly well, and then would say, This will do;
for I write to the Vulgar, more than to the Learned. Not
satisfied with this Preparation for the Press, he corrected
every Sheet of the first seven Volumes that were published
in this Life Time, desiring the Editor to write Notes,
being much younger than the Dean, acquainted with
most of the Transactions of his Life.'
[Footnote 2: 1Kb]
If Faulkner's later preface, which is directed against
Hawkesworth and the London booksellers, be suspected
of overstating the measure of Swift's co-operation, the
earlier prefaces, probably written by Swift himself, as
definitely understate it. Faulkner's edition of the Works,
[Page xxxv]
so far as the first six [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
volumes are concerned, was secretly
recognized by the author, and at least partially revised by
him. In the third volume, Gulliver's Travels, revision was
extensive; in the second volume, with which we are here
concerned, it was more casual and desultory, nevertheless
definitely apparent, as a study of the textual apparatus
will show.
[Footnote 2: 1Kb]
Faulkner's second volume, containing the Poetical
Works, more than doubled the quantity of Swift's
verse gathered in the miscellany volumes of 1711
and 1727-32. Among pieces of importance here first
collected were, 'The Fable of Midas', 'To the Earl of
Peterborough', 'The Description of an Irish Feast',
'Stella at Wood-Park', 'A Receipt to restore Stella's
Youth', 'A Pastoral Dialogue between Richmond-Lodge
and Marble-Hill', four of the Market Hill poems, poems
relating to Wood's coinage and Irish politics, the epistle
'To Mr. Gay', 'On Mr. Pulteney being put out of the
Council', 'The Place of the Damn'd', and the poems
published in London, 1733-4, through the agency of
Pilkington. Here also appeared 'A Libel on Dr. Delany
and Lord Carteret', omitted from the Miscellanies by
Pope, although Moore included it in his slender volume of
Swift Miscellanies, 1734. Faulkner's claim, in the 'Advertisement'
to his second volume, that he had rejected what
was not by Swift in the Miscellanies and added 'above a
[Page xxxvi]
third Part, which was never collected before', was fully
Indications of editorial work, which proceeded while
the volume was in the press, carry a suggestion of the
author's rather than the publisher's hand. O8 is cancelled
O, pp. 207-8. Further signs of cancellation
appear at
Z, pp. 343-4,
Aa, pp. 357-8,
Bb2, pp.
Bb, pp. 379-80. In each of these instances the
recto or verso of the starred leaf has a prefatory note to
the poem, or poems, following. It seems most probable
that these notes were written by Swift, and that the
original leaves were cancelled to admit the insertion or
recasting of the notes. T5-T8, pp. 281-8, representing
the earlier part of 'A Panegyrick on the Dean',
appears also to have been replaced by a cancel half-sheet
Faulkner published his edition of Swift's Works concurrently
in octavo and duodecimo formats. 'Prometheus'
was inadvertently omitted from the second volume
of the octavo edition, and inserted at the close of the fourth
volume. It appears in the proper volume in the duodecimo
edition. There was, apparently, a greater demand
for the octavo edition of the Poetical Works than for the
other three volumes, for it was published separately in a
new edition in 1737, with the addition of 'Prometheus'
and a reshuffling of the order in which the pieces were
printed. This 1737 volume was followed as a model
throughout subsequent Faulkner editions. In 1746
(vol. viii) more poems were added; and more again in
1762-3. [Footnote 1: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
The successive Miscellanies issued by Samuel Fairbrother
are the only other Dublin editions of Swift's verse
which call for notice. In 1728 he published two piratical
volumes of Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, called 'The
Second Edition', taken, with some changes and slight
[Page xxxvii]
additions, from the three volumes edited by Pope in 1727.
'The Third Edition' of these two volumes was published
in 1732, followed, in 1733, by 'The Second Edition' of
a third volume, reproducing, with some additions, Pope's
1732 volume of Miscellanies. Faulkner's edition of the
Works in 1735 gave Fairbrother a further opportunity to
pilfer, which he seized upon by publishing Vol. IV. of the
Miscellanies ... To which are added Several other Poems by
the same Author, many of which are Printed from Original
Manuscripts, not in any former Edition ... 1735. This
volume contained an unblushing preface in which Fairbrother
announced that he had extracted from the
'Author's Works, in Four Volumes 8vo' pieces not in his
own edition for 'the Accommodation of all those Gentlemen'
who were supplied with his first three volumes.
And he repeated the claim made on his title-page that
several poems 'never before Printed' had been added
'from the D---ns own Original Manuscripts'. A first
instinct is to dismiss this for the usual puff of a piratical
bookseller; but there is substance in Fairbrother's claim.
The first poem printed in the verse section of Fairbrother's
fourth volume is a pindaric 'Ode to the King on
his Irish Expedition'. Swift is known to have written a
poem on this subject. Deane Swift tells us he had seen it,
and that it was written in a 'Pindarique way'. The 'Ode
to King William' which has found its way into Swift's
Works, on the authority of Nichols, is not a pindaric, and
it seems most probable that the poem printed by Fairbrother
is authentic. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
Fairbrother's volume also printed
for the first time a number of trifles in verse passing between
Swift and his Irish friends, two of which are presented
in an arrangement which differs from that of the
accepted versions. In addition there are four trifling
pieces hitherto not printed elsewhere. [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
It seems most
likely that Fairbrother had access to the manuscript
collection now in the library of Trinity College, Dublin,
[Page xxxviii]
known as The Whimsical Medley, and to other manuscripts
of an authoritative character. His exceedingly
rare fourth volume, which has not previously been noted
by any editor, is both curious and important.
The London booksellers had long been aware of
Faulkner's project. Motte, as has been noted, complained
of it to Swift; but neither he nor Lawton Gilliver, with
whom he was joined in the publication of the 1732
volume of Miscellanies, appears to have taken sufficiently
active steps to protect their common commercial interests,
unless Motte thought he had gone far enough by
filing a bill in Chancery. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
Or they may have delegated
the work to Charles Davis, who, as early as the end of
January, or beginning of February, 1735, [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
published a
fifth and supplementary volume of Miscellanies, in Prose
and Verse, in which full use was made of Faulkner's four
volumes. It is clear that he was working from advance
sheets, whether with, or without, Faulkner's knowledge.
If we confine our attention to the verse only we find
that Davis omitted several poems contained in Faulkner's
second volume. These he printed in a supplement, as
A Collection of Poems, &c. Omitted in the Fifth Volume of
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, with pagination in sequence,
and intended to be bound up with 'Volume the Fifth'.
In the 'Advertisement' to his supplement Davis frankly
admitted that the 'Copy of the Dublin Edition' transmitted
to him 'from the Press' was not as complete as 'the Editor
afterwards thought fit to make it'. Davis's omissions
cannot be satisfactorily explained by the lack of specific
sheets as they were gathered in Faulkner's second volume;
but we know that this volume underwent revision in the
press, and it is possible that alterations, now indistinguisable
by us, may be reflected in Davis's publication.
[Page xxxix]
On the other side it is noteworthy that Davis included
three pieces which did not appear in Faulkner's edition,
namely the two parts of 'Traulus' and an 'Epigram on
Fasting'. [Footnote 1: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
The four volumes published in 1735 presented a more
complete body of verse than prose, for although, during
the next thirty years, Faulkner extended the Works to
twenty volumes, the additions in verse, though numerous,
occupied a comparatively inconsiderable space. These
additions immediately found their way into the London
trade editions. To trace the extension of the verse canon,
step by step, in this introduction would serve little
purpose and occupy needless space. The Bibliographical
Summary provides a working check-list of collected
editions. Furthermore the textual and bibliographical
notes accompanying each poem, or group of poems, as
arranged in this edition, show how and when additions
were made.
Both in London and Dublin Swift's Works commanded
a sale; and the trade on one side, Faulkner on the other,
continued to reprint and extend. The Miscellanies begun
by Pope, supplemented by Davis's borrowings from
Faulkner in 1735, were continued volume by volume by
the London booksellers. Miscellanies. The Tenth Volume,
published by Dodsley in 1745, added the 'Ode to the
Athenian Society', the 'Ode to Temple', and some lesser
pieces. Miscellanies. ... The Eleventh Volume, 1746,
carrying the imprint of four members of the trade, drew
upon Faulkner's eighth volume published earlier in the
same year. These Miscellanies were variously reprinted until
the booksellers commissioned Dr. Hawkesworth to edit a
definitive set of the Dean's Works in opposition to that of
Faulkner. The result was the handsome but indifferently
edited volumes of 1755, which were published as six in
[Page xl]
quarto, or twelve in octavo, [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
The first continuation of this
set came in 1762-4 (vol. vii, 4to; xiii and xiv, 8vo), when
William Bowyer reprinted pieces in prose and verse which
had been collected and published by Faulkner in 1762.
So far the London booksellers had, in the main, been
dependent upon appropriations from Faulkner; but in
1765 Deane Swift carried the English edition further
with vol. viii, 4to, vols. xv and xvi, 8vo, in which several
important poems appeared for the first time. Thus
matters stood when John Nichols, that great printer,
chronicler, and literary commentator, began, among his
many labours, his long task of making additions to
Swift's Works. Between twenty and thirty verse pieces
were added by him in the volume of 1775. In his Supplement,
1776 and 1779, he gathered together many poems
by Swift and 'his Friends', a medley which has encouraged
unfortunate conjectural attributions. Nichols,
an untiring worker, was by no means a careful editor,
but he brought genuine enthusiasm to his self-appointed
task of presenting a complete collection of Swift's
The result of these disconnected printing and editorial
labours, extending over twenty-four years, was an irregular
and disordered edition, running to twenty-five octavo
volumes, in which shares were held by five different sets
of proprietors. After some opposition an arrangement was
reached with the shareholders for an amalgamation; and
Thomas Sheridan, the son of Swift's friend, was commissioned
to write a life of the Dean and compile a regular
edition of his Works. He was to receive £300 for the
Life, and £300 more as an editor. The whole, embodying
the contents of the previous trade editions and the accumulations
of Nichols, sorted into a better semblance of order,
appeared in seventeen volumes, 1784. [Footnote 2: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[Page xli]
Within a few years the indefatigable Nichols produced
a supplement to Sheridan's edition, Miscellaneous Pieces,
In Prose and Verse. ... Not inserted in Mr. Sheridan's
Edition of the Dean's Works, published by Charles Dilley
in 1789. Most of the verse additions in this volume were
minor Swiftiana; but the 'Ode to King William on his
Successes in Ireland', previously printed, as Swift's, by
Nichols in his Select Collection of Poems, was here included
with the works, and three early odes, 'To Sancroft', 'To
Congreve', and that 'Occasioned by Sir William Temple's
Late Illness', here first appeared in print, with a note
stating that they were taken 'from an authentic Manuscript
fairly and correctly written out as if intended for
the 'Press'. No trace of this manuscript survives; nor is
it affirmed to have been in Swift's hand, although the
poems are certainly his. The 'Ode to King William', as
noted above, [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
is probably a mistaken ascription.
In 1801 the London booksellers invited Nichols to
prepare a new edition incorporating his further collections
and notes. This appeared in the same year, in nineteen
volumes, embodying Sheridan's Life and following the
general outline of the 1784 edition. Nichols's additions
are, for the most part, to be found in vols. xviii and
xix. This edition was republished in twenty-four volumes,
1804, and in nineteen volumes, 1808. The 1808 edition
was indebted to suggestions from Malone and to the
researches of Barrett's Essay on the Earlier Part of the Life
of Swift. [Footnote 2: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
To John Nichols's immense industry and energy all
students of eighteenth-century literature, biography, and
printing owe a large debt. In addition to many other
activities he busied himself with Swift over a period of
nearly fifty years; and there is an irony, which he felt
himself, in the fact that his last edition was so quickly
supplanted by that of Sir Walter Scott, who, as he remarks
caustically, 'having made a solid breakfast on John
Dryden, conceived the idea of a pleasant dinner and
[Page xlii]
supper on Jonathan Swift; which, from the entertainment
I had prepared, he found a task of no great difficulty'.
And it was a bitter reflection that Scott, who, in a 'brief
compliment', could not even spell Nichols's name correctly,
received for his one edition thirty times the remuneration
the latter 'had received, or expected' for three. [Footnote 1: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
The anecdotal and other additions of Wilson's Swiftiana,
1804, were not of special importance; but both
Nichols, in 1808, and Scott, in 1814, regarded the contributions
of John Barrett, eccentric Greek scholar and
Vice-Provost of Trinity College, Dublin, with unnecessary
respect. The Essay on the Earlier Part of the Life of Swift
was published in 1808 with a prefatory 'Advertisement'
by Nichols. Barrett's Essay supplies interesting details
from the registers of Trinity College, Dublin, relative to
Swift's residence there. It proceeds to ascribe to Swift,
upon strained evidence which Scott himself questioned,
the composition of a Tripos [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
pronounced in the college in
July, 1688. The text of the Tripos Barrett extracted from
the manuscript collection in the library of Trinity College
known as The Whimsical Medley; [Footnote 3: 2Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
The aggrieved Nichols characterized Scott's edition
of Swift as 'somewhat similar' to his, and 'consisting of
the same number of volumes' compiled by 'a neat shuffling
of the cards'. The description is only just in so far as it is
fair to admit that so extensive was the work done for
Swift by Nichols that all editors must, from time to time,
turn to him. Scott's acknowledgement might have been
more generous. But the fact remains that his edition,
carried through with the extraordinary pace he commanded,
is even now, in some respects, the most useful
working set of the Dean's complete writings. The letters
have been superseded by Dr. Elrington Ball's great
edition of the Correspondence; the prose-writings have
been re-edited by Temple Scott; single works have been
documented with a research to which Scott made no
pretence; but, taken as a whole, his editions of 1814 and
1824 have not yet been displaced. The verse, especially,
may be better consulted there than in the more recent
edition of W. E. Browning, which, if it adds something
to our knowledge, makes no attempt at a revision of the
canon, is unreliable textually, is less complete than Scott,
and is sometimes misleading.
Scott claimed, in the 'Advertisement' to his edition
of 1814, to have included over one hundred letters,
essays, and poems not previously printed as a part of
Swift's Works. These were drawn from manuscript communications
and collections received from Theophilus
Swift, son of Deane Swift, Major Tickell, a grandson of
Tickell the poet, Leonard Macnally, the discreditable Irish
barrister and playwright, the Rev. Edward Berwick, who
furnished the correspondence between Swift and Vanessa [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page xliv]
Thomas Steele, a nephew of the Rev. John Lyon who had
charge of Swift's person during the last years, W. M.
Hartstonge, and others. The verse, with some attempt at
arrangement by subject-matter, appears in vols. x, xiii, xiv,
and xv. Poems additional to those printed in previous
editions appear chiefly in the tenth volume. Verse ascriptions
also appear in the Appendix to vol. i, including
suggestions by Barrett from The Whimsical Medley, and
other poems from the same source.
In his second edition Scott made some rearrangement
of the contents and inserted additions from papers of
Theophilus Swift, [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
which were saved by James Smith.
These papers, bound in two folio volumes, are now in the
Huntington Library, San Marino, California. But the
passages deleted from 'On Poetry: A Rapsody', [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
which are
added in footnotes to Scott's second edition, do not appear
to have been among these papers, and, unfortunately, he
gives no indication of the source from which he derived
Scott's edition was hurried, and no endeavour was made
to present a faithful text. Careful collation was not, in
his day, regarded as part of an editor's duty. But, despite
all shortcomings, his editions of Swift, together with those
of Nichols, are of permanent value to the critic and scholar
as well as good library sets for the general reader. Roscoe's
slighting observations upon Scott are not without justification
if we adopt an exacting standard, but his own
popular edition of Swift in two ungainly volumes, 1841, can
scarcely be accepted as an improvement; nor is there much
evidence of the research and collation which he professed.
The text, the canon, and the arrangement of Swift's
verse, as these were left by Scott, were appropriated in
the handy Aldine Edition of the Poetical Works, 1833-4,
and its reprints, and persist, with some modifications and
additions, in the Poems as edited by W. E. Browning in
two volumes, 1910, which were published to accompany
Temple Scott's edition of the Prose Works.
[Page xlv]
The extent and character of supplementary researches
since the time of Scott, which throw light upon the canon
and text of Swift's verse, are set out fully in their appropriate
contexts, and here need only be summarized.
In 1849 Sir W. R. Wilde published his Closing Years
of Dean Swift's Life. He was the first to make use of
an interleaved copy of Harward's Almanack [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
and of a
folio volume [Footnote 2: 1Kb]
of manuscripts and broadsides now in the
Huntington Library. He was, however, mistaken in supposing
the writing in either volume to be in Swift's
autograph, he was not an accurate transcriber, he was too
ready in his attributions, and his work cannot be accepted
as it stands.
In 1875 John Forster published the first, and only,
volume of his Life of Swift in which he gave some account
of discoveries he had made among the Fountaine papers
at Narford. [Footnote 3: 1Kb]
His statement was by no means complete.
These manuscripts are now in the Pierpont Morgan
Library, New York.
In the Gentleman's Magazine for June, 1882, cclii.
731-43, Churton Collins printed the 'Holyhead Journal'
from the manuscript in the Forster Collection, South
Kensington. In the same year this piece appeared as
Appendix IX to Craik's Life of Swift. [Footnote 4: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift's Verse: An Essay, written by that true scholar,
Dr. F. Elrington Ball, was the first genuine attempt to
arrange the poems in their chronological order and to link
them with the story of Swift's life. For this Dr. Ball was
peculiarly fitted by his wide knowledge of Anglo-Irish
history. It may be, as he declares in his preface, and as
he confessed to the present writer, that 'circumstances
rather than inclination' connected him with Swift; but,
embarked on the task which fell to him, he carried it
[Page xlvi]
through in his great edition of the Correspondence and in
his essay on the verse as no one else could have done.
In 1935 Professor D. Nichol Smith, in his edition of
the Letters of Jonathan Swift to Charles Ford, printed from
the Ford papers two poems, 'The Bubble' and 'To Charles
Ford Esq.r on his Birth-day', surviving in Swift's autograph,
and four poems by Swift transcribed by Ford. [Footnote 1: 1Kb]
The Ford transcripts reveal a singularly interesting
secret. No one had suspected, although the patchwork
now becomes apparent, that the poem printed by Faulkner
as 'Stella at Wood-Park' was a combination of two
separate pieces.
We are closer to Swift in his verse, and in his letters,
than in his prose-writings. In Dr. Ball's words: 'Without
knowledge of his verse a true picture of Swift cannot be
drawn. In his verse he sets forth his life as in a panorama,
he shows more clearly than in his prose his peculiar turn
of thought, and he reveals his character in all its phases.
... Before the testimony of his verse the work of many of
his biographers cannot stand.'
[Footnote 2: 1Kb]
If the editor of these volumes has made easier the
approach to Swift he will be happy in the consciousness
of having continued the work of Dr. Ball. And if he is
compelled on occasion to dissent from him, it is with
fitting respect and regard. He must, however, place it
on record that he cannot accept a number of the conjectural
attributions proffered in Swift's Verse. Dr. Ball
believed that, outside the acknowledged metrical pieces,
and others tentatively assigned to Swift, a large number
'owed their origin to his inspiration if not to his
pen'. There exist certainly poems written by others at
Swift's suggestion; but these, shining with a reflected
light, are no part of the central system. If anything the
canon, as it has been expanded by previous editors, calls
for curtailment. Nichols, Scott, and Barrett have been
responsible for questionable accretions. And, beyond
these, is an untidy heap of meaningless, fanciful attributions.
[Page xlvii]
An attempt has here been made to consider or note
all these ascriptions so far as any purpose is served thereby.
But it will be found that this edition has narrowed the
boundary of the canon, a service to Swift which was long
overdue. Nevertheless, doubtful poems are printed in
full if they have a reasonable claim to recognition, or if
they are elsewhere scarcely available. Conjectural attributions,
supported by little or no evidence, are noted with
a varying degree of consideration.
[Page xlviii]
The following lists make no pretence to furnish a complete
bibliography of Swift's verse writings. List A
presents a conspectus of the manuscript collections, and
single manuscripts, which have been used to correct and
establish the text of his poems as printed in these volumes;
list B miscellanies, collected works, and other publications,
containing the text of poems, or contributions to textual,
chronological, and bibliographical problems; list C some
general sources of reference. In list B titles are set in
roman type, abbreviated imprints in italic. Unauthorized
collections have been ranged in their chronological order;
but doubtful single works, fully discussed in their place,
have been excluded.
A list of separate publications, in broadsheet or pamphlet
form, would involve needless repetition of fuller
details given with each poem; and this has not, therefore,
been provided.
Trinity College, Dublin. MS. 879 [I. 5.1-3]: The Whimsical
Medley: Three quarto volumes, containing transcripts of contemporary
verse, latter part of the seventeenth and early part of
the eighteenth century, made for Theophilus, first Lord Newtown-Butler.
MS. 1050 [I. 4. 7]: Contemporary transcript of
'The Legion Club, on seven octavo leaves. Two volumes (Press
3, and Press A. 7. 638) containing manuscript miscellanies.
[Page xlix]
Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. MS. 24. C. 31: A small quarto
volume, bound in vellum, containing transcripts of verses in an
unidentified hand. In the same volume are a letter (7 Oct. 1737,
to Lord Mayor Walker), and accounts relating to 1734-5, both
in Swift's hand.
Forster Collection, Victoria and Albert Museum, South
Kensington. The valuable collection made by John Forster
in preparation for his Life of Swift. Contains many MSS. in
Swift's hand; papers by Percy, Malone, and others; transcripts,
collations, and notes by Forster. Also a copy of Hawkesworth's
Life of Swift, 1755, with marginal annotations by Dr. Lyon.
British Museum, London. Add. MSS. 4804-6: Journal to
Stella and correspondence. Add. MS. 39839: Swift and Vanessa
correspondence. Also a few further MSS., Add., Lansdowne,
Harley, and Stowe; including the Marmaduke Coghill and
Edward Southwell correspondence, which throws some light on
the history of verse pieces.
Goldsmiths' Library, Imperial Institute, South Kensington.
A copy of the Hibernian Patriot, 1730, with a couplet
added in the hand of Lady Acheson (?).
Bodleian Library, Oxford. MS. Malone 37. On ff. 68-98
contains matter which appeared in Barrett's Essay on the earlier
Part of the Life of Swift, 1808.
University Library, Cambridge. Contemporary transcripts in
the Bradshaw Collection. See pp. 769, 801.
John Rylands Library, Manchester. English MS. 659.
See pp. 662-4.
Sir Walter Scott's Library, Abbotsford. Principal Library,
Press N. Shelf 7: A 12mo volume containing transcripts of poems
by Swift in an unidentified hand. The volume was presented to
Scott by a Mr. Bembridge, as being in Swift's hand. The copies
are certainly neither by Swift, nor by Stella, as Scott conjectures.
A collection made about the middle of the eighteenth century.
The volume has no textual value.
Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. Contains the valuable
Fountaine MSS., for nearly two hundred years preserved at Narford,
in Norfolk. Five poems in this collection are in Swift's
hand. See further pp. 61, 78, 85, 88, 122. Manuscripts from
the Ford papers are also in the library. See p. 744.
Harvard College Library, Cambridge, Massachusetts. MS.
Eng. 218. 2: Orrery Papers. MS. Eng. 218. 14: A copy of
[Page l]
Orrery's Remarks, 1752, annotated by the author. Also MS.
Eng. 629 F: A verse miscellany.
Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, California. Two miscellaneous volumes of Swiftiana salvaged by James
Smith, after the death of Theophilus Swift. See the 'Advertisement',
p. ix, to Scott's second edition of Swift's Works, 1824.
The papers were at one time in the possession of Frederick
Locker, who bound them. Later they were in the library of
William Bixley of St. Louis, from whom Mr. Huntington bought
them. Also a volume of annotated broadsheets and manuscripts
(113198-259) first used by W. R. Wilde in his Closing Years of
Dean Swift's Life, and mistakenly supposed by him to be in
Swift's hand.
Mrs. Baker, Malahow, Naul, Co. Dublin. A copy of Harward's
Almanack, 1666, with transcripts of poems erroneously
supposed to be in Swift's hand. For a description of this volume
and its contents see pp. 1058-63. This book was formerly
in the possession of the Christie family, at Newtown House,
Swords, co. Dublin.
Shirley Library, Lough Fea, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. A
set of Faulkner's edition of Swift's Works, six volumes, 1737-8,
with textual annotations in Swift's hand. It is doubtful whether
any of the notes or markings are by Swift, save those in vol. ii,
which contains the verses, and even these are of little textual
importance. The set is of value, however, in showing that Swift
substantially approved of Faulkner's edition.
Mr. Shane Leslie, Glaslough, Co. Monaghan, Ireland. A
commonplace book belonging to Florence O'Crowley, an Irish
priest, and evidently in use by him from about 1736 onward. See
further The Irish Book Lover, vol. xxi, no. 3, July-August, 1933.
Contains transcripts of Swift's 'Advice to a Parson' and epigram
on Hort (pp. 807-9). Also ascribes to him three doubtful pieces.
See pp. 1115, 1137, 1138.
Duke of Bedford, Woburn Abbey, Bedfordshire. A volume
containing transcripts of Swift's poems carefully written by
Stella. This book has eighty-five leaves, not counting binder's
fly leaves, two in number. The format is small quarto, the leaves
measuring 19.8 × 15.5 cm.; and the binding is eighteenth century
calf with gilt back.
[Page li]
The volume contains a note by the fourth Duke of Bedford:
'This Manuscript was given me, by Sr Archibald Acheson at
Bath 9.ber 2.d 1768. It was given to his Father, by the Dean of
St Patrick, and is of the hand writing of Stella, Mrs Johnson. B.'
Only forty leaves have been used for the transcripts. The book
contains nineteen pieces, of which eighteen are copies by Stella.
The last piece, 'On the five Lady's at Sots-hole and the Doctor at
their head', is in a different and unidentified handwriting.
Duke of Portland, Welbeck Abbey, Nottinghamshire.
Several contemporary transcripts of poems by Swift among the
Harley Papers.
Marquis of Bath, Longleat, Wiltshire. Portland Papers,
vols. xi, xiii, xvii, xviii, xix, xx. Verses in Swift's autograph,
and contemporary transcripts.
Mr. Victor Rothschild, Merton Hall, Cambridge. Letters
and papers belonging to Charles Ford, Swift's friend, passed, on
Ford's death, into the possession of Sir John Hynde Cotton, his
executor, and were long preserved at Madingley Hall, Cambridge.
They came, through the Cotton family, to Mrs. Rowley Smith
of Shortgrove. See Letters of Jonathan Swift to Charles Ford, ed.
D. Nichol Smith, 1935, p. vii. Among these papers are six of
Swift's poems, two, 'The Bubble' and 'To Charles Ford Esqr.
on his Birth-day', in Swift's hand, and four in the handwriting of
Charles Ford. See pp. 78, 248, 309, 459, 744.
A copy of the Pope and Swift Miscellanies, 4 vols. 1727-32,
with many corrections in Swift's hand. Previously in the libraries
of Viscount Powerscourt, and of Mr. W. G. Panter, The Bawn,
Foxrock, co. Dublin.
The Rev. J. Longe, Yelverton Rectory, Norfolk. Among
papers at Yelverton, which have come down from the family of
Sir William. Temple, are 'A description of Mother Ludwell's
cave' (see p. 1068), and a contemporary copy of 'The Journal'
(see p. 276).
Lord Mount Temple, Broadlands, Romsey, Hants. Among
Lord Mount Temple's MSS. are copies of 'Apollo to the Dean',
and two sets of verses written on the windows of St. Patrick's
Deanery (see pp. 259, 262).
Mr. Harold Williams, Aspenden House, Buntingford, Herts.
Two contemporary manuscripts of 'The Legion Club'; and
two copies of Faulkner's editions of 'Verses on the Death of
[Page lii]
Dr. Swift' with the blanks, in text and notes, completed in contemporary
hands. Also a copy of the first edition of 'On Poetry:
A Rapsody' with the rejected lines added in the hand of Lord
Miscellaneous. A few other manuscripts have been used---the
holograph of Swift's lines 'From Catullus' (see p. 679); lines
written in a copy of Le Sage's Devil upon Two Sticks (see p. 1139);
and lines in a copy of Pope's Iliad (see p. 1136).
1692 The Supplement to the Fifth Volume of the Athenian
Gazette; ... London, Printed for John Dunton ... [1692].
The Gentleman's Journal: Or the Monthly Miscellany [Feby.,
June, and July, 1692]. Ed. P. A. Motteux.
1707 The Muses Mercury: Or The Monthly Miscellany. ... London,
Printed by J. H. for Andrew Bell, ... 1707. [April-June,
1709 Baucis and Philemon; A Poem On the ever lamented Loss
Of the two Yew-Trees, In the Parish of Chilthorne, ...
Together with Mrs. Harris's Earnest Petition. ... London:
Printed and Sold by H. Hills ... 1709. [Another edn. 1710.]
The Works of the Right Honourable The Earls of Rochester,
And Roscommon ... The Third Edition. To which is
added, A Collection of Miscellany Poems. ... London: ...
E. Curll,...1709
Poetical Miscellanies: The Sixth Part ... London, Printed for
Jacob Tonson, ... 1709.
The Tatler. ... Sold by John Morphew ... [No. 9, 30 April,
1709; No. 238, 17 October, 1710; and No. 301, 13 March,
1710 A Meditation upon a Broom-Stick, And Somewhat Beside;
Of the Same Author's. ... London: Printed for E. Curll, ...
1710. [The B.M. Copy of this pamphlet (C. 28. b. 115) has
on the title a note in Curll's handwriting: 'Given me by John
Cliffe Esq.; who had them of the Bp. of Killala, in Ireland,
whose Daughter he married & was my Lodger.---E Curll'.]
[Page liii]
1711 Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. London: Printed for John
Morphew, ... MDCCXI. [The first authorized collection of
Swift's prose and verse. 2nd edn. 1713.]
Miscellanies by Dr. Jonathan Swift. ... London, Printed for
E. Curll, ... 1711.
1714 A Collection of Original Poems, Translations, and Imitations,
by Mr. Prior, Mr. Rowe, Dr. Swift, And other
Eminent Hands. ... London: Printed for E. Curll, ...
1718 Letters, Poems, and Tales, Amorous, Satirical; and Gallant.
... London: Printed for E. Curll ... 1718.
1719 Ars Punica, sive Flos Linguarum: The Art of Punning; Or
the Flower of Languages; ... Dublin: Printed by and for
James Carson, ... 1719. [Also London edns., Roberts, in
the same year.]
1720 A Defence of English Commodities. ... To which is Annexed,
An Elegy upon the much lamented Death of Mr.
Demar, ... Printed at Dublin: And Reprinted at London,
by J. Roberts ... MDCCXX.
The Swearer's-Bank: ... (With The Best in Christendom. A
Tale.) Written by Dean Swift. ... Reprinted at London by
J. Roberts. ...
Miscellaneous Works, Comical & Diverting: By T. R. D. J. S.
D. O. P. I. I. In Two Parts. I. The Tale of a Tub; ...
II. Miscellanies in Prose & Verse, ... London, Printed by
Order of the Society de propagando, & c. M.DCC.XX.
1721 Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. The Fourth Edition, ...
Dublin: Printed by S. Fairbrother, ... 2721 [sic].
A Miscellaneous Collection of Poems, Songs and Epigrams. By
several Hands. Publish'd by T. M. Gent ... Dublin:
Printed by A. Rhames, 1721. 2 vols.
1722 Miscellanies, Written by Jonathan Swift, D.D. ... The
Fourth Edition. London: Printed in the Year M.DCC.XXII.
1724 Miscellaneous Poems, Original and Translated, By Several
Hands. ... Published by Mr. Concanen. ... London: Printed
for J. Peele,...MDCCXXIV.
1725 Fraud Detected. Or, The Hibernian Patriot. ... Dublin:
Re-printed and Sold by George Faulkner ... 1725.
A New Collection Of Poems On Several Occasions, By Mr.
Prior, and Others ... London: Printed for Tho. Osborne, ...
[Page liv]
1726 Miscellanea. In Two Volumes. Never before Published.
... London: Printed in the Year, 1727. [Published July,
Whartoniana: Or Miscellanies, In Verse and Prose. By the
Wharton Family, ... Printed in the Year, 1727. 2 vols.
[Published September, 1726. Re-issued as The Poetical
Works of Philip Late Duke of Wharton.]
1727-8. Miscellanies In Prose and Verse. The First Volume.
London: Printed for Benjamin Motte, ... M.dcc.xxvii.
Miscellanies. The Second Volume. London: Printed for Benjamin
Motte ... M DCC XXVII.
Miscellanies. The Last Volume. ... London: Printed for B.
Motte, ... 1727. [The 'First' and 'Second' volumes were
published in June, 1727; the 'Last' volume in March, 1728.
The first three volumes of the famous Pope and Swift Miscellanies,
and edited by the former. They were variously
reprinted; and continued with 'The Third Volume', 1732,
and 'Volume the Fifth', 1735.]
1728 Miscellanies In Prose and Verse. In Two Volumes. ...
London Printed, and Re-printed in Dublin, By and for Sam.
Fairbrother, ... 1728. [Reprinted 1732; a third volume added
in 1733, and a fourth in 1735.]
Gulliveriana: Or, A Fourth Volume of Miscellanies. ...
London: Printed for J. Roberts, ... M.DCC.XXVIII.
The Intelligencer. Numb. I Saturday. May, 11, To be Continued
Weekly, Dublin: Printed by S. Harding, ... 172 [8].
[Continued for twenty numbers inclusive. London collected
editions, A. Moor, 1729, Francis Cogan, 1730.]
1729 Miscellaneous Poems, By Several Hands: ... Publish'd by
Mr. Ralph. London: Printed by C. Ackers, ... Mdccxxix.
1730 The Metamorphosis Of The Town: ... To which is added,
The Journal of a Modern Lady. ... By Dr. Swift. ...
London: Printed for J. Wilford, ... Mdccxxx. [Later edns.
1731, 1743.]
An Epistle To His Excellency John Lord Carteret ... To which
is added, an Epistle upon an Epistle; ... Dublin: Printed, in
the Year 1730.
A Satire On Dr. D---ny. ... To which is added, the Poem which
occasion'd it. Printed at Dublin: And Re-printed at London,
for A. Moore, ... M DCC XXX.
A Libel On Dr. D---ny, ... The Second Edition. Printed at
[Page lv]
Dublin: And Re-printed at London, for A. Moore. M DCC XXX.
[Another edn., 1730, Reprinted for Capt. Gulliver.]
A Vindication of the Libel On Dr. Delany, ... Together with
a Panegyric On Dean Sw---t; ... Dublin: Printed, London:
Re-printed for J. Wilford ... M.DCC.XXX.
Select Poems from Ireland: Part I. [Part II.] ... Printed at
Dublin: London, Reprinted and Sold by T. Warner ...
The Hibernian Patriot: ... To which are added, Poems and
Songs ... Printed at Dublin. London: Reprinted and Sold
by A. Moor ... MDCCXXX. [Reprinted from Fraud Detected,
1725, with alterations and additions.]
Poems On Several Occasions. ... By Jonathan Smedley, Dean
of Clogher. ... London: Printed in the Year M.DCC.XXX.
1731 A Proposal Humbly offer'd to the P---t, ... To which is
added, The Humble Petition of the Weavers. ... As also
two Poems, viz. Helter Skelter, ... and The Place of the
Damn'd. Dublin Printed. London, Re-printed for J. Roberts
... MDCCXXXI. [2nd edn. 1732.]
The Flower-Piece: A Collection Of Miscellany Poems. By
Several Hands. ... London; Printed for J. Walthoe ... and
H. Walthoe, ... M.DCC.XXXI. [Republished 1733.]
1732 The Grand Question debated: Whether Hamilton's Bawn
Should be turn'd into a Barrack, or a Malt-house. ... London
Printed for A. Moore. And, Dublin Re-printed by George
Faulkner ... M,dcc,xxxii.
The Lady's Dressing Room. To which is added, A Poem on
Cutting down the Old Thorn at Market Hill. ... London,
Printed for J. Roberts ... MDCCXXXII. [2nd edn. in the same
An Elegy On Dicky and Dolly, ... To which is Added The
Narrative of D. S. when he was in the North of Ireland.
Dublin: Printed by James Hoey, ... MDCCXXXII.
Miscellanies. The Third Volume. London: Printed for Benj.
Motte, ... and Lawton Gilliver ... 1732. [Variously reprinted.
See under 1727-8.]
1733 The Drapier's Miscellany. ... Dublin: Printed by and for
James Hoey, ... 1733. [At least three editions.]
The Presbyterians Plea of Merit; ... To which is added, An
Ode to Humphry French, Esq; ... London: Reprinted from
the Dublin Edition, for G. F. and Sold by A. Dodd, ...
[Page lvi]
1734 Miscellanies. Consisting chiefly of Original Pieces in Prose
and Verse. ... Dublin Printed. London: Reprinted for A.
Moore ... 1734. [Two edns.]
An Epistle to a Lady, ... Also A Poem, Occasion'd by Reading
Dr. Young's Satires, ... Dublin, Printed: And Reprinted at
London for J. Wilford, ... M.DCC.XXXIV.
A New Miscellany For the Year 1734. Part I.
An Account Of A Strange and Wonderful Apparition Lately
Seen in Trinity-College, Dublin. ... Printed in the Year
Mezentius on the Rack ... Printed in the Year Mdccxxxiv.
A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed. ... To which are
added, Strephon and Chloe. And Cassinus and Peter. Dublin
printed: London reprinted for J. Roberts ... MDCCXXXIV.
1734 (?) The History of John Bull. And Poems on several
Occasions, ... Sold by D. Midwinter and A. Tonson in the
1734-5 The Works of J. S, D. D, D. S. P. D. in Four Volumes.
Containing, I. The Author's Miscellanies in Prose. II. His
Poetical Writings. III. The Travels of Captain Lemuel
Gulliver. IV. His Papers relating to Ireland, ... Dublin:
Printed by and for George Faulkner, ... M DCC XXXV.
[Issued Nov. 1734-Jany. 1735. Another edn. of vol. ii in
1737. The set increased to six volumes in 1738, with some
additional verse pieces in vol. vi. Gradually extended to
twenty volumes, 1772. Vol. viii, 1746, contained more
verse. The chief verse addition thereafter was in 1762;
reprinted in the London edition of the Works in the same
1735 Miscellanies, In Prose and Verse. Volume the Fifth. ...
London: Printed for Charles Davis, ... MDCCXXXV. [See
under 1727-8. This volume is based on Faulkner.]
A Collection of Poems, &c. Omitted in the Fifth Volume of
Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. London: Printed for
Charles Davis, ... MDCCXXXV.
Miscellaneous Poems on Several Occasions. By Mr. Dawson,
... And a Copy of Verses Spoke Extempore by Dean Swift
upon his Curate's Complaint of hard Duty. ... 1735.
1736 The Poetical Works, Of J. S. D. D. D. S. P. D. ... Reprinted
from the Second Dublin Edition, with Notes and
Additions. ... Printed in the Year. MDCCXXXVI.
[Page lvii]
S---t contra Omnes. An Irish Miscellany. ... London ...
Mrs. Dod ...
Miscellanies ... London: Printed for Benjamin Motte, and
Charles Bathurst, ... MDCCXXXVI. [6 vols., 12mo, 1736, a
trade venture, with other printers' names in later volumes.
Vols. vii, viii, and ix added, T. Cooper, 1742. The first extension
of the Pope and Swift Miscellanies, 1727-8-32-35,
into sets which developed into Swift's works.]
1739 A Supplement to Dr. Swift's And Mr. Pope's Works. ...
Dublin: Printed by S. Powell, For Edward Exshaw ...
1740 Poems on Various Subjects, ... By Laurence Whyte. ...
Dublin: Printed by S. Powell, And Sold by L. Dowling, ...
1742 Miscellanies. In Four Volumes. ... The Fourth Edition
Corrected: ... Vol. I. By Dr. Swift. London: Printed for
Charles Bathurst, ... MDCCXLII. [A further trade development
of the Miscellanies. Other printers' names in subsequent
volumes. Extended to eleven volumes, 1742-6; and
followed by reprints of varying dates, 1747, 1749, 1750,
1751, 1753.]
A New Miscellany In Prose and Verse. Containing, Several
Pieces never before made public. By the Reverend Dr.
Swift, ... And other Eminent Hands. London: Printed for
T. Read, ... Mdccxlii.
1744 The Muse in Good Humour. Or, a Collection of Comic
Tales, &c ... London: Printed for J. Noble, ... 1744.
[Other edns. 1745, 1751, 1766; a second volume, 1757.]
1746 The Story Of The Injured Lady. ... With Letters and
Poems. ... Printed for M. Cooper, ... MDCCXLVI.
1749 Poems on Several Occasions, from Genuine Manuscripts of
Dean Swift, ... London: Printed for J. Bromage, ...
1750 (?) The Poetical Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, ... In Two
Volumes. ... London: Sold by A. Manson, R. Dilton, J.
Thomson, H. Gray, T. Nelson, and P. Bland. [A trade edition,
not earlier than 1745.]
1750 A Supplement To The Works of The Most celebrated
Minor Poets ... To which are added, Pieces omitted in the
Works of ... Dean Swift. London: Printed for F. Cogan, ...
[Page lviii]
1751 The Works of Dr. Jonathan Swift, ... Vol. I. ... London:
Printed for C. Bathurst, ... MDCCLI. [Fourteen volumes,
12mo. The first four vols. and vols. vi, and viii, carry the
name of Bathurst only; other names added, or differing
names, in subsequent volumes.]
1752 A Supplement to the Works of Dr. Swift. London: Printed
for F. Cogan, ... 1752.
Remarks on the Life and Writings of Dr. Jonathan Swift, ...
In a Series of Letters from John Earl of Orrery To his Son,
the Honourable Hamilton Boyle. ... London, Printed for A.
Millar, ... MDCCLII. [Several further London edns. in the
same year, and Dublin edns., Printed by George Faulkner.]
1754 The Dreamer. ... London: Printed for W. Owen, ...
MDCCLIV. [By Dr. William King. Contains the first printing
of 'Paulus' and 'The Answer'.]
Observations Upon Lord Orrery's Remarks ... To which are
added, Two Original Pieces of the same author ... London,
Printed: And Sold by W. Reeve ... MDCCLIV. [By Delany.]
Poems on Various Subjects: Viz. The Legion Club, by D---n
S---t. ... Glasgow: Printed by Sawney McPherson. M.DCC.LIV.
[Another edn. 1756.]
1754-5. The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. ... Accurately
revised In Six Volumes, ... London, Printed for C. Bathurst,
... MDCCLV. [Edited by Hawkesworth, for the London trade,
in opposition to Faulkner's Dublin edn. of the Works. The
six volumes 4to also appeared as twelve volumes large and
small 8vo. Gradually extended, 1755-79, to fourteen,
twenty-five, and twenty-seven volumes respectively. Additions
to the verse were made in 1762-4 by Bowyer, from
Faulkner, 1762; by Deane Swift in 1765; and by Nichols in his Supplement, 1776 and 1779. This trade edn. was the
basis of Sheridan's edn. of the Works, 1784, and Nichols,
1801. It was also used by Edinburgh, Glasgow, and
Dublin publishers, whose edns. have no independent value,
and are not here noted.]
1755 An Essay upon the Life, Writings, and Character, Of Dr.
Jonathan Swift. ... By Deane Swift, Esq; ... London,
Printed for Charles Bathurst, ... MDCCLV.
1767 An Appendix To Dr. Swift's Works ... London, Printed for
W. B. and sold by S. Bladon, ... MDCCLXVII.
1770 (?) The Trader's Garland, Composed of Five Excellent
[Page lix]
New Songs. ... Licensed and entered according tn [sic] order.
1776 Additions to the Works of Alexander Pope, Esq. Together
with Many Original Poems and Letters, Of Cotemporary
Writers, Never Before Published. In Two Volumes. ...
London: Printed for H. Baldwin, ... 1776.
1779 The Works of the English Poets. With Prefaces, ... by
Samuel Johnson. ... [Vols. 39 and 40 contain Swift's Poems;
but this trade edition has no textual or editorial value.]
1780-2. A Select Collection of Poems: With Notes Biographical
and Historical. ... London: Printed By and For J. Nichols,
... [Eight volumes.]
1784 The Works of the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Swift, ... Arranged,
Revised, and Corrected, with Notes, By Thomas Sheridan,
A.M. A New Edition, in Seventeen Volumes. London:
Printed for C. Bathurst, ... M DCC LXXXIV. [See under
1789 Miscellaneous Pieces, In Prose and Verse. By the Rev. Dr.
Jonathan Swift, ... Not Inserted in Mr. Sheridan's Edition
Of the Dean's Works. London: Printed for C. Dilly, ...
Literary Relics: Containing Original Letters from ... Swift, To
which is prefixed, An Inquiry into the Life of Dean Swift.
By George-Monck Berkeley, Esq.; ... London: Printed for
C. Elliot ... M,DCC,LXXXIX. [2nd edn. 1792.]
1801 The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D., Dean of St.
Patrick's, Dublin. Arranged by Thomas Sheridan, ... A
New Edition, In Nineteen Volumes; Corrected and Revised
By John Nichols, ... London: Printed for J. Johnson, J.
Nichols, ...1801. [See under 1784. Further edns., 1803,
24 vols., 1808, 19 vols.]
1804 Swiftiana. Vol. I. [Vol. II.] ... Printed for Richard Phillips,
71, St. Pauls Church Yard. 1804.
1806-7 The Poetical Works of Jonathan Swift; ... by Thomas
Park, Esq. F.S.A. In Four Volumes. ... London: Printed
at the Stanhope Pres, by Charles Whittingham, ... 1806-7.
[No independent value.]
1808 An Essay On The Earlier Part of the Life of Swift. By the
Rev. John Barrett, D.D. ... To Which are Subjoined Several
Pieces Ascribed to Swift; ... London: Printed for J. Johnson;
J. Nichols and Son;...1808.
[Page lx]
1814 The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Dean of St. Patrick's,
Dublin; Containing Additional Letters, Tracts, and Poems,
Not Hitherto Published; With Notesand A Life of the Author,
By Walter Scott, Esq ... Edinburgh: Printed for Archibald
Constable and Co. ... 1814. [In nineteen volumes. A 2nd
edn. in nineteen volumes, 1824, containing further additions.
Reprinted in nineteen volumes, 1883.]
1822 [The British Poets. Vols. 37-9.] The Poems of Jonathan
Swift. ... Chiswick: From the Press of C. Whittingham, College
House. [No independent value.]
1833-4. The Poetical Works of Jonathan Swift. [Aldine Edition.] ...
London William Pickering. [In three volumes,
based on Scott's 2nd edn., 1824. Further edns. 1853, 1866.]
1841 The Works of Jonathan Swift, ... Containing Interesting
and Valuable Papers, Not Hitherto Published. In Two
Volumes. With Memoirs of the Author, by Thomas Roscoe;
... London: Henry Washbourne, ... 1841. [A number
of later edns.]
1849 The Closing Years of Dean Swift's Life; ... By W. R.
Wilde, ... Dublin: Hodges and Smith. ... 1849. [2nd edn.
in the same year.]
1875 The Life of Jonathan Swift. By John Forster. Volume the
First. 1667-1711. London: John Murray, Albemarle
Street. 1875.
1882 The Life of Jonathan Swift ... By Henry Craik, M.A. ...
London: John Murray, Albemarle Street, 1882. [2nd edn.
1894, 2 vols.]
1897-1908. The Prose Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Edited
by Temple Scott ... London George Bell and Sons. [Ten
1910 The Poems of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Edited by William
Ernst Browning ... London G. Bell and Sons, Ltd. 1910.
[Two volumes.]
1910-14. The Correspondence of Jonathan Swift, D.D. Edited
by F. Elrington Ball ... London G. Bell and Sons, Ltd.
[Six volumes.]
1921 Vanessa And Her Correspondence with Jonathan Swift ...
With an Introduction by A. Martin Freeman ... London
Selwyn & Blount, Ltd.
1929 Swift's Verse An Essay By F. Elrington Ball, Litt. D. ...
London John Murray, Albemarle Street, W.
[Page lxi]
1931 Studies in English ... The University of Toronto Press 1931.
[Contains an essay on 'Swift's View of Poetry' by Herbert
1934 Swift Gulliver's Travels and Selected Writings in Prose &
Verse. Ed. John Hayward. Nonesuch Press, Bloomsbury,
1935 The Letters of Jonathan Swift to Charles Ford. Ed. D.
Nichol Smith ... Oxford At the Clarendon Press MCMXXXV.
[Prints six of Swift's poems from the Ford papers,---two
from Swift's autograph.]
1935 The Drapier's Letters to the People of Ireland ... Ed.
Herbert Davis. Oxford At the Clarendon Press MCMXXXV.
[Contains notes and bibliographical detail relative to verses
connected with the Drapier.]
In addition to eighteenth-century periodicals specifically mentioned
in the preceding list useful information has been derived
from Abel Boyer's Political State of Great Britain, the Gentleman's
Magazine, London Magazine, and European Magazine. At a
later date valuable communications have appeared in Notes and
Queries, The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer, The Times
Literary Supplement, the Review of English Studies, the Book-Collector's
Quarterly, and other publications.
The published correspondence and memoirs of Swift's contemporaries,
the various reports of the Historical Manuscripts' Commission,
Nichols's Literary Anecdotes and Literary Illustrations throw
light upon dates, ascriptions, and other matters.
Sale catalogues of libraries dispersed during the last two centuries
have been laid under contribution.
The Catalogue of the Bradshaw Collection of Irish Books in the
University Library Cambridge and the Catalogue of the Books &
Manuscripts Comprising the Library of the late Sir John T. Gilbert,
a collection now in the keeping of the City of Dublin, are valuable
reference works for all students of Dublin printed books,
[Page lxii]
pamphlets, and broadsheets; and Sir J. T. Gilbert's scholarly History
of the City of Dublin contains occasional notices of printers and their
publications. To these should be added Plomer's Dictionary of
Booksellers and Printers, which contains, in the 1726-75 volume,
a section devoted to Irish printers, booksellers, and stationers, compiled
by Mr. E. R. Mc C. Dix.
[Page 3]
Early Odes
For the periods of Swift's residences under the roof of Sir William
Temple at Moor Park consult Forster's Life, [Footnote: 1Kb]
pp. 53-103, Craik's Life,
2nd edn., i. 26-94, and Lecky's 'Biographical Introduction' to Temple
Scott's edition of the Prose Works, i, pp. xv-xxii.
It is at this time, when Swift was between twenty-two and twenty-three
years old, that we meet with the earliest essays in the art of verse
which are, beyond doubt, authentically his. Cowley's attempts to transplant
the pindaric ode set a fashion, and, in common with others, Swift
was beguiled into imitation. The first of his pindarics to appear in print
was his 'Ode to the Athenian Society', published in The Supplement to the
Fifth Volume of the Athenian Gazette, 1692; the second, if it be Swift's,
was the 'Ode to the King on his Irish Expedition', printed in vol. iv of
Fairbrother's Miscellanies, 1735; the third was the 'Ode to Sir William
Temple', printed in vol. x of the Miscellanies, 1745; the fourth was the
'Ode to Dr. William Sancroft', included by Nichols in Miscellaneous
Pieces, 1789.
In a group with these are two odes, or addresses, in heroic couplets, also
first printed in 1789, the ode 'To Mr. Congreve', and that 'Occasioned
by Sir William Temple's late Illness and Recovery'.
An 'Ode to King William on his Successes in Ireland', composed in
quatrains, was rescued by Nichols from The Gentleman's Journal for July,
1692, and attributed to Swift; but there is good reason to suppose that
the ode written in honour of King William was in pindaric form, and that
the authentic ode is that printed by Fairbrother in 1735.
The odes are here arranged in their order of composition, not that of
Apparently also, in these early days, Swift began another ode called
'The Poet', from which he quotes in the ode 'To Mr. Congreve' (see
p. 49 n.). In a letter of 3 May, 1692, he speaks of a translation of Virgil
which he was then attempting, and refers to a poem called 'the Ramble'
(Corresp. i. 365-6). These three pieces have not been traced.
[Page 4]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: ODE to the KING.
On his Irish Expedition.
The Success of his Arms in general. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
Written in the Year 1691.
[1] The troubles following upon the revolution led to an exodus of refugees
from Ireland; and with them came Swift early in 1689. After a visit to
his mother at Leicester he entered the household of Sir William Temple
at Moor Park before the close of the same year. In May, 1690, he returned
to Ireland armed with a letter (Corresp. i. 1) of recommendation from
Temple to Sir Robert Southwell, Secretary of State. He was back in
England about August, 1691; and, after visits to Leicester and Oxford,
he reached Moor Park in December.
[2] On 1 July (o.s.), 1690, while Swift was in Ireland, was sought the
battle of the Boyne. He is known to have written an ode celebrating
William's Irish successes, composed presumably 1690-1. In his 'Ode to
the Athenian Society' he refers to 'an Humble Chaplet for the King', and
explains the allusion with a marginal note,---'The Ode I writ to the King
in Ireland'. Furthermore, Deane Swift, writing 7 June, 1778, says that
'five or six and forty years ago' Mrs. Whiteway showed him the Dean's
'Ode to King William', apparently in printed form, but that, owing to its
'Pindarique way' he was unable to drudge through more than fifty or
sixty lines of it (Nichols's Literary Illustrations, v. 382). He had previously
in his Essay on the Life of Swift, 1755, p. 118, counted the 'Ode
to King William' with the pindarics, although he was mistaken in supposing
that it had appeared in the Athenian Oracle. But when as an editor,
in 1765, he added a number of verse pieces hitherto omitted from the
Works he made no attempt to recover the ode addressed to King William,
perhaps because he regarded it as unreadable.
[3] In 1780, however, the industrious John Nichols, in his Select Collection
of Poems, printed an 'Ode to King William, On his Successes in Ireland',
with the following footnote: 'With much pleasure I here present to the
publick an Ode which had long been sought after without success. That
it is Swift's, I have not the least doubt; ... He refers to it in the second
stanza of his "Ode to the Athenian Society", ... See the "English Poets",
[Page 5]
vol. xxxix, p. 10; and "The Gentleman's Journal", July, 1692, p. 13.' At
the reference given by Nichols to Johnson's English Poets a footnote merely
states that the ode to the king 'cannot now be recovered'; in The Gentleman's
Journal, loc. cit., appears the poem which Nichols claimed for
Swift. It is entitled 'TO THE KING', and a prefatory note informs the
reader that 'I have here some Verses upon the KING's Success in Ireland:
You will find that tho they were written long ago, they carry their Recommendation
by their Value, and it had been Pity to have conceal'd them,
as their Author does himself'. Following upon the text of the poem, which
runs to twelve four-line stanzas, some clue is offered to the author: 'I need
not tell you that the Gentleman that wrote these Verses, hath merited
highly the name of Vates in every respect. The intire Reduction of
Ireland, and our late Victory over the French at Sea, make it obvious
enough'. This does not carry us very far; but, if anything, suggests
reference to an older and better-known person than was Swift at the time.
Nor does the poem in the least resemble the ode which Deane Swift avers
that he and Mrs. Whiteway understood to be Swift's. It is not pindaric
in form; and it does not run to the fifty or sixty lines after which Deane
Swift desisted from reading. Furthermore, we know that at this time
Swift was immersed in ambitious imitations of Cowley. An ode to the
king would almost certainly have been thrown into pindaric form, as he
understood it. And, if it were, we should get the most probable grouping
of his six early odes. Four in pindarics would then be followed by two in
heroic couplets, [Footnote: 1Kb]
suggesting that he had learned to abandon a form unnatural
to him. There is indeed no evidence to support Nichols's confident
attribution to Swift of the poem he unearthed from The Gentleman's
Journal. He included it, however, as Swift's, in the volume of Miscellaneous
Pieces, 1789, which was published as a supplement to Sheridan's
edition of the Dean's Works, 1784, whence it has been adopted by subsequent
[4] Between 1728 and 1735 Samuel Fairbrother, the Dublin printer, published
four volumes of Miscellanies, the earlier volumes drawn from the
Swift and Pope miscellany volumes published in London, the fourth
extracted from the edition of Swift's Works in four volumes published in
Dublin, by Faulkner, in 1735. Fairbrother claimed, over and above his
borrowings from Faulkner, to have added in his fourth volume several
poems 'taken from the D---ns own Original Manuscripts'. An examination
of the verse section of his 1735 volume leaves no doubt that he had
access to manuscripts unused by Faulkner. [Footnote: 1Kb]
The first poem printed by
him is a pindaric 'Ode to the King on his Irish Expedition'. Its turgid
style reads uncommonly like Swift's other attempts in the same form; and
[Page 6]
it is reasonable to believe that this is the lost ode for which Nichols and
others sought in vain. It has the merit also of answering to Deane Swift's
[5] This may be Swift's lost ode, and Nichols was probably wrong; but
convincing evidence is lacking. Both pieces are, therefore, here printed,
the pindaric ode first, as it appeared in Vol. IV. of the Miscellanies Begun
by Jonathan Swift, D.D. and Alexander Pope, Esq. ... Dublin, Printed
by and for Samuel Fairbrother, ... 1735, Verse section, pp. 1-6.
1 Sure there's some Wondrous Joy in Doing Good;
2 Immortal Joy, that suffers no Allay from Fears,
3 Nor dreads the Tyranny of Years,
4 By none but its Possessors to be understood:
5 Else where's the Gain in being Great?
6 Kings would indeed be Victims of the State;
7 What can the Poet's humble Praise?
8 What can the Poet's humble Bays?
9 (We Poets oft our Bays allow,
10 Transplanted to the Hero's Brow)
11 Add to the Victor's Happiness?
12 What do the Scepter, Crown and Ball,
13 Rattles for Infant Royalty to play withal,
14 But serve t' adorn the Baby-dress
15 Of one poor Coronation-day,
16 To make the Pageant gay:
17 A three Hours Scene of empty Pride,
18 And then the Toys are thrown aside.
1 But the Delight of Doing Good
2 Is fix't like Fate among the Stars,
3 And Deifi'd in Verse;
4 'Tis the best Gemm in Royalty,
[Page 7]
5 The Great Distinguisher of Blood,
6 Parent of Valour and of Fame,
7 Which makes a Godhead of a Name,
8 And is Contemporary to Eternity.
9 This made the Ancient Romans to afford
10 To Valour and to Virtue the same Word:
11 To shew the Paths of both must be together trod,
12 Before the Hero can commence a God.
1 These are the Ways
2 By which our happy Prince carves out his Bays;
3 Thus he has fix'd His Name
4 First, in the mighty List of Fame,
5 And thus He did the Airy Goddess Court,
6 He sought Her out in Fight,
7 And like a Bold Romantick Knight
8 Rescu'd Her from the Giant' Fort:
9 The Tyrant Death lay crouching down,
10 Waiting for Orders at his Feet,
11 Spoil'd of his Leaden Crown;
12 He trampled on this Haughty Bajazet,
13 Made him his Footstool in the War,
14 And a Grim Slave to wait on his Triumphal Car.
1 And now I in the Spirit see
2 (The Spirit of Exalted Poetry)
3 I see the Fatal Fight begin;
4 And, lo! where a Destroying Angel stands,
5 (By all but Heaven and Me unseen,)
6 With Lightning in his Eyes, and Thunder in his Hands;
7 In vain, said He, does [Footnote: 1Kb]
Utmost Thule boast
8 No poys'nous Beast will in Her breed,
9 Or no Infectious Weed,
[Page 8]
10 When she sends forth such a malignant Birth,
11 When Man himself's the Vermin of Her Earth;
12 When Treason there in Person seems to stand,
13 And Rebel is the growth and manufacture of the Land.
14 He spake, and a dark Cloud flung o're his light,
15 And hid him from Poetick sight,
16 And (I believe) began himself the Fight,
17 For strait I saw the Field maintain'd,
18 And what I us'd to laugh at in Romance,
19 And thought too great ev'n for effects of Chance,
20 The Battel almost by Great William's single Valour gain'd;
21 The Angel (doubtless) kept th' Eternal Gate,
22 And stood 'twixt Him and every Fate;
23 And all those flying Deaths that aim'd him from the Field,
24 (Th' impartial Deaths which come
25 Like Love, wrapt up in Fire;
26 And like that too, make every breast their home)
27 Broke on his everlasting Shield.
1 The Giddy Brittish Populace,
2 That Tyrant-Guard on Peace,
3 Who watch Her like a Prey,
4 And keep Her for a Sacrifice,
5 And must be sung, like Argus, into ease
6 Before this Milk-white Heifer can be stole away,
7 Our Prince has charm'd its many hundred Eyes;
8 Has lull'd the Monster in a Deep
9 And (I hope) an Eternal Sleep,
10 And has at last redeem'd the Mighty Prize
11 The Scots themselves, that Discontented Brood,
12 Who always loudest for Religion bawl,
13 (As those still do wh'have none at all)
14 Who claim so many Titles to be Jews,
15 (But, surely such whom God did never for his People chuse)
[Page 9]
16 Still murmuring in their Wilderness for Food,
17 Who pine us like a Chronical Disease;
18 And one would think 'twere past Omnipotence to please;
19 Your Presence all their Native Stubborness controuls,
20 And for a while unbends their contradicting Souls:
21 As in old Fabulous Hell,
22 When some Patrician God wou'd visit the Immortal Jayl,
23 The very Brightness of His Face
24 Suspended every Horror of the Place,
25 The Gyants under Ætna ceas'd to groan,
26 And Sisiphus lay sleeping on his Stone.
27 Thus has our Prince compleated every Victory,
28 And glad Iërne now may see
29 Her Sister Isles are Conquered too as well as She.
1 How vainly (Sir) did Your fond Enemy try
2 Upon a rubbish Heap of broken Laws
3 To climb at Victory
4 Without the Footing of a Cause;
5 His Lawrel now must only be a Cypress Wreath,
6 And His best Victory a Noble Death;
7 His scrap of Life is but a Heap of Miseries,
8 The Remnant of a falling Snuff,
9 Which hardly wants another puff,
10 And needs must stink when e're it dies;
11 Whilst at Your Victorious Light
12 All lesser ones expire,
13 Consume, and perish from our sight,
14 Just as the Sun puts out a Fire;
15 And every foolish Flye that dares to aim
16 To buzz about the mighty Flame;
17 The wretched Insects singe their Wings, and fall,
18 And humbly at the bottom crawl.
[Page 10]
1 That Restless Tyrant, who of late
2 Is grown so impudently Great,
3 That Tennis-Ball of Fate;
4 This Gilded Meteor which flyes
5 As if it meant to touch the Skies;
6 For all its boasted height,
7 For all its Plagiary Light,
8 Took its first Growth and Birth
9 From the worst [Footnote: 1Kb]
Excrements of Earth;
10 Stay but a little while and down again 'twill come,
11 And end as it began, in Vapour, Stink, and Scum.
12 Or has he like some fearful Star appear'd?
13 Long dreaded for his Bloody Tail and Fiery Beard,
14 Transcending Nature's ordinary Laws,
15 Sent by just Heaven to threaten Earth
16 With War, and Pestilence, and Dearth,
17 Of which it is at once the Prophet and the Cause.
18 How're it be, the Pride of France
19 Has finish'd its short Race of Chance,
20 And all Her boasted Influences are
21 Rapt in the Vortex of the British Star;
22 Her Tyrant too an unexpected Wound shall feel
23 In the last wretched Remnant of his Days;
24 Our Prince has hit Him, like Achilles, in the Heel,
25 The poys'nous Darts has made him reel,
26 Giddy he grows, and down is hurl'd,
27 And as a Mortal to his [Footnote: 1Kb]
Vile Disease,
28 Falls sick in the Posteriors of the World.
[Page 11]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: ODE to KING WILLIAM,
ON HIS SUCCESSES IN IRELAND [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Gentleman's Journal: Or the Monthly Miscellany, July, 1692, p. 13.
The Whimsical Medley, ii. 391. [Ref. W.M.]
[2] A Select Collection of Poems: ... London: Printed by and for J. Nichols,
Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street. MDCCLXXX. iv. 303.
[3] Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse. By the Rev. Dr. Jonathan Swift,
... Not inserted in Mr. Sheridan's Edition of the Dean's Works. London:
Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry. MDCCLXXXIX. p. 239.
[4] The text of this ode, attributed to Swift by Nichols, and since included
in editions of the Dean's Works, is reprinted from The Gentleman's Journal,
1692. The poem found a place in the manuscript miscellany, The Whimsical
Medley, preserved in the library of Trinity College, Dublin. The poem
is there headed,
[5] 'On King William's Success in Ireland.
[6] To the King.'
[7] Two variants in the manuscript are noted.
1 To purchase Kingdoms, and to buy Renown,
2 Are Arts peculiar to dissembling France:
3 You, Mighty Monarch, Nobler Actions Crown,
4 And solid Virtue does Your Name advance.
1 Your matchless Courage with Your Prudence joins
2 The glorious Structure of Your Fame to raise;
3 With its own Light Your dazling Glory shines,
4 And into Adoration turns our [Footnote: 1Kb]
1 Had You by dull Succession gain'd Your Crown,
2 (Cowards are Monarchs by that Title made)
3 Part of Your Merit Chance wou'd call her own,
4 And half Your Virtues had been lost in Shade.
[Page 12]
1 But now Your Worth its just Reward shall have;
2 What Trophies and what Triumphs are your Due! [Footnote: 1Kb]
3 Who cou'd so well a dying Nation save,
4 At once deserve a Crown, and gain it too. [Footnote: 1Kb]
1 You saw how near we were to Ruin brought,
2 You saw th' impetuous Torrent rolling on;
3 And timely on the coming Danger thought,
4 Which we cou'd neither obviate, nor shun.
1 Britannia stript from her sole Guard the Laws,
2 Ready to fall Rome's bloody Sacrifice;
3 You strait step in, and from the Monster's Jaws
4 Did bravely snatch the lovely helpless Prize.
1 Nor is this all: As glorious is the Care
2 To preserve Conquests, as at first to gain:
3 In this Your Virtue claims a double share,
4 Which, what it bravely Won, do's well Maintain.
1 Your Arm has now Your Rightful Title show'd;
2 An Arm on which all Europe's Hopes depend,
3 To which they look as to some Guardian God
4 That must their doubtful Liberty defend.
1 Amaz'd Thy Action at the BOYNE we see! [Footnote: 1Kb]
2 When Schonberg [Footnote: 1Kb]
Started at the Vast Design:
3 The boundless Glory all Redounds to Thee,
4 Th' Impulse, the Fight, th' Event, were wholly Thine.
[Page 13]
1 The brave Attempt do's all our Foes disarm,
2 You need but now give Orders and Command;
3 Your Name shall the remaining Work perform,
4 And spare the Labour of Your Conquering Hand.
1 France do's in vain her feeble Arts apply
2 To interrupt the Fortune of Your Course:
3 Your Influence do's the vain Attacks defy
4 Of secret Malice, or of open Force.
1 Boldly we hence the brave Commencement Date
2 Of glorious Deeds, that must all Tongues Employ:
3 WILLIAM's the Pledge and Earnest given by Fate
4 Of England's Glory, and her lasting Joy.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: ODE
Athenian Society. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Supplement to the Fifth volume of the Athenian Gazette; ... London,
Printed for John Dunton at the Raven in the Poultry, ... [1691-2], p. 1.
[2] A Supplement to the Athenian Oracle: ... London, Printed for Andrew Bell, ... 1710. p. 111.
[3] Sphinx: A Poem, Ascrib'd to Certain Anonymous Authors. By the Rev'd.
Dean S---T. ... Dublin: Printed in the Year 1724-5.
[Page 14]
[4] The Athenian Oracle: ... Vol. IV. The Third Edition. ... London, ...
[5] Miscellanies. The Tenth Volume. By Dr. Swift. London: Printed for
R. Dodsley in Pall-mall. M.DCC.XLV. p. 178 (1750, p. 178).
[6] Miscellanies, 1751, xiii. 175.
[7] The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1), 229.
[8] With this ode (if we ignore doubtful attributions) Swift saw himself in
print for the first time. The poem was 'rough drawn in a week, and
finished in two days after' (Corresp. i. 363). It was published by John
Dunton, in the supplement to the Fifth Volume of the Athenian Gazette,
early in 1692, prefaced with a letter from Swift, dated from Moor Park.
The Athenian Gazette, renamed the Athenian Mercury, was a periodical
published weekly from 17 March, 1689-90, to 8 February, 1695-6,
resolving all queries addressed to it by correspondents. In 1710, and
again in 1728, the ode was reprinted in a fourth, and supplementary,
volume of selections from the Athenian Gazette, of which three volumes
first appeared in 1703 under the title of The Athenian Oracle. The
poem also appeared in a curious little eight-leaf Dublin pamphlet,
entitled Sphinx. It was included with Swift's works in the Miscellanies
volume of 1745. The prefatory letter was not included in Sphinx, or
in the successive editions of Swift's works.
[9] Swift's interest in Dunton's venture may have been due to the fact that
Sir William Temple was a contributor (Dunton's Life and Errors, 1705,
p. 261). In the same work (p. 260) Dunton refers to Swift as 'a Country
Gentleman' who sent 'an ingenious Poem', which 'was prefixt to the Fifth
Supplement of the Athenian Mercury'. According to Johnson, in his life of
Swift, this was the poem which led Dryden to observe, 'Cousin Swift, you
will never be a poet', words which were 'the motive of Swift's perpetual
malevolence to Dryden'.
[10] The text is here given as it appeared in the supplement to the Athenian Gazette.
Athenian Society.
Moor-park, Feb. 14. 1691.
[12] Since every Body pretends to trouble you with their
Follies, I thought I might claim the Priviledge of an
English-man, and put in my share among the rest. Being
[Page 15]
last year in Ireland, (from whence I returned about half a
year ago) I heard only a loose talk of your Society, and
believed the design to be only some new Folly just suitable to
the Age, which God knows, I little expected ever to produce
any thing extraordinary. Since my being in England, having
still continued in the Countrey, and much out of Company; I
had but little advantage of knowing any more, till about two
Months ago passing through Oxford, a very learned Gentleman
there, first shew'd me two or three of your Volumes, and
gave me his Account and Opinion of you; a while after, I came
to this place, upon a Visit to---where I have been ever since,
and have seen all the four Volumes with their Supplements,
which answering my Expectation. The perusal has produced,
what you find inclosed.
[13] As I have been somewhat inclined to this Folly, so I have
seldom wanted some-body to flatter me in it. And for the Ode
inclosed, I have sent it to a Person of very great Learning and
Honour, and since to some others, the best of my Acquaintance,
(to which I thought very proper to inure it for a greater
light) and they have all been pleased to tell me, that they are
sure it will not be unwelcome, and that I should beg the
Honour of You to let it be Printed before Your next Volume
(which I think, is soon to be published,) it being so usual before
most Books of any great value among Poets, and before it's seeing
the World, I submit it wholly to the Correction of your Pens.
[14] I intreat therefore one of You would descend so far, as to
write two or three lines to me of your Pleasure upon it. Which
as I cannot but expect from Gentlemen, who have so well shewn
upon so many occasions, that greatest Character of Scholars,
in being favourable to the Ignorant, So I am sure nothing at
present, can more highly oblige me, or make me happier.
I am,
Your ever most Humble,
and most admiring Servant.
Jonathan Swift.
[Page 16]
1 AS when the Deluge first began to fall,
2 That mighty Ebb never to flow again,
3 (When this huge Bodies Moisture was so great
4 It quite o'recame the vital Heat,)
5 That Mountain which was highest first of all
6 Appear'd, above the Universal Main,
7 To bless the Primitive Sailer's weary sight,
8 And 'twas perhaps Parnassus, if in height
9 It be as great as 'tis in Fame,
10 And nigh to Heaven as is its Name.
11 So after th' Inundation of a War
12 When Learnings little Houshold did embark
13 With her World's fruitful System in her sacred Ark,
14 At the first Ebb of Noise and Fears,
15 Philosophy's exalted head appears;
16 And the Dove-muse, will now no longer stay
17 But plumes her Silver Wings and flies away,
18 And now a Laurel wreath she brings from far,
19 To Crown the happy Conquerour,
20 To shew the Flood begins to cease,
21 And brings the dear Reward of Victory and Peace.
1 The eager Muse took wing upon the Waves decline,
2 When War her cloudy aspect just withdrew,
3 When the Bright Sun of Peace began to shine,
4 And for a while in heav'nly Contemplation sate
5 On the high Top of peaceful Ararat;
6 And pluckt a Laurel branch (for Laurel was the first
7 that grew,
8 The first of Plants after the Thunder, Storm, and Rain)
9 And thence with joyful, nimble Wing
10 Flew dutifully back again,
11 And made an Humble [Side note: 1Kb]
Chaplet [Footnote: 1Kb]
for the King.
[Page 17]
12 And the Dove-muse is fled once more,
13 (Glad of the Victory, yet frighted at the War)
14 And now discovers from afar
15 A Peaceful and a Flourishing Shore:
16 No sooner does [Footnote: 1Kb]
she land
17 On the delightful Strand,
18 When [Footnote: 1Kb]
strait she sees the Countrey all around,
19 Where fatal Neptune rul'd e'rewhile,
20 Scatter'd with flowry Vales, with fruitful Gardens crown'd,
21 And many a pleasant Wood,
22 As if the Universal Nile
23 Had rather water'd it, than drown'd:
24 It seems some floating piece of Paradice,
25 Preserv'd by wonder from the Flood,
26 Long wandring thrô the Deep, as we are told
27 Fam'd Delos [Footnote: 1Kb]
did of old,
28 And the transported Muse imagin'd it
29 To be a fitter Birth-place for the God of Wit;
30 Or the much-talkt Oracular Grove
31 When with amazing Joy she hears
32 An unknown Musick all around,
33 Charming her greedy Ears
34 With many a heavenly Song
35 Of Nature and of Art, of deep Philosophy and Love,
36 Whilst Angles tune the Voice, and God inspires the Tongue.
37 In vain she catches at the empty Sound,
38 In vain pursues the Musick with her longing Eye,
39 And Courts the wanton Echoes as they fly.
1 Pardon De great Unknown, and far-exalted Men,
2 The wild excursions of a youthful pen;
[Page 18]
3 Forgive a young and (almost) Virgin-muse,
4 Whom blind and eager Curiosity
5 (Yet Curiosity they say,
6 Is in her Sex a Crime needs no excuse)
7 Has forc't to grope her uncouth way
8 After a mighty Light that leads her wandring Eye;
9 No wonder then she quits the narrow Path of Sense
10 For a dear Ramble thro' Impertinence,
11 Impertinence, the Scurvy of Mankind,
12 And all we Fools, who are the greater part of it,
13 Tho' we be of two different Factions still,
14 Both the Good-natur'd and the Ill,
15 Yet wheresoe're you look you'll always find
16 We join like Flyes, and Wasps, in buzzing about Wit.
17 In me, who am of the first Sect of these,
18 All Merit that transcends the humble Rules
19 Of my own dazled, scanty Sense
20 Begets a kinder Folly and Impertinence
21 Of Admiration and of Praise:
22 And our good Brethren of the Surly Sect
23 Must e'en all herd with us their Kindred Fools,
24 For tho' possess'd of present Vogue they've made
25 Railing a Rule of Wit, and Obloquy a Trade,
26 Yet the same want of Brains produces each effect;
27 And you whom Pluto's Helm does wisely shroud
28 From us the Blind and thoughtless Croud,
29 Like the fam'd Hero in his Mother's Cloud,
30 Who both our Follies and Impertinencies see,
31 Do laugh perhaps at theirs, and pity mine and me.
1 But Censure's to be understood
2 Th' Authentick mark of the Elect,
3 The publick Stamp Heav'n sets on all that's Great and Good,
4 Our shallow Search and Judgment to direct.
[Page 19]
5 The War [Footnote: 1Kb]
methinks has made
6 Our Wit and Learning, narrow as our Trade;
7 Instead of boldly sailing far to buy
8 A Stock of Wisdom and Philosophy,
9 We fondly stay at home in fear
10 Of ev'ry censuring Privateer,
11 Forcing a wretched Trade by beating down the sale,
12 And selling basely by Retail,
13 The Wits, I mean the Atheists of the Age,
14 Who fain would rule the Pulpit, as they do the Stage,
15 Wondrous Refiners of Philosophy,
16 Of Morals and Divinity,
17 By the new Modish System of reducing all to sense,
18 Against all Logick and concluding Laws,
19 Do own th'Effects of Providence,
20 And yet deny the Cause.
1 This hopeful Sect, now it begins to see
2 How little, very little do prevail
3 Their first and chiefest force
4 To censure, to cry down, and rail,
5 Not knowing What, or Where, or Who, You be,
6 Will quickly take another course
7 And by their never-failing ways
8 Of Solving all Appearances they please,
9 We soon shall see them to their ancient Methods fall,
10 And straight deny you to be Men, or any thing at all;
11 I laugh at the grave Answer they will make,
12 Which they have always ready, general and Cheap;
13 'Tis but to say, that what we daily meet,
14 And by a fond mistake
[Page 20]
15 Perhaps imagine to be wondrous Wit
16 And think, alas, to be by mortals writ,
17 Is but a Crowd of Atoms justling in a heap,
18 Which from Eternal Seeds begun,
19 Justling some thousand years till ripen'd by
20 the Sun,
21 They're now, just now, as naturally born,
22 As from the Womb of Earth a field of Corn.
1 But as for poor contented Me,
2 Who must my Weakness and my Ignorance confess,
3 That I believe in much, I ne're can hope to see;
4 Methinks I'm satisfied to guess
5 That this New, Noble, and Delightful Scene
6 Is wonderfully mov'd by some exalted Men,
7 Who have well studied in the Worlds Disease,
8 (That Epidemick Error and Depravity
9 Or in our Judgment or our Eye)
10 That what surprises us can only please:
11 We often search contentedly the whole World round,
12 To make some great Discovery,
13 And scorn it when 'tis found.
14 Just so the Mighty Nile has suffer'd in it's Fame,
15 Because 'tis said, (and perhaps only said)
16 We've found a little inconsiderable Head
17 That feeds the huge unequal stream.
18 Consider Humane Folly, and you'll quickly own,
19 That all the Praises it can give,
20 By which some fondly boast they shall for ever live,
21 Won't pay th' Impertinence of being known;
22 Else why should the fam'd Lydian King, [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 Whom all the Charms of an Usurped Wife and State,
[Page 21]
24 With all that Power unfelt, courts Mankind to be Great,
25 Did with new, unexperienc't Glories wait,
26 Still wear, still doat on his Invisible Ring. [Footnote: 1Kb]
1 Were I to form a regular Thought of Fame,
2 Which is perhaps as hard t'imagine right
3 As to paint Eccho to the Sight:
4 I would not draw th' Idea from an empty Name;
5 Because, alas, when we all dye
6 Careless and Ignorant Posterity,
7 Although they praise the Learning and the Wit,
8 And tho' the Title seems to show
9 The Name and Man, by whom the Book was writ,
10 Yet how shall they be brought to know
11 Whether that very Name was He, or You, or I?
12 Less should I dawb it o're with transitory Praise,
13 And water-colours of these Days,
14 These Days! where ev'n th'Extravagance of Poetry
15 Is at a loss for Figures to express
16 Men's Folly, Whimsyes, and Inconstancy,
17 And by a faint Description make [Footnote: 1Kb]
them less.
18 Then tell us what is Fame? where shall we search for it?
19 Look where exalted Vertue and Religion sit
20 Enthron'd with Heav'nly Wit,
21 Look where you see
22 The greatest scorn of Learned Vanity,
23 (And then how much a nothing is Mankind!
24 Whose Reason is weigh'd down by Popular air,
25 Who by that, vainly talks of bafling Death,
26 And hopes to lengthen Life by a Transfusion of Breath,
27 Which yet whoe're examines right will find
28 To be an Art as vain, as Bottling up of Wind:)
29 And when you find out these, believe true Fame is there.
30 Far above all Reward, yet to which all is due,
31 And this De great Unknown, is only known in You.
[Page 22]
1 The Jugling Sea-god when by chance trepann'd
2 By some instructed Querist sleeping on the Sand,
3 Impatient of all Answers, straight became
4 A Stealing Brook, and strove to creep away
5 Into his Native Sea,
6 Vext at their Follies, murmur'd in his Stream;
7 But disappointed of his fond Desire
8 Would vanish in a Pyramid of Fire.
9 This Surly, Slipp'ry God, when He design'd
10 To furnish his Escapes,
11 Ne'er borrow'd more variety of Shapes
12 Than You to please and satisfie Mankind,
13 And seem (almost) transform'd to Water, Flame, and Air,
14 So well you answer all Phoenomenaes there;
15 Tho' Madmen and the Wits, Philosophers and Fools,
16 With all that Factious or Enthusiastick Dotards dream,
17 And all the incohærent Jargon of the Schools,
18 Tho' all the Fumes of Fear, Hope, Love, and Shame,
19 Contrive to shock your Minds, with many a sensless doubt,
20 Doubts, where the Delphick God would grope in Ignorance
21 and Night,
22 The God of Learning and of Light
23 Would want a [Side note: 1Kb]
God Himself to help him out.
1 Philosophy, as it before us lyes,
2 Seems to have borrow'd some ungrateful tast
3 Of Doubts, Impertinence, and Niceties,
4 From ev'ry Age through which it pass't,
5 But always with a stronger relish of the Last.
6 This beauteous Queen by Heaven design'd
7 To be the great Original
8 For Man to dress and polish his Uncourtly Mind,
9 In what Mock-habits have they put her, since the Fall!
[Page 23]
10 More oft in Fools and Mad-mens hands than Sages
11 She seems a Medly of all Ages,
12 With a huge Fardingal [Footnote: 1Kb]
to swell her Fustian Stuff,
13 A new Commode, a Top-knot, and a Ruff,
14 Her Face patch't o'er with Modern Pedantry,
15 With a long sweeping Train
16 Of Comments and Disputes, ridiculous and vain,
17 All of old Cut with a new Dye,
18 How soon have You restor'd her Charms!
19 And rid her of her Lumber and Her Books,
20 Drest her again Genteel and Neat,
21 And rather Tite than Great,
22 How fond we are to court Her to our Arms!
23 How much of Heav'n is in her naked looks. [Footnote: 1Kb]
1 Thus the deluding Muse oft blinds me to her Ways,
2 And ev'n my very Thoughts transfers
3 And changes all to Beauty, and the Praise
4 Of that proud Tyrant Sex of Hers.
5 The Rebel Muse, alas, takes part
6 But with my own Rebellious Heart,
7 And You with fatal and Immortal Wit conspire
8 To fann th'unhappy Fire:
9 Cruel Unknown! what is it You intend! [Footnote: 1Kb]
10 Ah, could You! could you hope a Poet for your Friend!
11 Rather forgive what my first Transport said,
12 May all the Blood, which shall by Womans scorn be shed
13 Lye on [Footnote: 1Kb]
you, and on your Childrens Head,
14 For You (ah, did I think I e'er should live to see
15 The fatal Time when that cou'd be)
16 Have ev'n encreas't their Pride and Cruelty.
[Page 24]
17 Woman seems now above all Vanity grown,
18 Still boasting of Her Great Unknown;
19 Platonick Champions, gain'd without one Female Wile,
20 Or the vast Charges of a Smile;
21 Which 'tis a shame to see [Footnote: 1Kb]
how much of late
22 You've taught the Cov'tous Wretches to o're-rate,
23 And which they've now the Conscience to way
24 In the same Ballance with our Tears,
25 And with such Scanty Wages pay
26 The Bondage and the Slavery [Footnote: 1Kb]
of Years.
27 Let the vain sex dream on, their Empire comes from Us,
28 And had they common Generosity
29 They would not use Us thus.
30 Well---tho' you've rais'd Her to this high Degree,
31 Our selves are rais'd as well as she,
32 And 'spight of all that They or You can do,
33 'Tis Pride and Happiness enough to Me
34 Still to be of the same exalted Sex with You.
1 Alas, how fleeting, and how vain,
2 Is even the nobler Man, our Learning and our Wit,
3 I sigh when e're I think of it
4 As at the closing [Footnote: 1Kb]
an unhappy Scene
5 Of some great King and Conqu'rors Death,
6 When the sad, [Footnote: 1Kb]
melancholy Muse
7 Stays but to catch his utmost breath,
8 I grieve, this Noble [Footnote: 1Kb]
Work so happily begun,
9 So quickly, and so wonderfully carried on,
10 Must [Footnote: 1Kb]
fall at last to Interest, Folly, and Abuse.
11 There is a Noon-tide in our Lives
12 Which still the sooner it arrives,
[Page 25]
13 Altho' we boast our Winter-Sun looks bright,
14 And foolishly are glad to see it at it's height
15 Yet so much sooner comes the long and gloomy Night.
16 No Conquest ever yet begun
17 And by one mighty Hero carried to it's height
18 E'er flourish't under a Successor or a Son;
19 It lost some mighty Pieces thro' all hands it past
20 And vanisht to an empty Title in the Last.
21 For when the animating Mind is fled,
22 (Which Nature never can retain,
23 Nor e'er call back again)
24 The Body, tho' Gigantick, lyes all Cold and Dead.
1 And thus undoubtedly 'twill fare,
2 With what unhappy Men shall dare,
3 To be Successors to these Great Unknown,
4 On Learning's high-establish't Throne.
5 Censure, and Pedantry, and Pride,
6 Numberless Nations, stretching far and wide,
7 Shall (I foresee it) soon with Gothick Swarms come forth
8 From Ignorance's Universal North,
9 And with blind Rage break all this peaceful Government;
10 Yet shall these Traces of your Wit remain
11 Like a just Map to tell the vast Extent
12 Of Conquest in your short and Happy Reign;
13 And to all future Mankind shew
14 How strange a Paradox is true,
15 That Men, who liv'd and dy'd without a Name,
16 Are the chief Heroes in the sacred List of Fame.
Jonathan Swist.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 26]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: ODE
To the Honble Sir William Temple. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Miscellanies. The Tenth Volume. By Dr. Swift. London: Printed for R. Dodsley in Pall-mall. M.DCC.XLV. p. 194 (1750, p. 194).
[2] Miscellanies, 1751, xiii. 190.
[3] The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (I), 239.
[4] In the Miscellanies of 1745, where this ode was first printed, it is said
to have been 'Written at Moorpark, June 1689'. This, however, is an
extremely unlikely date. At that time Swift had barely entered Temple's
service. See below, pp. 33-4, introductory notes to the 'Ode to Sancroft'.
It is not improbable that, like that ode, the 'Ode to Temple' was antedated;
and, if begun in 1689, not completed till a year or two later.
Hawkesworth's footnote (1755) says that 'When the author's posthumous
pieces were reprinted in Ireland', this poem and the 'Ode to the Athenian
Society' were omitted. The note is intended as a stricture upon Faulkner's
[5] The text of the poem is here reprinted from the Miscellanies of 1745.
1 Virtue, the greatest of all Monarchies,
2 Till its first Emperor rebellious Man
3 Depos'd from off his Seat
4 It fell, and broke with its own Weight
5 Into small States and Principalities,
6 By many a petty Lord possess'd,
7 But ne'er since seated in one single Breast.
8 'Tis you who must this Land subdue,
9 The mighty Conquest's left for you,
10 The Conquest and Discovery too:
11 Search out this Utopian Ground,
12 Virtue's Terra Incognita,
13 Where none ever led the Way,
14 Nor ever since but in Descriptions found,
15 Like the Philosopher's Stone,
16 With Rules to search it, yet obtain'd by none.
[Page 27]
1 We have too long been led astray,
2 Too long have our misguided Souls been taught
3 With Rules from musty Morals brought,
4 'Tis you must put us in the Way;
5 Let us (for shame) no more be fed
6 With antique Reliques of the Dead,
7 The Gleanings of Philosophy,
8 Philosophy! the Lumber of the Schools,
9 The Roguery of Alchymy,
10 And we the bubbled Fools
11 Spend all our present Stock in hopes of golden Rules.
1 But what does our proud Ign'rance Learning call,
2 We odly Plato's Paradox make good,
3 Our Knowledge is but mere Remembrance all,
4 Remembrance is our Treasure and our Food;
5 Nature's fair Table-book our tender Souls
6 We scrawl all o'er with old and empty Rules,
7 Stale Memorandums of the Schools;
8 For Learning's mighty Treasures look
9 In that deep Grave a Book,
10 Think she there does all her Treasures hide,
11 And that her troubled Ghost still haunts there since she dy'd;
12 Confine her Walks to Colleges and Schools,
13 Her Priests, her Train and Followers show
14 As if they all were Spectres too,
15 They purchase Knowledge at the Expence
16 Of common Breeding, common Sense,
17 And at once grow Scholars and Fools;
18 Affect ill-manner'd Pedantry,
19 Rudeness, Ill-nature, Incivility,
20 And sick with Dregs of Knowledge grown,
21 Which greedily they swallow down,
22 Still cast it up and nauseate Company.
[Page 28]
1 Curst be the Wretch, nay doubly curst,
2 (If it may lawful be
3 To curse our greatest Enemy)
4 Who learnt himself that Heresy first
5 (Which since has seiz'd on all the rest)
6 That Knowledge forfeits all Humanity;
7 Taught us, like Spaniards, to be proud and poor,
8 And fling our Scraps before our Door.
9 Thrice happy you have 'scap't this gen'ral Pest;
10 Those mighty Epithets, Learn'd, Good, and Great,
11 Which we ne'er join'd before, but in Romances meet,
12 We find in you at last united grown.
13 You cannot be compar'd to one,
14 I must, like him that painted Venus' Face, [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 Borrow from every one a Grace;
16 Virgil and Epicurus will not do,
17 Their courting a Retreat like you,
18 Unless I put in Caesar's Learning too,
19 Your happy Frame at once controuls
20 This great triumvirate of Souls.
1 Let not old Rome boast Fabius's Fate,
2 He sav'd his Country by Delays,
3 But you by Peace, [Footnote: 1Kb]
4 You bought it at a cheaper Rate;
5 Nor has it left the usual bloody Scar,
6 To shew it cost its Price in War,
7 War! that mad Game, the World so loves to play,
8 And for it does so dearly pay;
[Page 29]
9 For though with Loss or Victory awhile
10 Fortune the Gamesters does beguile,
11 Yet at the last the Box sweeps all away.
1 Only the Laurel got by Peace
2 No Thunder e'er can blast,
3 Th' Artillery of the Skies
4 Shoots to the Earth and dies;
5 Forever [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
green and flourishing 'twill last,
6 Nor dipt in Blood, nor Widow's Tears, nor Orphan's Cries:
7 About the Head crown'd with these Bays,
8 Like Lambent Fire the Lightning plays;
9 Nor its triumphal Cavalcade to grace
10 Make up its solemn Train with Death;
11 It melts the Sword of War, yet keeps it in the Sheath.
1 The wily Shafts of State, those Juggler's Tricks
2 Which we call deep Design and Politicks
3 (As in a Theatre the Ignorant Fry,
4 Because the Cords escape their Eye
5 Wonder to see the Motions fly)
6 Methinks, when you expose the Scene,
7 Down the ill-organ'd Engines fall;
8 Off fly the Vizards and discover all,
9 How plain I see thro' the Deceit!
10 How shallow! and how gross the Cheat!
11 Look where the Pully's ty'd above!
12 Great God! (said I) what have I seen!
13 On what poor Engines move
[Page 30]
14 The Thoughts of Monarchs, and Designs of States,
15 What petty Motives rule their Fates!
16 How the Mouse makes the mighty Mountain shake!
17 The mighty Mountain labours with its birth,
18 Away the frighted Peasants fly,
19 Scar'd at th' unheard-of Prodigy,
20 Expect some great gigantick Son of Earth;
21 Lo, it appears!
22 See, how they tremble! how they quake!
23 Out starts the little Beast, and mocks their idle Fears.
1 Then tell (dear fav'rite Muse)
2 What Serpent's that which still resorts,
3 Still lurks in Palaces and Courts,
4 Take thy unwonted Flight,
5 And on the Terras light.
6 See where she lies!
7 See how she rears her Head,
8 And rolls about her dreadful Eyes,
9 To drive all Virtue out, or look it dead!
10 'Twas sure this Basilisk sent Temple thence,
11 And tho' as some ('tis said) for their Defence
12 Have worn a Casement o'er their Skin,
13 So he wore his within,
14 Made up of Virtue and transparent Innocence:
15 And tho' he oft renew'd the Fight,
16 And almost got priority of Sight,
17 He ne'er could overcome her quite,
18 (In pieces cut, the Viper still did reunite)
19 Till at last tir'd with loss of Time and Ease,
20 Resolv'd to give himself, as well as Country Peace.
1 Sing (belov'd Muse) the Pleasures of Retreat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
2 And in some untouch'd Virgin Strain
[Page 31]
3 Shew the Delights thy Sister Nature yields,
4 Sing of thy Vales, sing of thy Woods, sing of thy Fields;
5 Go publish o'er the Plain
6 How mighty a Proselyte you gain!
7 How noble a Reprisal on the Great!
8 How is the Muse luxuriant grown,
9 Whene'er she takes this Flight
10 She soars clear out of sight,
11 These are the Paradises of her own;
12 (The Pegasus, like an unruly Horse
13 Tho' ne'er so gently led
14 To the lov'd Pasture where he us'd to feed,
15 Runs violently o'er his usual Course.)
16 Wake from thy wanton Dreams,
17 Come from thy dear-lov'd Streams,
18 The crooked Paths of wandering Thames.
19 Fain the fair Nymph would stay,
20 Oft she looks back in vain,
21 Oft 'gainst her Fountain does complain,
22 And softly steals in many Windings down,
23 As loth to see the hated Court and Town,
24 And murmurs as she glides away.
1 In this new happy Scene
2 Are nobler Subjects for your learned Pen;
3 Here we expect from you
4 More than your Predecessor, Adam, knew;
5 Whatever moves our Wonder or our Sport,
6 Whatever serves for innocent Emblems of the Court;
7 (How that which we a Kernel see,
8 Whose well-compacted Forms escape the Light,
9 Unpierc'd by the blunt Rays of Sight)
10 Shall e'er long grow into a Tree,
11 Whence takes it its Increase, and whence its Birth,
12 Or from the Sun, or from the Air, or from the Earth,
[Page 32]
13 Where all the fruitful Atoms lye,
14 How some go downward to the Root,
15 Some more ambitiously upwards fly,
16 And form the Leaves, the Branches, and the Fruit.
17 You strove to cultivate a barren Court in vain,
18 Your Garden's better worth your noble Pain,
19 Hence Mankind fell, and here must rise again.
1 Shall I believe a Spirit so divine
2 Was cast in the same Mold with mine?
3 Why then does Nature so unjustly share
4 Among her Elder Sons the whole Estate?
5 And all her Jewels and her Plate,
6 Poor we Cadets of Heav'n, not worth her Care,
7 Take up at best with Lumber and the Leavings of a Fate:
8 Some she binds 'Prentice to the Spade,
9 Some to the Drudgery of a Trade,
10 Some she does to Egyptian Bondage draw,
11 Bids us make Bricks, yet sends us to look out for Straw;
12 Some she condemns for Life to try
13 To dig the leaden Mines of deep Philosophy:
14 Me she has to the Muse's Gallies ty'd,
15 In vain I strive to cross this spacious Main,
16 In vain I tug and pull the Oar,
17 And when I almost reach the Shore
18 Strait the Muse turns the Helm, and I launch out again;
19 And yet to feed my Pride,
20 Whene'er I mourn, stops my complaining Breath,
21 With promise of a mad Reversion after Death.
1 Then (Sir,) accept this worthless Verse,
2 The Tribute of an humble Muse,
3 'Tis all the Portion of my niggard Stars;
4 Nature the hidden Spark did at my Birth infuse,
[Page 33]
5 And kindled first with Indolence and Ease,
6 And since too oft debauch'd by Praise,
7 'Tis now grown an incurable Disease:
8 In vain to quench this foolish Fire I try
9 In Wisdom and Philosophy;
10 In vain all wholsome Herbs I sow,
11 Where nought but Weeds will grow.
12 Whate'er I plant (like Corn on barren Earth)
13 By an equivocal Birth
14 Seeds and runs up to Poetry.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: ODE
To Dr. William Sancroft,
Late Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse. By The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Swift,
Dean of St. Patrick's, Dublin. Not inserted in Mr. Sheridan's Edition of
The Dean's Works. London: Printed for C. Dilly, in the Poultry.
[2] Works, ed. Nichols, 1801, xviii. 395.
[3] Works, ed. Scott, 1814, xiv. 3.
[4] This poem was first printed by John Nichols in 1789, together with the
'Ode to Congreve' and the verses occasioned by Temple's illness. The three
were prefaced with a note: 'Now first published from an authentic Manuscript,
fairly and correctly written out as if intended for the Press.' Below,
in square brackets, was added: 'From the dates, it is supposed that these
were among the first, if not the very first, productions of his muse.' No
trace of this manuscript remains; and it is not stated whether the hand was
Swift's, unless the word 'authentic' is to be read in that sense; but that the
poems are by Swift cannot fairly be doubted. The 'Ode to Sancroft' is
expressly mentioned by Swift in a letter to his cousin, Thomas Swift, dated
3 May, 1692: 'I have had an ode in hand these five months inscribed to
my late Lord of Canterbury, Dr. Sancroft' (Corresp. i. 363). Nine stanzas,
he says, are finished, but he finds difficulty in completing a poem which he
had undertaken upon 'half a promise' to the Bishop of Ely. As it stands,
with twelve stanzas, the poem is still unfinished.
[Page 34]
[5] The date of Swift's letter is of interest and importance. Nichols, presumably
copying from the manuscript, heads the poem: 'Written May
1689, at the Desire of the late Lord Bishop of E---.' But three years later
it was still in hand, denying every effort. Furthermore, stanza iii refers to
Sancroft's 'divin'ty of retreat', and xi to his 'exaltation of retreat'. Although
Sancroft was suspended 1 August, 1689, and deprived 1 February, 1690,
for refusing the oath of allegiance to William and Mary, he did not leave
Lambeth until his ejectment, 23 June, 1691. We may surmise that the
poem was begun in 1689, at the request of Francis Turner, Bishop of Ely,
also a non-juror, and abandoned incomplete in 1692.
[6] This poem is one of Swift's four attempts to emulate a contemporary
fashion, wholly unnatural to him, the so-called Pindaric ode. In the letter
to his cousin Thomas, above referred to, he confesses that he is continually
altering, and can 'seldom write above two stanzas in a week'. But 'when I
write what pleases me I am Cowley to myself and can read it a hundred
times over'. In his Letter concerning the Sacramental Text, 1708, he quotes
'Mr. Cowley's Love Verses', which, even at fifteen, he 'thought extraordinary'
(Prose Works, ed. Temple Scott, iv. 10). For the greater part of
his life a copy of Cowley's works was in his library. But the modern
reader will agree with Deane Swift, that this 'was not a style of poetry that
he excelled in' (Nichols's Literary Illustrations, v. 382). Sheridan (Life,
1784, p. 15) has said all that need be said: 'The sentiments were strained
and crowded; and the numbers irregular and harsh.'
[7] The text is here reprinted from Miscellaneous Pieces, 1789.
1 Truth is eternal, and the Son of Heav'n,
2 Bright effluence of th' immortal ray,
3 Chief cherub, and chief lamp of that high sacred Seven,
4 Which guard the throne by night, and are its light by day:
5 First of God's darling attributes,
6 Thou daily seest Him face to face,
7 Nor does thy essence fix'd depend on giddy circumstance
8 Of time or place,
9 Two foolish guides in ev'ry sublunary dance:
10 How shall we find Thee then in dark disputes?
11 How shall we search Thee in a battle gain'd,
12 Or a weak argument by force maintain'd?
[Page 35]
13 In dagger-contests, and th' artillery of words,
14 (For swords are madmen's tongues, and tongues are mad
15 men's swords)
16 Contriv'd to tire all patience out,
17 And not to satisfy the doubt:
[Footnote: 1Kb]
1 But where is ev'n thy Image on our earth?
2 For of the person much I fear,
3 Since Heaven will claim its residence as well as birth,
4 And God himself has said, He shall not find it here.
5 For this inferior world is but Heaven's dusky shade,
6 By dark reverted rays from its reflection made;
7 Whence the weak shapes wild and imperfect pass,
8 Like sun-beams shot at too far distance from a glass;
9 Which all the mimic forms express,
10 Tho' in strange uncouth postures, and uncomely dress;
11 So when Cartesian artists try
12 To solve appearances of sight
13 In its reception to the eye,
14 And catch [Footnote: 1Kb]
the living landscape thro' a scanty light,
15 The figures all inverted shew,
16 And colours of a faded hue;
17 Here a pale shape with upward footstep treads,
18 And men seem walking on their heads;
19 There whole herds suspended lie
20 Ready to tumble down into the sky;
21 Such are the ways ill-guided mortals go
22 To judge of things above by things below.
23 Disjointing shapes as in the fairy-land of dreams,
24 Or images that sink in streams;
25 No wonder, then, we talk amiss
26 Of truth, and what, or where it is:
[Page 36]
27 Say Muse, for thou, if any, know'st
28 Since the bright essence fled, where haunts the reverend ghost?
1 If all that our weak knowledge titles virtue, be
2 (High Truth) the best resemblance of exalted Thee,
3 If a mind fix'd to combat fate
4 With those two pow'rful swords, Submission and Humility,
5 Sounds truly good, or truly great;
6 Ill may I live, if the good Sancroft in his holy rest,
7 In the divin'ty of retreat,
8 Be not the brightest pattern Earth can shew
9 Of heav'n-born Truth below:
10 But foolish Man still judges what is best
11 In his own balance, false and light,
12 Foll'wing Opinion, dark, and blind,
13 That vagrant leader of the mind,
14 Till Honesty and Conscience are clear out of sight.
1 And some, to be large cyphers in a state,
2 Pleas'd with an empty swelling to be counted great;
3 Make their minds travel o'er infinity of space,
4 Rapp'd through the wide expanse of thought,
5 And oft in contradiction's vortex caught,
6 To keep that worthless clod, the body, in one place:
7 Errors like this did old Astronomers misguide,
8 Led blindly on by gross philosophy and pride,
9 Who, like hard masters, taught the Sun
10 Thro' many a needless sphere to run,
11 Many an eccentric and unthrifty motion make,
12 And thousand incoherent journies take,
13 Whilst all th' advantage by it got,
14 Was but to light Earth's inconsiderable spot.
[Page 37]
15 The herd beneath, who see the weathercock of state
16 Hung loosely on the Church's pinnacle,
17 Believe it firm, because perhaps the day is mild and still;
18 But when they find it turn with the first blast of fate,
19 By gazing upwards [Footnote: 1Kb]
giddy grow,
20 And think the Church itself does so;
21 Thus fools, for being strong and num'rous known,
22 Suppose the truth, like all the world, their own;
23 And holy Sancroft's motion quite irregular appears,
24 Because 'Tis opposite to theirs.
1 In vain then would the Muse the multitude advise,
2 Whose peevish knowledge thus perversely lies
3 In gath'ring follies from the wise;
4 Rather put on thy anger and thy spight,
5 And some kind pow'r for once dispense
6 Thro' the dark mass, the dawn of so much sense,
7 To make them understand, and feel me when I write;
8 The muse and I no more revenge desire,
9 Each line shall stab, shall blast, like daggers and like fire;
10 Ah, Britain, land of angels! which of all thy sins,
11 (Say hapless Isle, altho'
12 It is a bloody list we know)
13 Has given thee up a dwelling-place to fiends?
14 Sin and the plague ever abound
15 In governments too easy, and too fruitful ground;
16 Evils which a too gentle king,
17 Too flourishing a spring,
18 And too warm summers bring:
19 Our British soil is over-rank, and breeds
20 Among the noblest flow'rs a thousand pois'nous weeds,
21 And ev'ry stinking weed so lofty grows,
22 As if 'twould overshade the Royal Rose,
23 The Royal Rose the glory of our morn,
24 But, ah, too much without a thorn.
[Page 38]
1 Forgive (Original Mildness) this ill-govern'd zeal,
2 'Tis all the angry slighted Muse can do
3 In the pollution of these days;
4 No province now is left her but to rail,
5 And Poetry has lost the art to praise,
6 Alas, the occasions are so few:
7 None e'er but you,
8 And your Almighty Master, knew
9 With heavenly peace of mind to bear
10 (Free from our tyrant-passions, anger, scorn, or fear)
11 The giddy turns of pop'lar rage,
12 And all the contradictions of a poison'd age;
13 The Son of God pronounc'd by the same breath
14 Which strait pronounc'd his death;
15 And tho' I should but ill be understood
16 In wholly equalling our sin and theirs,
17 And measuring by the scanty thread of wit
18 What we call holy, and great, and just, and good,
19 (Methods in talk whereof our pride and ignorance make use)
20 And which our wild ambition foolishly compares
21 With endless and with infinite;
22 Yet pardon, native Albion, when I say
23 Among thy stubborn sons there haunts that spirit of Jews,
24 That those forsaken wretches who to-day
25 Revile His great ambassador,
26 Seem to discover what they would have done
27 (Were his humanity on earth once more)
28 To his undoubted Master, Heaven's Almighty Son.
1 But zeal is weak and ignorant, tho' wond'rous proud,
2 Though very turbulent and very loud;
3 The crazy composition shews,
4 Like that fantastic medley in the idol's toes,
[Page 39]
5 Made up of iron mixt with clay,
6 This, crumbles into dust,
7 That, moulders into rust,
8 Or melts by the first show'r away.
9 Nothing is fix'd that mortals see or know,
10 Unless, perhaps, some stars above be so;
11 And those, alas, do show
12 Like all transcendent excellence below;
13 In both, false mediums cheat our sight,
14 And far exalted objects lessen by their height:
15 Thus, primitive Sancroft moves too high
16 To be observ'd by vulgar eye,
17 And rolls the silent year
18 On his own secret regular sphere,
19 And sheds, tho' all unseen, his sacred influence here.
1 Kind Star, still may'st thou shed thy sacred influence here,
2 Or from thy private peaceful orb appear;
3 For, sure, we want some guide from Heav'n to show
4 The way which ev'ry wand'ring fool below
5 Pretends so perfectly to know;
6 And which for ought I see, and much I fear,
7 The world has wholly miss'd;
8 I mean, the way which leads to Christ:
9 Mistaken Ideots! see how giddily they run,
10 Led blindly on by avarice and pride,
11 What mighty numbers follow them;
12 Each fond of erring with his guide:
13 Some whom ambition drives, seek Heaven's high Son
14 In Caesar's court, or in Jerusalem;
15 Others, ignorantly wise,
16 Among proud Doctors and disputing Pharisees:
17 What could the Sages gain but unbelieving scorn;
18 Their faith was so uncourtly when they said
19 That Heaven's high Son was in a village born;
[Page 40]
20 That the world's Saviour had been
21 In a vile manger laid,
22 And foster'd in a wretched inn.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
1 Necessity, thou tyrant conscience of the great,
2 Say, why the Church is still led blindfold by the State?
[Footnote: 1Kb]
3 Why should the first be ruin'd and laid waste,
4 To mend dilapidations in the last?
5 And yet the world, whose eyes are on our mighty Prince,
6 Thinks Heav'n has cancel'd all our sins,
7 And that his subjects share his happy influence;
8 Follow the model close, for so I'm sure they should,
9 But wicked kings draw more examples than the good;
10 And divine Sancroft, weary with the weight
11 Of a declining Church, by Faction her worse foe opprest,
12 Finding the Mitre almost grown
13 A load as heavy as the Crown,
14 Wisely retreated to his heavenly rest.
1 Ah, may no unkind earthquake of the State,
2 Nor hurricano from the Crown,
3 Disturb the present Mitre, as that fearful storm of late,
4 Which in its dusky march along the plain,
5 Swept up whole churches as it list,
6 Wrapp'd in a whirlwind and a mist;
7 Like that prophetic tempest in the virgin reign,
8 And swallow'd them at last, or flung them down.
9 Such were the storms good Sancroft long has borne;
10 The Mitre, which his sacred head has worn,
11 Was, like his Master's Crown, inwreath'd with thorn.
12 Death's sting is swallow'd up in victory at last,
13 The bitter cup is from him past:
14 Fortune in both extremes,
[Page 41]
15 Tho' blasts from contrariety of winds,
16 Yet to firm heavenly minds,
17 Is but one thing under two different names;
18 And even the sharpest eye that has the prospect seen,
19 Confesses ignorance to judge between;
20 And must, to human reasoning opposite, conclude
21 To point out which is moderation, which is fortitude.
1 Thus Sancroft, in the exaltation of retreat,
2 Shews lustre that was shaded in his seat;
3 Short glimm'rings of the prelate glorify'd;
4 Which the disguise of greatness only served to hide;
5 Why should the Sun, alas, be proud
6 To lodge behind a golden cloud;
7 Tho' fring'd with ev'ning gold the cloud appears so gay,
8 'Tis but a low-born vapor kindled by a ray;
9 At length 'tis over-blown and past,
10 Puff'd by the people's spightful blast,
11 The daz'ling glory dimms their prostituted sight,
12 No deflower'd eye can face the naked light:
13 Yet does this high perfection well proceed
14 From strength of its own native seed,
15 This wilderness the world, like that poetic wood of old,
16 Bears one, and but one branch of gold,
17 Where the bless'd spirit lodges like the dove,
18 And which (to heavenly soil transplanted) will improve,
19 To be, as 'twas below, the brightest plant above;
20 For, whate'er theologic lev'llers dream,
21 There are degrees above I know
22 As well as here below,
23 (The goddess Muse herself has told me so)
24 Where high patrician souls dress'd heavenly gay,
25 Sit clad in lawn of purer woven day,
[Page 42]
26 There some high spiritual [Footnote: 1Kb]
throne to Sancroft shall be given,
27 In the metropolis of heaven;
28 Chief of the mitred saints, and from arch-prelate here,
29 Translated to arch-angel there.
1 Since, happy Saint, since it has been of late
2 Either our blindness or our fate,
3 To lose the providence of thy cares,
4 Pity a miserable Church's tears,
5 That begs the pow'rful blessing of thy pray'rs.
6 Some angel say, what were the nation's crimes,
7 That sent these wild reformers to our times;
8 Say what their senseless malice meant,
9 To tear Religion's lovely face;
10 Strip her of ev'ry ornament and grace,
11 In striving to wash off th'imaginary paint: [Footnote: 1Kb]
12 Religion now does on her death-bed lie,
13 Heart-sick of a high fever and consuming atrophy;
14 How the physicians swarm to shew their mortal skill,
15 And by their college-arts methodically kill:
16 Reformers and physicians differ but in name,
17 One end in both, and the design the same;
18 Cordials are in their talk, whilst all they mean
19 Is but the patient's death, and gain---
20 Check in thy satire, angry muse,
21 Or a more worthy subject chuse:
22 Let not the outcasts of this outcast age
23 Provoke the honour of my Muse's rage,
24 Nor be thy mighty spirit rais'd,
25 Since Heaven and Cato both are pleas'd---
26 [The rest of the poem is lost.]
[Page 43]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: To Mr. CONGREVE.
Written November 1693. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse. ... MDCCLXXXIX. p. 225.
Works, ed. Nichols, 1801, xviii. 407.
[2] Works, ed. Scott, 1814, xiv. 36.
[3] When only six years old Swift was sent by his uncle, Godwin Swift, to
the grammar school of Kilkenny, where he remained 1674-82. Two years
later he was joined by his cousin Thomas. In 1681, or 1682, William Congreve,
who was two years Swift's junior, was sent to the same school. There
is no evidence that they formed any acquaintance at this time. But later
they were together at Trinity College, Dublin, which Swift entered 24
April, 1682, and Congreve 5 April, 1685, where, also, they had the same
tutor, St. George Ashe.
[4] In 1693 Swift was still in the household service of Sir William Temple,
and obscure, while Congreve had risen to fame with the brilliant success
of his first play, The Old Batchelor, which appeared in January of that year.
His second play, The Double-Dealer, was performed at Drury Lane in
October, 1693, and published on the 4th of December. Following the
appearance of The Double-Dealer, Swift composed the following poem, to
which he makes detailed reference in a letter addressed to his cousin,
Thomas, 6 December, 1693, evidently from Moor Park: 'I desire you
would inform yourself what you mean by bidding me keep my verses for
Will Congreve's next play, for I tell you they were calculated for any of
his, and if it were but acted when you say, it is as early as ever I intended,
since I only design they should be printed before it, so I desire you will
send me word immediately how it succeeded, whether well, ill or indifferently,
because my sending them to Mr. Congreve depends upon knowing
the issue. They are almost two hundred and fifty lines not Pindaric.'
(Corresp. i. 368.)
[5] There is no record that Congreve ever received a copy of the poem. It
was first printed by Nichols in 1789. The text is here reprinted as given
by him.
6 Thrice, with a prophet's voice and prophet's pow'r,
7 The Muse was call'd in a poetic hour,
8 And insolently thrice, the slighted Maid
9 Dar'd to suspend her unregarded aid;
10 Then with that grief we form in spirits divine,
11 Pleads for her own neglect, and thus reproaches mine:
[Page 44]
12 Once highly honour'd! False is the pretence
13 You make to truth, retreat, and innocence;
14 Who, to pollute my shades, bring'st with thee down
15 The most ungen'rous vices of the town;
16 Ne'er sprang a youth from out this isle before
17 I once esteem'd, and lov'd, and favour'd more,
18 Nor ever maid endur'd such court-like scorn,
19 So much in mode, so very city-born;
20 'Tis with a foul design the muse you send,
21 Like a cast mistress to your wicked friend;
22 But find some new address, some fresh deceit,
23 Nor practise such an antiquated cheat;
24 These are the beaten methods of the stews,
25 Stale forms of course, all mean deceivers use,
26 Who barbarously think to 'scape reproach,
27 By prostituting her they first debauch.
28 Thus did the Muse severe unkindly blame
29 This off'ring long design'd to Congreve's fame;
30 First chid the zeal as unpoetic fire,
31 Which soon his merit forc'd her to inspire;
32 Then call this verse, that speaks her largest aid,
33 The greatest compliment she ever made,
34 And wisely judge, no pow'r beneath divine
35 Could leap the bounds which part your world and mine;
36 For, youth, believe, to you unseen, is fix'd
37 A mighty gulph unpassable betwixt.
38 Nor tax the goddess of a mean design
39 To praise your parts by publishing of mine;
40 That be my thought when some large bulky writ
41 Shews in the front the ambition of my wit;
42 There to surmount what bears me up, and sing
43 Like the victorious wren perch'd on the eagle's wing;
44 This could I do, and proudly o'er him tow'r,
45 Were my desires but heighten'd to my pow'r.
46 Godlike the force of my young Congreve's bays,
47 Soft'ning the muse's thunder into praise;
48 Sent to assist an old unvanquish'd pride
49 That looks with scorn on half mankind beside;
[Page 45]
50 A pride that well suspends poor mortals fate,
51 Gets between them and my resentment's weight,
52 Stands in the gap 'twist me and wretched men,
53 T'avert th'impending judgments of my pen.
54 Thus I look down with mercy on the age,
55 By hopes my Congreve will reform the stage;
56 For never did poetic mine before
57 Produce a richer vein or cleaner ore;
58 The bullion stampt in your refining mind
59 Serves by retail to furnish half mankind.
60 With indignation I behold your wit
61 Forc'd on me, crack'd, and clipp'd, and counterfeit,
62 By vile pretenders, who a stock maintain
63 From broken scraps and filings of your brain.
64 Through native dross your share is hardly known,
65 And by short views mistook for all their own;
66 So small the gain those from your wit do reap,
67 Who blend it into folly's larger heap,
68 Like the sun's scatter'd beams which loosely pass,
69 When some rough hand breaks the assembling-glass.
70 Yet want your critics no just cause to rail,
71 Since knaves are ne'er oblig'd for what they steal.
72 These pad on wit's high road, and suits maintain
73 With those they rob, by what their trade does gain.
74 Thus censure seems that fiery froth which breeds
75 O'er the sun's face, and from his heat proceeds,
76 Crusts o'er the day, shadowing its parent beam
77 As antient nature's modern masters dream;
78 This bids some curious praters here below
79 Call Titan sick, because their sight is so;
80 And well, methinks, does this allusion fit
81 To scribblers, and the god of light and wit;
82 Those who by wild delusions entertain
83 A lust of rhiming for a poet's vein,
84 Raise envy's clouds to leave themselves in night,
85 But can no more obscure my Congreve's light
[Page 46]
86 Than swarms of gnats, that wanton in a ray
87 Which gave them birth, can rob the world of day.
88 What northern hive pour'd out these foes to wit?
89 Whence came these Goths to overrun the pit?
90 How would you blush the shameful birth to hear
91 Of those you so ignobly stoop to fear;
92 For, ill to them, long have I travell'd since
93 Round all the circles of impertinence,
94 Search'd in the nest where every worm did lie
95 Before it grew a city butterfly;
96 I'm sure I found them other kind of things
97 Than those with backs of silk and golden wings;
98 A search, no doubt, as curious and as wise
99 As virtuosoes' in dissecting flies;
100 For, could you think? the fiercest foes you dread,
101 And court in prologues, all are country-bred;
102 Bred in my scene, and for the poet's sins
103 Adjourn'd from tops and grammar to the inns;
104 Those beds of dung, where schoolboys sprout up beaus
105 Far sooner than the nobler mushroom grows:
106 These are the lords of the poetic schools,
107 Who preach the saucy pedantry of rules;
108 Those pow'rs the criticks, who may boast the odds
109 O'er Nile, with all its wilderness of gods;
110 Nor could the nations kneel to viler shapes,
111 Which worship'd cats, and sacrific'd to apes;
112 And can you think the wise forbear to laugh
113 At the warm zeal that breeds this golden calf?
114 Haply you judge these lines severely writ
115 Against the proud usurpers of the pit;
116 Stay while I tell my story, short, and true;
117 To draw conclusions shall be left to you;
118 Nor need I ramble far to force a rule,
119 But lay the scene just here at Farnham school.
120 Last year, a lad hence by his parents sent
121 With other cattle to the city went;
122 Where having cast his coat, and well pursu'd
123 The methods most in fashion to be lewd,
[Page 47]
124 Return'd a finish'd spark this summer down,
125 Stock'd with the freshest gibberish of the town;
126 A jargon form'd from the lost language, wit,
127 Confounded in that Babel of the pit;
128 Form'd by diseas'd conceptions, weak, and wild,
129 Sick lust of souls, and an abortive child;
130 Born between whores and fops, by lewd compacts,
131 Before the play, or else between the acts:
132 Nor wonder, if from such polluted minds
133 Should spring such short and transitory kinds,
134 Or crazy rules to make us wits by rote
135 Last just as long as ev'ry cuckow's note:
136 What bungling, rusty tools, are us'd by fate!
137 'Twas in an evil hour to urge my hate,
138 My hate, whose lash just heaven has long decreed
139 Shall on a day make sin and folly bleed; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
140 When man's ill genius to my presence sent
141 This wretch, to rouse my wrath, for ruin meant;
142 Who in his idiom vile, with Gray's-inn grace,
143 Squander'd his noisy talents to my face;
144 Nam'd ev'ry player on this fingers ends,
145 Swore all the wits were his peculiar friends;
146 Talk'd with that saucy and familiar ease
147 Of Wycherly, and you, and Mr. Bays;
[Footnote: 1Kb]
148 Said, how a late report your friends had vex'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
149 Who heard you meant to write heroics next;
150 For, tragedy, he knew, would lose you quite,
151 And told you so at Will's but t'other night.
152 Thus are the lives of fools a sort of dreams,
153 Rend'ring shades, things, and substances of names;
[Page 48]
154 Such high companions may delusion keep,
155 Lords are a footboy's cronies in his sleep.
156 As a fresh miss, by fancy, face, and gown,
157 Render'd the topping beauty of the town,
158 Draws ev'ry rhyming, prating, dressing sot,
159 To boast of favours that he never got;
160 Of which, whoe'er lacks confidence to prate,
161 Brings his good parts and breeding in debate;
162 And not the meanest coxcomb you can find,
163 But thanks his stars, that Phyllis has been kind;
164 Thus prostitute my Congreve's name is grown
165 To ev'ry lew'd pretender of the town.
166 'Troth I could pity you; but this is it,
167 You find, to be the fashionable wit;
168 These are the slaves whom reputation chains,
169 Whose maintenance requires no help from brains.
170 For, should the vilest scribbler to the pit,
171 Whom sin and want e'er furnish'd out a wit;
172 Whose name must not within my lines be shewn,
173 Lest here it live, when perish'd with his own; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
174 Should such a wretch usurp my Congreve's place,
175 And chuse out wits who ne'er have seen his face;
176 I'll be my life but the dull cheat would pass,
177 Nor need the lion's skin conceal the ass;
178 Yes, that beau's look, that voice, those critic ears,
179 Must needs be right, so well resembling theirs.
180 Perish the Muse's hour, thus vainly spent
181 In satire, to my Congreve's praises meant;
182 In how ill season her resentments rule,
183 What's that to her if mankind be a fool?
[Page 49]
184 Happy beyond a private muse's fate,
185 In pleasing all that's good among the great, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
186 Where tho' her elder sisters crowding throng,
187 She still is welcome with her inn'cent song;
188 Whom were my Congreve blest to see and know,
189 What poor regards would merit all below!
190 How proudly would he haste the joy to meet,
191 And drop his laurel at Apollo's feet.
192 Here by a mountain's side, a reverend cave
193 Gives murmuring passage to a lasting wave;
194 'Tis the world's wat'ry hour-glass streaming fast,
195 Time is no more when th'utmost drop is past;
196 Here, on a better day, some druid dwelt,
197 And the young Muse's early favour felt;
198 Druid, a name she does with pride repeat,
199 Confessing Albion once her darling seat;
200 Far in this primitive cell might we pursue
201 Our predecessors foot-steps, still in view;
202 Here would we sing---But, ah! you think I dream,
203 And the bad world may well believe the same;
204 Yes; you are all malicious standers-by,
205 While two fond lovers prate, the Muse and I.
206 Since thus I wander from my first intent,
207 Nor am that grave adviser which I meant;
208 Take this short lesson from the god of bayes,
209 And let my friend apply it as he please:
210 Beat not the dirty paths where vulgar feet have trod,
[Footnote: 1Kb]
211 But give the vigorous fancy room.
212 For when like stupid alchymists you try
213 To fix this nimble god,
214 This volatile mercury,
215 The subtil spirit all flies up in fume;
[Page 50]
216 Nor shall the bubbl'd virtuoso find
217 More than a fade insipid mixture left behind. [Footnote: 1Kb]
218 Whilst [Footnote: 1Kb]
thus I write, vast shoals of critics come,
219 And on my verse pronounce their saucy doom;
220 The Muse, like some bright country virgin, shows,
221 Fall'n by mishap amongst [Footnote: 1Kb]
a knot of beaux;
222 They, in their lewd and fashionable prate,
223 Rally her dress, her language, and her gait;
224 Spend their base coin before the bashful maid,
225 Current like copper, and as often paid:
226 She, who on shady banks has joy'd to sleep
227 Near better animals, her father's sheep;
228 Sham'd and amaz'd, beholds the chatt'ring throng,
229 To think what cattle she has got among;
230 But with the odious smell and sight annoy'd,
231 In haste she does th'offensive herd avoid. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
232 'Tis time to bid my friend a long farewell,
233 The muse retreats far in yon chrystal cell;
234 Faint inspiration sickens as she flies,
235 Like distant echo spent, the spirit dies.
236 In this descending sheet you'll haply find
237 Some short refreshment for your weary mind,
238 Nought it contains is common or unclean,
239 And once drawn up, is ne'er let down again.
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[Page 51]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: OCCASIONED BY SIR W---T---'s
Written December 1693 [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Miscellaneous Pieces, in Prose and Verse.... MDCCLXXXIX. p. 233.
Works, ed. Nichols, 1801, xviii. 415.
[2] Works, ed. Scott, 1814, xiv. 45.
[3] Sir William Temple was a constant sufferer from the gout and other
complaints. In 1693 he was for some time seriously ill. See Courtenay's
Memoirs of Sir William Temple, 1836, ii. 135.
[4] The text follows that of Miscellaneous Pieces, 1789.
5 Strange to conceive, how the same objects strike
6 At distant hours the mind with forms so like!
7 Whether in time, deduction's broken chain
8 Meets, and salutes her sister link again;
9 Or hunted fancy, by a circling flight,
10 Comes back with joy to its own seat at night;
11 Or whether dead imagination's ghost
12 Oft hovers where alive it haunted most;
13 Or if thought's rolling globe her circle run,
14 Turns up old objects to the soul her sun;
15 Or loves the muse to walk with conscious pride
16 O'er the glad scene whence first she rose a bride:
17 Be what it will; late near you whisp'ring stream,
18 Where her own Temple was her darling theme;
19 There first the visionary sound was heard,
20 When to poetic view the Muse appear'd.
21 Such seem'd her eyes, as when an evening ray
22 Gives glad farewell to a tempestuous day;
23 Weak is the beam to dry up nature's tears,
24 Still ev'ry tree the pendent sorrow wears;
25 Such are the smiles where drops of chrystal show,
26 Approaching joy at strife with parting woe.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 52]
27 As when to scare th'ungrateful or the proud
28 Tempests long frown, and thunder threatens loud,
29 Till the blest sun to give kind dawn of grace
30 Darts weeping beams across heaven's wat'ry face;
31 When soon the peaceful bow unstring'd is shown,
32 A sign God's dart is shot, and wrath o'erblown;
33 Such to unhallowed sight the Muse divine
34 Might seem, when first she rais'd her eyes to mine.
35 What mortal change does in thy face appear,
36 Lost youth, she cry'd, since first I met thee here!
37 With how undecent clouds are overcast
38 Thy looks, when every cause of grief is past!
39 Unworthy the glad tidings which I bring,
40 Listen while the muse thus teaches thee to sing:
41 As parent earth, burst by imprison'd winds,
42 Scatters strange agues o'er men's sickly minds,
43 And shakes the atheist's knees; such ghastly fear
44 Late I beheld on every face appear;
45 Mild Dorothea, peaceful, wise and great, [Footnote: 1Kb]
46 Trembling beheld the doubtful hand of fate;
47 Mild Dorothea, whom we both have long
48 Not dar'd to injure with our lowly song;
49 Sprung from a better world, and chosen then
50 The best companion for the best of men:
51 As some fair pile, yet spar'd by zeal and rage,
52 Lives pious witness of a better age;
53 So men may see what once was womankind,
54 In the fair shrine of Dorothea's mind.
55 You that would grief describe, come here and trace
56 It's watery footsteps in Dorinda's face; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 53]
57 Grief from Dorinda's face does ne'er depart
58 Further than its own palace in her heart:
59 Ah, since our fears are fled, this insolent expel,
60 At least confine the tyrant to his cell.
61 And if so black the cloud, that heaven's bright queen
62 Shrouds her still beams; how should the stars be seen?
63 Thus, when Dorinda wept, joy ev'ry face forsook,
64 And grief flung sables on each menial look;
65 The humble tribe mourn'd for the quick'ning soul,
66 That furnish'd spirit and motion through the whole;
67 So would earth's face turn pale, and life decay,
68 Should heaven suspend to act but for a day;
69 So nature's craz'd convulsions make us dread
70 That time is sick, or the world's mind is dead.---
71 Take, youth, these thoughts, large matter to employ
72 The fancy furnish'd by returning joy;
73 And to mistaken man these truths rehearse,
74 Who dare revile the integrity of verse:
75 Ah fav'rite youth, how happy is thy lot!---
76 But I'm deceiv'd, or thou regard'st me not;
77 Speak, for I wait thy answer, and expect
78 Thy just submission for this bold neglect.
79 Unknown the forms we the high-priesthood use
80 At the divine appearance of the Muse,
81 Which to divulge might shake profane belief,
82 And tell the irreligion of my grief;
83 Grief that excus'd the tribute of my knees,
84 And shap'd my passion in such words as these.
85 Malignant goddess! bane to my repose,
86 Thou universal cause of all my woes;
87 Say, whence it comes that thou art grown of late
88 A poor amusement for my scorn and hate;
89 The malice thou inspir'st I never fail
90 On thee to wreak the tribute when I rail;
91 Fools common-place thou art, their weak ensconcing fort,
92 Th'appeal of dullness in the last resort:
[Page 54]
93 Heaven with a parent's eye regarding earth,
94 Deals out to man the planet of his birth;
95 But sees thy meteor blaze about me shine,
96 And passing o'er, mistakes thee still for mine:
97 Ah, should I tell a secret yet unknown,
98 That thou ne'er hadst a being of thy own,
99 But a wild form dependent on the brain,
100 Scatt'ring loose features o'er the optic vein;
101 Troubling the chrystal fountain of the sight,
102 Which darts on poets eyes a trembling light;
103 Kindled while reason sleeps, but quickly flies,
104 Like antic shapes in dreams, from waking eyes:
105 In sum, a glitt'ring voice, a painted name,
106 A walking vapor, like thy sister fame.
107 But if thou be'st what thy mad vot'ries prate,
108 A female pow'r, loose-govern'd thoughts create;
109 Why near the dregs of youth perversely wilt thou stay,
110 So highly courted by the brisk and gay?
111 Wert thou right woman, thou shouldst scorn to look
112 On an abandon'd wretch by hopes forsook;
113 Forsook by hopes, ill fortune's last relief,
114 Assign'd for life to unremitting grief;
115 For, let heaven's wrath enlarge these weary days,
116 If hope e'er dawns the smallest of its rays. [Footnote: 1Kb]
117 Time o'er the happy takes so swift a flight,
118 And treads so soft, so easy, and so light,
119 That we the wretched, creeping far behind,
120 Can scarce th'impression of his foot-steps find;
121 Smooth as that airy nymph so subtly borne [Footnote: 1Kb]
122 With inoffensive feet o'er standing corn;
123 Which bow'd by evening-breeze with bending stalks,
[Page 55]
124 Salutes the weary trav'ller as he walks;
125 But o'er th'afflicted with a heavy pace
126 Sweeps the broad scythe, and tramples on his face.
127 Down [Footnote: 1Kb]
falls the summer's pride, and sadly shews
128 Nature's bare visage furrowed as he mows:
129 See Muse, what havock in these looks appear
130 These are the tyrant's trophies of a year;
131 Since hope his last and greatest foe is fled,
132 Despair and he lodge ever in its stead;
133 March o'er the ruin'd plain with motion slow,
134 Still scatt'ring desolation where they go.
135 To thee I owe that fatal bent of mind,
136 Still to unhappy restless thoughts inclin'd;
137 To thee, what oft I vainly strive to hide,
138 That scorn of fools, by fools mistook for pride;
139 From thee whatever virtue takes its rise,
140 Grows a misfortune, or becomes a vice;
141 Such were thy rules to be poetically great,
142 "Stoop not to int'rest, flattery, or deceit;
143 Nor with hir'd thoughts be thy devotion paid;
144 Learn to disdain their mercenary aid;
145 Be this thy sure defence, thy brazen wall,
146 Know no base action, at no guilt turn pale;
147 And since unhappy distance thus denies
148 T'expose thy soul, clad in this poor disguise;
149 Since thy few ill-presented graces seem
150 To breed contempt where thou hast hop'd esteem."---
151 Madness like this no fancy ever seiz'd,
152 Still to be cheated, never to be pleas'd;
153 Since one false beam of joy in sickly minds
154 Is all the poor content delusion finds.---
155 There thy enchantment broke, and from this hour
156 I here renounce thy visionary pow'r;
157 And since thy essence on my breath depends,
158 Thus with a puff the whole delusion ends.
Occasional Poems
In this section are arranged, in chronological order, poems written after
the death of Sir William Temple and before the period, 1710-14, in
which Swift became a notable figure in the political world. He was between
thirty and forty-three years of age. Abandoning imitative exercises he found
a natural style. His movements during these years may be briefly indicated:
27 January, 1699: Sir William Temple died.
Summer of 1699 to the beginning of April, 1701: In Ireland with Lord Berkeley.
April to September, 1701: In England.
To April, 1702: In Ireland.
April to October, 1702: In England.
October, 1702, to November, 1703: In Ireland.
To May, 1704: In England.
June, 1704, to November, 1707: In Ireland.
November, 1707, to end of June, 1709: In England.
July, 1709, to end of August, 1710: In Ireland.
7 September, 1710: Arrived in London.
[Page 60]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: VERSES
wrote in a
Lady's Ivory Table-Book.
Anno. 1698. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[1] Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, 1711, p. 351 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 349).
Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 54 (1731, p. 166; 1733, p. 166).
Faulkner, 1735, ii. II (1737, ii. 9). [Ref. F.]
[2] The exact date of composition cannot be fixed. In the Miscellanies of
1711 it was assigned to 1698. No date is stated in the Miscellanies, 1727.
Faulkner gives 1706. Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, p. 127, places it between
1703 and 1706. It may have been written early and revised about 1706.
[3] The text is reprinted from the Miscellanies, 1711.
4 Peruse my Leaves thro' ev'ry Part,
5 And think thou seest my owners Heart,
6 Scrawl'd o'er with Trifles thus, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and quite
7 As hard, as sensless, and as light:
8 Expos'd to every Coxcomb's Eyes,
9 But hid with Caution from the Wise.
10 Here you may read (Dear Charming Saint)
11 Beneath (A new Receit [Footnote: 1Kb]
for Paint)
12 Here in Beau-spelling (tru tel deth)
13 There in her own (far an el breth)
14 Here (lovely Nymph pronounce my doom)
15 There (A safe way to use Perfume)
16 Here, a Page fill'd with Billet Doux;
17 On t'other side (laid out for Shoes)
18 (Madam, I dye without your Grace)
19 (Item, for half a Yard of Lace.)
20 Who that had Wit would place it here,
21 For every peeping Fop to Jear. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 61]
22 To think that your Brains Issue is [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 Expos'd to th' Excrement of his, [Footnote: 1Kb]
24 In power of Spittle and a Clout
25 When e're he please to blot it out;
26 And then to heighten the Disgrace
27 Clap his own Nonsence in the place.
28 Whoe're expects to hold his part
29 In such a Book and such a Heart,
30 If he be Wealthy and a Fool
31 Is in all Points the fittest Tool,
32 Of whom it may be justly said,
33 He's a Gold [Footnote: 1Kb]
Pencil tipt with Lead. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Discovery.
An. 1699. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Swift's autograph in the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, formerly in
the Fountaine Collection.
[2] Orrery Papers, Harvard College Library, MS. Eng. 218. 14, vol. iii,
pp. 112-14. [Ref. H.C.L.]
[3] Miscellanies, 1746, xi. 261 (1749, xi. 261; 1751, xiv. 231).
[4] The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (I),
[5] Essay, Deane Swift, 1755, p. 110. [Ref. D.S.]
[6] Swift arrived in Dublin with Lord Berkeley in the summer of 1699,
having, on the voyage, acted both as secretary and chaplain. According to
his own statement it was intended that he should continue to hold both
offices. It seems doubtful whether this could have been Lord Berkeley's
intention. After the arrival of the party in Dublin Swift was superseded
as secretary by Arthur Bushe, who had not travelled over with Berkeley
(B.M., Add. MS. 28,884. f. 167; Corresp. i. 31 n.1). Later Swift was
further incensed by Bushe, to whom he believed Dr. John Bolton (see
p. 72 n.) was indebted for the Deanery of Derry, a preferment he desired for
himself. 'The Discovery' was written towards the end of 1699; or at least
before February, 1700, when Bolton was presented to the Deanery of
[Page 62]
Derry, for the satire is not markedly bitter. Swift's manuscript gives the
date as 'An. 1699.'; and this is the date stated by Deane Swift in his Essay.
[7] On the whole incident see further Forster, Life, pp. 110-11; Craik, Life,
2nd edn., i. 98-100; Corresp. i. 33 n.1. The account of the transaction given
by Sheridan, Life, pp. 33-4, is based on hearsay, and its details are open to
[8] The text is printed from the Fountaine MS., which is Swift's hand with
an attempt, not unnatural, at disguise. Swift was copying from an earlier
draft. Line 2, blotted out, originally stood as in the printed version; and the
first line of the tenth stanza was copied four lines out of place, and then
scratched out. The H.C.L. MS., in a clerical hand, has only one verbal
variant. Both manuscripts divide the stanzas. There are no stanza
divisions in the printed versions. Variants from Swift's spelling and
punctuation are ignored in the apparatus, save in two instances.
9 When wise Ld B--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
---first came here,
10 We Irish Folks [Footnote: 1Kb]
expected wonders,
11 Nor thought to find so great a Peer
12 E'er a week pas't committing Blunders:
13 Till on a Day cut out by Fate,
14 When Folks came thick to make their Court
15 Out slipp't a Mystery of State
16 To give the Town and Country Sport.
17 Now Enter [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Side note: 1Kb]
Bush with new State-Airs, [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 His Lordship's premier Ministre,
19 And who in all profound Affairs [Side note: 1Kb]
20 Is [Footnote: 1Kb]
held as needfull as His Glyster [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 63]
21 With Head reclining on his Shoulder,
22 He deals, and Hears mysterious Chat;
23 While every ignorant Beholder
24 Asks of his Neighbor; Who is that?
25 With this He putt up to My L---d
26 The Courtiers kept their Distance due,
27 He twitcht his sleeve, and stole a word,
28 Then to a Corner both withdrew.
29 Imagine now My L---d and Bu---sh
30 Whisp'ring in Junto [Footnote: 1Kb]
most profound,
31 Like good King Phys: and good King Ush: [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 While all the rest stood gaping round
33 At length, a spark not too well bred
34 Of forward Face, and Ear acute,
35 Advanc't on tiptoe, lean'd his Head
36 To overheare the grand Dispute.
37 To learn what Northern Kings design,
38 Or from Whitehall some new Express,
39 Papists disarm'd, or Fall of Coin,
40 For sure (thought He) it can't be less.
41 My Ld, sd Bush, a Friend and I
42 Disguis'd in two old thredbare Coats
43 Ere Mornings dawn stole out to spy
44 How Markets went for Hey and Oats.
45 With that he draws two Handfulls out,
46 The one was Oats, the other Hay,
47 Putts This to's Excellency's Snout,
48 And begs, He would the other weigh.
[Page 64]
49 My Lord seems pleas'd, but still directs
50 By all means to bring down the Rates,
51 Then with a Congee circumflex
52 Bush smiling round on all, retreats
53 Our Listner stood a while confus'd,
54 But gath'ring spirits, wisely ran for't,
55 Enrag'd to see the World abus'd
56 By two such whisp'ring Kings [Footnote: 1Kb]
of Brandford. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The PROBLEM. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Orrery Papers, Harvard College Library, MS. Eng. 218. 14, vol. iii,
pp. 110-12.
[2] Miscellanies, 1746, xi. 263 (1749, xi. 263; 1751, xiv. 233).
[3] The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1), 299.
[4] A sub-title to this poem, as first printed, runs, 'That my Lord B---ly stinks,
when he's in Love---', and the satire has been interpreted as an attack upon
Berkeley in consequence of Swift's anger at the preferment of Bolton to the
Deanery of Derry. But Swift never broke off relationship with Berkeley,
despite no great love for him; and it is a little difficult to believe that the
satire of 'The Problem' was directed against a man with whom he was on
sufficiently friendly terms (see n. p. 62, 1. 1). The satire of 'The Discovery'
is comparatively harmless. Moreover, immediately before coming
to Ireland, as chaplain to Berkeley, Swift conceived himself to have been
injured by a man of very different character, Henry Sidney, Earl of
Romney, who had promised to prefer to the King his petition for a prebend
of Canterbury or Westminster, and gone no further in the matter (Essay,
Deane Swift, 1755, Appendix, p. 50; Forster, Life, pp. 15-16). He never
lost his dislike of Romney, describing him in the Fragment of Autobiography
as 'an old, vicious, illiterate rake, without any sense of truth or honour'; and
in a note to Macky's Characters (Prose Works, ed. Temple Scott, x. 274)
denied him any honesty or capacity. It is therefore of the utmost significance
that a manuscript copy of this poem, among the Orrery Papers at
Harvard, carries the sub-title: 'That Sidney E. of R---mn---y st---ks, when
[Page 65]
he is in Love'. In addition, the satire is more directly applicable to Romney
than to Berkeley.
[5] Henry Sidney, fourth and youngest son of Robert, second Earl of
Leicester, was born at Paris in 1641. While envoy at The Hague, 1679-81,
he gained the confidence of William of Orange. He carried over the
secret invitation to William, and accompanied him to England. In 1692
he was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, where he acquitted himself incompetently,
and was recalled. Nevertheless he was created Earl of Romney
in 1694. He died in 1704. The handsomest man of his time, he was a
notorious profligate, and the terror of husbands. He was the cause of an
estrangement between the Duke and Duchess of York; and maintained a
long intrigue with the wife of his nephew Sunderland. See Diary and
letters, edited in two volumes, 1843, by R.W. Blencowe.
[6] In 'The Problem' the object of the satire is described as 'So sweet a
Passion', and 'an universal Lover'. Three women are named as his loves.
All this applies much more aptly to the libertine bachelor, Romney, than to
Berkeley. On the other hand 1. 35, 'Ambitious of a Regent's Heart', may
be thought more appropriate to Berkeley, who was one of the Lords
Justices with the Duke of Bolton and Lord Galway; but Romney had served
in the same capacity, and as Lord Lieutenant. On the face of it, therefore,
it is more than probable that Orrery is right in his attribution of the satire.
The poem was not printed till after Swift's death, and there is no evidence
for the suggestion that it was directed against Berkeley.
[7] The Harvard MS. is more careful than the first printed text, and is here
8 Did ever Problem thus perplex,
9 Or more employ the Female Sex?
10 So sweet a Passion who cou'd think,
11 Jove ever form'd to make a S---k? [Footnote: 1Kb]
12 The Ladys vow, and swear they'll try,
13 Whether it be a Truth, or Lye.
14 Love's Fire, it seems, like inward Heat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 Works in my Lord by St---I and Sweat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
16 Which brings a St---k from ev'ry Pore, [Footnote: 1Kb]
17 And from behind, and from before;
18 Yet, what is wonderful to tell it,
19 None but the Fav'rite Nymph can smell it.
20 But now, to solve the Nat'ral Cause [Footnote: 1Kb]
21 By sober, Philosophick Laws,
[Page 66]
22 Whether all Passions, when in Ferment,
23 Work out, as Anger does in Vermin? [Footnote: 1Kb]
24 So, when a Weasel you torment,
25 You find his Passion by his Scent.
26 We read of Kings, who in a Fright,
27 Tho' on a Throne, wou'd fall to sh---.
28 Beside all this, deep Scholars know,
29 That the main String of Cupid's Bow,
30 Once on a Time, was an A---Gut,
31 Now to a nobler Office put,
32 By Favour, or Desert preferr'd
33 From giving Passage to a T---.
34 But still, tho' fixt among the Stars,
35 Does sympathize with Human A---.
36 Thus when you feel and hard-bound B--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
37 Conclude Love's Bow-String at full Stretch;
38 Till the kind L---seness [Footnote: 1Kb]
comes, and then
39 Conclude the Bow relax'd again.
40 And now the Ladys all are bent,
41 To try the great Experiment;
42 Ambitious of a Regent's Heart
43 Spread all their Charms to catch a F---;
44 Watching the first unsav'ry Wind,
45 Some ply before, and some behind.
46 My Lord, on Fire amidst the Dames,
47 F---s like a Laurel in the Flames.
48 The Fair approach the speaking Part,
49 To try the Back-way to his Heart;
50 For, as when we a Gun discharge,
51 Altho' the Bore be ne'er so large,
52 Before the Flame from Muzzle burst,
53 Just at the Breech it flashes first:
54 So from my Lord his Passion broke,
55 He f---ted first, and then he spoke.
56 The Ladys vanish, in the Smother,
57 To confer Notes with one another;
[Page 67]
58 And now they all agree, to name
59 Whom each one thought the happy Dame:
60 Quoth Neal, [Footnote: 1Kb]
61 I'm sure, 'twas I that smelt the S---k. [Footnote: 1Kb]
62 You smell the S---k? by--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
you lye,
63 Quoth Ross, [Footnote: 1Kb]
for, I'll be sworn, 'twas I.
64 Ladys, quoth Levens, [Footnote: 1Kb]
pray forbear,
65 Let's not fall out; We all had Share.
66 And, by the most we [Footnote: 1Kb]
can discover,
67 My Lord's an universal Lover.
[Page 68]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: TO THEIR
Lords Justices of Ireland.
The Humble Petition of Frances Harris,
Who must Starve, and Die a Maid if it miscarries.
Anno. 1700. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[1] Baucis and Philemon; ... Together with Mrs. Harris's Earnest Petition. ...
London: ... H. Hills, ... 1709 (and 1710), p. 9. [Ref. H.]
[2] Works of ... Rochester and Roscommon. ... To which is added, a Collection
of Miscellany Poems ... London: ... Curll, ... 1709. p. 175.
[3] A Meditation upon a Broom-Stick, and Somewhat Beside; ... London: ...
Curll, ... 1710. p. 19. [Ref. C.]
[4] The Whimsical Medley, ii. 368. (Copied from a printed edition.).
[5] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 353 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 351).
[6] A Collection of Original Poems, ... London: ... Curll, ... 1714.
[7] The Bee. A Collection of Choice Poems. Part I. ... London. ... T. Ilive:
... MDCCXV. p. 20.
[8] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 56. (One manuscript correction in
Swift's own copy of this volume.)
[9] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 1 (1737, ii. 1). [Ref. F.]
[10] Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, p. 119 n., is certainly wrong in placing this
poem as early as 1699. The Miscellanies, 1711, gives the date as 1700, and
Faulkner as 1701. It was composed early in 1701 during the latter part of
Berkeley's residence in Ireland. The arrival of the 'Earl of Drogheda, who
was one of the lords justices designated to succeed Berkeley and his colleague, ...
is mentioned in the Petition as imminent' (Ball, Swift's Verse,
p. 46). After some delay Berkeley left Ireland early in April, 1701.
[11] Swift's poem on Mrs. Harris, one of Lady Berkeley's gentlewomen,
passed in manuscript for nine years, and was then published by the pirate
printers, Hills and Curll. A Meditation upon a Broom-Stick was published
in April, 1710.
[12] The text here printed is that of the Miscellanies, 1711. The unauthorized
[Page 69]
publications of Hills and Curll generally agree against 1711, 1727, and
Faulkner. The poem, as it appeared in The Bee, was printed from a Hills
[13] Humbly Sheweth.
[14] That I went to warm my self in Lady Betty's
Chamber, because I was cold,
[15] And I had in a Purse, seven Pound, four Shillings [Footnote: 1Kb]
[16] six Pence, [Footnote: 1Kb]
besides Farthings, in Money, and Gold;
[17] So because I had been buying things for my Lady last Night,
[18] I was resolved to tell my Money, to see if it was right:
[19] Now you must know, because my Trunk has a very bad Lock,
[20] Therefore all the Money, I have, which, God knows, is a very small Stock,
[21] I keep in a Pocket [Footnote: 1Kb]
ty'd about my Middle, next my Smock.
[22] So when I went to put up my Purse, as God would have
it, my Smock was unript,
[23] And, instead of putting it into my Pocket, down it slipt:
[24] Then the Bell rung, and I went down [Footnote: 1Kb]
to put my Lady to Bed,
[25] And, [Footnote: 1Kb]
God knows, I thought my Money was as safe as my Maidenhead.
[26] So when I came up again, I found my Pocket feel [Footnote: 1Kb]
very light,
[27] But when I search'd, and miss'd my Purse, Lord! I
thought I should have sunk outright:
[Page 70]
[28] Lord! Madam, says Mary, how d'ye do? Indeed, says I [Footnote: 1Kb]
never worse;
[29] But pray, Mary, can you tell what I have done with my
[30] Lord help me, said Mary, I never stirr'd out of this Place!
[31] Nay, said I, I had it in Lady Betty's Chamber, [Footnote: 1Kb]
that's a plain Case.
[32] So Mary got me to Bed, and cover'd me up warm,
[33] However, she stole away my Garters, that I might do
my self no Harm:
[34] So I tumbl'd and toss'd all Night, as you may very well
[35] But hardly ever set my Eyes together, or slept a Wink.
[36] So I was a-dream'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
methought, that we went and search'd
the Folks round,
[37] And in a Corner of Mrs. Dukes's [Footnote: 1Kb]
Box, ty'd in a Rag, the Money was found.
[38] So next Morning we told Whittle, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and he fell a Swearing;
[39] Then my Dame Wadgar [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
came, and she, you know, is thick of Hearing; [Footnote: 1Kb]
Dame, said I, as loud as I could bawl, do you know what
a Loss I have had?
[40] Nay, said she, my Lord Collway's [Footnote: 1Kb]
Folks are all very sad,
[41] For my Lord Dromedary [Footnote: 1Kb]
comes a Tuesday without fail;
[42] Pugh! said I, but that's not the Business that [Footnote: 1Kb]
I ail.
[43] Says Cary, [Footnote: 1Kb]
says he, I have been a Servant this Five and
Twenty Years, come Spring,
[44] And in all the Places I liv'd, I never heard of such a
[Page 71]
[45] Yes, says the Steward, [Footnote: 1Kb]
I remember [Footnote: 1Kb]
when I was at my
Lady Shrewsbury's,
[46] Such a thing as this happen'd, just about the time of
[47] So I went to the Party suspected, and I found [Footnote: 1Kb]
her full of
[48] (Now you must know, [Footnote: 1Kb]
of all Things in the World, I hate
a Thief.)
[49] However, I was resolv'd to bring the Discourse slily about,
[50] Mrs. Dukes, said I, here's an ugly Accident has happen'd out;
[51] 'Tis not that I value the Money three Skips of a Louse; [Footnote: 1Kb]
But the Thing I stand upon, is the Credit of the House;
[52] 'Tis true, seven Pound, four Shillings, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and six Pence,
makes a great Hole in my Wages,
[53] Besides, as they say, Service is no Inheritance in these Ages.
[54] Now, Mrs. Dukes, you know, and every Body understands,
[55] That tho' 'tis hard to judge, yet Money [Footnote: 1Kb]
can't go without Hands.
[56] The Devil take me, said she, (blessing her self,) if I ever [Footnote: 1Kb]
[57] So she roar'd like a Bedlam, as tho' [Footnote: 1Kb]
I had call'd her all [Footnote: 1Kb]
to naught;
[58] So you know, what could I say to her any more,
[59] I e'en left her, and came away as wise as I was before.
[Page 72]
[60] Well: But then they would have had me gone to the Cunning Man; [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[61] No, said I, 'tis the same Thing, [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Chaplain will be here anon.
[62] So the Chaplain came in; now [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Servants say, he is my Sweet-heart,
[63] Because he's always in my Chamber, and I always take his Part;
[64] So, as the Devil would have it, before I was aware, out I blunder'd,
[65] Parson, said I, can you cast a Nativity, when a Body's plunder'd?
[66] (Now you must know, he hates to be call'd Parson, like the Devil.) [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[67] Truly, says [Footnote: 1Kb]
he, Mrs. Nab, it might become you to be more civil:
[68] If your Money be gone, as a Learned Divine [Footnote: 1Kb]
says, d'ye see,
[69] You are no Text for my Handling, so take [Footnote: 1Kb]
that from me:
[70] I was never taken for a Conjurer before, I'd have you to know.
[71] Lord, said I, don't be angry, I'm [Footnote: 1Kb]
sure I never thought you so;
[72] You know, I honour the Cloth, I design to be a Parson's Wife,
[73] I never took one in Your Coat for a Conjurer in all my Life.
[74] With that, he twisted his Girdle at me [Footnote: 1Kb]
like a Rope, as who should say,
[75] Now you may go hang your self for me, and so went away.
[Page 73]
[76] Well; I thought I should have swoon'd; [Footnote: 1Kb]
Lord, said I, what shall I do?
[77] I have lost my Money, and shall [Footnote: 1Kb]
lose my True-Love too.
[78] Then my [Footnote: 1Kb]
Lord call'd me; Harry, [Footnote: 1Kb]
said my Lord, don't cry,
[79] I'll give something towards thy Loss; and says my Lady, so will I.
[80] Oh but, said I, what if after all my [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
Chaplain won't come to?
[81] For that, he said, (an't please your Excellencies) I must Petition You.
[82] The Premises tenderly consider'd, I desire your Excelencies Protection,
[83] And that I may have a Share in next Sunday's Collection:
[84] And over and above, that I may have your Excellencies Letter,
[85] With an Order for the Chaplain aforesaid; or instead of Him, a Better:
[86] And then your poor Petitioner, both Night and Day,
[87] Or the Chaplain, (for 'tis his Trade) as in Duty bound, shall ever Pray.
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[Page 74]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: A
on the Game of Traffick. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Volume VIII. of the Author's Works, ... Dublin: ... Faulkner, M,DCC,XLVI. p. 312. [Ref. F.]
[2] Miscellanies, 1746, xi. 240 (1749, xi. 240; 1751, xiv. 215). [Refs. 1746, 1751.]
[3] The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4 to, iv (1), 282.
[4] This poem, which is closely connected with that which follows, was not printed till 1746, in the year after Swift's death, although its sequel appeared in 1711, under the author's supervision. Faulkner, misled by the references to Berkeley's household, assigned a wrong date to the poem, adding, under the title, 'Written at the Castle of Dublin, in the Time of the Earl of Berkeley's Government'. Its immediate sequel, the 'Ballad to the Tune of the Cutpurse', is dated 'August, 1702.' in the Miscellanies of 1711; and the mention of Jack Howe in the 'Ballad on the Game of Traffick' shows that this poem was written after the Gloucestershire election of December, 1701. The family scene depicted took place in Berkeley Castle, not Dublin Castle, and in 1702. It is known that Swift visited Lord Berkeley, after he had ceased to be his chaplain (see p. 62 n.); and he was in England between April and October, 1702.
[5] Faulkner's text is printed.
6 My Lord to find out who must deal
7 Delivers Cards about,
8 But the first Knave does seldom fail
9 To find the Doctor out.
10 But then his Honour cry'd, Godzooks!
11 And seem'd to knit his Brow;
12 For on a Knave he never looks
13 But H' thinks upon Jack How. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 75]
14 My Lady tho' [Footnote: 1Kb]
she is no Player
15 Some bungling Partner takes,
16 And wedg'd in Corner of a Chair
17 Takes Snuff, and holds the Stakes.
18 Dame Floyd [Footnote: 1Kb]
looks out in grave Suspence
19 For Pair-royals and Sequents;
20 But wisely cautious of her Pence,
21 The Castle seldom frequents.
22 Quoth Herries, [Footnote: 1Kb]
fairly putting Cases,
23 I'd won it on my Word,
24 If I had but [Footnote: 1Kb]
a Pair of Aces,
25 And could pick up a Third.
26 But Weston [Footnote: 1Kb]
has a new-cast Gown
27 On Sundays to be fine in,
28 And if [Footnote: 1Kb]
she can but win a Crown,
29 'Twill just new dye the Lining.
30 "With these is Parson Swift, [Footnote: 1Kb]
31 Not knowing how to spend his Time,
32 Does make a wretched Shift,
33 To deafen 'em [Footnote: 1Kb]
with Puns and Rhime.
[Page 76]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Lady B--- B---
finding in the Authors Room some Verses
Unfinished, underwrit a Stanza
of her own, with Railery upon
him, which gave Occasion to this
August, 1702.
To the Tune of the Cutpurse. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Whimsical Medley, i. Appendix, p. 51 (no significant variants).
[2] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 361 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 359).
[3] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 65 (1731, p. 174; 1733, p. 174).
[4] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 9 (1737, ii. 7). [Ref. F.]
[5] Miscellanies, 1742, iv. 73.
[6] Lady Betty Berkeley occasioned these verses by adding a stanza to the last poem. Born in 1680, she was the second daughter of the Earl of Berkeley. At the age of twenty-six she married Sir John Germain, a rake and soldier of fortune, reputed to be the son of William II, Prince of Orange. She remained one of Swift's firmest friends, and a constant correspondent. See especially Corresp., vols. iv and v passim; also D.N.B. xxi. 230. She lived a widow for over fifty years, dying in 1769. Cf. p. 1069.
[7] Swift's verses are modelled upon the song of Nightingale, the ballad-singer, in Ben Jonson's Bartholomew Fair, III. i.
[8] The text printed is that of the Miscellanies, 1711. Swift's reasons for omitting from that collection the poem which prompted it are obvious. Swift made one correction in his copy of the Miscellanies, 1727.
1 Once on a time, as old Stories reherse,
2 A Fryer would needs show his Talent in Latin;
3 But was sorely put to't in the midst of a Verse,
4 Because he could find no Word to come pat in.
5 Then all in the Place [Footnote: 1Kb]
6 He left a void Space,
[Page 77]
7 And so went to Bed in a desperate Case.
8 When, Behold [Footnote: 1Kb]
the next Morning, a wonderful Riddle,
9 He found it was strangely fill'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
in the Middle.
10 Let Censuring Criticks then think what they list on't,
11 Who would not Write Verses with such an assistant.
1 This put me the Fryar into an Amazement,
2 For he wisely consider'd it must be a Sprite,
3 That came through the Key-Hole, or in at the Casement,
4 And it needs must be one that could both Read and
5 Write:
6 Yet he did not know
7 If it were Friend or Foe,
8 Or whether it came from Above or Below.
9 Howe'er it was civil in Angel or Elf,
10 For he ne're could have fill'd it so well of himself.
11 Let Censuring, &c.
1 Even so Master Doctor had Puzzled his Brains
2 In making a Ballad, but was at a Stand,
3 He had mixt little Wit with a great deal of Pains,
4 When he found a new Help from Invisible Hand.
5 Then Good Dr. S---
6 Pay Thanks for the Gift,
7 For you freely must own you were at a Dead lift;
8 And tho' some Malicious Young Spirit did do't,
9 You may know by the Hand, it had no Cloven Foot.
10 Let Censuring Criticks then think what they list on't,
11 Who would not Write Verses with such an assistant.
[Page 78]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Vanbrug's House.
An. 1703.
Built from the burnt Ruins of Whitehall. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] In 1703 Whitehall was partially burnt down, and John Vanbrugh set
out to build himself a house on the site. Swift, who had been meeting
Vanbrugh at the coffee-houses, composed a poem jeering at his gifts as an
architect, reflecting, at the same time, upon the dramatic verse of the
[2] The version of the poem published by Swift in the Miscellanies, 1711,
was a revision, probably made in 1708. John Forster discovered an earlier
version, in manuscript, at Narford, the paternal home of the Fountaine
family, and quoted it in part (Life of Swift, pp. 163-4). This manuscript,
with others in Swift's hand, is now in the Pierpont Morgan Library (see
p. xlix). A transcript of the earlier version, in the hand of Charles Ford, is
preserved among the Ford papers, and has been printed by Professor D.
Nichol Smith (Letters of Jonathan Swift to Charles Ford, 1935, pp.
179-82). Ford's transcript omits the date from the title.
[3] The earlier version of the poem is here printed for the first time, completely
and exactly, from Swift's manuscript. The variants of Ford's transcript
are indicated by 'Ford'. The printed version appears below, p. 105.
[4] Sir Andrew Fountaine, 1676-1753, probably made Swift's acquaintance
in early days, when an official at the viceregal court in Dublin during
the lieutenancy of Lord Pembroke, and their friendship continued till the death
of Queen Anne, after which no communication passed between them for
many years. He is frequently mentioned in the Journal to Stella. Fountaine
was given favoured positions in the Hanoverian court, which would
not commend him to his old friend; and in 1727 he was appointed Warden
of the Mint in succession to Sir Isaac Newton. He formed a noble
collection of coins, pictures, and objects of art. An authority on early
English coins, his remarkable 'Numismata Anglo-Saxonica et Anglo-Danica
breviter illustrata' was included in Hickes's great Thesaurus, 1705.
The identification of Fountaine with 'Annius' of the Dunciad (iv. 347 ff.)
is questionable.
[5] Scott, Works, 1814, i. 46-9, on doubtful evidence, attributes a poem,
'On the Burning of Whitehall, in 1697', to Swift (see p. 1069). The old
place was burnt to the ground on the 4th of January, 1698
[6] In addition to a revised version of 'Vanbrug's House', Swift again
attacked Vanbrugh in 'The History of Vanbrug's House' (see p. 85).
[Page 79]
7 [Side note: 1Kb]
In times of old, when Time was young,
8 And Poets their own Verses sung,
9 A Song could draw a Stone or Beam,
10 That now would overload a Team,
11 Lead them a Dance of many a Mile,
12 Then rear 'em [Footnote: 1Kb]
to a goodly Pile,
13 Each Number had it's diff'rent Power;
14 Heroick Strains could build a Tower;
15 Sonnets and Elegyes to Chloris
16 Would raise a House about two Storyes;
17 A Lyrick Ode would Slate; a Catch
18 Would Tile; an Epigram would Thatch.
19 Now Poets find this Art is lost, [Footnote: 1Kb]
20 Both to their own and Landlord's Cost;
21 Not one of all the tunefull Throng
22 Can hire a Lodging for a Song;
23 For Jove consider'd well the Case,
24 That Poets were a numerous Race,
25 And if they all had Power to build,
26 The Earth would very soon be filld:
[Side note: 1Kb]
27 Materials would be quickly spent,
28 And Houses would not give a Rent.
29 The God of Wealth was therefore made
30 Sole Patron of the building Trade,
31 Leaving to Wits the spatious Air,
32 With License to build Castles there;
33 And 'tis conceiv'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
their old Pretence
34 To lodge in Garrats comes [Footnote: 1Kb]
from thence.
35 There is a Worm by Phoebus bred,
36 By [Footnote: 1Kb]
Leaves of Mulberry is fed;
37 Which unprovided where to dwell,
38 Consumes it self to weave a Cell.
39 Then curious Hands this Texture take,
40 And for themselves fine Garments make.
[Page 80]
41 Mean time [Footnote: 1Kb]
a Pair of awkward Things
42 Grew to his Back instead of Wings;
43 He flutters when he Thinks he flyes,
44 Then sheds about his Spaun, and dyes.
45 Just such an Insect of the Age [Footnote: 1Kb]
46 Is he that scribbles for the Stage;
47 His Birth he does from Phoebus raise,
48 And feeds upon imagin'd Bays:
[Side note: 1Kb]
49 Throws all his Witt and Hours away
50 In twisting up an ill-spun Play:
51 This gives [Footnote: 1Kb]
him Lodging, and provides
52 A Stock of tawdry Stuff besides,
53 With the unravelld Shreds [Footnote: 1Kb]
of which
54 The Under-wits adorn their Speech.
55 And now he spreads his little Fans, [Footnote: 1Kb]
56 (For all the Muses Geese are Swans)
57 And borne on fancy's Pinions, thinks,
58 He soars sublimest when he Sinks:
59 But scatt'ring round his Fly-blows, dyes;
60 Whence Broods of insect Poets rise.
61 Premising thus in Modern way
62 The greater half I had to say,
63 Sing Muse the House of Poet Van
64 In higher Strain than we began.
65 Van, (for 'tis fit the Reader know it) [Footnote: 1Kb]
66 Is both a Herald and a Poet;
67 No wonder then, if nicely skill'd
68 In each Capacity to Build:
69 As Herald, he can in a Day
70 Repair a House gone to decay;
[Side note: 1Kb]
71 Or by Atchievments, Arms, Device
72 Erect a new one in a Trice;
[Page 81]
73 And Poets if they had their Due,
74 By antient Right are Builders too.
75 This made him to Apollo pray
76 For Leave to build the Poet's [Footnote: 1Kb]
77 His Pray'r was granted, for the God
78 Consented with the usuall Nod.
79 After hard Throws of many a Day
80 Van was deliver'd of a Play,
81 Which in due time brought forth a House;
82 Just as the Mountain did the Mouse;
83 One Story high, one postern Door,
84 And one small Chamber on a Floor.
85 Born like a Phoenix from the Flame,
86 But neither Bulk nor Shape [Footnote: 1Kb]
the same:
87 As Animals of largest Size
88 Corrupt to Maggots Worms and Flyes.
89 A Type of Modern Witt and Style,
90 The Rubbish of an antient Pile.
91 So Chymists boast they have a Power
92 From the dead Ashes of a Flow'r
[Side note: 1Kb]
93 Some faint Resemblance to produce,
94 But not the Virtue Tast nor [Footnote: 1Kb]
95 So, Modern Rhymers strive to [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
96 The Poetry of Ages past,
97 Which having wisely overthrown,
98 They from it's Ruins build their own.
[Page 82]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: THE
Out of Pliny Nat. Hist. L. 10. C. 67 and L. 29 C. 4.
Anno. 1705. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[1] The Whimsical Medley, i, Appendix, p. 42. [Ref. W.M.]
[2] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 372 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 370).
[3] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 89 (1731, p. 189; 1733, p. 189).
[4] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 13 (1737, ii. 10). [Ref. F.]
[5] The date, 1705, assigned to this piece in the Miscellanies of 1711, is,
almost undoubtedly, correct. From June, 1704, to November, 1707, Swift
was in Ireland. In 1705 Lord Cutts was appointed commander-in-chief in
that country. Faulkner, in 1735, gives the date as 1706, which is possible.
See also Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, p. 127.
[6] John Cutts, 1661-1707, created Baron Cutts of Gowran in 1690, was
one of the most distinguished soldiers of his day. He fought at the Boyne;
and at the siege of Namur in 1695 he won the name of 'Salamander' for his
intrepidity under withering fire. He took part in negotiating the Treaty of
Ryswick; and fought at Blenheim. See further, D.N.B. xiii. 367.
[7] Swift's scurrilous invective against a brave man is inexcusable, and
excited indignation (Journal to Stella, 24 October, 1711). His dislike of
Cutts endured; for, nearly thirty years later, he described him in a copy of
Macky's Characters as 'The vainest old fool alive'. That he was inordinately
vain is the testimony of contemporaries; and he may have personally
offended Swift.
[8] There is a manuscript copy in The Whimsical Medley. The text is here
printed from the Miscellanies, 1711.
9 As Mastive Dogs in Modern Phrase are
10 Call'd Pompey, Scipio and Cæsar;
11 As Pies and Daws are often stil'd
12 With Christian Nick-names like a Child;
[Page 83]
13 As we say, Monsieur, to an Ape
14 Without offence to Human Shape:
15 So men have got from Bird and Brute
16 Names that would best their Natures suit:
17 The Lyon, Eagle, Fox and Bear [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 Were Hero's Titles heretofore,
19 Bestow'd as Hi'roglyphicks fit
20 T'express [Footnote: 1Kb]
their Valor, Strength or Wit.
21 For, what is understood by Fame
22 Beside [Footnote: 1Kb]
the getting of a Name?
23 But e're since Men invented Guns,
24 A different way their Fancy runs;
25 To paint a Hero, we enquire
26 For something that will conquer Fire, [Footnote: 1Kb]
27 Would you describe Turenne or Trump [Footnote: 1Kb]
28 Think of a Bucket or a Pump.
29 Are these too low?---then find out grander,
30 Call my Lord C--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
a Salamander.
31 'Tis well.---But since we live among
32 Detractors with an evil Tongue,
33 Who may object against the Term,
34 Pliny shall prove what we affirm:
35 Pliny shall prove, and we'll apply,
36 And I'll be judg'd by standers-by.
37 FIRST then, our Author has defin'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
38 This Reptil, of the Serpent kind,
39 With gawdy Coat, and shining Train,
40 But loathsom Spots his Body stain:
[Page 84]
41 Out from some Hole obscure he flies
42 When Rains descend, and Tempests rise,
43 Till the Sun clears the Air; and then
44 Crawls back neglected to his Den.
45 SO when the War has rais'd a Storm
46 I've seen a Snake in human Form,
47 All stain'd with Infamy and Vice,
48 Leap from the Dunghill in a trice,
49 Burnish and make a gaudy show,
50 Become a General, Peer and Beau,
51 Till Peace hath made the Sky serene,
52 Then shrink into it's Hole again.
53 All this we grant---why, then look yonder
54 Sure that must be a Salamander!
55 FARTHER, we are by Pliny told [Footnote: 1Kb]
56 This Serpent is extreamly cold,
57 So cold, that put it in the Fire,
58 'Twill make the very Flames expire,
59 Beside, it Spues a filthy Froth,
60 (Whether thro' Rage or Love, or both)
61 Of Matter Purulent and white
62 Which happ'ning on the Skin to light, [Footnote: 1Kb]
63 And there corrupting to a Wound
64 Spreads Leprosy and Baldness round.
65 SO have I seen a batter'd Beau
66 By Age and Claps grown cold as Snow,
[Page 85]
67 Whose Breath or Touch, where e'er he came,
68 Blew out Love's Torch or chill'd the Flame:
69 And should some Nymph who ne'er was cruel,
70 Like Carleton cheap, [Footnote: 1Kb]
or frm'd Duruel,
[Footnote: 1Kb]
71 Receive the Filth which he ejects,
72 She soon would find, the same Effects, [Footnote: 1Kb]
73 Her tainted Carcase to pursue,
74 As from the Salamander's Spue;
75 A dismal shedding of her Locks
76 And, if no Leprosy, a Pox.
77 Then I'll appeal to each By-stander,
78 Whether this ben't a Salamander. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The History of Vanbrug's House.
1706. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Swift's autograph: Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.
[2] The Whimsical Medley, i, Appendix, p. 61.
[3] Two transcripts among the Harley Papers, in the possession of the Duke of Portland, Welbeck Abbey. [Refs. W.1, W.2.]
[4] A Meditation upon a Broom-Stick, and Somewhat Beside; ... London: ... Curll, ... , 1710. p. 27. [Ref. C.]
[5] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 389 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 387).
[6] A Collection of Original Poems, ... London: ... Curll, 1714.
[7] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 77 (1731, p. 182; 1733, p. 182).
[8] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 36 (1737, ii. 29). [Ref. F.]
[9] In the Miscellanies, 1711, this poem is assigned to 1708; and the date is
accepted by Faulkner and Deane Swift (Essay, 1755, p. 137). There are
two transcripts of the poem among the Harley Papers at Welbeck Abbey.
[Page 86]
One, with the title 'The History of Vanbrugh's House', is written on the
first two pages of a folded folio sheet; the other, entitled 'The Architect', is
written on the first and third pages of a folio half-sheet folded to quarto size.
The latter transcript is endorsed by Edward Harley 'The Architect. 1709',
and 'Dr Swift'. But Swift's autograph copy, formerly in the Fountaine
collection, gives '1706'. Swift was then in Ireland: but this would be a
natural date for his second lampoon on Vanbrugh, who was called to be
'Architect at Blenheim' in 1705.
[10] The first appearance of the poem in print was in A Meditation on a
Broom-Stick, which was published in April, 1710 (Daily Courant, 6,
7 April). Swift records that Vanbrugh, though 'a good-natured fellow',
was incensed (Journal to Stella, 7, 11 Nov. 1710; and see Prose Works,
ed. Temple Scott, xii. 79 n.) especially as 'Lady Marlborough used to
tease him' with the verses.
[11] The text is here printed from Swift's manuscript. In title and text
Vanbrugh's name, or 'Van', was not printed in full prior to Faulkner, except
by Curll.
12 When Mother Clud [Footnote: 1Kb]
had rise[n] [Footnote: 1Kb]
from Play,
13 And call'd to take the Cards away,
14 Van saw, but seemd not to regard,
15 How Miss pickt ev'ry painted Card,
16 And busy both with Hand and Eye
17 Soon reard a House two Storyes [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 Van's Genius without Thought or Lecture
19 Is hugely [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
turnd to Architecture, [Footnote: 1Kb]
20 He saw [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Edifice and smil'd,
21 Vow'd it was pretty for a child;
22 It was so perfect in its kind,
23 He kept the Model in his Mind.
24 But when he found the Boys at play, [Footnote: 1Kb]
25 And saw them [Footnote: 1Kb]
dabling in their Clay,
26 He stood behind a Stall to lurk,
27 And mark the Progress of their [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 87]
28 With true Delight oboserved them [Footnote: 1Kb]
29 Raking up Mud to build a Wall;
30 The Plan he much admir'd, and took
31 Tahe Model in his Table-book;
32 Thought himself now exactly skill'd,
33 And so rosolv'd a House to build;
34 [Side note: 1Kb]
A reall House with [Footnote: 1Kb]
Rooms and Stairs,
35 Five [Footnote: 1Kb]
times at least as big as thiers,
36 Taller than Misse's by two yards,
37 Not a sham Thing of Clay or Cards.
38 And so he did; for in a while
39 He built up such a monstrous Pile,
40 That no two Chairmen could be found
41 Able to lift it from the Ground;
42 Still at Whitehall it stands in view, [Footnote: 1Kb]
43 Just in the Place where first it grew,
44 There all the little School-boys run
45 Envying to see themselves outdone.
46 From such deep Rudiments as these
47 Van is become by due Degrees
48 For Building fam'd, and justly reckond
49 At Court, Vitruvius the second, [Footnote: 1Kb]
50 No wonder, since wise Authors shew,
51 That [Footnote: 1Kb]
best Foundations must [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
be low.
52 And now the Duke has wisely ta'ne him
53 [Side note: 1Kb]
To be his Architect at [Footnote: 1Kb]
54 But Raillery, for once, apart, [Footnote: 1Kb]
55 If this Rule holds [Footnote: 1Kb]
in ev'ry Art,
[Page 88]
56 Or if his Grace were [Footnote: 1Kb]
no more skilld in
57 The Art of battring Walls, than building, [Footnote: 1Kb]
58 We might expect to find [Footnote: 1Kb]
next Year
59 A Mousetrap-man chief Engineer.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Story of Baucis & Philemon.
Ov. Met. I. 8. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[Footnote: 7Kb]
[Side note: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
1 In antient Time, as Story tells
2 The Saints would often leave their Cells
3 And strole about, but hide their Quality
4 To try the People's Hospitality.
5 It happen'd on a Winter's night,
6 As Authors of the Legend write
7 Two Brother-Hermits, Saints by Trade
8 Taking their Tour in Masquerade
9 Came to a Village hard by Rixham
10 Ragged, and not a Groat betwixt 'em.
11 It rain'd as hard as it could pour,
12 Yet they were forc't to walk an Hour
13 From House to House, wett to the Skin
14 Before one Soul would let 'em in.
15 They call'd at ev'ry Dore; Good People,
16 My Comrade's Blind, and I'm a Creeple
17 Here we ly starving in the Street
18 'Twould grieve a Body's Heart to see't:
19 No Christian would turn out a Beast
20 In such a dreadfull Night at least;
21 Give us but straw, and let us Ly
22 In yonder Barn to keep us dry.
23 Thus in the Strolers usuall Cant
24 They beg'd Relief which none would grant;
25 [Side note: 1Kb]
No Creature valu'd what they se'd:
26 One Family was gone to bed;
27 The Master Bawl'd out half asleep
28 You Fellows, what a Noise you keep!
29 So many Beggers pass this way,
30 We can't be quiet Night nor day;
[Page 91]
31 We can not serve You every One,
32 Pray take your Answer and be gone.
33 One swore he'd send 'em to the Stocks,
34 A third could not forbear his Mocks,
35 But bawl'd as loud as he could roar,
36 You're on the wrong side of the Door.
37 One surly Clown lookt out, and said,
38 I'll fling the P--- pot [Footnote: 1Kb]
on your head;
39 You sha'n't come here nor get a Sous
40 You look like Rogues would rob a House
41 Can't you go work, or serve the King?
42 You blind and lame! tis no such Thing
43 That's but a counterfeit sore Leg:
44 For shame! two sturdy Rescalls beg;
45 If I come down, I'll spoil your Trick
46 And cure You both with a good Stick.
[Side note: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
47 Our wand'ring Saints in wofull State,
48 Treated at this ungodly Rate
49 Having thro all the Village pass't,
50 To a small Cottage came at last
51 Where dwelt a poor [Footnote: 1Kb]
old honest Yeman
52 Call'd thereabouts [Footnote: 1Kb]
Goodman Philemon;
53 Who kindlly did the Saints invite
54 In his poor House to [Footnote: 1Kb]
pass the Night;
55 And then the hospitable Sire
56 Bade Goody Baucis mend the Fire
57 Whilst he from out the Chimny took
58 A Flitch of Bacon off the Hook,
59 And freely from the fattest Side
60 Cutt off [Footnote: 1Kb]
large Slices to be fry'd;
61 Which tosst up in a Pan with Batter,
62 And serv'd up in an earthen Platter;
63 Quoth Baucis, this is wholsom Fare,
64 Eat, Honest Friends, and never spare,
[Page 92]
65 And if we find our Vittels fail
66 We can but make it out in Ale.
67 To a small Kilderkin of Beer
68 Brew'd for the good time of the Year
69 Philemon by his Wife's consent
70 Step't with a Jug, and made a Vent;
71 [Side note: 1Kb]
And having fill'd it to the Brink,
72 Invited both the Saints to Drink.
73 When they had took a second Draught,
74 Behold, a Miracle was wrought
75 For, Baucis with Amazement found
76 Although the Jug had twice gone round
77 It still was full up to the Top
78 As [Footnote: 1Kb]
if they ne're had drunk a drop.
79 You may be sure, so strange a Sight
80 Put the old People in a Fright;
81 Philemon whisper'd to his Wife,
82 These Men are Saints I'll lay my Life
83 The Strangers overheard, and said,
84 You're in the right, but be'n't afraid
85 No hurt shall come to You or Yours;
86 But for that Pack of churlish Boors
87 Not fitt to live on Christian Ground,
88 They and their Village shall be droun'd,
89 Whilst You shall see your Cottage rise,
90 And grow a Church before your Eyes.
91 Scarce had they spoke when fair and soft
92 The Roof began to mount aloft
93 [Side note: 1Kb]
Aloft rose ev'ry Beam and Rafter,
94 The heavy Wall went clamb'ring after.
95 The Chimny widen'd and grew high'r,
96 Became a Steeple with a Spire:
97 The Kettle to the Top was hoist
98 And there stood fastned to a Joyst,
99 But with the upside doun to shew
100 It's Inclination for below;
[Page 93]
101 In vain; for a superior Force
102 Apply'd at Bottom stops it's Course;
103 Doomd ever in suspense to dwell,
104 Tis now no Kettle but a Bell.
105 The groaning Chair began to crawll
106 Like a huge Insect up the Wall,
107 There stuck, and to a Pulpitt grew,
108 But kept it's Matter and it's Hue,
109 And mindfull of it's antient State,
110 Still Groans while tatling Gossips prate.
111 The Mortar onely chang'd it's Name,
112 In it's old shape a Font became
113 The Porrengers that in a Row
114 Hung high and made a glitt'ring Show
115 [Side note: 1Kb]
To a less noble Substance chang'd
116 Were now but leathern Buckets rang'd.
117 The Ballads pasted round [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Wall,
118 Of Chivy-chase, and English Mall,
119 Fair Rosamond, and Robin Hood,
120 The little Children in the Wood,
121 Enlarg'd in Picture, Size and Letter
122 And painted, lookt abundance better
123 And now the Heraldry describe
124 Of a Curchwarden or a Tribe.
125 The wooden Jack which had almost
126 Lost by Disuse the Art to roast
127 A sudden Alteration feels,
128 Encreas't by new intestin Wheels
129 But what adds to the Wonder more,
130 The Number made the Motion slower
131 The Fly'r, altho't [Footnote: 1Kb]
had leaden Feet,
132 Would turn so quick you scarce could see't
133 But now stopt [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
by some hidden Pow'rs
134 Moves round but twice [Footnote: 1Kb]
twelve Hours
[Page 94]
135 While in the Station of a Jack
136 'Twas never known to turn [Footnote: 1Kb]
its back
137 A Friend in Turns and Windings try'd
138 Nor ever left the Chimny side.
139 [Side note: 1Kb]
The Chimny [Footnote: 1Kb]
to a Steeple grown,
140 The Jack would not be left alone
141 But up against the Steeple rear'd,
142 Became a Clock, and still adher'd,
143 And still it's Love to Houshold Cares
144 By a shrill Voice at noon declares,
145 Warning the Cook-maid not to burn
146 That [Footnote: 1Kb]
Roast-meat which it cannot turn.
147 A Bed-sted in the antique mode
148 Compos'd of Timber many a Load;
149 Such as our Grandfathers did use,
150 Was Metamorphos't into Pews;
151 Which yet their former Virtue keep,
152 By lodging Folks dispos'd to sleep.
153 The Cottage with such Feats as these
154 Grown to a Church by just Degrees,
155 The holy Men desir'd their Host
156 To ask for what he fancy'd most.
157 Philemon having paus'd a while
158 Reply'd in complementall Style:
159 Your Goodness more than my Desert
160 Makes you take all things in good Part:
161 [Side note: 1Kb]
You've rais'd a Church here in a Minute,
162 And I would fain continue in it;
163 I'm good for little at my days;
164 Make me the Parson if you please.
165 He spoke. and presently he feels
166 His Grazier's Coat reach down his Heels,
167 The Sleeves new border'd with a List
168 Widn'd and gatherd at his Wrist;
169 But being old continued just
170 As threadbare, and as full of Dust.
[Page 95]
171 A shambling awkward Gate he took,
172 With a demure dejected Look.
173 Talkt of his Off'rings, Tyths, and Dues,
174 Could Smoak, and Drink, and read the News;
175 Or sell a Goose at the next Toun
176 Decently hid beneath his Goun.
177 Contrivd to preach his Sermon [Footnote: 1Kb]
178 Chang'd in the Preface and the Text:
179 Carry'd it to his Equalls high'r,
180 But most obsequious to the Squire.
181 &c
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: VERSES
said to be written on the
UNION. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1746, viii. 314.
[2] Miscellanies, 1746, xi. 242 (1749, xi. 242). [Ref. 1746.]
[3] Miscellanies, 1751, xiv. 216.
[4] The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1), 283.
[5] The poem is one of those added to the canon of Swift by Faulkner in
1746. The poems printed in vol. viii of the Works in that year are for the
most part undoubtedly genuine. These verses are in the manner of Swift,
and, with hardly a doubt, may be accepted as his. They are, further, of a
piece with his inveterate dislike for Scotland.
[6] If by Swift, these lines must have been written while he was in Ireland;
for the Act of Union was formally ratified by the Parliament of Scotland on
the 16th of January, 1707, and came into operation on the 1st of May in
that year.
[7] The text is given as first printed by Faulkner.
[Page 96]
8 The Queen has lately lost a Part
9 Of her entirely-English [Footnote: 1Kb]
10 For want of which by way of Botch,
11 She piec'd it up again with Scotch. [Footnote: 1Kb]
12 Blest Revolution, which creates
13 Divided Hearts, united States. [Footnote: 1Kb]
14 See how the double Nation lies;
15 Like a rich Coat with Skirts of Frize:
16 As if a Man in making Posies
17 Should bundle Thistles up with Roses.
18 Whoever [Footnote: 1Kb]
yet a Union saw
19 Of Kingdoms, without Faith or Law.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
20 Henceforward let no Statesman dare,
21 A Kingdom to a Ship compare;
22 Lest he should call our Commonweal,
23 A Vessel with a double Keel:
24 Which just like ours, [Footnote: 1Kb]
new rigg'd and man'd,
25 And got about a League from Land,
26 By Change of Wind to Leeward Side
27 The Pilot knew not how to guide.
28 So tossing Faction will o'erwhelm
29 Our crazy double-bottom'd Realm.
[Page 97]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: An ELEGY on
Mr. PATRIGE, the Almanack-maker,
who Died on the 29th of this Instant March, 1708. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[1] An Elegy on Mr. Patrige, ... London: Printed in the Year 1708. Broadside.
[2] An Elegy On Mr. Patrige, ... Edinburgh Re-printed in the Year 1708. Broadside.
[Ref. E.]
[3] The Whimsical Medley, i, Appendix, p. 47. [Ref. W.M.]
[4] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 392 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 390).
[5] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 97 (1731, p. 195; 1733, p. 195).
[6] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 114 (1737, ii. 91). [Ref. F.]
[7] John Partridge, 1644-1715, a shoemaker, turned to the publication of
astrological booklets. In 1680 his almanac, Merlinus Liberatus, first appeared;
and he became one of the best-known of the 'philomaths' as these
quacks styled themselves. Swift seized upon the idea of demolishing him
with his own weapons. In March, 1708, he published Predictions for the
Year 1708, in which he foretold the death of Partridge 'upon the 29th of
March next, about Eleven at night, of a raging Feaver'. On the 30th of
March appeared The Accomplishment of the first of Mr. Bickerstaff's Predictions,
in which a detailed account is given of Partridge's death. Swift
also ridiculed the wretched almanac-maker in An Elegy on Mr. Patrige.
Many thought him really dead; and the Stationers' Hall struck his name
from its rolls. Others joined in the joke at Partridge's expense. In his
almanac for 1709 he protested that he was still alive; but he was too late.
Swift conclusively proved his death in A Vindication of Isaac Bickerstaff
Esq. See further Forster, pp. 221-5; Craik, i.
219-24; Prose Works, i. 298 ff.; Aitken, Life of Steele, i. 211-14.
[8] In his History of the City of Dublin, i. 192-3, Gilbert states that several
lines of Swift's elegy were distributed in Dublin as an epitaph on John
Whalley, an astrologer of the city, who died 17 Jany. 1724. In actual fact
the whole, with the exception of ll. 95-102, was adapted and reprinted as
a broadside.
[9] The text is here reprinted from the first broadside edition. In the Miscellanies,
1711, the title becomes 'A Grubstreet Elegy on the supposed
Death of Patrige the Almanack-Maker'. In 1727, and later, 'Grubstreet' is
omitted. From 1713, in title and text, 'Patrige' becomes 'Partrige'. The
change in spelling of the proper name takes place in the second printing of
the second edition of the Miscellanies, 1713.
[Page 98]
10 Well, 'tis as Bickerstaff has guest,
11 Tho' we all took it for a Jest:
12 Patrige is Dead, nay more, he dy'd
13 E'er he could prove the good Squire ly'd.
14 Strange, and Astrologer should Die,
15 Without one Wonder in the Sky;
16 Not one of all his Crony Stars,
17 To pay their Duty at his Hearse! [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 No Meteor, no Eclipse appear'd! [Footnote: 1Kb]
19 No Comet with a Flaming Beard! [Side note: 1Kb]
[Side note: 1Kb]
20 The Sun has rose, and gone to Bed,
21 Just as if Patrige were not Dead;
22 Nor hid himself behind the Moon,
23 To make a dreadful Night at Noon:
24 He at fit Periods walks through Aries,
25 Howe'er our Earthly Motion varies,
26 And 'twice a Year he'll cut th' Æquator,
27 As if there had been no such Matter.
28 Some Wits have wondred what Analogy
29 There is 'twixt [Footnote: 1Kb]
Cobling and Astrology;
30 How Patrige made his Opticks rise,
31 From a Shoe Sole to reach the Skies;
32 A List the Coblers Temples ties, [Footnote: 1Kb]
33 To keep the Hair out of their Eyes;
34 From whence 'tis plain the Diadem
35 That Princes wear [Footnote: 1Kb]
derives from them;
36 And therefore Crowns are now-a-days
37 Adorn'd with Golden Stars and Rays,
38 which plainly shews the near Alliance
39 'Twixt Cobling and the Planet [Footnote: 1Kb]
40 Besides, that slow-pac'd Sign Bo-otes
41 As 'tis miscall'd, we know not who 'tis;
[Page 99]
42 But Patrige ended all Disputes,
43 He knew his Trade, and call'd it [Footnote: 1Kb]
44 The Horned Moon which heretofore [Footnote: 1Kb]
45 Upon their Shoes the Romans wore, [Footnote: 1Kb]
46 Whose Wideness kept their Toes from Corns,
47 And whence we claim our shoeing horns,
48 Shews how the Art of Cobling bears
49 A near Resemblance to the Spheres.
50 A Scrap of Parchment hung by Geometry,
51 A great Refinement in Barometry,
52 Can like the Stars foretel the Weather;
53 And what is Parchment else but Leather?
54 Which an Astrologer might use,
55 Either for Almanacks or Shoes.
56 Thus Patrige, by his Wit and Parts,
57 At once did Practice both these Arts:
58 And as the Boding Owl, or rather
59 The Bat, because her Wings are Leather,
60 Steals from her Private Cell by Night,
61 And flies about the Candle-Light;
62 So Learned Patrige could as well
63 Creep in the Dark from Leathern Cell,
64 And in his Fancy fly as far,
65 To peep upon a twinkling Star.
66 Besides, he could confound the Spheres,
67 And set the Planets by the Ears:
68 To shew his Skill, he Mars would join
69 To Venus in Aspect Mali'n,
70 Then call in Mercury for Aid,
71 And Cure the Wounds that Venus made.
72 Great Scholars have in Lucian Read, [Footnote: 1Kb]
73 When Philip King of Greece was Dead,
74 His Soul and Spirit did divide,
75 And each Part took a diff'rent Side;
[Page 100]
76 One rose a Star, the other fell
77 Beneath, and mended Shoes in Hell.
78 Thus Patrige still shines in each Art,
79 The Cobling and Star-gazing Part,
80 And is Install'd as good a Star,
81 As any of the Cæsars are.
82 Thou, high-exalted in thy Sphere,
83 May'st follow still thy Calling there.
84 To thee the Bull will lend his Hide,
85 By Phoebus newly Tann'd and Dry'd.
86 For thee they Argo's Hulk will Tax,
87 And scrape her Pitchy Sides for Wax.
88 Then Ariadne kindly Lends
89 Her Braided Hair to make thee Ends;
90 The Point of Sagittarius Dart,
91 Turns to an Awl by Heav'nly Art;
92 And Vulcan wheedled by his Wife,
93 Will Forge for thee a Paring-Knife,
94 For want of Room by Virgo's Side,
95 She'll strain a Point, and sit [Footnote: 1Kb]
astride, [Footnote: 1Kb]
96 To take thee kindly in between,
97 And then the Signs will be Thirteen.
98 Triumphant Star! Some Pity show
99 On Coblers Militant below,
100 Whom Roguish Boys in Stormy Nights
101 Torment, by pissing out their Lights;
102 Or thro' a Chink convey their Smoke,
103 Inclos'd Artificers to Choke. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
104 But do not shed thy Influence down [Footnote: 1Kb]
105 Upon St. James's End o' th' Town;
106 Consider where the Moon and Stars
107 Have their devoutest Worshippers,
[Page 101]
108 Astrologers and Lunaticks
109 Have in More Fields their Stations fix, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Side note: 1Kb]
110 Hither thy gentle Aspect bend,
111 [Footnote: 1Kb]
Nor look Asquint on an old Friend. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
112 Here Five Foot deep lyes on his Back
113 A Cobler, Starmonger, and Quack,
114 Who to the Stars in pure Good-will,
115 Does to his best look upward still.
116 Weep all you Customers that use
117 His Pills, his Almanacks, or Shoes.
118 And you that did your Fortunes seek,
119 Step to this Grave but once a Week,
120 This Earth which bears his Body's Print,
121 You'll find has so much Virtue in't,
122 That I durst Pawn my Ears, 'twill tell
123 Whate'er concerns you full as well,
124 In Physick, Stolen Goods, or Love,
125 As he himself could, when above.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: A Famous Prediction of MERLIN,
the British Wizard; written above
a Thousand Years ago, and relating
to this present Year.
With Explanatory Notes. By T.N. Philomath. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] A Famous Prediction of Merlin, ... London: Printed and Sold by A. Baldwin,
... MDCCIX. Half-sheet.
[2] A Famous Prediction of Merlin, ... Edinburgh Re-printed by James Watson
1709. Half-sheet.
[3] A Famous Prediction of Merlin, ... London: Printed and Sold by H. Hills, in
Black-fryars, near the Water-side, 1708. Half-sheet.
[Page 102]
[4] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 305 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 303).
[5] Miscellanies, 1727, ii. 253.
[6] This was Swift's last contribution to the Partridge practical joke; and it
took a political character. Although more properly a prose piece it contains
twenty lines of verse prophecy, and is here reprinted for the sake of
completeness. Swift mentions the piece in the Journal to Stella, 24 December,
1711. Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, p. 139, suggests, and doubtless
rightly, that Swift had no serious intention; but so far as the Prediction had
any purpose it was an appeal to Queen Anne to marry again.
[7] Dr. Johnson was deceived into believing it a genuine piece of ancient
verse, and, before him, Ames included it in his Typographical Antiquities,
1749, a mistake in which he was followed by Philip Luckombe in his
Concise History of Printing, 1770, p. 60.
[8] There was a severe frost during the winter of 1708-9. The Prediction
appeared in the early part of the latter year.
[9] Last Year was publish'd a Paper of Predictions pretended
to be written by one Isaac Bickerstaff, Esq; but
the true Design of it was to Ridicule the Art of Astrology,
and Expose its Professors as ignorant, or Impostors.
Against this Imputation, Dr. Partridge hath vindicated
himself in his Almanack for the present Year.
[10] For a further Vindication of this famous Art, I have
thought fit to present the World with the following
Prophecy. The Original is said to be of the famous Merlin,
who lived about a Thousand Years ago: And the following
Translation is Two Hundred Years old; for it seems to be
written near the End of Henry the Seventh's Reign. I
found it in an Old Edition of Merlin's Prophecies; imprinted
at London by Johan Haukyns, in the Year 1530,
Pag. 39. I set it down Word for Word in the Old Orthography,
and shall take Leave to subjoin a few Explanatory Notes.
11 Seven and Ten addyd to nyne,
12 Of Fraunce hir woe thys is the sygne,
13 Tamys rivere twys y=frozen,
14 Walke sans wetynge Shoes ne hosen.
15 Then comyth foorthe, Ich understonde,
16 From Toune of Stoffe to fattyn Londe
[Page 103]
17 An herdie Chiftan, woe the morne
18 To Fraunce, that evere he was borne.
19 Than shall the Fyshe beweyle his Bosse;
20 Nor shall grin Berris make up the Losse.
21 Yonge Symnele shall agayne miscarrye:
22 And Norways pryd agayne shall marreye.
23 And from the Tree where Blosums fele,
24 Ripe fruit shall come, and all is wele.
25 Reaums shall daunce honde in honde,
26 And it shall be merye in olde Inglonde.
27 Then olde Inglonde shall be noe more,
28 And no Man shall be sorie therefore.
29 Geryon shall have three Hedes agayne
30 Till Hapsburge makyth them but twayne.
Explanatory Notes.
[31] Seven and Ten. This Line describes the Year when
these Events shall happen. Seven and Ten makes Seventeen,
which I Explain Seventeen Hundred, and this Number
added to Nine, makes the Year we are now in; for it
must be understood of the Natural Year, which begins the
First of January.
[32] Tamys River twice, &c. The River Thames frozen
twice in one Year, so as Men to walk on it, is a very signal
Accident; which perhaps hath not fallen out for several
Hundred Years before, and is the Reason why some Astrologers
have thought that this Prophecy could never be
fulfilled, because they imagined such a Thing would never
happen in our Climate.
[33] From Toun of Stuff, &c. This is a plain designation
of the Duke of Marlborough; One kind of Stuff used
to fatten Land is called Marle, and every body knows that
Borough is a Name for a Town; and this way of Expression is
after the usual dark manner of Old Astrological Predictions.
[34] Then shall the Fish, &c. By the Fish is understood
the Dolphin of France, as their Kings Eldest Sons are
called: 'Tis here said, He shall lament the Loss of the
[Page 104]
Duke of Burgundy, called the Bosse, which is an Old
English Word from Hump-Shoulder, or Crook-Back, as that
Duke is known to be; and the Prophecy seems to mean,
that he shall be overcome or slain. By the Green Berrys
in the next Line is meant the Young Duke of Berry,
the Dauphin's Third Son, who shall not have Valour or
Fortune enough to supply the Loss of his Eldest Brother.
[35] Young Symnele, &c. By Symnel is meant the Pretended
Prince of Wales, who if he offers to attempt any
thing against England, shall miscarry as he did before.
Lambert Symnel is the Name of a Young Man noted in
our Histories for Personating the Son (as I remember) of
Edward the Fourth.
[36] And Norways Pride, &c. I cannot guess who is meant
by Norway's Pride, perhaps the Reader may, as well as the
Sense of the Two following Lines.
[37] Reaums shall, &c. Reaums, or, as the Word is now,
Realms, is the old Name for Kingdoms: And this is a very
plain Prediction of our Happy Union, with the Felicities
that shall attend it. It is added, That Old England shall be
no more, and yet no Man shall be sorry for it. And indeed,
properly speaking, England is now no more; for the whole
Island is one Kingdom, under the Name of Britain.
[38] Geryon shall, &c. This Prediction, though somewhat
obscure, is wonderfully adapt. Geryon is said to have
been a King of Spain, whom Hercules slew. It was a Fiction
of the Poets, that he had Three Heads, which the Author
says he shall have again. That is, Spain shall have
Three Kings; which is now wonderfully verify'd: For besides
the King of Portugal, which properly is Part of Spain, there
are now Two Rivals for Spain; Charles and Philip. But
Charles being descended from the Count of Hapsburgh,
Founder of the Austrian Family, shall soon make those
Heads but Two; by Overcoming Philip, and Driving him
out of Spain.
[39] Some of these Predictions are already fulfilled; and it
is highly probable the rest may be in due time: And, I
[Page 105]
think, I have not forced the Words by my Explication,
into any other Sense than what they will naturally bear.
If this be granted, I am sure it may be also allow'd, that
the Author, whoever he were, was a Person of extraordinary
Sagacity; And that Astrology brought to such a Perfection
as this, is by no means an Art to be despis'd; whatever Mr.
Bickerstaff, or other Merry Gentlemen are pleased to think.
As to the Tradition, of these Lines having been writ in
their Original by Merlin; I confess, I lay not much Weight
upon it: But it is enough to justify their Authority, that
the Book from whence I have transcrib'd them, was
printed 170 Years ago, as appears by the Title-Page. For
the Satisfaction of any Gentleman, who may be either
Doubtful of the Truth, or Curious to be inform'd; I shall
give Order to have the very Book sent to the Printer of
this Paper, with Directions to let any Body see it that
pleases; because, I believe, it is pretty scarce.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: V---'s HOUSE
Built from the Ruins of White-Hall
that was Burnt. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[1] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 364 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 362).
[2] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 68 (1731, p. 176; 1733, p. 176).
[3] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 30 (1737, ii. 24). [Ref. F.]
[4] For an account of the occasion of this poem, and Swift's earlier version,
see above, p. 78. The Miscellanies of 1711 gives the date of composition
as 1703, when Whitehall was burnt. Faulkner assigns the poem to 1708,
the date of the revised version, as printed.
[5] The earlier version runs to 92, the printed version to 134 lines. Apart
from minor differences, ll. 29-54 are peculiar to the earlier version, ll
53-120 to the printed version.
[6] The text printed is that of the Miscellanies, 1711. Swift made one
correction, l. 105, in his copy of the Miscellanies, 1727.
[Page 106]
7 In Times of Old, when Time was Young,
8 And Poets their own [Footnote: 1Kb]
Verses Sung,
9 A Verse could draw a Stone or Beam
10 That now would overload a Team;
11 Lead 'em a Dance of many a Mile,
12 Then rear 'em to a goodly Pile.
13 Each Number had it's diff'rent Pow'r;
14 Heroick Strains could build [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
a Tow'r;
15 Sonnets, or Elogies to Chloris
16 Might raise a House about two Stories;
17 A Lyrick Ode would Slate; a Catch
18 Would Tile; an Epigram would Thatch.
19 BUT, to their own, or Landlord's Cost,
20 Now Poets feel this Art is lost:
21 Not one of all our tuneful Throng
22 Can raise a Lodging for a Song.
23 For, Jove consider'd well the Case,
24 Observ'd, they grew a num'rous Race.
25 And should they Build as fast as Write,
26 'Twould ruin Undertakers quite.
27 This Evil, therefore to prevent,
28 He wisely chang'd their Element:
29 On Earth, the God of Wealth was made
30 Sole Patron of the Building Trade,
31 Leaving the Wits the Spacious Air
32 With Licence to build Castles there:
33 And 'tis conceiv'd, their old Pretence
34 To lodge in Garrats, comes from thence.
35 PREMISING thus in Modern way
36 The better Half we had [Footnote: 1Kb]
to say;
37 Sing Muse the House of Poet V--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
38 In higher Strains than we began.
[Page 107]
39 V--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
(for 'tis fit the Reader know it)
40 Is both a Herald and a Poet, [Footnote: 1Kb]
41 No wonder then, if nicely skill'd
42 In both Capacities, to Build.
43 As Herald, he can in a Day
44 Repair a House gone to Decay,
45 Or by Atchivement, [Footnote: 1Kb]
Arms, Device,
46 Erect a new one in a trice.
47 And as a Poet, he has Skill
48 To build in Speculation still.
49 Great Jove, [Footnote: 1Kb]
he cry'd, the Art restore
50 To build by Verse as heretofore,
51 And make my Muse the Architect;
52 What Palaces shall we erect!
53 No longer shall forsaken Thames
54 Lament his old Whitehall in Flames,
55 A Pile shall from its Ashes rise
56 Fit to Invade or prop the Skies.
57 JOVE Smil'd, and like a gentle God,
58 Consenting with the [Footnote: 1Kb]
usual Nod,
59 Told V--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
he knew his Talent best,
60 And left the Choice to his own Breast.
61 So V--- resolv'd to write a Farce, [Footnote: 1Kb]
62 But well perceiving Wit was scarce,
63 With Cunning that Defect supplies,
64 Takes a French Play as lawful Prize, [Footnote: 1Kb]
65 Steals thence his Plot, and ev'ry Joke,
66 Not once suspecting, Jove would Smoak,
67 And, (like a Wag) sat down to Write,
68 Would whisper to himself; A Bite,
[Page 108]
69 Then, from the [Footnote: 1Kb]
motly mingled Style
70 Proceeded to erect his Pile:
71 So, Men of old, to gain Renown, did
72 Build Babel with their Tongues confounded.
73 Jove saw the Cheat, but thought it best
74 To turn the Matter to a Jest;
75 Down from Olympus Top he Slides,
76 Laughing as if he'd butst his Sides:
77 Ay, thought the God, are these your Tricks?
78 Why then, old Plays deserve old Bricks,
79 And since you're sparing of your Stuff,
80 Your Building shall be small enough.
81 He spake, and grudging, lent his Ayd;
82 Th' experienc't Bricks that knew their Trade,
83 (As being Bricks at Second Hand,)
84 Now move, and now in Order Stand.
85 THE Building, as the Poet Writ,
86 Rose in proportion to his Wit:
87 And first the Prologue built a Wall
88 So wide as to encompass all.
89 The Scene, a Wood, produc'd no more
90 Than a few Scrubby Trees before.
91 The Plot as yet lay deep, and so
92 A Cellar next was dug below:
93 But this a Work so hard was found,
94 Two Acts it cost him under Ground.
95 Two other Acts we may presume
96 Were spent in Building each a Room;
97 Thus far advanc't, he made a shift
98 To raise a Roof with Act the Fift.
99 The Epilogue behind, did frame
100 A Place not decent here to name.
101 NOW Poets from all Quarters ran
102 To see the House of Brother V---: [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 109]
103 Lookt high and low, walkt often round,
104 But no such House was to be found;
105 One asks the Watermen hard by,
106 Where may the Poets Place ly?
107 Another, of the Thames enquires,
108 If he has seen its gilded Spires. [Footnote: 1Kb]
109 At length they in the Rubbish spy
110 A Thing resembling a Goose Py,
111 Farther [Footnote: 1Kb]
in haste the Poets throng,
112 And gaze in silent Wonder long,
113 Till one in Raptures thus began [Footnote: 1Kb]
114 To praise the Pile, and Builder V---. [Footnote: 1Kb]
115 THRICE happy Poet, who may trail
116 Thy House about thee like a Snail;
117 Or Harness'd to a Nag, at ease
118 Take Journies in it like a Chaise;
119 Or in a Boat when e're thou wilt
120 Canst make it serve thee for a Tilt.
121 Capacious House! 'tis own'd by all
122 Thou'rt well contriv'd, tho' thou art small;
123 For ev'ry Wit in Britain's Isle
124 May lodge within thy Spacious Pile.
125 Like Bacchus Thou, as Poets feign,
126 Thy Mother burnt, art Born again;
127 Born like a Phoenix from the Flame,
128 But neither Bulk, nor Shape the same:
129 As Animals of largest Size
130 Corrupt to Maggots, Worms and Flyes.
131 A Type of Modern Wit and Style,
132 The Rubbish of an Antient Pile.
133 So Chymists boast they have a Pow'r
134 From the dead Ashes of a Flow'r
135 Some faint Resemblance to produce,
136 But not the Virtue, Tast or Juice.
[Page 110]
137 So Modern Rimers wisely Blast
138 The Poetry of Ages past,
139 Which after they have overthrown,
140 They from its Ruins build their own.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: BAUCIS
Imitated, From the Eighth Book of OVID. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Baucis and Philemon, Imitated from Ovid. ... Printed An. Dom MDCCIX.
[2] Price Two-Pence. (Four leaves.) [Ref. 1709.]
[3] Poetical Miscellanies: The Sixth Part. ... London, ... Tonson, ... 1709.
p. 237
[4] Baucis and Philemon; ... Together with Mrs. Harris's Earnest Petition. ...
London: ... Hills, ... 1709 (and 1710), p. 3. [Ref. H.]
[5] Works of ... Rochester, and Roscommon . ... The Third Edition. To which is
added, A Collection of Miscellany Poems. ... London, ... Curll, ...
1709. p.129.
[6] A meditation upon a Broom-Stick, ... London: ... Curll, ... 1710. p. 9.
[Ref. C.]
[7] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 377 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 375.)
[8] A Collection of Original Poems, ... London: ... Curll, ... 1714.
[9] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 1 (1731, p. 132; 1733, p. 132).
[10] Faulkner, 1735, ii, 21 (1737, ii, 17). [Ref. F.]
[11] For an account of the occasion of this poem, and Swift's earlier version,
see above, p. 88. The Miscellanies of 1711 gives the date 1706, which is
probably approximately right for the earlier form. Faulkner assigns it to
1708, the date of the revised and printed version.
[12] It is possible that its first appearance in print was in Tonson's Miscellanies,
1709. It was immediately pirated. The title in the Hills piracy is, 'The
Metamorphosis of Baucis and Philemon, Burlesqu'd; from the 8th Book of
Ovid'; and there are no paragraph divisions.
[Page 111]
[13] Variations in the detail of the title heading, which would serve no purpose,
are not given below.
[14] Swift made one correction, l. 19, in his copy of the Miscellanies, 1727,
and one, l. 38, in his copy of Faulkner, vol. ii, 1737.
[15] The text is printed from the Miscellanies of 1711.
16 In antient Times, as Story tells,
17 The Saints would often leave their Cells.
18 And strole about, but hide their Quality,
19 To try good People's Hospitality.
20 IT happen'd on a Winter [Footnote: 1Kb]
21 As Authors of the Legend write; [Footnote: 1Kb]
22 Two Brother Hermits, Saints by Trade,
23 Taking their Tour in Masquerade;
24 Disguis'd in tatter'd Habits, went
25 To a small Village down in Kent; [Footnote: 1Kb]
26 Where, in the Strolers Canting Strain,
27 They beg'd from Door to Door in vain;
28 Try'd ev'ry Tone might Pity win,
29 But not a Soul would let them in.
30 OUR wand'ring Saints in woful State,
31 Treated at this ungodly Rate,
32 Having thro' all the Village pass'd,
33 To a small Cottage came at last;
34 Where dwelt a good old honest [Footnote: 1Kb]
35 Call'd, in the Neighbourhood, Philemon.
36 Who kindly did the [Footnote: 1Kb]
Saints invite
37 In his Poor Hut to pass the Night;
38 And then the Hospitable Sire
39 Bid Goody [Footnote: 1Kb]
Baucis mend [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Fire;
[Page 112]
40 While He from out of [Footnote: 1Kb]
Chimney took
41 A Flitch of Bacon off the Hook;
42 And freely from the fattest Side
43 Cut out large Slices to be fry'd;
44 Then stept aside to fetch 'em Drink,
45 Fill'd a large Jug up to the Brink;
46 And saw it fairly twice go round;
47 Yet (what is [Footnote: 1Kb]
wonderful) they found,
48 'Twas still replenished to the Top,
49 As if they ne'er had toucht [Footnote: 1Kb]
a Drop,
50 The good old Couple [Footnote: 1Kb]
was [Footnote: 1Kb]
51 And often on each other gaz'd;
52 For both were frighted to the Heart,
53 And just began to cry;---What ar't [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
54 Then softly turn'd aside to view,
55 Whether the Lights were burning blue.
56 The gentle Pilgrims [Footnote: 1Kb]
soon aware on't,
57 Told 'em their Calling, and their Errant:
58 Good Folks, you need not be afraid,
59 We are but Saints, the Hermits said;
60 No Hurt shall come to You, or Yours;
61 But, for that Pack of churlish Boors,
62 Not fit to live on Christian Ground,
63 They and their Houses shall be drown'd:
64 Whilst you shall see your Cottage rise,
65 And grow a Church before your Eyes.
66 THEY scarce had Spoke; when, fair and soft,
67 The Roof began to mount aloft;
68 Aloft rose ev'ry Beam and Rafter,
69 The heavy Wall climb'd slowly after
[Page 113]
70 THE Chimney widen'd, and grew higher,
71 Became a Steeple with a Spire.
72 THE Kettle to the Top was hoist,
73 And there stood fast'ned to a Joist:
74 But with the Upside down, to shew
75 Its [Footnote: 1Kb]
Inclinations for below;
76 In vain; for a Superior Force
77 Apply'd at Bottom, stops [Footnote: 1Kb]
its Course,
78 Doom'd ever in Suspence to dwell,
79 'Tis now no Kettle, but a Bell.
80 A wooden Jack, which had almost
81 Lost, by Disuse, the Art to Roast,
82 A sudden Alteration feels,
83 Increas'd by new Intestine Wheels:
84 And, [Footnote: 1Kb]
what exalts the Wonder more,
85 The Number made the Motion slow'r:
86 The Flyer, tho't [Footnote: 1Kb]
had Leaden Feet,
87 Turn'd round so quick, you scarce cou'd see't;
88 But [Footnote: 1Kb]
slacken'd by some secret Power,
89 Now hardly moves [Footnote: 1Kb]
an Inch an Hour.
90 The Jack and Chimney near ally'd,
91 Had never left each other's Side;
92 The Chimney to a Steeple grown,
93 The Jack wou'd not be left alone,
94 But up against the Steeple rear'd,
95 Became a Clock, and still adher'd:
96 And still its Love to Houshold Cares
97 By a shrill Voice at Noon declares,
98 Warning the Cook-maid, not to burn
99 That Roast-meat which it cannot turn. [Footnote: 1Kb]
100 THE Groaning Chair began [Footnote: 1Kb]
to crawl
101 Like an huge Snail along [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Wall;
[Page 114]
102 There stuck [Footnote: 1Kb]
aloft, in Publick View,
103 And with small Change, a Pulpit grew.
104 THE Porringers, [Footnote: 1Kb]
that in a Row
105 Hung high, and made a glitt'ring [Footnote: 1Kb]
106 To a less Noble Substance chang'd
107 Were now but Leathern Buckets rang'd.
108 THE Ballads pasted on the Wall,
109 Of Joan of France, and English Moll, [Footnote: 1Kb]
110 Fair Rosamond, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Robin Hood,
111 The Little Children in the Wood:
112 Now seem'd to look abundance better,
113 Improv'd in Picture, Size, and Letter;
114 And high in Order plac'd describe
115 The Heraldry of ev'ry Tribe. [Footnote: 1Kb]
116 A Bedstead of the Antique Mode,
117 Compact of Timber [Footnote: 1Kb]
many a Load,
118 Such as our Ancestors did [Footnote: 1Kb]
119 Was Metamorphos'd into Pews;
120 Which still their antient Nature keep;
121 By lodging Folks dispos'd to Sleep.
122 THE Cottage by such Feats as these,
123 Grown to a Church by just Degrees,
[Page 115]
124 The Hermits then desir'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
their Host
125 To ask for what he fancy'd most:
126 Philemon, having paus'd a while,
127 Return'd 'em Thanks in homely Stile;
128 Then said; my House is grown so Fine,
129 Methinks, I still wou'd call it mine:
130 I'm Old, and fain wou'd live at Ease,
131 Make me the Parson, if you please.
132 HE spoke, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and presently he feels,
133 His Grazier's Coat fall down his Heels;
134 He sees, yet hardly can believe,
135 About each Arm a Pudding-sleeve;
136 His Wastcoat to a Cassock grew,
137 And both assum'd a Sable Hue;
138 But being Old, continu'd just
139 As Thread-bare, and as full of Dust.
140 His Talk was now of Tythes and Dues,
141 Cou'd smoak [Footnote: 1Kb]
his Pipe, and read the News;
142 Knew how to preach old Sermons next,
143 Vampt in the Preface and the Text;
144 At Christnings well could act [Footnote: 1Kb]
his Part,
145 And had the Service all by Heart;
146 Wish'd Women might have Children fast,
147 And thought whose Sow had farrow'd last:
148 Against Dissenters wou'd repine,
149 And stood up firm for Right Divine:
150 Found his Head fill'd with many a System,
151 But Classick Authors---he ne'er miss'd e'em.
152 THUS [Footnote: 1Kb]
having furbish'd up a Parson,
153 Dame Baucis next they play'd their [Footnote: 1Kb]
Farce on:
154 Instead of Home-spun Coifs were seen,
155 Good Pinners edg'd with Colberteen: [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 116]
156 Her Petticoat [Footnote: 1Kb]
transform'd apace,
157 Became Black Sattin, Flounc'd with Lace,
158 Plain Goody would no longer down,
159 'Twas Madam, in her Grogram Gown.
160 Philemon was in great Surprize,
161 And hardly could believe his Eyes,
162 Amaz'd to see Her look so Prim,
163 And she admir'd as much at Him.
164 THUS, happy in their Change of Life,
165 Were serveral Years this [Footnote: 1Kb]
Man and Wife,
166 When on a Day, which prov'd their last,
167 Discoursing on [Footnote: 1Kb]
old Stories past,
168 They went by chance, amidst their Talk,
169 To the Church-yard, to take [Footnote: 1Kb]
a walk;
170 When Baucis hastily cry'd out;
171 My Dear, I see your Forehead sprout:
172 Sprout, quoth the Man, What's this [Footnote: 1Kb]
you tell us?
173 I hope you don't believe me Jealous:
174 But yet, methinks, I feel it ture;
175 And re'ly, [Footnote: 1Kb]
Yours is budding too---
176 Nay,---now I cannot stir my Foot:
177 It feels [Footnote: 1Kb]
as if 'twere taking Root.
178 DESCRIPTION would but tire my Muse:
179 In short, they both were turn'd to Yews.
180 Old Good-man Dobson of the Green [Footnote: 1Kb]
181 Remembers he the Trees has seen;
182 He'll talk of them from Noon till [Footnote: 1Kb]
183 And goes with Folks to shew the Sight:
184 On Sundays, after Ev'ning Prayer,
185 He gathers all the Parish there;
186 Points out the Place of either Yew;
187 Here Baucis, there Philemon grew.
[Page 117]
188 Till once, a Parson of our Town,
189 To mend his Barn, cut Baucis down;
190 At which, 'tis hard to be believ'd,
191 How much the other Tree was griev'd,
192 Grew Scrubby, [Footnote: 1Kb]
dy'd a-top, was stunted:
193 So, the next Parson stub'd and burnt it.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: To
Anno. 1708. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[1] Poetical Miscellanies: The Sixth Part. ... London, ... Tonson, ... 1709. p. 249. [Ref. T.]
[2] Works of ... Rochester, and Roscommon. ... The Third Edition. To which is
added, A Collection of Miscellany Poems, ... London, ... Curll, ... 1709. p. 187.
[3] The Whimsical Medley, i. 102; iii. 288.
[4] Two transcripts among the Harley Papers, in the possession of the Duke of
Portland, Welbeck Abbey. [Ref. W.]
[5] A Meditation upon a Broom-Stick, ... London: ... Curll, ... 1710. p. 26.
[6] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 388 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 386).
[7] A Collection of Original Poems, ... London: ... Curll, ... 1714.
[8] Miscellanies, The Last Volume, 1727, p. 142 (1731, p. 225; 1733, p. 225).
[9] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 16 (1737, ii. 13). [Ref. F.]
[10] Mrs. Biddy Floyd was Lady Betty Germain's friend and companion.
The 'Dame Floyd' mentioned in 'A Ballad on the Game of Traffick' (see
p. 75) may have been her mother. Writing to Robert Hunter, 12 Jany.,
1708-9, Swift refers to the fact that the Thames was frozen over, and adds:
'Mrs. Floyd looked out with both her eyes, and we had one day's thaw:
but she drew in her head, and it now freezes as hard as ever' (Corresp. i.
134). She was a noted beauty (Journal to Stella, 12 Oct. 1711; (Corresp. v.57), although she had suffered from small-pox.
[11] In Tonson's Miscellanies the poem is accompanied by a Latin version,
[Page 118]
transcribed in the Whimsical Medley, and reprinted in Miscellaneous Pieces,
1789, p. 241.
[12] Barrett, Essay, 1808, p. 95, prints from the Whimsical Medley (i. 102) a
poem, 'The Reverse (to Swift's Verses on Biddy Floyd); or Mrs. Cludd',
as by Swift; but it is most unlikely to be his. The form of the title in the
Whimsical Medley suggests that the lines were considered to be by another.
Among the Harley Papers at Welbeck Abbey there are two fo. half-sheets
each bearing transcripts of 'Biddy Floyd' and 'The Reverse'. One copy is
endorsed 'Clud', and, in the hand of Edward Harley, '1708'; the other is
endorsed by Edward Harley, 'The Receipt by Mr. Swift wth ye Answer'.
The second endorsement again suggests that the 'Answer' was not regarded
as Swift's. In addition 'The Reverse' was not included in the Miscellanies,
or printed by Faulkner. See further, p. 1082.
[13] Faulkner wrongly assigned the poem to 1707. The text is here reprinted
from the Miscellanies of 1711.
14 WHEN Cupid did his Grandsire Jove intreat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 To form some Beauty by a new Receit,
16 Jove sent and found far in a Country Scene,
17 Truth, Innocence, Good Nature, Look serene;
18 From which Ingredients, First [Footnote: 1Kb]
the dext'rous Boy
19 Pickt the Demure, the Aukward, and the Coy; [Footnote: 1Kb]
20 The Graces from the Court did next provide
21 Breeding, and Wit, and Air, and Decent Pride; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
22 These Venus cleans'd from ev'ry spurious Grain
23 Of Nice, Coquet, Affected, Pert, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Vain.
24 Jove mix'd up all, and his best Clay imploy'd;
25 Then call'd the happy Composition, Floyd.
[Page 119]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Apollo Outwitted. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
To the Honourable Mrs. Finch,
under her Name of Ardelia,
Written, 1709
[1] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 399 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 397)
[2] Miscellanies The Last Volume, 1727, p. 143 (1731, p. 226; 1733, p. 226).
[3] Faulkner, 1735, ii 17 (1737, ii. 14) [Ref.F.]
[4] Faulkner, and Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, p. 128, mistakenly assign the
poem to 1707. It was written in 1709, about the same time as the lines to
Mrs. Biddy Floyd. In the letter, quoted above, p. 117, in which reference
is made to Mrs. Floyd, Swift says, 'I amuse myself sometimes with writing
verses to Mrs. Finch' (Corresp. i. 135).
[5] Mrs. Finch was Ann, daughter of Sir W. Kingsmill, and wife of Heneage
Finch, afterwards fourth Earl of Winchilsea. Herself a poetess, her
Miscellany Poems appeared in 1713. She died in 1720.
[6] In Faulkner's edition the address reads: 'To the Honourable Mrs. Finach,
(since Countess of Winchelsea,) under the Name of Ardelia.'
[7] Swift made one correction, l. 57, in his copy of the Miscellanies, 1727.
The text is printed from the Miscellanies of 1711.
8 PHOeBUS now shortning every Shade,
9 Up to the Northern Tropick came,
10 And Thence Beheld a Lovely Maid
11 Attending on a Royal Dame.
12 THE God laid down his Feeble Rays,
13 Then lighted from his Glitt'ring Coach,
14 But fenc'd his Head with his own Bays
15 Before he durst the Nymph approach.
16 UNDER those Sacred Leaves, Secure
17 From common Lightning of the Skies,
18 He fondly thought he might endure
19 The Flashes of Ardeliah's Eyes.
[Page 120]
20 THE Nymph [Footnote: 1Kb]
who oft had read in Books,
21 Of that Bright God whom Bards invoke,
22 Soon knew Apollo by his looks,
23 And Guest his Business e're [Footnote: 1Kb]
he Spoke.
24 HE in the old Celestial Cant,
25 Confest his Flame, and swore by Styx,
26 What e're [Footnote: 1Kb]
she would desire, to Grant,
27 But Wise Ardelia knew his Tricks.
28 OVID had warn'd her to beware,
29 Of Stroling God's, whose usual Trade is,
30 Under pretence of Taking Air,
31 To pick up Sublunary Ladies.
32 HOWE'ER she gave no flat Denial,
33 As having Malice in her Heart,
34 And was resolv'd upon a Tryal,
35 To Cheat the God in his own Art.
36 HEAR my Request the Virgin said [Footnote: 1Kb]
37 Let which I please of all the Nine
38 Attend when e'er I want their Aid,
39 Obey my Call, and only mine.
40 BY Vow Oblig'd, By Passion led,
41 The God could not refuse her Prayer;
42 He wav'd his Wreath Thrice o'er her Head,
43 Thrice mutter'd something to the Air.
44 AND now he thought to Seize his due,
45 But she the Charm already try'd,
46 Thalia heard the Call [Footnote: 1Kb]
47 To wait at Bright [Footnote: 1Kb]
Ardelia's Side.
[Page 121]
48 ON sight of this Celestial Prude,
49 Apollo thought it vain to stay,
50 Nor in her Presence durst be Rude,
51 But made his Leg [Footnote: 1Kb]
and went away.
52 HE hop'd to find some lucky Hour,
53 When on their Queen the Muses wait;
54 But Pallas owns Ardelia's Power,
55 For Vows Divine are kept by Fate.
56 THEN full of Range Apollo Spoke,
57 Deceitful Nymph [Footnote: 1Kb]
I see thy Art,
58 And tho' I can't my gift revoke,
59 I'll disappoint its Nobler Part.
60 LET Stubborn Pride Possess thee long,
61 And be thou Negligent of Fame,
62 With ev'ry Muse to Grace thy Song,
63 May'st thou despise a Poets Name.
64 OF Modest Poets thou be [Footnote: 1Kb]
first, [Footnote: 1Kb]
65 To silent Shades repeat thy Verse,
66 Till Fame and Eccho almost burst,
67 Yet hardly dare one Line Rehearse.
68 AND last, my Vengeance to Compleat,
69 May you Descend to take Renown,
70 Prevail'd on by the Thing you hate,
71 A --- [Footnote: 1Kb]
and one that wears a Gown.
[Page 122]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: 'In pity to the empty'ng Town' [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Swift's autograph: Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.
[2] Forster first called attention to this poem (Life of Swift, p. 228 n.),
which he discovered in Swift's handwriting among the Fountaine papers
at Narford, and printed five out of the six stanzas. Browning (Poems of
Jonathan Swift, i. 54) reprinted the five stanzas under the title, 'Answer to
Lines from May Fair'.
[3] The original, which is certainly in Swift's hand, has six stanzas. The
first five, appearing on one page, are neatly written, and without correction.
The concluding stanza, on another page, has two corrections in a different
hand, and below is written the word 'Philovil' in a large hand, not Swift's.
[4] Dr. Elrington Ball (Notes and Queries, 12 S. viii. 2) suggested that these
verses may have been written by Prior; but he had never seen the original
manuscript. Swift, it is true, may have been transcribing a piece not of his
own composition. This, however, seems unlikely. Every other poem in
Swift's hand found among the Fountaine papers was written by him. The
references to Ardelia, whom he had celebrated in 'Apollo Outwitted' (see
p. 119), and to Miss Worsley come naturally, and suggest a date 1708-9,
when Swift appears to have been in a mood to address or exchange verses
with ladies of his acquaintance, as witness also the lines 'To Mrs. Biddy
Floyd', p. 117.
[5] The poem is printed as written by Swift save for the last stanza, in which
three words have been rendered illegible by corrections in another hand.
[Side note: 1Kb]
6 In pity to the empty'ng Town
7 Some God May-Fair invented,
8 When Nature would invite us down,
9 To be by Art prevented.
10 What a corrupted Tast is ours
11 When Milk-maids in mock-state
12 Instead of Garlands made of Flowrs
13 Adorn their Pails with Plate.
14 So are the Joys which Nature yields
15 Inverted in May-Fair
16 In painted Cloth we look for Fields,
17 And step in Booths for Air.
[Page 123]
18 Here a Dog dancing on his Hamms
19 And Puppets mov'd by Wire
20 Do far exceed your frisking Lambs
21 Or Song of feather'd Quire.
22 Howe'er such Verse as yours, I grant
23 Would be but too inviting
24 Were fair Ardelia not my Aunt, [Footnote: 1Kb]
25 Or were it Worsly's writing. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Side note: 1Kb]
26 Then pray think this a lucky Hitt, [Footnote: 1Kb]
27 Nor e'er expect another
28 For honest Harry is no Witt, [Footnote: 1Kb]
29 Tho' he's a younger Brother.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: A
April, 1709. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Tatler, Numb. 9. From Thursday April 28. to Saturday April 30. 1709.
[Ref. T.]
[2] The Whimsical Medley, i, Appendix, p. 50.
[3] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 404 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 402).
[Page 124]
Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 19 (1731, p. 143; 1733, p. 143).
[4] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 43 (1737, ii. 34). [Ref. F.]
[5] In addition to his prose contributions to Steele's Tatler, for which see
Prose Works, ed. Temple Scott, vol. ix, Swift contributed two verse
pieces, 'A Description of the Morning', and 'A Description of a City
Shower', Nos. 9 and 238, April, 1709, and October, 1710. On both
occasions he was in London, with an interval, July, 1709, to the end of
August, 1710, spent in Ireland.
[6] Faulkner erroneously assigns 'A Description of the Morning' to the year
1712, Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, p. 144, to 1710. Miscellanies, 1727, gives
no date.
[7] The transcript in the Whimsical Medley has no noteworthy variants.
[8] The text is printed from the Miscellanies of 1711.
9 NOW hardly here and there an [Footnote: 1Kb]
10 Appearing, show'd the Ruddy Morns [Footnote: 1Kb]
11 Now Betty from her Masters [Footnote: 1Kb]
Bed had flown,
12 And softly stole to discompose her own.
13 The Slipshod Prentice [Footnote: 1Kb]
from his Masters Door,
14 Had par'd the Dirt, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Sprinkled round the Floor.
15 Now Moll had whirl'd her Mop with dext'rous Airs,
16 Prepar'd to Scrub the Entry and the Stairs.
17 The Youth with Broomy Stumps began to trace
18 The Kennel-Edge, where Wheels had worn the Place. [Footnote: 1Kb]
19 The Smallcoal-Man [Footnote: 1Kb]
was heard with Cadence deep,
20 'Till drown'd in Shriller Notes of Chimney-Sweep, [Footnote: 1Kb]
21 Duns at his Lordships [Footnote: 1Kb]
Gate began to meet,
22 And Brickdust Moll had scream'd through half the Street. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 125]
23 The Turnkey now his Flock returning sees,
24 Duly let out a Nights [Footnote: 1Kb]
to Steal for Fees. [Footnote: 1Kb]
25 The watchful Bailiffs take their silent Stands,
26 And School-Boys lag with Satchels in their Hands.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: On the Little House by the Church
Yard of Castleknock. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1746, viii. 338.
[2] Miscellanies, 1746, xi. 268 (1749, xi. 268; 1751, xiv. 237). [Refs. 1746,
1749, 1751.]
[3] The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4 to, iv (1),
[4] This poem was written in the earlier half of 1710, during a period of
residence in Ireland (see note to the preceding poem). It describes a tiny
building used as a vestry by Swift's friend, Archdeacon Walls, when officiating
at Castleknock church, the parish church of Phoenix Park. No date is
given to the poem in the early collections. Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, p. 144,
rightly assigns it to 1710.
[5] It was first printed by Faulkner in 1746.
[6] The text is printed from Faulkner's edition of the Works, vol. viii, 1746.
7 Whoever pleaseth to enquire,
8 Why yonder Steeple wants a Spire,
9 The gray old Fellow [Footnote: 1Kb]
Poet Joe [Footnote: 1Kb]
10 The Philosophic Cause will shew.
11 Once, on a Time a Western Blast,
12 At least twelve Inches overcast,
[Page 126]
13 Reckoning Roof, Weather Cock and all,
14 Which came with a prodigious Fall;
15 And tumbling topsi-turvy round
16 Light with its Bottom on the Ground.
17 For by the Laws of Gravitation, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
18 It fell into its proper Station. [Footnote: 1Kb]
19 This is the little strutting Pile,
20 You see just by the Church-yard Stile;
21 The Walls in tumbling gave a Knock;
22 And thus the Steeple got a [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 From whence the neighbouring Farmer calls
24 The Steeple, Knock, the Vicar, Walls. [Footnote: 1Kb]
25 The Vicar once a Week creeps in,
26 Sits with his Knees up to his Chin;
27 Here conns his Notes, and takes a Whet,
28 Till the small ragged Flock is met.
29 A Traveller, who by did pass,
30 Observ'd the Roof behind the Grass;
31 On Tiptoe stood and rear'd his Snout,
32 And saw the Parson creeping out; [Footnote: 1Kb]
33 Was much surpriz'd to see a Crow
34 Venture to build his Nest so low.
35 A School-boy ran unto't and thought,
36 The Crib was down, the Blackbird caught.
37 A Third, who lost his Way by Night,
38 Was forc'd, for Safety, to alight,
39 And stepping o'er the Fabrick-roof,
40 His Horse had like to spoil his Hoof.
41 Warburton [Footnote: 1Kb]
took it in his Noddle,
42 This Building was designed a Model,
[Page 127]
43 Or of a Pigeon-house, or Oven,
44 To bake one Loaf, and keep one Dove in.
45 Then Mrs. Johnson [Footnote: 1Kb]
gave her Verdict,
46 And every one was pleas'd, that heard it:
47 All that you make this Stir about,
48 Is but a Still which wants a Spout.
49 The Rev'rend Dr. Raymond guess'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
50 More probably than all the rest;
51 He said, but that it wanted Room,
52 It might have been a Pigmy's Tomb.
53 The Doctor's Family came by,
54 And little Miss began to cry;
55 Give me that House in my own Hand;
56 Then Madam bid [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Chariot stand,
57 Call'd to the Clerk in manner mild,
58 Pray reach that Thing here to the Child,
59 That Thing, I mean, among the Kale,
60 And here's to buy a Pot of Ale.
61 The Clerk said to her in a Heat,
62 What? [Footnote: 1Kb]
sell my Master's Country Seat?
63 Where he comes ev'ry Week from Town;
64 He wou'd not sell it for a Crown.
65 Poh! Fellow [Footnote: 1Kb]
keep not such a Pother
66 In half an Hour thou'lt make another.
67 Says Nancy, [Footnote: 1Kb]
I can make for Miss,
68 A finer House ten times than this,
69 The Dean will give me Willow-Sticks,
70 And Joe my Apron full of Bricks.
[Page 131]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: THE
SID HAMET the MAGICIAN's ROD. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Virtues of Sid Hamet the Magician's Rod ... London, Printed: for John
Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, MDCCX. Half-sheet.
[2] The Virtues of Sid Hamet ... London Printed, and Re-Printed in Dublin
1710. Half-sheet. [The Devil a Barrel better Herring on verso.]
[3] The Whimsical Medley, i, Appendix, p. 44. [Ref. W.M.]
[4] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 411 (2nd edn., 1713, p. 409).
[5] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 81 (1731, p. 184; 1733, p. 184).
Faulkner, 1735, ii. 44 (1737, ii. 35). [Ref. F.]
[6] Sidney Godolphin, first Earl of Godolphin, born in 1645, came of an old
Cornish family. He entered public life, as M.P. for Helston, in 1668. If
not brilliant, he was a sagacious and able administrator, and succeeded in
holding important offices of state under Charles II, James, and William.
On the accession of Queen Anne he became Lord Treasurer, 6 May, 1702;
and, with the help of Marlborough, he held the reins of office for eight
years. He antagonized the High Church party by his support of the
Occasional Conformity Bill. The impeachment of Sacheverell, and the
weariness of the country with the war, gave the Tories an opportunity of
undermining his power. On 8 August, 1710, he received a note from the
Queen ordering him to break his staff of office. He retired from public life,
and died, two years later, in 1712.
[7] In a letter of 10 June, 1708 (Corresp. i. 92), Swift, writing to Archbishop
King, relates an interview he had with Godolphin to solicit the grant of the
firstfruits to the clergy of Ireland. He was given to understand that a first
condition must be the consent of the clergy to the repeal of the Test. Swift
retired, deeply offended, and never forgave Godolphin.
[8] In September, 1710, he had another interview with Godolphin, and
reported, writing again to Archbishop King, 'a reception very unexpected
... altogether short, dry, and morose' (Corresp. i. 194). Writing to Stella
on the same day (Journal to Stella, 9 Sept., 1710) he further mentions his
cold reception, and adds, 'I am almost vowing revenge'. This was after
Godolphin had been dismissed from office. The revenge took the form of
[Page 132]
his lampoon, 'Sid Hamet.' For references to the piece see Journal to Stella,
26, 29 Sept., 1, 4, 14, 15, 20 Oct., 8, 10, 30 Nov., 14 Dec., 1710. The
poem was sent to the printer on 4th of October; and on the 14th Swift
wrote: 'My lampoon is cried up to the skies; but nobody suspects me for it,
except Sir Andrew Fountaine.
[9] In the Miscellanies of 1711 and 1713 the poem is introduced with a note
in which the hand of Swift may be seen: 'The Following Poem being judged
by some to be after the Author's manner, I have ventured to Print it.'
[10] The Whimsical Medley erroneously assigns the poem to 1703; and
Faulkner to 1712. Miscellanies, 1727, gives no date.
[11] The text is printed from the original half-sheet.
12 THE Rod was but a harmless Wand,
13 While Moses held it in his Hand, [Footnote: 1Kb]
14 But soon as e'er he lay'd it down,
15 'T was a devouring Serpent grown.
16 OUR great Magician, Hamet Sid, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
17 Reverses what the Prophet did;
18 His Rod was honest English Wood,
19 That, senseless, in a Corner stood,
20 Till Metamorphos'd by his Grasp,
21 It grew an all-devouring Asp;
22 Would hiss, and sting, and roll, and twist,
23 By the meer Virtue of his Fist:
24 But when he lay'd it down, as quick
25 Resum'd the Figure of a Stick.
26 SO to Her Midnight Feasts the Hag,
27 Rides on a Broomstick for a Nag,
28 That, rais'd by Magick of her Breech,
29 O'er Sea and Land conveys the Witch; [Footnote: 1Kb]
30 But, with the Morning-Dawn, resumes
31 The Peaceful State of common Brooms.
32 THEY tell us something strange and odd,
33 About a certain Magick Rod, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 133]
34 That, bending down it's Top, divines
35 When e'er the Soil has Golden Mines:
36 Where there are none, it stands erect,
37 Scorning to show the least Respect.
38 As ready was the Wand of Sid
39 To bend where Golden Mines were hid;
40 In Scottish Hills [Footnote: 1Kb]
found precious Ore,
41 Where none e'er look'd for it before; [Footnote: 1Kb]
42 And, by a gentle Bow, divin'd
43 How well a Cully's Purse [Footnote: 1Kb]
was lin'd:
44 To a forlorn and broken Rake,
45 Stood without Motion, like a Stake.
46 THE Rod of Hermes [Footnote: 1Kb]
was renown'd
47 For Charms above and under Ground;
48 To sleep could Mortal Eye-lids fix
49 And drive departed Souls to Styx.
50 That Rod was just a Type [Footnote: 1Kb]
of Sid's,
51 Which, o'er a British Senate's Lids,
52 Could scatter Opium [Footnote: 1Kb]
full as well,
53 And drive as many Souls to Hell.
54 SID's Rod was slender, white, and tall,
55 Which oft he us'd to fish withal:
56 A PLACE was fastned to the Hook,
57 And many Score [Footnote: 1Kb]
of Gudgeons took;
[Page 134]
58 Yet, still so happy was his Fate,
59 He caught his Fish, and sav'd his Bait.
60 SID's Brethren of the conj'ring Tribe
61 A Circle with their Rod describe,
62 Which proves a Magical Redoubt
63 To keep Mischievous Spirits out:
64 Sid's Rod was of a larger Stride,
65 And [Footnote: 1Kb]
made a Circle thrice as wide,
66 Where Spirits throng'd with hideous Din,
67 And he stood there to take them in.
68 But, when th' enchanted Rod was broke,
69 They vanish'd in a strinkling Smoak.
70 ACHILLES's [Footnote: 1Kb]
Scepter was of Wood,
71 Like Sid's, [Footnote: 1Kb]
but nothing near so good;
72 Tho' [Footnote: 1Kb]
down from Ancestors Divine
73 Transmitted to the Heroes Line,
74 Thence, thro' a long Descent of Kings,
75 Came an Heir-loom, as Homer sings, [Footnote: 1Kb]
76 Tho' this Description looks so big,
77 That Scepter was a sapless Twig: [Footnote: 1Kb]
78 Which, from the fatal Day when first
79 It left the Forest where 'twas nurst,
80 As Homer tells us o'er and o'er,
81 Nor Leaf, nor Fruit, nor Blossom bore.
82 Sid's Scepter, full of Juice, did shoot
83 In Golden Boughs, and Golden Fruit,
84 And He, the Dragon never sleeping, [Footnote: 1Kb]
85 Guarded each fair Hesperian Pippin.
[Page 135]
86 No Hobby-horse, with gorgeous Top,
87 The dearest in Charles Mather's [Footnote: 1Kb]
88 Or glitt'ring Tinsel of May-Fair,
89 Could with this Rod of Sid compare.
90 DEAR Sid, they why wer't thou so mad
91 To break thy Rod like naughty Lad? [Footnote: 1Kb]
92 You should have kiss'd it in your Distress,
93 And then return'd it to your Mistress,
94 Or made [Footnote: 1Kb]
it a Newmarket Switch, [Footnote: 1Kb]
95 And not a Rod for thy own Breech.
96 For since old Sid has broken this,
97 His next will be a Rod in Piss.
[Page 136]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: A
October, 1710. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Tatler, Numb.238. From Saturday 14. to Tuesday October 17.
1710. [Ref. T.]
[2] The Whimsical Medley, ii. 323.
[3] Miscellanies, 1711, p. 406 (2nd edn., 1713, p.404).
[4] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 13 (1731, p. 140; 1733, p.140).
Faulkner, 1753, ii. 39 (1737, ii. 31). [Ref. F.]
[5] Swift was proud of this piece, regarding it as much better than his
'Description of the Morning'. There are many references to it in the
Journal to Stella. On 10 October, 1710, he writes to say that he is engaged
upon the poem, and will send it to The Tatler. By the 13th he has
finished and sent off the verses. On the 17th they appeared. 'They say 'tis
the best thing I ever writ, and I think so too. I suppose the Bishop of
Clogher will show it you. Pray tell me how you like it.' On the 27th he
met Rowe and Prior, who 'both fell commending my Shower beyond any
thing that has been written of the kind: there never was such a Shower since
Danae's, &c.' Se Journal to Stella further under 12, 20 Oct., 2, 8, 10, 28,
30 Nov., 14 Dec., 1710.
[6] The 1727 volume of Miscellanies ads to the title the words, In Imitation
of VIRGIL's Georg.', in which it is followed by Bathurst and Hawkesworth,
but not by Faulkner.
[7] Faulkner mistakenly assigns the poem to 1712; one issue of the
Miscellanies of 1713, by a printer's error, to 1720. No date is given in
the 1727 Miscellanies.
[8] The text is printed from the Miscellanies of 1711.
9 Careful Observers may fortel the Hour [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
10 (By sure Prognostics) when to dread a Show'r:
11 While Rain depends, the pensive Cat gives o'er
12 Her Frolicks, and pursues her Tail no more.
[Page 137]
13 Returning Home at Night, you'll find the Sink
14 Strike your offended Sense with double stink. [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 If you be wide, then gto not far to Dine,
16 You'll [Footnote: 1Kb]
spend in Coach-hire more than save in Wine.
17 A coming Show'r your shooting Corns presage,
18 Old Aches throb, [Footnote: 1Kb]
your hollow Tooth will rage.
19 Sauntring in Coffee-house is Dulman seen;
20 He damns the Climate, and complains of Spleen.
21 MEAN while the South rising with dabbled Wings,
22 A Sable Cloud a-thwart the Welkin flings,
23 That swill'd more Liquor than it could contain,
24 And like a Drunkard [Footnote: 1Kb]
gives it up again.
25 Brisk Susan whips her Linen from the Rope,
26 While the first drizzling show'r is born aslope, [Footnote: 1Kb]
27 Such is that Sprinkling which some careless Quean
28 Flirts on you from her Mop, but not so clean.
29 You fly, invoke the Gods; then turning, stop
30 To rail; she singing, still whirls on her Mop.
31 Not yet, [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Dust had shun'd th' unequal Strife,
32 But aided by the Wind, fought still for Life;
33 And wafted with its Foe by violent Gust,
34 'Twas doubtful which was Rain, and which was Dust. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 138]
35 Ah! where must nedy Poet seek for Aid,
36 When Dust and Rain at once his Coat invade; [Footnote: 1Kb]
37 His only Coat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
where Dust confus'd with Rain, [Footnote: 1Kb]
38 Roughen the Nap, and leave a mingled Stain.
39 NOW in contiguous Drops the Flood comes down,
40 Threat'ning with Deluge this Devoted Town.
41 To Shops in Crouds the dagged [Footnote: 1Kb]
Females fly,
42 Pretend to cheapen Goods, but nothing buy.
43 The Templer spruce, while ev'ry Spout's a-broach,
44 Stays till 'tis fair, yet seems to call a Coach.
45 The tuck'd-up Sempstress walks with hasty Strides,
46 While Streams run down her oil'd Umbrella's Sides. [Footnote: 2Kb]
47 Here various Kinds by various Fortunes led,
48 Commence Acquaintance underneath a Shed.
49 Triumphant Tories, and desponding Whigs, [Footnote: 1Kb]
50 Forget their Fewds, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and join to save their Wigs.
[Page 139]
51 Box'd in a Chair the Beau impatient sits,
52 While Spouts run clatt'ring o'er the Roof by Fits;
53 And ever and anon with frightful Din
54 The Leather sounds, he trembles from within.
55 So when Troy Chair-men bore the Wooden Steed,
56 Pregnant with Greeks, impatient to be freed, [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 (Those Bully Greeks who, as the Moderns do,
58 Instead of paying Chair-men, run them thro'.)
59 Laoco'n struck the Outside with his Spear, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
60 And each imprison'd Hero quak'd for [Footnote: 1Kb]
61 NOW from all Parts thw swelling Kennels flow,
62 And bear their Trophies with them as they go:
63 Filth [Footnote: 1Kb]
of all Hues and Odours seem to tell
64 What Street [Footnote: 1Kb]
they sail'd from, by their [Footnote: 1Kb]
65 They, as each Torrent drives, with rapid Force
66 From Smithfield, or St. Pulchre's shape their Course,
67 And in huge Confluent join at Snow-Hill Ridge,
68 Fall from the Conduit prone to Holborn-Bridge. [Footnote: 1Kb]
69 Sweepings from Butchers Stalls, Dung, Guts, and Blood,
70 Drown'd Puppies, stinking Sprats, all drench'd in Mud, [Footnote: 1Kb]
71 Dead Cats and Turnip-Tops come tumbling down the Flood. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[Page 140]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: To Mr Harlyes Surgeon [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] A French adventurer, calling himself the Marquis de Guiscard, who had
been taken in pay by the English government, entered into correspondence
with France. He was seized and brought before the Privy Council,
8 March, 1711, when, during examination, he succeeded in wounding
Harley with a penknife. Swift immediately sent off an account of the affair
to Archbishop King (Corresp. i. 238), and wrote to Stella the same
evening. He also began (see Journal to Stella, 16 April, 1711) and
gave suggestions to Mrs. Manley for completing A True Narrative of what
pass'd at the Examination of the Marquis de Guiscard. See further Boyer's
Political State of Great Britain, i. 269-334; Craik, Life of Swift, i. 276-9.
[2] Nearly a year after the incident, 19 Feby., 1711-12, Swift wrote to
Stella: 'I dined with Ld-Treasr to-day ... I told him of 4 Lines I writ
extempore with my Pencil, on a bit of Paper in his House, while he lay
wounded. Some of the servants, I suppose, made waste paper of them, and
he never had heard of them. Shall I tell them you; They were inscribed to
Mr Harley's Physician.' He then proceeds to give the four lines, writing
them continuously as prose.
[3] The bit of paper still survives among the Marquis of Bath's Portland
Papers at Longleat, vol. xi. f. 59. Near the top Swift has written in pencil:
4 To Mr Harlyes Surgeon
5 On Britain Europes safety lyes
6 And Britain's lost if Harly dyes
7 Harly depends upon your skill,
8 Think what you save or what you kill
[9] The pencil is faint, and, lower down the slip, Edward Harley copied
the lines in ink.
[10] When he recalled the lines for Stella's benefit a year later Swift got the
first line wrong, in the form, 'On Europe Britain's Safety lyes', and he
began the second line, 'Britain is lost'.
[Page 141]
[11] A transcript of the lines, inaccurate, appears in the same volume at Longleat,
f. 76v.; and there are transcripts in the British Museum, Lansdowne
852. f. 53, and Harley 7316. p. 76. Swift's lines were printed by Nichols
in his Select Collection of Poems, 1780-2, iv. 306; but they have not
hitherto been gathered with his verse.
[12] Guiscard's attack was followed by an outpouring of verse in Harley's
honour (Longleat, xi. ff. 53-8). In 1765, in his additions to the Works,
Deane Swift printed a Latin epigram on the incident composed by
(sm. 8vo. xvii. 120).
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: AN
Intended SPEECH of a famous Orator
against Peace. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] An Excellent New Song, being the Intended Speech of a famous Orator
against Peace. Half-sheet.
[2] (?The Earl of Nottingham's Speech to the Honourable House of Lords;
London, printed by J. Tomson, near Covent-Garden, 1711.)
[3] The Whimsical Medley, i, Appendix, p. 31.
[4] A Supplement to the Works of the Most Celebrated Minor Poets. ... London:
... F. Cogan, ... 1750. Part iii. 89.
[5] A Supplement to Dr. Swift's Works: ... London, ... J. Nichols, 1779.
[6] Works, ed. Thomas Sheridan, 1784, vii. 74.
[7] The occasion of this poem was the struggle for peace between the Tories
and Whigs. Swift's masterly pamphlet in favour of the peace, The Conduct
of the Allies, was published 27 Nov., 1711, and quickly ran through a number
of editions printed in London, Dublin, and Edinburgh. Before Parliament
re-assembled in December it was known that the Tory Earl of
Nottingham had entered into an agreement with the Whigs to support
their opposition to peace if they would assist him to pass his Occasional
Conformity Bill. On 5 Dec. Swift wrote to Stella: 'Lord Nottingham,
a famous Tory and speech-maker, is gone over to the Whig side.
[Page 142]
... Lord-Treasurer was hinting as if he wished a ballad was made on
him, and I will get up one against to-morrow.' It was printed the next day.
On the 7th Parliament met. The Speech from the Throne was definitely
pacific in tone. Marlborough supported Nottingham's amendment in the
House of Lords, which was carried by a small majority. In the House of
Commons the same evening the ministerial majority in favour of peace
exceeded a hundred. The situation was difficult and dangerous; but
Oxford calmly waited his time. Marlborough's popularity was waning; on
30 Dec. he was dismissed from all his offices; and on the 31st a majority
was secured in the House of Lords by the creation of twelve new
[8] The Earl of Nottingham (1647-1730), nicknamed Dismal from his
swarthy complexion, was further satirized by Swift in Toland's Invitation
to Dismal, see p. 161, and in the prose broadside A Hue and Cry after
[9] The poem was not reprinted during Swift's lifetime. In 1750 Cogan
included it in his miscellany; and it was one of the pieces collected
by Nichols in his Supplement, 1779. Dr. Ball, Swift's Verse, p. 118, was the
first to note and suggest that 'some version of the speech' may have been
'printed by a sham name'. In the Journals of the House of Lords, 15 Dec.,
1711, it appears that: 'Complaint being made to the House, of a Paper
printed and published, contrary to a Standing Order of this House,
intituled, "The Earl of Nottingham's Speech to the Honourable House of
Lords; London, printed by J. Tomson, near Covent-Garden, 1711."
[10] 'And the said Title being read:
[11] 'Lords Committees were appointed, to inquire who is the Author,
Printer, and Publisher of the said Paper.'
[12] A week later, on Saturday, 22 December, the committee reported that
the paper had been 'printed by a sham Name', and 'by the Oath of Sarah
Vickers, it appears to have been printed by Andrew Hind, living in Peterborough-
Court, near Fleet-Street'.
[13] It was ordered that Andrew Hind should be taken into custody. On
Saturday, 19 January, 1711-12, he was reprimanded and discharged.
[14] Was this untraced piece a pirated edition of Swift's poem?
[15] There is a contemporary transcript (from the printed half-sheet?) at
Welbeck Abbey showing a few insignificant variants. The only marked
difference occurs at l. 52, which reads: 'I'le neither regard any figures or
[16] The text is printed from the original half-sheet.
17 An Orator dismal of Nottinghamshire,
18 Who has forty Years let out his Conscience to hire,
19 Out of Zeal for his Country, and want of a Place,
20 Is come up, vi & armis, to break the Q---'s Peace.
[Page 143]
21 He has amp't an old Speech, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and the Court to their sorrow,
22 Shall hear Him harangue against PRIOR to Morrow. [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 When once he begins, he never will flinch,
24 But repeats the same Note a whole Day, like a Finch. [Footnote: 1Kb]
25 I have heard all the Speech repeated by Hoppy. [Footnote: 1Kb]
26 And, mistakes to prevent, I have obtain'd a Copy.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The SPEECH. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
1 Whereas, Notwithstanding, I am in great Pain,
2 To hear we are making a Peace without Spain;
3 But, most noble Senators, 'tis a great Shame
4 There should be a Peace, while I'm Not in game.
5 The D---shew'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
me all his fine House; and the D---s [Footnote: 1Kb]
6 From her Closet brought out a full Purse in her Clutches [Footnote: 1Kb]
7 I talk'd of a Peace, and they both gave a start,
8 His G--- swore by ---, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and her G--- let a F---t:
9 My long old-fasion'd Pocket, was presently cramm'd;
10 And sooner than Vote for a Peace I'll be d---nd.
11 But, some will cry, Turn-Coat, and rip up old Stories,
12 How I always pretended to be for the Tories:
[Page 144]
13 I answer; the Tories were in my good Graces, [Footnote: 1Kb]
14 Till all my Relations were put into Places.
15 But still I'm in Principle ever the same,
16 And will quit my best Friends, while I'm Not in game.
17 When I and some others subscribed our Names [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 To a Plot for expelling my Master K. James;
19 I withdrew my Subscription by help of a Blot,
20 And so might discover, or gain by the Plot:
21 I had my Advantage, and stood at Defiance,
22 For Daniel [Footnote: 1Kb]
was got from the Den of the Lions:
23 I came in without Danger; and was I to blame?
24 For rather than hang, I would be Not in game.
25 I swore the Q--- that the Pr---of H---r [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
26 During Her Sacred Life, should never come over:
27 I made use of a Trope; that an Heir to invite,
28 Was like keeping her Monument always in sight.
29 But when I thought proper, I alter'd my Note;
30 And in Her own hearing I boldly did Vote,
31 That her M--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
stood in great need of a Tutor,
32 And must have an old, or a young Coadjutor:
33 For why; I would fain have put all in a Flame,
34 Because, for some Reasons, I was Not in game.
35 Now my new Benefactors have brought me about,
36 And I'll Vote against Peace, with Spain, or without:
37 Tho' the Court gives my Nephews, and Brothers, and Cousins,
38 And all my whole Family, Places by Dozens;
39 Yet since I know where a full Purse may be found,
40 And hardly pay Eighteenpence Tax in the Pound:
[Page 145]
41 Since the Tories have thus disappointed my Hopes,
42 And will neither regard my Figures nor Tropes;
43 I'll Speech against Peace while Dismal's my Name,
44 And be a true Whig, while I am Not in game. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The W--ds---r Prophecy. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The W-ds---r Prophecy. ... Printed in the Year, 1711. Broadside.
(There are three editions of this broadside, two in which the prophecy is
set partly in black and partly in roman letter, but in differing type, and
one in which the prophecy is wholly in roman letter. The text is the
[2] Faulkner, 1762, x. 266; 1763, xi. 358.
[3] Works, 1762, xiv. 161; 1764, 4 to, vii (2), 150, 8vo, xiv. 263. (Ed. by W.
Bowyer, assisted by J. Nichols.)
[4] Works, ed. Sheridan, 1784, vii. 76.
[5] This fierce attack upon the Duchess of Somerset forms part of the story
of the struggle for and against peace with France. Swift and his friends
wished to see the Whig Duchess of Somerset removed from court favour
and influence.
[6] The subject of Swift's satire was Elizabeth, Baroness Percy (1667-1722),
only surviving daughter and sole heiress of Josceline Percy, eleventh and
last Earl of Northumberland, who died in 1670. Her early life was
chequered and adventurous. When only a girl she was married, in 1679, to
Henry Cavendish, Earl of Ogle, who died in the following year. In 1681
she married Thomas Thynne of Longleat, a man of wealth, friend of the
Duke of Monmouth, and the Issachar of Dryden's Absalom and Achitophel.
Repenting of the match, and before the marriage was consummated, the
bride fled to the protection of Lady Temple at The Hague. A few months
later, in February, 1681-2, Thynne was assassinated by friends of a rival
suitor, Count Köonigsmark, who was brought to trial, but acquitted. Four
months after the murder of Thynne, on 30 May, 1682, his widow was
married to Charles Seymour, sixth Duke of Somerset. Later the Duchess
became a favourite with Queen Anne; and, as an active Whig, incurred
[Page 146]
Swift's hostility. See D.N.B. li. 297; Notes and Queries, 1 S. v. 269, also
78, 115, 183, 256; and 1 S. vi. 374.
[7] There are references to 'The Windsor Prophecy' in the Journal to
Stella on 23, 24, 26, 27 Dec., 1711, and 4 Jany., 1711-12. It was printed
on the 24th of December, but barely published in the ordinary course, at
least by Swift's account, for on the 26th Mrs. Masham asked him to stop
it for fear of angering the Queen. And on the 4th of January he wrote, 'it is
not published here, only printed copies given to friends'. The story is open
to suspicion. The 'Prophecy' got abroad, and was twice reprinted in
broadside form, whether by the first or by piratical printers. It is not
unlikely that Swift made no more than a pretence of stopping publication.
In 1733 he could no longer remember writing the poem (Letters of
Swift to Ford, ed. D. Nichol Smith, p. 163).
[8] Swift (see 'The Author upon Himself', p. 192 n.) attributed his disfavour
with the Queen to A Tale of a Tub, and to the Duchess of Somerset's
resentment of 'The Windsor Prophecy'. Sheridan, Life of Swift, 1784,
pp. 95, 148-50, adopts this story.
[9] Swift's statement, Journal to Stella, 24 Dec., 1711, that, 'it is somewhat
in the same manner with that of Merlin in the Miscellanies', suggests that
one of the black letter printings is the first edition of the piece.
[10] The text is printed from one of the black letter broadsides. Faulkner's
and the London editions of the Works show no variants save a few unimportant
points of punctuation and spelling.
[11] About three Months ago at W---nd-r, a poor Knight's
Widow was buried in the Cloysters. In digging the
Grave, the Sexton struck against a small Leaden
Coffer, about half a Foot in length, and four Inches wide.
The poor Man expecting he had discovered a Treasure,
opened it with some difficulty; but found only a small
Parchment, rolled up very fast, put into a Leather Case;
which Case was tied at the top, and sealed with a St.George,
the Impression on black Wax, very rude and Gothick.
The Parchment was carried to a Gentleman of Learning,
who found in it the following Lines, written in a black Old
English Letter, and in the Orthography of the Age, which
seems to be about Two hundred Years ago. I made a
shift to obtain a Copy of it; but the Transcriber, I find,
hath in many Parts alter'd the Spelling to the Modern
way. The Original, as I am informed, is now in the
Hands of the Ingenious Dr. W---,F.R.S. where, I
[Page 147]
suppose, the Curious will not be refused the Satisfaction
of seeing it.
[12] The Lines seem to be a sort of Prophesie, and written
in Verse, as old Prophesies usually are, but in a very Hobling
kind of Measure. Their Meaning is very dark, if it
be any at all; of which the Learned Reader can judge better
than I: However it be, several Persons were of Opinion,
that they deserved to be Published, both as they discover
somewhat of the Genius of a former Age, and may be an
Amusement to the present.
13 When a holy black Suede, the Son of Bob,
14 With a Saint at his Chin, and a Seal in his Fob;
15 Shall not see one New Years-day in that Year,
16 Then let old Englond make good Chear:
17 Windsor and Bristow then shall be
18 Ioyned together in the Low-Countree. [Footnote: 1Kb]
19 Then shall the tall black Daventry Bird [Footnote: 1Kb]
20 Speak against Peace right many a Word;
21 And some shall admire his conyng Witt,
22 For many good Groats his Tongue shall slitt:
23 But spight of the Harpy [Footnote: 1Kb]
that crawls on all four,
24 There shall be Peace, pardie, and War no more.
25 But Englond must cry alack and well a day,
26 If the Stick be taken from the dead Sea. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 148]
27 And dear Englond, if ought I understond,
28 Beware of Carrots from Northumberlond. [Footnote: 1Kb]
29 Carrots sown Thyn [Footnote: 1Kb]
a deep root may get,
30 If so be they are in Sommer set:
31 Their Conyngs mark thou, [Footnote: 1Kb]
for I habe been told,
32 They Assassine when young, and Poison when old.
33 Root out these Carrots, O Thou, whose Name
34 Is backwards and forwards always the same; [Footnote: 1Kb]
35 And keep close to Thee always that Name,
36 Which backwards and forwards is allmost the same.
37 And Englond wouldst thou be happy still,
38 Bury those Carrots under a Hill. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: CORINNA. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 226 (1731, 281; 1733, p. 281).
Faulkner, 1735, ii. 51 (1731, ii. 40). [Ref. F.]
Miscellanies, 1742, iv. 178.
[2] The poem, as first printed in 1727, bears no date. Faulkner, in 1735,
assigned it to 1712; but 1711 is probably correct. The subject of these
lines is sufficiently indicated. Hawkesworth, in 1755, was the first to
append a footnote, naming Mrs. Manley. It is difficult to divine the reason
for Swift's attack.
[Page 149]
[3] For Mrs. Mary de la Rivière Manley, 1663-1724, see D.N.B.xxxvi. 35.
The daughter of Sir Roger Manley, she was early led into a bigamous relationship
with her cousin, John Manley. Thereafter she led a life of more
than questionable morality. For some years she was mistress of Swift's
friend, Alderman Barber. Her literary career, if also shady, brought her
fame and some success. In The New Atalantis (1709) she satirized notable
Whigs of the day; and in the same character wrote Memoirs of Europe
(1710), and Court Intrigues (1711), besides plays, political pamphlets, and
other pieces.
[4] It is uncertain when Swift came to know Mrs. Manley personally.
Writing to Addison, 22 August, 1710 (Corresp. i. 190), he refers to his
reading of her Memoirs of Europe in terms which suggest that she was unknown
to him. In the Journal to Stella, 14 Dec., 1710, he comments on
Stella's mis-spelling of a word, and adds, 'let me have no more of that; 'tis
the author of the Atlantis's spelling', by which it may be supposed he had
seen manuscript or letters written by her. On 4 Jany., 1710-11, he writes,
'I dined with people that you never heard of, nor is it worth your while to
know; an authoress and a printer'. The authoress ws probably Mrs.
Manley; and Swift's acquaintance with her may well have taken place at
the end of 1710. His references to her are not many; but, whether in the
Journal or in his Correspondence, are kindly. See his mention of her illness,
Journal, 28 Jany., 1711-12.
[5] The Tatler, No. 63, 1-3 September, 1709, which has been attributed to
Swift, contains an attack upon Mrs. Manley as 'Epicene, the writer of
Memoirs from the Mediterranean'. But it is most improbable that this
paper came from Swift's hand (Craik, Life of Swift, i. 255 n.3; Corresp. i.
166 n.7, 190 n.4).
[6] In 1711 Mrs. Manley succeeded Swift as editor of The Examiner. In
the same year he employed her to write A True Narrative of what pass'd
at the Examination of the Marquis de Guiscard, and gave her hints for A True
Relation of the several Facts and Circumstances of the Intended Riot and
Tumult on Qeen Elizabeth's Birth-day, and A Learned Comment upon
Dr. Hare's Excellent Sermon. See Journal to Stella, 3 Nov., 1711; Prose
Works, ed. Temple Scott, v. 171-2.
[7] In view of these facts 'Corinna' is difficult to explain. The last stanza of
the poem, with its reference to Mrs. Manley's Memoirs of Europe, shows
that is could not have been written before 1710.
[8] The text is printed from the Miscellanies of 1727.
9 This Day, (the Year I dare not tell,)
10 Apollo play'd the Midwife's Part,
11 Into the World Corinna fell,
12 And he endow'd her with his Art.
[Page 150]
13 But Cupid with a Satyr comes;
14 Both softly to the Cradle creep:
15 Both stroke her Hands, and rub her Gums,
16 While the poor Child lay fast asleep.
17 Then Cupid thus: This little Maid
18 Of Love shall always speak and write;
19 And I pronounce, (th Satyr said)
20 The World shall feel her scratch and bite.
21 Her Talent she display'd betimes;
22 For in twice twelve [Footnote: 1Kb]
revolving Moons,
23 She seem'd to laugh and squawl in Rhimes,
24 And all her Gestures were Lampoons.
25 At six Years old, [Footnote: 1Kb]
the subtle Jade
26 Stole to the Pantry-Door, and found
27 The Butler with my Lady's Maid;
28 And you may swear the Tale went round.
29 She made a Song, how little Miss
30 Was kiss'd and slobber'd by a Lad:
31 And how, when Master went to p---,
32 Miss came, and peep'd at all he had.
33 At twelve, a Wit and a Coquette;
34 Marries for Love, half Whore, half Wife;
35 Cuckolds, elopes, and runs in Debt;
36 Turns Auth'ress, and is Curll's for Life. [Footnote: 1Kb]
37 Her Common-Place-Book all gallant is,
38 Of Scandal now a Cornucopia;
39 She pours it out in an Atlantis, [Footnote: 1Kb]
40 Or Memoirs of the New Utopia. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[Page 151]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: A
Widow and here Cat. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] A Fable of the Widow and her Cat. ... Printed for John Morphew, near
Stationers-Hall, 1712. Half-sheet.
[2] A Fable of the Widow and her Cat. ... London, Printed for Philpot near
Charing-Cross, 1711. Broadside.
[3] A Fable of the Widow and her Cat. ... Printed in the Year MDCCXII.
[4] A Fable of the VVidovv and her Cat. ... London Printed; And Re-printed in
[Dubin?]. Broadside.
[5] Political State of Great Britain, Jany. 1711-12, iii. 13.
[6] Supplement to Dr. Swift's Works, Ed. J. Nichols, 1779.
[7] This piece is printed with some hesitation. The evidence is strong,
however, that Swift had a hand in it.
[8] On 21 Dec., 1711, an accusation of embezzlement was brought against
Marlborough by the Commissioners appointed to examine the public
accounts. On the 30th the Queen dismissed Marlborough from all his
appointments 'that the matter might take an impartial examination'. A few
days later was published 'A Fable of the Widow and her Cat' turning upon
these incidents, and attacking the Duke of Marlboroug. Swift's author
ship was, from the first, assumed, or suspected. The poem was reprinted by
Abel Boyer in his Political State of Great Britain for January, 1711-12,
with a prefatory note: 'One of the Writers of the Examiner, who had constantly
pursued the Duke with merciless Fury, and profligate malice, did on
this Occasion publish the following FABLE of the WIDOW AND HER
CAT.' The words clearly point to Swift. On the 31st of the same month
a poem in reply appeared, espousing Marlborough's cause, under the title,
When the Cats away, the Mice may Play. A Fable. Humbly inscribed to
Dr. Swift. Swift refers to it in the Journal to Stella, on the day of publication:
'A poem is come out to-day inscribed to me, by way of a flirt; for it is a
Whiggish poem, and good for nothing.' It is clear, therefore, that 'A Fable
of Widow and her Cat' was immediately ascribed to Swift, and that he
did not directly dispute the attribution. It may be assumed, moreover, with
[Page 152]
more than a degree of probability, that his mention of an unnamed poem
in the Journal, under the 4th of January, is a reference to this piece. 'I was
in the city to-day, and dined with my printer, and gave him a ballad made
by several hands, I know not whom. I believe Lord-Treasuer had a finger
in it; I added three stanzas; I suppose Dr. Arbuthnot had the greatest share.'
It may be added also that, in the Biographia Britannica, p. 3444, the 'Fable
of the Widow and her Cat' is attributed to Swift and Prior in conjunction.
[9] In his Supplement, 1779, Nichols printed both 'The Widow and her Cat'
and 'When the Cat's away, the Mice may Play' but with a footnote: 'This
and the following Fable are not positively ascribed to Swift. They are very
much in the manner of Prior.' They were reprinted by him in A Select
Collection of Poems, 1780-82, iv. 50-5. See also The Writings of Matthew
Prior, ed. A. R. Waller, ii. 380-4. But 'When the Cat's away, the Mice
may Play' cannot possibly have been written by Prior, who was a diplomatic
agent of the Tory ministry.
[10] Dr. Elrington Ball assumes (Swift's Verse, p. 125) that Swift's words,
under the 4th of January, refer to a ballad entitled, 'An Excellent new
Song, Call'd The Trusty and True English-man' (see p. 1096). His reason
for this attribution is not stated. It may be because the British Museum copy
of this folio half-sheet ballad bears the inscription in a contemporary hand,
'2. Jan. 17 11/12 Agt ye Whiggs'. But this date refers more probably to publication
than to composition; and, in that case, cannot be reconciled with
Swift's statement in the Journal, for the ballad of which he speaks was only
handed to the printed on the 4th of January. The suggestion had previously
been made, but purely as a guess, by Aitken, Life and Works of Arbuthnot,
p. 43.
[11] On the whole the evidence is in favour of Swift having played some part
in the composition of 'A Fable of the Widow and her Cat'. See further an
excellent note by Sir Charles Firth, Review of English Studies, 1925, i. 456.
[12] The poem excited attention. In addition to the reply already noted, two
others, at least, were printed, The Fable of the Shepherd and his Dog, which
appeared on the 28th of January, and The Fable of the Housewife and her
[13] Four editions of 'A Fable of the Widow and her Cat' appeared in rapid
succession. The folio half-sheet printed by Morphew, and dated 1712,
was almost certainly the first. The broadside edition without a printer's
name, dated 1712, and the broadside 'Printed for Philpot', and dated 1711,
were probably pirated editions of a popular piece.
[14] Abel Boyer's reprint in the Political State of Great Britain was taken
from one of the broadsheet editions, and contains only insignificant compositor's
[15] The text is printed from the half-sheet edition published by Morphew.
There are no verbal variants between the broadsheet editions and
[Page 153]
1 A Widow kept a Favourite Cat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
2 At first a gentle Creature;
3 But when he was grown Sleek and Fat,
4 With many a Mouse, and many a Rat,
5 He soon disclos'd his Nature.
1 The Fox [Footnote: 1Kb]
and He were Friends of old,
2 Nor cou'd they now be parted;
3 They Nightly slunk to rob the Fold,
4 Devour'd the Lambs the Fleeces sold,
5 And Puss grew Lion-hearted.
1 He scratch'd her Maid, he stole the Cream,
2 He tore her best lac'd Pinner;
3 Nor Chanticleer upon the Beam,
4 Nor Chick, nor Duckling 'scapes, when Grim
5 Invites the Fox to Dinner.
1 The Dame full wisely did Decree,
2 For fear He shou'd dispatch more,
3 That the false Wretch shou'd worry'd be:
4 But in a sawcy manner He
5 Thus Speech'd it like a L---re. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 154]
1 "Must I, against all Right and Law, [Footnote: 1Kb]
2 Like Pole-Cat vile be treated?
3 I! who so long with Tooth and Claw
4 Have kept Domestic Mice in awe,
5 And Foreign Foes defeated!
1 "Your Golden Pippins, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and your Pies,
2 "How oft have I defended?
3 'Tis true, the Pinner which you prize
4 I tore in Frolick; to your Eyes
5 I never Harm intended. [Footnote: 1Kb]
1 "I am a Cat of Honour----Stay,
2 Quo' She, no longer parly;
3 Whate'er you did in Battle slay,
4 By Law of Arms became your Prey,
5 I hope you won it fairly.
1 Of this, we'll grant you stand acquit;
2 But not your Outrages:
3 Tell me, Perfidious! Was it fit
4 To make my Cream a PERQUISITE,
5 And Steal to mend your Wages?
1 So flagrant is Thy Insolence,
2 So vile Thy Breach of Trust is;
3 That longer with Thee to Dispense,
4 Were want to Pow'r, or want of Sense:
5 Here, Towzer! [Footnote: 1Kb]
---Do Him Justice.
[Page 155]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Fable of Midas. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Fable of Midas. ... Printed in the Year, 1711. Half-sheet.
[2] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of
the Duke of Bedford, Woburn Abbey. [Ref. S.]
[3] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 93 (1737, ii. 74). [Ref. F.]
[4] Miscellanies, 1735, v. 1. (1736, v. 1; 1745, 1749, v. 1; 1751, x. 1).
[5] The Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to edn.
iv. (1), 2.
[6] This satire on the Duke of Marlborough was published on 14 February,
1711/12. On that day Swift wrote to Stella: 'To-day I published the
Fable of Midas, a Poem, printed in a loose half sheet of Paper. I know
not how it will sell; but it passd wonderfully at our Society to-night; and
Mr Secty read it before me the other night to Ld Tr, at Ld Mashams,
where they equally approved of it. Tell me how it passes with you.'
[7] On the preceding 30th December Marlborough had been deprived of
all his appointments, a course which gave even Swift some apprehension.
Despite his ineveterate hostility to the Duke, and injustice to his character,
he could write of him not ungenerously (see Journal to Stella, 6 Jan.,
1712/13); and he averred that on many occasions he had prevented hard
things being said to him (Corresp. ii. 39). The Duke's love of money chiefly
excited Swift's dislike. In The Examiner, No. 28, Feby. 1-8, 1710/11, he
addressed to Marlborough, as Marcus Carssus, a withering condemnation
of avarice. His remark on Macky's character of the Duke is a terse, 'Detestably
covetous' (Prose Works, ed. T. Scott, x. 273); and in a note to
Burnet's History of his own Time he dismisses Marlborough as, 'A composition
of perfidiouness and avarice' (Prose Works, x. 359).
[8] See also the 'Satirical Elegy on the Death of a Famous General',
p. 295.
[9] This is one of the poems transcribed by Stella in the manuscript volume
now in the possession of the Duke of Bedford at Woburn Abbey. She
evidently copied from the printed half-sheet, which she follows even to
small detail.
[10] The poem was not reprinted in the four-volume Pope and Swift Miscellanies,
1727-32, and first reppeared in Faulkner's edition, 1735.
[11] The text is printed from the original half-sheet.
[Page 156]
12 Midas, we are in Story told, [Footnote: 1Kb]
13 Turn'd ev'ry thing he touch't to Gold:
14 He chip't his Bread, the Pieces round [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 Glitter'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
like Spangles on the Ground:
16 A Codling e'er it went his Lip in,
17 Would strait become a Golden Pippin:
18 He call'd for Drink, [Footnote: 1Kb]
you saw him Sup
19 Potable Gld in Golden Cup.
20 His empty Paunch that he might fill,
21 He suck't his Vittels thro' a Quill;
22 Untouch't it pass't between his Grinders,
23 Or't had been happy for Gold-finders.
24 He cock't his Hat, you would have said
25 Mambrino's Helm adorn'd his Head. [Footnote: 1Kb]
26 Whene'er he chanc'd his Hands to lay, [Footnote: 1Kb]
27 On Magazines of Corn or Hay,
28 Gold ready Coin'd appear'd, instead
29 Of paultry Provender and Bread:
30 Hence we are by wise Farmers told,
31 Old Hay is equal to old Gold;
32 And hence a Gritick deep maintains,
33 We learn't to weigh our Gold by Grains.
34 This Fool had got a lucky Hit,
35 And People fancy'd he had Wit:
36 Two Gods their Skill in Musick try'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
37 And both chose Midas to decide;
38 He against Phæbus [Footnote: 1Kb]
Harp decreed,
39 And gave it for Pan's oaten Reed:
[Page 157]
40 The God of Wit to shew his Grudge,
41 Clap't Asses Ears upon the Judge, [Footnote: 1Kb]
42 A goodly pair, erect and wide,
43 Which he could neither Gild nor hide.
44 And now the Virtue of his Hands,
45 Was lost among Pactolus Sands, [Footnote: 1Kb]
46 Against whose Torrent while he Swims,
47 The Golden Scurf peels off his Limbs:
48 Fame spreads the News, and People travel
49 From far, to gather golden Gravel;
50 Midas, expos'd to all their Jears,
51 Had lost his Art, and kept his Ears.
52 This Tale inclines the gentle Reader,
53 To think upon a certain Leader, [Footnote: 1Kb]
54 To whom from [Footnote: 1Kb]
Midas down, descends
55 That Virtue in the Fingers ends: [Footnote: 1Kb]
56 What else by Perquisites are meant,
57 By Pensions, Bribes, and three per Cent? [Footnote: 1Kb]
58 By Places and Commissions sold, [Footnote: 1Kb]
59 And turning Dung it self to Gold?
60 By starving in the midst of Store,
61 As t'other Midas did before?
62 None e'er did modern Midas chuse, [Footnote: 1Kb]
63 Subject or Patron of his Muse,
64 But found him thus their Merit Scan,
65 That Phebus must give Place to Pan:
66 He values not the Poet's Praise,
67 Nor will exchange His Plumbs for Bays:
68 To Pan alone [Footnote: 1Kb]
rich Misers call,
69 And there's the Jest, for Pan is ALL:
[Page 158]
70 Here English Wits will be to seek,
71 Howe'er, 'tis all one in the Greek.
72 Besides, it plainly now appears,
73 Our Midas too has [Footnote: 1Kb]
Asses Ears;
74 Where every Fool his Mouth applies,
75 And whispers in a thousand Lies;
76 Such gross Delusions could not pass,
77 Thro' any Ears but of an Ass.
78 But Gold defiles with frequent Touch, [Footnote: 1Kb]
79 There's nothing fouls the Hands so much:
80 And Scholars give it for the Cause,
81 Of British Midas dirty Paws;
82 Which while the Senate strove to scower,
83 They washt away the Chymick Power. [Footnote: 1Kb]
84 While He his utmost Strength apply'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
85 To Swim against this Pop'lar Tide,
86 The Golden Spoils flew off apace, [Footnote: 1Kb]
87 Here fell a Pension, there a Place:
88 The Torrent, merciless, imbibes
89 Commissions, Perquisites, and Bribes, [Footnote: 1Kb]
90 By their own Weight sunk to the Bottom;
91 Much good may do 'em [Footnote: 1Kb]
that have caught 'um.
92 And Midas now neglected stands,
93 With Asses Ears, and dirty Hands.
[Page 159]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: ATLAS:
Minister of STATE.
Lord Treasurer OXFORD. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey. [Ref. S.]
[2] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 87 (1731, p. 188; 1733, p. 188).
[3] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 48 (1737, ii. 38). [Ref. F.]
[4] Miscellanies, 1742, iv. 85.
[5] The strong Tory government of 1710 had scarcely been formed before
differences arose between Harley and St. John, which were steadily
accentuated, until Swift, in despair, retired to Letcombe in June, 1714,
where he wrote his comment upon the situation, Some Free Thoughts upon
the Present State of Affairs (Prose Works, ed. T. Scott, v. 391-415).
According to Swift, Memoirs relating to that Change in the Queen's Ministry
(Prose Works, v. 389), the first misunderstanding betgan with Guiscard's
attempt upon Harley in Marc, 1711. St. John affected to believe that the
blow was intended for him. Harley, however, got all the suffering, and
the credit.
[6] 'Atlas' was probably written about a year after that event. Dr. Ball
notes the connexion in thought of a passage in the Journal to Stella,
4 March, 1711-12, where, speaking of Oxford, Swift says that he 'cannot
do all himself, and will not employ others: which is his great fault'. Stella's
transcript, Faulkner, and Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, p. 158, all assign the
poem to 1712. No date is given in the 1727 Miscellanies.
[7] Stella gives the title as: 'Atlas. | To the Earl of Oxford. | Writ ad. 1712.'
The textual variants of her transcrip show that she was copying from a
[8] The text is printed from the Miscellanies, 1727.
[Page 160]
9 Atlas, [Footnote: 1Kb]
we read in antient Song,
10 Was so exceeding tall and strong,
11 He bore the Skies [Footnote: 1Kb]
upon his Back,
12 Just as a Pedlar [Footnote: 1Kb]
does his Pack:
13 But, as a Pedlar [Footnote: 1Kb]
14 Unloads upon a Stall to rest;
15 Or, when he can no longer stand,
16 Desires a friend to lend a Hand; [Footnote: 1Kb]
17 So Atlas, lest the pond'rous Spheres
18 Should sink, and fall about his Ears,
19 Got Hercules to bear the Pile,
20 That he might sit and rest [Footnote: 1Kb]
a while.
21 Yet Hercules was not so strong, [Footnote: 1Kb]
22 Nor could have born it half so long. [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 Great [Footnote: 1Kb]
Statesmen are in this Condition,
24 And Atlas is a Politician,
25 A premier Minister of State;
26 Alcides one of second Rate.
27 Suppose then Atlas ne'er so wise,
28 Yet when the Weight of Kingdoms lies [Footnote: 1Kb]
29 Too long, upon his single Shoulders,
30 Sink down he must, or find Upholders. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[Page 161]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: T------l------nd's Invitation to
DISMAL, to Dine with
Imitated from Horace, Epist. 5. Lib. 1. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] T---l---nd's Invitation to Dismal, to Dine with the Calves-Head Club.
Broadside. (There is also a second broadside edition, similar in appearance,
but a different setting, possibly an Edinburgh reprint. There is a
copy in the National Library of Scotland.)
[2] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey. [Ref. S.]
[3] Deane Swift's Essay on the Life of Swift, 1755, p. 228. [Ref. Deane Swift.]
Works, ed. Deane Swift, 1765, 4 to edn., viii (2), 230; large 8vo, xvi. 357;
sm. 8vo, xvii. 211. [Ref. 1765.]
[4] Faulkner, 1765, xiii. 357.
[5] Sheridan, 1784, vii. 79.
[6] This lampoon upon the Earl of Nottingham (see p. 141) is mentioned by
Swift, Journal to Stella, 1 July, 1712: 'Have you seen Toland's Invitation
to Dismal? How do you like it? But it is an imitation of Horace, and
perhaps you don't understand Horace.'. He also refers to it again under the 17th of July.
[7] It was advertised in The Examiner as 'Lately Publish'd' (for the price of
one penny) from 26 June to 31 July, when the advertisements cease.
Although the broadside bears no printer's name, it was almost certainly
printed by Morphew, who published The Examiner.
[8] For John Toland, 1670-1722, the deist and speculative writer, see
D.N.B. lvi. 438. His attack on orthodox religion, Christianity not
Mysterious (1696), was ordered to be burnt. Later he became an active
pamphleteer in support of the Whig party. In this satire Swift represents
Lord Nottingham, the Tory, Churchman, and champion of the clergy,
invited to join with Whigs and republicans in commemorating the execution
of Charles 1 as a tyrant.
[9] The Calves' Head Club was an association instituted in disrespect to the
memory of Charles 1. A calf's head formed a prominent part of the meal at
annual dinners held on the 30th of January, the date of the King's execution.
The original broadside edition is dated at the foot of the text,
'January 29'. This is not the date of compostion, but part of the text,
representing the eve of the annual celebration.
[10] For a bitter attack on the club see The Secret History of the Calves-Head
[Page 162]
Club: Or, The Republican Unmasked (1703), an anonymous pamphlet,
which ran through many editions in the reign of Anne, and is reprinted
in the Harleian Miscellany. The association, gradually expired after the
restoration; but the Gentleman's Magazine, v. 105, gives an account of
a riot following a meeting held under the name of the club in 1735.
This, however, may have been a hoax.
[11] The poem was not included in any of the collections published during
Swift's lifetime. It was reprinted by Deane Swift, Essay, 1755, who says
that it was written on a hint from Oxford 'that he wished a ballad was
made on the E. of ![](/images/inline/ast.gif)
[12] Stella's transcript shows no verbal variants, although a number of differences
in punctuation; and the proper names are written in full. She has
not written in the date, 'January 29', nor copied the Latin at the foot of
the poem. It is not improbable, therefore, that she was copying from a
[13] The text is printed from the original broadside.
14 If, dearest Dismal, you for once can Dine
15 Upon a single Dish, and Tavern Wine,
16 T---l---nd to you this Invitation sends,
17 To eat the CALVES-HEAD with your trusty Friends.
18 Suspend a while your vain ambitious Hopes,
19 Leave hunting after Bribes, forget your Tropes:
20 To morrow We our Mystick Feast prepare,
21 Where Thou, our latest Proselyte, shalt share:
22 When We, by proper Signs and Symbols tell,
23 How, by Brave Hands, the Royal TRAYTOR fell;
24 The Meat shall represent the TYRANT's Head,
25 The Wine, his Blood, our Predecessors shed: [Footnote: 1Kb]
26 Whilst an alluding Hymn some Artist sings,
27 We toast Confusion to the Race of Kings:
28 Si potes archiacis conviva recumbere lectis,
29 Nec modica coenare times olus omne patella:
30 Supremo te sole domi, Torquate, manebo.
31 Mitte leves spes, & certamina divitiarum,
32 Et Moschi causam: Cras nato Cæsare festus
33 Dat veniam somnumque dies: impune licebit
34 Æstivam sermone benigno tendere noctem.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 163]
35 At Monarchy we nobly shew our Spight,
36 And talk what Fools call Treason all the Night.
37 Who, by Disgraces or ill Fortune sunk,
38 Feels not his Soul enliven'd when he's Drunk?
39 Wine can clear up G---d---lph---n's cloudy Face, [Footnote: 1Kb]
40 And fill J---ck Sm---th with Hopes to keep his Place; [Footnote: 1Kb]
41 By Force of Wine ev'n Sc---rb---r---w is Brave, [Footnote: 1Kb]
42 Hal--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
grows more Pert, and S---mm---rs [Footnote: 2Kb]
not so Grave:
43 Quid non ebrietas designat? operta recludit;
44 Spes jubet esse ratas; in prælia trudit inermem:
[Page 164]
45 Wine can give P---rt---d Wit, and Cl---v---nd [Footnote: 1Kb]
46 M---t---g---e [Footnote: 1Kb]
Learning, B---lt---n [Footnote: 1Kb]
47 Ch---ly, [Footnote: 1Kb]
when Drunk, can never lose his Wand,
48 And L---nc---n [Footnote: 1Kb]
then imagines he has Land.
49 Sollicitis animis onus eximit; addocet artes.
50 Foecundi calices quem non fecere disertum?
51 Contracta quem non in paupertate solutum?
[Page 165]
52 My Province is, to see that all be right,
53 Glasses and Linnen clean, and Pewter bright;
54 From out Mysterious Club to keep out Spies,
55 And Tories (dress'd like Waiters) in Disguise.
56 You shall be coupled as you best approve,
57 Seated at Table next the Men you love.
58 S---nd---d, [Footnote: 1Kb]
Or---rd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
B---l, and R---ch---d's Grace [Footnote: 1Kb]
59 Will come; and H---mp---n shall have W---p---l's Place. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
60 Hæc ego procurare & idoneus imperor, & non
61 Invitus; ne turpe toral, ne sordida mappa
62 Corruget nares, ne non & cantharus & lanx
63 Ostendat tibi te; ne fidos inter amicos
64 Sit qui dicta foras eliminet: ut coeat par
65 Jungaturque pari, Brutum tibi Septimiumque,
[Page 166]
66 Wh---n, [Footnote: 2Kb]
unless prevented by a Whore,
67 Will hardly fail, and there is room for more:
68 But I love Elbow-room when're I drink,
69 And honest Harry is too apt to stink.
70 Let no pretence of Bus'ness make you stay,
71 Yet take one Word of Counsel by the way:
72 If Gu---rn---y [Footnote: 1Kb]
. calls, send word you're gone abroad; [Footnote: 1Kb]
73 He'll teaze you with King Charles and Bishop Laud,
74 Or make you Fist, and carry you to Prayers:
75 But if he will break in, and walk up Stairs,
76 Steal by the Back-door out, and leave him there;
77 Then order Squash to call a Hackney Chair. January 29.
78 Et nisi coena prior potiorque puella Sabinum
79 Detinet, assumam, locus est & pluribus umbris:
80 Sed nimis arcta premunt olidæ convivia capræ,
81 Tu quotus esse velis rescribe: & rebus omissis,
82 Atria servantem postico falle clientem.
[Page 167]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Peace and Dunkirk;
Excellent New Song upon the Surrender of
Dunkirk to General Hill.
To the Tune of, The King shall enjoy his own again. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Peace and Dunkirk; Being an Excellent New Song upon the Surrender of
Dunkirk to General Hill. ... London, Printed in the Year, 1712. Broadside.
[2] A Supplement to Dr. Swift's Works: ... London: ... J. Nichols, 1779.
Works, ed. Thomas Sheridan, 1784, vii. 81.
[3] The broadside was advertised as 'Just Publish'd' in The Examiner of the
dates July 3-10, 10-17, 17-24, 24-31, 1712. Swift mentions it in the
Journal to Stella on the 17th of July.
[4] Major-General John Hill was brother of Abigail Hill, later Lady
Masham, the supplanter of the Duchess of Marlborough in Anne's favour.
He was made a page to the Queen, and, through Marlborough's influence,
received a commission in the army in 1703. He commanded a brigade at
Almanza, 1707; and was wounded at Mons in 1709. In 1711 he was
placed in command of an expedition dispatched to attack the French
settlements in America, which failed with heavy losses. He was appointed
governor of Dunkirk, of which he took possession on 19 July, 1712, not
many day after the publication of Peace and Dunkirk.
[5] As Lady Masham was greatly esteemed by Swift, he was on friendly
terms with her brother. In November, 1711, Hill was elected a member of
the dining society of wits and men of interest to which Swift belonged. In
the Journal to Stella, 18 September, 1712, Swift refers to a snuff-box, 'the
finest that ever you saw', presented to him by Hill; and, further, mentions
dining with him and his two sisters, Lady Masham and Mrs. Hill, on
27 December, 1712. See also Corresp. i. 336-9.
[6] The text is printed from the original broadside. In 1733 Swift
declared that he could not remember this poem (Letters of Swift to Ford,
ed. D. Nichol Smith, p. 163).
[Page 168]
1 Spight [Footnote: 1Kb]
of Dutch Friends and English Foes,
2 Poor Britain shall have Peace at last; [Footnote: 1Kb]
3 Holland got Towns, and we got Blows,
4 But Dunkirk's ours, we'll hold it fast:
5 We have got it in a String,
6 And the Whigs may all go Swing,
7 For among good Friends, I love to be plain;
8 All their false deluded Hopes,
9 Will, or ought to end in Ropes;
10 But the QUEEN shall enjoy Her own again.
1 Sunder---d's [Footnote: 1Kb]
run out of his Wits,
2 And Dismal [Footnote: 1Kb]
double-Dismal looks;
3 Whar---n [Footnote: 1Kb]
Can only Swear by Fits,
4 And strutting Hal--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
is off the Hooks;
5 Old Godol---n [Footnote: 1Kb]
full of Spleen,
6 Made false Moves, and lost his QUEEN;
7 Harry look'd fierce, and shook his ragged Mane:
8 But a Prince of high Renown,
9 Swore he'd rather lose a Crown,
10 Than the QUEEN should enjoy Her own again.
1 Our Merchant Ships may cut the Line,
2 And not be snapt by Privateers,
[Page 169]
3 And Commoners who love good Wine,
4 Will Drink it now as well as Peers:
5 Landed-Men shall have their Rent,
6 Yet our Stocks rise Cent. per Cent,
7 The Dutch from hence shall no more Millions drain;
8 We'll bring on us no more Debts,
9 Nor with Bankrupts fill Gazetts,
10 And the QUEEN shall enjoy Her own again.
1 The Towns we took ne'er did us good,
2 What signify'd the French to beat?
3 We spent our Mony and our Blood,
4 To make the Dutch-men proud and great:
5 But the Lord of Oxford Swears,
6 Dunkirk never shall be theirs,
7 The Dutch-hearted whigs may rail and complain;
8 But true English Men will fill,
9 A good Health to Gen'ral Hill,
10 For the QUEEN now enjoys Her own again.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Part of the Seventh Epistle
of the FIRST BOOK of
IMITATED. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Part of the Seventh Epistle of the First Book of Horace Imitated: And
Address'd to a Noble Peer. London: Printed for A. Dodd, at the Peacock
without Temple-Bar. 1713. Price 3d. 4to. pp. 12 (2nd edn., 1713;
3rd edn., 1713).
[Page 170]
[2] The Seventh Epistle of the first Book of Horace Imitated. ... Dublin:
Reprinted for John Henly, Bookseller in Castle-sttreet, 1713. 4to. pp. 4.
[Ref. D.]
[3] Political State of Great Britain, November, 1713, vi. 340.
[4] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey. [Ref. S.]
[5] The Whimsical Medley, i. 238. [Ref. W.M.]
[6] Miscellaneous Works, Comical & Diverting: ... London, Printed by Order
of the Society de propagando, &c. M.DCC.XX. p. 411.
[7] Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. The Fourth Edition, ... Dublin: ... S.
Fairbrother, ... 2721 [1721], p. 232.
[8] Miscellanies, ... The Fourth Edition ... London: [Curll] ... 1722. p. 197.
[9] Miscellanies. The Last Volume. 1727, p. 21 (1731 p. 145; 1733, p. 145). Faulkner, 1735, ii. 100 (1737, ii. 79). [Ref. F.]
[10] This poem, addressed to Oxford, was written by Swift on his return to
England after his installation as Dean of St. Patrick's; and was published
23 October, 1713.
[11] The text is printed from the first edition. Parallels from the original of
Horace, printed as footnotes in the early editions, have been omitted.
[12] Henly's reprint has some obvious mistakes, followed by Stella, the
Whimsical Medley, and Fairbrother's edition of the Miscellanies. Absence
of reference to Fairbrother's Miscellanies indicates agreement with Henly's
reprint. The Political State of Great Britain follows Dodd's London
[13] There is a transcript in a clerical hand, evidently from the first edition,
among the manuscripts of the Marquis of Bath, Portland Papers, xvii.
ff. 133-5.
14 Harley, the Nation's great Support,
15 Returning home one Day from Court,
16 (His Mind with Publick Cares possest,
17 All Europe's Bus'ness in his Breast) [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 Observ'd a Parson near Whitehall,
19 Cheapning old Authors on a Stall.
20 The Priest was pretty well in case,
21 And shew'd some Humour in his Face;
22 Look'd with an easie, careless Mien,
23 A perfect Stranger to the Spleen;
24 Of Size that might a Pulpit fill,
25 But more inclining to sit still.
[Page 171]
26 MY LORD, who (if a Man may say't) [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
27 Loves Mischief better than his Meat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
28 Was now dispos'd to crack a Jest;
29 And bid Friend Lewis [Footnote: 1Kb]
go in quest [Footnote: 1Kb]
30 (This Lewis is a Cunning Shaver,
31 And very much in Harley's Favour)
32 In quest; who might this Parson be,
33 What was his Name, of what Degree;
34 If possible, to learn his Story,
35 And whether he were Whig or Tory?
36 Lewis his Patron's Humour knows;
37 Away upon his Errand goes, [Footnote: 1Kb]
38 And quickly did the Matter sift,
39 Found out that it was Dr. S---t: [Footnote: 1Kb]
40 A Clergyman of special Note,
41 For shunning those of his own Coat;
42 Which made his Brethren of the Gown
43 Take care betimes [Footnote: 1Kb]
to run him down:
44 No Libertine, nor Over-nice,
45 Addicted to no sort of Vice;
46 Went where he pleas'd said what he thought,
47 Not Rich, but ow'd no Man a Groat;
48 In State-Opinions a-la Mode,
49 He hated Wh---n [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
like a Toad;
50 Hed giv'n the Faction many a Wound,
51 And Libell'd all the Junta round; [Footnote: 1Kb]
52 Kept Company with Men of Wit,
53 Who often father'd what he writ;
[Page 172]
54 His Works were hawk'd in ev'ry Street,
55 But seldom rose above a Sheet:
56 Of late indeed the Paper-Stamp [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 Did very much his Genius cramp;
58 And, since he could not spend his Fire,
59 He now intended [Footnote: 1Kb]
to Retire.
60 Said HARLEY, I desire to know
61 From his own Mouth, if this be so? [Footnote: 1Kb]
62 Step to the Doctor straight, and say,
63 I'd have him Dine with me to Day.
64 S---t [Footnote: 1Kb]
seem'd to wonder what he meant,
65 Nor wou'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
believe My LORD had sent;
66 So never offer'd once to stir,
67 But coldly said, Your Servant, Sir.
68 Does he refuse me? HARLEY cry'd: [Footnote: 1Kb]
69 He does, with Insolence and Pride.
70 Some few Days after HARLEY spies
71 The Doctor fasten'd by the Eyes,
72 At Charing-Cross, among the Rout,
73 Where painted Monsters are hung out. [Footnote: 1Kb]
74 He pull'd the String, and stopt his [Footnote: 1Kb]
75 Beck'ning the Doctor to approach.
76 S---t, [Footnote: 1Kb]
who could [Footnote: 1Kb]
neither fly nor hide,
77 Came sneaking to the Chariot-side, [Footnote: 1Kb]
78 And offer'd many a lame Excuse;
79 He never meant the least Abuse---
[Page 173]
80 My Lord---The Honour you design'd--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
81 Extremely proud---but I had din'd---
82 I'm sure [Footnote: 1Kb]
I never shou'd neglect---
83 No Man alive has more Respect--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
84 Well, I shall think of that no more,
85 If you'll be sure to come at Four.
86 The Doctor now obeys the Summons, [Footnote: 1Kb]
87 Likes both his Company and Commons; [Footnote: 1Kb]
88 Displays his Talent, sits till Ten, [Footnote: 1Kb]
89 Next Day invited, comes agen;
90 Soon grows Domestick, seldom fails
91 Either at Morning, or at Meals;
92 Came early, and departed [Footnote: 1Kb]
93 In short, the Gudgeon took the Bait:
94 MY LORD wou'd carry on the Jest,
95 And down to Windsor takes his Guest.
96 S---t [Footnote: 1Kb]
much admires the Place and Air,
97 And longs to be a Canon there;
98 In Summer round the Park to ride,
99 In Winter---never to reside.
100 A Canon! that's a Place too mean:
101 No, Doctor, you shall be a Dean;
102 Two Dozen Canons round your Stall,
103 And you the Tyrant o'er them all:
104 You need but cross the Irish Seas,
105 To live in Plenty, Power and Ease.
106 Poor S---t [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
departs, and, what is worse,
107 With borrow'd Money in his Purse; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 174]
108 Travels at least a Hundred Leagues,
109 And suffers numberless Fatigues.
110 Suppose him, now, a Dean compleat,
111 Devoutly [Footnote: 1Kb]
lolling in his Seat;
112 The [Footnote: 1Kb]
Silver Virge, with decent Pride,
113 Stuck underneath his Cushion-side:
114 Suppose him gone through all Vexations,
115 Patents, Instalments, Abjurations,
116 First-Fruits and Tenths, and Chapter-Treats,
117 Dues, Payments, Fees, Demands and Cheats, [Footnote: 1Kb]
118 (The wicked Laity's contriving,
119 To hinder Clergymen from thriving);
120 Now all the Doctor's Money's spent,
121 His Tenants wrong him in his Rent;
122 The Farmers, spightfully combin'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
123 Force him to take his Tythes in kind; [Footnote: 1Kb]
124 And [Footnote: 1Kb]
Parvisol discounts Arrears,
125 By Bills for Taxes and Repairs.
126 Poor S---t, [Footnote: 1Kb]
with all his Losses vext,
127 Not knowing where to turn him next;
128 Above a Thousand Pounds in Debt,
129 Takes Horse, and in a mighty Fret
130 Rides Day and Night at such a Rate,
131 He soon arrives at HARLEY's Gate;
132 But was so dirty, pale and thin,
133 Old Read would hardly let him in.
134 Said HARLEY, Welcome Rev'rend Dean! [Footnote: 1Kb]
135 What makes your Worship look so lean? [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 175]
136 Why sure you won't appear in Town,
137 In that old Wig and rusty Gown! [Footnote: 1Kb]
138 I doubt your Heart is set on Pelf
139 So much, that you neglect your Self.
140 What! [Footnote: 1Kb]
I suppose now Stocks are high,
141 You've some good Purchase in your Eye;
142 Or is your Money out at use?--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
143 Truce, good MY LORD, I beg a Truce!
144 The Doctor in a Passion cry'd;
145 Your Raillery is misapply'd:
146 I have Experience [Footnote: 1Kb]
dearly bought,
147 You know I am not worth a Groat:
148 But you [Footnote: 1Kb]
resolv'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
have your Jest,
149 And 'twas a Folly to Contest: [Footnote: 1Kb]
150 Then since you now have done your worst, [Footnote: 1Kb]
151 Pray leave me where you found me first.
[Page 176]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: To LORD HARLEY,
since Earl of OXFORD, on his
Written in the Year M DCC XIII. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Works of Jonathan Swift, ed. Deane Swift, 1765, 4to, viii (2), 146; 8vo,
xvi. 252.
[2] Faulkner, 1765, xiii. 270.
[3] Works, ed. Sheridan, 1784, vii. 140.
[4] This poem was addressed by Swift to Lord Harley, only son of the first
Earl of Oxford, Lord Treasurer, upon his marriage, 31 October, 1713, to
Lady Henrietta Cavendish Holles, daughter and sole heiress of John, Duke
of Newcastle. Swift was supposed to have assited in the negotiations and
also in arrangements for the division of the Duke's inheritance between
her and Lord Pelham, the male heir. See Corresp.ii. 183, where Erasmus
Lewis describes the apportionment of the Duke of Newcastle's estate
consequent upon the marriage (cf. Portland MSS. v. 324). Bolingbroke,
writing to Swift, 1 Jany., 1721-2, sarcastically described the marriage as the
ultimate end of Oxford's administration (Corresp.iii.113).
[5] In the Journal to Stella, 8 November, 1711, Swift writes: 'Lord Harley
is a very valuable young gentleman; and they say the girl is handsome, and
has good sense, but red hair,' a less glowing account of the couple than he
gives in the verses.
[6] The text is printed from the Works, 1765.
7 AMONG the numbers who employ
8 Their tongues and pens to give you joy,
9 Dear Harley, gen'rous Youth, admit
10 What friendship dictates more than wit.
11 Forgive me, when I fondly thought
12 (By frequent observation taught)
13 A spirit so inform'd as yours
14 Could never prosper in amours.
15 The God of Wit, and Light, and Arts,
16 With all acquir'd and nat'ral parts,
[Page 177]
17 Whose harp could savage beasts enchant,
18 Was an Unfortunate gallant.
19 Had Bacchus after Daphne reel'd,
20 The Nymph had soon been brought to yield;
21 Or, had Embroider'd Mars pursu'd,
22 The Nymph would ne'er have been a prude.
23 Ten thousand footsteps, full in view,
24 Mark out the way where Daphne flew. [Footnote: 1Kb]
25 For such is all the sex's flight,
26 They fly from learning, wit, and light:
27 They fly, and none can overtake
28 But some gay coxcomb, or a rake.
29 How then, dear Harley, could I guess
30 That you should meet, in love, success?
31 For, if those antient Tales be true,
32 Phoebus was beautiful as you:
33 Yet Daphne never slack'd her pace,
34 For wit and learning spoil'd his face.
35 And, since the same resemblance held
36 In gifts, wherein you both excell'd,
37 I fancy'd ev'ry nymph would run
38 From you, as from Latona's son.
39 Then where, said I, shall Harley find
40 A virgin of superior mind,
41 With wit and virtue to discover,
42 And pay the merit of her Lover?
43 This character shall Ca'ndish claim,
44 Born to retrieve her sex's fame.
45 The chief among that glitt'ring crowd,
46 Of titles, birth, and fortune proud,
47 (As fools are insolent and vain)
48 Madly aspir'd to wear her chain:
49 But Pallas, guardian of the Maid,
50 Descending to her Charge's aid,
[Page 178]
51 Held out Medusa's snaky locks,
52 Which stupify'd them all to stocks.
53 The Nymph, with indignation, view'd
54 The dull, the noisy, and the lewd:
55 For Pallas, with celestial light,
56 Had purify'd her mortal sight;
57 Shew'd her the Virtues all combin'd,
58 Fresh blooming, in young Harley's mind.
59 Terrestrial nymphs, by formal arts,
60 Display their various nets for hearts:
61 Their looks are all by method set,
62 When to be prude, and when coquette;
63 Yet, wanting skill and pow'r to chuse,
64 Their only pride is to refuse.
65 But, when a Goddess would bestow
66 Her love on some bright youth below,
67 Round all the earth she casts her eyes;
68 And then, descending from the skies,
69 Makes choice of him she fancies best,
70 And bids the ravish'd youth be bless'd.
71 Thus the bright Empress of the Morn [Footnote: 1Kb]
72 Chose, for her spouse, a mortal born:
73 The Goddess made advances first,
74 Else what aspiring hero durst?
75 Tho', like a virgin of fifteen,
76 She blushes when by mortals seen;
77 Still blushes, and with speed retires,
78 When Sol pursues her with his fires. [Footnote: 1Kb]
79 Diana thus, Heav'n's chastest queen,
80 Struck with Endymion's graceful mien,
81 Down from her silver chariot came,
82 And to the Shepherd own'd her flame.
[Page 179]
83 Thus Ca'ndish, as Aurora bright,
84 And chaster than the Queen of Night,
85 Descended from her sphere to find
86 A Mortal of superior kind.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: THE
And Address'd to Richard St--- le, Esq; [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The First Ode of the Second Book of Horace Paraphas'd: And Address'd to
Richard St---le, Esq; ... London: Printed for A. Dodd, at the Peacock
without Temple-Bar. 1714. Price 3d. 4to, pp.11. (In some copies the
date on the title-page is 1713.)
[2] The First Ode ... Dublin: Reprinted for John Henly, ... 1714.
[3] A Supplement to Dr. Swift's Works, ed. Nichols, 1776 and 1799.
[4] Works, ed. Sheridan, 1784, vii. 129.
[5] The poem has an almost unmistakable faithfulness to Swift's style in
satirical and polemical verse; and its omission from the earlier collections
and miscellanies may have been due to his desire to bury this episode in his
relationship to Steele, or to a hesitancy on account of its political references.
[6] For an account of the quarrel between Steele and Swift, arising first from
the page of the Examiner and Guardian in April-May, 1713, and continuing
in a personal correspondence shortly before Swift left for Ireland to
be installed as Dean of St. Patrick's, see Aitkne's Life of Steele, i. 378 ff.,
and Prose Works, ed. Temple Scott, v. 276-8. After Swift's return the
misunderstanding was embittered by a war of political pamphlets between
the two. In September appeared Steele's Importance of Dunkirk Considered,
[Page 180]
to which Swift retorted vigorously in October with The Importance of the
Guardian Considered. Meanwhile, during the latter part of the year,
22nd October onward, Steele's forthcoming pamphlet, The Crisis, was
heralded by successive announcements. Swift, seizing upon the tedious
absurdity of repeated pompous advertisements and protracted delay,
printed the present poem, ridiculing Steele and his promised pamphlet. It
appeared on the 6th or 7th of January, 1713-14 (Daily Courant, 5 and
7 Jany., Post-Boy, 5-7 Jany., Mercator, 2-4 Jany.). On the 19th of
January The Crisis was, at length, published. Swift's destructive rejoinder,
The Publick Spirit of the Whigs, came out on the 23rd of February. See
further Aitken's Life of Steele, i. 399-409, ii. 3-23; Prose Works, v.
[7] The poem was first printed with the collected Works of Swift by Nichols.
[8] The text is printed from a copy of the first edition. The Latin parllels,
which appeared as footnotes to the original edition, are not reprinted.
9 DICK, thour't resolv'd, as I am told,
10 Some strange Arcana to unfold,
11 And with the help of Buckley's Pen [Footnote: 1Kb]
12 To vamp the good Old Cause again,
13 Which thou (such Bur---t's shrewd Advice is) [Footnote: 1Kb]
14 Must furbish up and Nickname CRISIS.
15 Thou pompously wilt let us know
16 What all the World knew long ago,
17 (Ere since Sir William G---e [Footnote: 1Kb]
was May'r,
18 And HAR-Y fill'd the Commons Chair) [Footnote: 1Kb]
19 That we a German Prince must own
20 When A---N for Heav'n resigns Her Throne.
21 But more than that, Thou'lt keep a rout
22 With-who is in--- and who is out,
23 thou'lt rail devoutly at the Peace,
24 And all its secret Causes trace,
[Page 181]
25 The Bucket-play 'twixt Whigs and Tories,
26 Their ups and downs, with fifty Stories
27 Of Tricks, the Lord of Ox---d knows,
28 And Errors of our Plenipoes.
29 Thou'lt tell of Leagues among the Great
30 Portending ruin to our State,
31 And of that dreadful [Side note: 1Kb]
coup d'eclat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 Which has afforded thee much Chat,
33 The Q---n (forsooth, Despotick) gave
34 Twelve Coronets, [Footnote: 1Kb]
without thy leave!
35 A Breach of Liberty, 'tis own'd,
36 For which no Heads have yet atton'd!
37 Believe me, what thou'st undertaken
38 May bring in Jeopardy thy Bacon,
39 For Madmen, Children, Wits and Fools
40 Shou'd never meddle with Edg'd Tools.
41 But since thou'rt got into the Fire,
42 And canst not easily retire,
43 Thou must no longer deal in Farce,
44 Nor pump to cobble wicked Verse;
45 Untill thou shalt have eas'd thy Conscience,
46 Of Spleen, of Politicks and Nonsense,
47 And when thou'st bid adieu to Cares,
48 And settled Europe's Grand Affairs,
49 'Twill then, perhaps, be worth thy while
50 For Drury-lane to shape thy Stile:
51 [Footnote: 1Kb]
"To make a pair of Jolly Fellows,
52 The Son and Father, join to tell us,
53 How Sons may safely disobey,
54 And Fathers never shou'd say nay,
55 By which wise Conduct they grow Friends
56 At last---and so the Story ends. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 182]
57 [Side note: 1Kb]
When first I knew thee, Dick, thou wert
58 Renown'd for Skill in Faustus Art, [Footnote: 1Kb]
59 Which made thy Closet much frequented [Footnote: 1Kb]
60 By buxom Lasses---Some repented
61 Their luckless Choice of Husbands---others,
62 Impatient to be like their Mothers,
63 Receiv'd from thee profound Directions
64 How best to settle their Affections;
65 Thus thou, a Friend to the Distress'd,
66 Didst in thy calling do thy best.
67 But now the Senate (if things hit
68 And thou at Stockbridge [Footnote: 1Kb]
wert not bit)
69 Must feel thy Eloquence and Fire,
70 Approve thy Schemes, thy Wit admire,
71 Thee with Immortal Honours crown,
72 Whilst Patr'ot ot-like thou'lt strut and frown.
73 What, tho' by Enemies 'tis said,
74 The Lawrel, which adorns thy Head;
75 Must one Day come in competition,
76 By vertue of some sly Petition:
77 Yet Mum for that, hope still the best,
78 Nor let such Cares disturb thy Rest.
79 Methinks I hear thee loud, as Trumpet,
80 As Bagpipe shrill, or Oyster-Strumpet,
81 Methinks I see thee, spruce and fine,
82 With Coat embroider'd richly shine,
83 And dazzle all the Idol-Faces
84 As thro' the HALL thy Worship paces:
85 (Tho' this I speak but at a venture,
86 Supposing thou hast Tick with Hunter)
[Page 183]
87 Methinks I see a black-guard Rout
88 Attend thy Coach, and hear them shout
89 In Approbation of thy Tongue,
90 Which (in their Stile) is purely hung.
91 Now, now you carry all before ye,
92 Nor dares one Jacobite or Tory
93 Pretend to answer one Syl---lable,
94 Except the Matchless Hero Abel. [Footnote: 1Kb]
95 What tho' her Highness and her Spouse
96 In Ant---rp keep a frugal House, [Footnote: 1Kb]
97 Yet not forgetful of a Friend
98 They'll soon enable thee to spend,
99 If to Macc---rt---y [Footnote: 1Kb]
thou wilt toast,
100 And to his Pious Patron's Ghost.
101 Now manfully thou'lt run a Tilt
102 "On Popes, for all the Blood they've spilt,
103 For Massacres, and Racks, and Flames,
104 For Lands enrich'd by crimson Streams,
105 For Inquisitions taught by Spain,
106 Of which the Christian World complain. [Footnote: 1Kb]
107 Dick, we agree---all's true, thou'st said,
108 As that my Muse is yet a Maid,
109 But, if I may with freedom talk,
110 All this is foreign to thy Walk:
111 Thy Genius has perhaps a knack
112 At trudging in a beaten Track,
113 But is for State-Affairs as fit,
114 As mine for Politicks and Wit.
[Page 184]
115 Then let us both in time grow wise,
116 Nor higher, than our Talents, rise,
117 To some snug Cellar let's repair
118 From Dunns and Debts, and drown our Care;
119 Now quaff of honest Ale a Quart,
120 Now venture at a Pint of Port,
121 With which inspir'd we'll club each Night
122 Some tender Sonnet to indite,
123 And with Tom D'urf---y, Phill---ps, D---nnis, [Footnote: 1Kb]
124 Immortalize our Dolls and Jenneys.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: JEUX D'ESPRIT
SCRIBLERUS CLUB [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Manuscripts of the Marquis of Bath, Potland Papers, vol. xiii. ff. 66, 67,
82, 84.
[2] Letters, ed. Hawkesworth, 1766, 4to, x. 205.
[3] Swiftiana, 1804, i. 109.
[4] Works, ed. Scott, 1814, xvi. 128.
[5] Works of Alexander Pope, Elwin and Courthope, 1871-89, viii. 225 n.2.
[6] Life and Works of John Arbuthnot, G. A. Aitken, 1892, p. 56 n.
[7] Correspondence, ed. F. Elrington Ball, ii, Appendix vii.
[8] An association belonging to the winter of 1713/14, formed by Pope,
Swift, Arbuthnot, and Gay, with Parnell as an occasional visitor, was given
the name of the Scriblerus Club. See R. J. Allen's Clubs of Augustan
London, pp. 260 ff. In his edition of Swift's correspondence, 1766,
Hawkesworth printed some disjointed verses (II-V below) passing between
members of the Club and Lord Oxford, in which Oxford was invited
to take part in the gatherings. I have not been able to trace the manuscripts
used by Hawkesworth.
[9] Further Scriblerus verses are preserved among the manuscripts of the
Marquis of Bath at Longleat. Among these Hawkesworth's pieces are only
represented by a transcript of IV written on the first two pages of a sheet
[Page 185]
folded to two quarto leaves. The names appended to this transcript, which
are not autograph signatures, have, with the exception of the of Gay, been
scribbled over in ink. Hawkesworth does not give the signatures, and has
some verbal variants. This piece was also printed by Aitken, Life of
Arbuthnot, p. 56 n. It is here printed form the Longleat transcript.
[10] The series, so far as it has been preserved, seems to begin with Swift.
Among the Longleat manuscripts is a folded sheet, making two quarto
leaves, addressed on the verso of the second leaf, 'To the Lord High
Treasurer'. On the recto of the first leaf are six lines (I) in Swift's autograph,
dated below by Lord Oxford: 'Marc. 20: 1713/14'. These lines
were printed in Elwin and Courthope's Pope, viii. 225 n. 2. They are here reprinted as written by Swift.
[11] The most interesting of the Scriblerus manuscripts preserved at Longleat
is number VI, hitherto unprinted. On one side of a small quarto leaf,
verso blank, are written five invitations to Oxford of two lines each,
severally in the autographs of Pope, Swift, Parnell, Arbuthnot, and Gay.
The leaf is undated.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
1 The Doctor and Dean, Pope, Parnell and Gay
2 In manner submissive most humbly do pray,
3 That your Lordship would once let your Cares all alone
4 And Climb the dark Stairs to your Friends who have none:
5 To your Friend who at least have no Cares but to
6 please you
7 To a good honest Junta that never will teaze you.
8 From the Doctor's Chamber
9 past eight.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
1 April 14, 1714. Back Stairs, past Eight.
2 In a summons so large, which all clergy contains,
3 I must turn Dismal's convert, or part with my brains,
4 Should I scruple to quit the back stairs for your blind ones,
5 Or refuse your true juncto for one of---
[Page 186]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[1] The following is their answer to his lordship, chiefly written by the Dean.
2 Let not the whigs our tory club rebuke;
3 Give us our earl, the devil take their duke.
4 Quædam quæ attinet ad Scriblerum,
5 Want your assistance now to clear 'em.
6 One day it will be no disgrace,
7 In Scribler to have had a place.
8 Come then, my lord, and take your part in
9 The important history of Martin.
1 A Pox of [Footnote: 1Kb]
all Senders
2 For any Pretenders
3 Who tell us these troublesome stories,
4 In their dull hum-drum key
5 Of Arma Virumque
6 Hannoniae [Footnote: 1Kb]
qui primus ab oris.
Poem section
7 A fig too for H---r [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
8 Who prates like his Grand mere
9 And all his old Friends would rebuke
10 In spite of the Carle
11 Give us but one Earle,
12 And the Devil may take their Duke. [Footnote: 1Kb]
Poem section
13 Then come and take part in
14 The Memoirs of Martin, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 187]
15 Lay by [Footnote: 1Kb]
your White Staff & gray Habit,
16 For trust us, friend Mortimer [Footnote: 1Kb]
17 Should you live years forty more
18 Haec olim meminisse juvabit.
19 by order of ye Club
A. Pope
J. Gay
J. Swift
J. Arbuthnot
T. Parnel
[1] More Lines Humour, by Lord Treasurer.
2 April 14, 1714.
3 I honour the men, Sir,
4 Who are ready to answer,
5 When I ask them to stand by the queen;
6 In spite of orâtors,
7 And blood-thirsty praters,
8 Whose hatred I highly esteem.
9 Let our faith's defender
10 Keep out ev'ry pretender,
11 And long enjoy her own;
12 Thus you four, five,
13 May merrily live,
14 Till faction is dead as a stone.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
1 My Lord, forsake your Politick Utopians,
2 To sup, like Jove, with blameless Ethiopians.
[Page 188]
3 In other Words, You with the Staff,
4 Leave John of Bucks, come here and laugh.
5 For Frolick Mirth give ore affairs of State,
6 To night be happy, be to morrow great.
7 Give Clans your money, us your smile
8 your Scorn to T---end & Ar---ile
9 Leave Courts, and hye to simple Swains,
10 Who feed no Flock Upon no Plains
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: THE
Written in the Year 1713, when the QUEEN's Ministers
were quarrelling among themselves. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 97 (1737, ii, 77).
[2] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 5 (1736, v. 5; 1745, v. 7).
[Ref. 1735.]
[3] Vol. IV. of the Miscellanies ... Dublin, ... Samuel Fairbrother, ... 1735.
p. 8.
[4] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1), 7.
[5] This poem was first printed by Faulkner in 1735. On the 13th of June,
1713, Swift was in Dublin, and installed Dean of st. Patrick's. On the
29th of August he left Dublin; and on the 9th of September he was back in
London. He found the Tory leaders at variance. The extreme Tories suspected
Oxford, whose moderation disturbed them. Bolingbroke, pressing
for power, was adopting a more hostile attitude.
[Page 189]
[6] Swift's poem may have been written in the latter part of 1713; but it
seems not unlikely that it was composed upon a hint conveyed in a letter
written to him by the Duchess of Ormonde, 24 April, 1714: 'I hope our
friends will ... remember the story of the arrows, that were very easily
broke singly, but when tied up close together, no strength of man could
hurt them' (Corresp. ii. 133).
[7] At an earlier date Swift addressed a remonstrance in verse to Harley on
the same subject. Cf.' Atlas: or, the Minister of State', p. 159, and
Swift's pamphlet, Some Free Thoughts upon the Present State of Affairs
(Prose Works, v. 393-415).
[8] The text is printed from Faulkner's edition of 1735.
9 Observe the dying Father speak:
10 Try Lads, can you this Bundle break;
11 Then, bids the youngest of the Six,
12 Take up a well-bound Heap of Sticks.
13 They thought it was an old Man's Maggot;
14 And strove by Turns to break the Faggot:
15 In vain: The complicated Wands
16 Were much too strong for all their Hands.
17 See, said the Sire, how soon 'tis done: [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 Then, took and broke them one by one.
19 So strong you'll be, in Friendship ty'd;
20 So quickly broke if you divide.
21 Keep close then Boys, and never quarrel.
22 Here ends the Fabel and the Moral.
23 This Tale may be apply'd in few Words
24 To Treasurers, Controllers, Stewards,
25 And others, who in solemn Sort
26 Appear with slender Wands at Court:
27 Not firmly join'd to keep their Ground,
28 But lashing one another round:
29 While, wise Men think they ought to fight [Footnote: 1Kb]
30 With Quarter-staffs instead of White;
31 Or Constable with Staff of Peace,
32 Should come and make the Clatt'ring cease;
[Page 190]
33 Which now disturbs the Queen and Court,
34 And gives the Whigs and Rabble Sport.
35 In History we never found
36 The Consul's Fasces were unbound;
37 Those Romans were too wise to think on't,
38 Except to lash some grand Delinquent.
39 How would they blush to hear it said,
40 The Prætor broke the Consul's Head;
41 Or, Consul in his Purple Gown,
42 Came up, and knock't the Prætor down. [Footnote: 1Kb]
43 Come Courtiers: Every Man his Stick:
44 Lord-Treasurer; for once be quick:
45 And, that they may the closer cling,
46 Take your blue Ribbin for a String. [Footnote: 1Kb]
47 Come trimming Harcourt; [Footnote: 1Kb]
bring your Mace;
48 And squeeze it in, or quit your Place:
49 Dispatch; or else that Rascal Northey, [Footnote: 1Kb]
50 Will undertake to do it for thee:
51 And, be assur'd, the Court will find him
52 Prepar'd to leap o'er Sticks, [Footnote: 1Kb]
or bind 'em.
[Page 191]
53 To make the Bundle strong and safe,
54 Great Ormonde lend thy Gen'ral's Staff: [Footnote: 1Kb]
55 And, if the Crosier could be cramm'd in, [Footnote: 1Kb]
56 A Fig for Lechmere, [Footnote: 1Kb]
King, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Hambden. [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 You'll then defy the strongest Whig,
58 With both his Hands to bend a Twig;
59 Though with united Strength they all pull,
60 From Sommers [Footnote: 1Kb]
down to Craigs [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Walpole.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: THE
Author upon Himself.
A few of the first Lines were wanting in the Copy
sent us by a Friend of the Author's from London. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 343 (1737, ii. 129).
[2] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 54 (1736, v. 54; 1745, v. 10;
1749, v. 10; 1751, x. 9).
[3] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1) 10.
[4] On Monday, 31 May, 1714, Swift, in despair at the growing enmity
between Oxford and Bolingbroke, left London, and, apparently, reached
Letcombe on 3 June (Portland MSS., vii. 186) on a visit to the rector, the
[Page 192]
Rev. John Geree. On the 8th we find him writing from the rectory to
Esther Vanhomrigh (Corresp. ii. 142). On the 8th of August, after the
Queen's death, he announced to Archdeacon Walls his intention of setting
out for Ireland on the 16th (Corresp. ii. 227); on the 12th he told Ford, 'I
sett out early on Monday next for Ireland' (Lerrers of Swift to Ford, ed.
Nichol Smith, p. 52); and on the 15th he wrote to Oxford, 'I set out tomorrow
morning' (Corresp. ii. 236). His stay at Letcombe thus extended
from the 3rd of June to the 16th of August, 1714; and, as the poem clearly
shows, it was during this period that these verses on himself were written.
[5] A note to the last line of the poem, in Faulkner's edition, runs: 'The
Author retired to a Friend in Berkshire, ten Weeks before the Qu---died; and
never saw the Ministry after.' This is not quite accurate, for Anne died on
Sunday, 1st of August; but is places the poem correctly, despite the mistaken
statement in the same edition, 'Written in the Year 1713'. The
wrong dating has been followed by later editors.
[6] The Rev. John Geree, Swift's host during these weeks, was a native of
Farnham near Moor Park, and is said to have lived 'in Sir William
Temple's family' (Portland MSS., vii. 186). In the Journal to Stella,
10 May, 1712, Swift writes: 'Did I tell you that young Parson Gery is
going to be married, and asked my advice when it was too late to break
off?' Thereupon he busied himself on behalf of the improvident young
clergyman. 'Lord-Keeper promised me yesterday the first convenient
living to poor Mr. Gery, who is married, and wants some addition to
what he has' (Journal to Stella, 22 Dec., 1712). Geree had been a
fellow of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and was presented by his
College to the living of Letcombe Bassett, Berkshire. Thither Swift sent
him a present of wine in April, 1714 (Corresp. ii. 134). Geree wrote to
thank him, as also for his good offices with the Lord Chancellor, which,
however, had produced nothing so far. He mentioned also the school he
had opened at the rectory.
[7] All communication between Swift and Geree seems to have been broken
off after the Letcombe visit, till the latter wrote once more to the Dean
(from Letcombe) in 1736 (Corresp. v. 334) recommending a Captain
Scroggs to his attention, and submitting some translations of Horace. In
1734 Geree had been appointed a Canon of Hereford. He died in 1761.
[8] Swift's poem, as first printed by Faulkner, 1735, shows a number of
blanks which are easily supplied with the exception of those in l. 1 and
ll. 53, 54. In the Harvard College Library is preserved a copy of
Orrery's Remarks annotated by himself, MS. Eng. 218. 14. Opposite his
observations on p. 48 about Sharp, Archbishop of York, Orrery has
[9] 'In Volume the 2d. Page 129th. Is a very severe poem, that evidently proves
the violence of Swift's resentment, The two first Lines may be read thus,
[10] By an old redhair'd, murd'ring Hag pursued,
[11] A crazy Prelate, and a royal Prude.
[Page 193]
[12] 'And again in Page 131st, Line of the same Poem, The Asterisks are to be
thus filled up,
'Now Madam Coningsmark her vengeance vows,
On Swift's reproaches for her murdered spouse.'
[13] The volume and page references are to Faulkner's edition. Printed
editions have left the blank in l. 1, and supplied that in l. 53, if at all, with
'angry Somerset'. Orrery's reading, which may well represent Swift's
intention, casts an additional slur on the Duchess.
[14] It may be noted that in Orrery's manuscript 'Madam Coningsmark' is
written above a word heavily scored out, which appears to be 'Coningsmark'.
[15] The text of the poem is here printed from Faulkner's edition of 1735.
16 By an--- --- --- [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
17 A crazy Prelate, and a Royal Prude. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
18 By dull Divines, who look with envious Eyes,
19 On ev'ry Genius that attempts to rise;
20 And pausing o'er a Pipe, with doubtful Nod,
21 Give Hints, that Poets ne'er believe in God.
22 So, Clowns on Scholars as on Wizards look,
23 And take a Folio for a conj'ring Book.
24 S--- had the Sin of Wit no venial Crime;
25 Nay, 'twas affirm'd, he sometimes dealt in Rhime:
[Page 194]
26 Humour, and Mirth, had Place in all he writ:
27 He reconcil'd Divinity and Wit.
28 He mov'd, and bow'd, and talk't with too much Grace;
29 Nor shew'd the Parson in his Gait or Face;
30 Despis'd luxurious Wines, and costly Meat;
31 Yet, still was at the Tables of the Great.
32 Frequented Lords; saw those that saw the Queen;
33 At Child's or Truby's never once had been; [Footnote: 1Kb]
34 Where Town and Country Vicars flock in Tribes,
35 Secur'd by Numbers from the Lay-men's Gibes;
36 And deal in Vices of the graver Sort,
37 Tobacco, Censure, Coffee, Pride, and Port.
38 But, after sage Monitions from his Friends,
39 His Talents to employ for nobler Ends;
40 To better Judgments willing to submit,
41 He turns to Pol[it]icks his dang'rous Wit,
42 And now, the publick Int'rest to support,
43 By Harley S---invited comes to Court.
44 In Favour grows with Ministers of State;
45 Admitted private, when Superiors wait:
46 And, Harley, not asham'd his Choice to own,
47 Takes him to Windsor in his Coach, alone.
48 At Windsor S---no sooner can appear,
49 But, St. John comes and whispers in his Ear; [Footnote: 1Kb]
50 The Waiters stand in Ranks; the Yeomen cry,
51 Make Room; as if a Duke were passing by.
52 Now Finch [Footnote: 1Kb]
alarms the Lords; he hears for certain,
53 This dang'rous Priest is got behind the Curtain:
54 Finch, fam'd for tedious Elocution, proves
55 That S---oils many a Spring which Harley moves.
[Page 195]
56 W---and Ayslaby, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
to clear the Doubt,
57 Inform the Commons, that the Secret's out:
58 "A certain Doctor is observ'd of late,
59 To haunt a certain Minister of State:
60 From whence, with half an Eye we may discover,
61 The Peace is made, and Perkin must come over.
62 York is from Lambeth sent, to shew the Queen [Footnote: 1Kb]
63 A dang'rous Treatise [Footnote: 1Kb]
writ against the Spleen;
64 Which by the Style, the Matter, and the Drift,
65 'Tis thought could be the Work of none but S---
66 Poor York! the harmless Tool of others Hate;
67 He sues for Pardon, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and repents too late.
68 Now,--- --- --- her Vengeance vows [Footnote: 1Kb]
69 On S---'s Reproaches for her --- --- [Footnote: 1Kb]
70 From her red Locks her Mouth with Venom fills:
71 And thence into the Royal Ear instills.
72 The Qu---incens'd, his Services forgot,
73 Leaves him a Victim to the vengeful Scot; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 196]
74 Now, through the Realm a Proclamation spread,
75 To fix a Price on his devoted Head.
76 While innocent, he scorns ignoble Flight;
77 His watchful Friends preserved him by a Sleight.
78 By Harley's Favour once again he shines;
79 Is now caress't by Candidate Divines;
80 Who change Opinions with the changing Scene:
81 Lord! how were they mistaken in the Dean!
82 Now, Delawere [Footnote: 1Kb]
again familiar grows;
83 And, in S----t's Ear thrusts half his powder'd Nose.
84 The Scottish Nation, whom he durst offend, [Footnote: 1Kb]
85 Again apply that S---would be their Friend. [Footnote: 1Kb]
86 By Faction tir'd, with Grief he waits a while,
87 His great contending Friends to reconcile.
88 Performs what Friendship, Justice, Truth require:
89 What could he more, but decently retire? [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
[Page 197]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: HORACE, Lib. 2. Sat. 6.
Part of it imitated. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey. [Ref. S.]
[2] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 33 (1736, p. 146; 1742, iv. 53).
Faulkner, 1735, ii. 108 (1737, ii. 86). [Ref. F.]
[3] An Imitation of the Sixth Satire of the Second Book of Horace. Hoc erat in
Votis, &c. The first Part done in the Year 1714, By Dr. Swift. The latter
Part now first added, And never before Printed. London: ... B. Motte ...
C. Bathurst ... J. and P. Knapton ... Mdccxxxviii. F°.
[4] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iii (2), 47.
[5] Swift's imitation of Horace's 'Hoc erat in votis' was also written at
Letcombe. Writing to Ford, 3 August, 1714, Swift informed him that he
had finished the poem; and Ford in reply from London, 5 August, asked
him to send it, or 'bring it up' himself; but Swift considered it 'not yet
sufficiently corrected' (Letters of Jonathan Swift to Charles Ford, ed. D.
Nichol Smith, pp. 44, 48, 50).
[6] The poem, as first printed in 1727, and as reprinted in successive
editions of Swift's verse, ran to 112 lines. Stella's transcript added two
lines, which were not included in any edition till that of Browning, 1910,
who followed a collation by Forster. They were, presumably, rejected by
Swift when he was supplying Pope with copy for the Miscellanies.
[7] The last eight lines of the poem, as printed in 1727, have been attributed
to Pope, and certainly read as if an addition to the poem. As, however, they
appear in Stella's transcript, and as they were left standing by Swift in his
own copy of Faulkner, they may be accepted as his.
[8] In 1738 the poem was published in folio (pp. iv+23) extended to 221
lines. In this version Latin and English face each other. The additional
matter has generally been attributed to Pope, but it may be questioned
whether he did not make some use of lines written by Swift. On
the verso of the 1738 title (see above) appears an 'Advertisement' stating
that the piece is by Swift, but in 'no way meant to interfere with the
Imitations of Horace by Mr. Pope', for 'His Manner, and that of Dr. Swift
are so entirely different, that they can admit of no Invidious Comparison'.
[9] The version of 1738 follows that of 1727 for the first eight lines. Then
come 20 lines, 9-28, which are new. These seem to be an addition by
Swift, and not by Pope. Lord Bathurst, writing to Swift, 5 Oct., 1737
(Corresp. vi. 45), says: 'That very pretty epistle which you writ many years
ago to Lord Oxford is printed incorrectly. I have a copy, of which I send
you a transcript, ... you will find that you left off without going through
[Page 198]
with the epistle.' He then refers to the fable of the country and city mouse,
which closes the poem in Pope's version, and enjoins Swift to complete his
imitation. The original of this letter, which is preserved in the British
Museum, is endorsed: 'Octbr. 5. 1737 | Ld Bathurst. | Answd Octr 8th |
1737.| And addition | to the Poem | of I often wished. | 20 lines added.'
These lines are almost certainly 9-28, which, on this external evidence,
coupled with the internal evidence of style, may be attributed to Swift.
Lord Bathurst, it is clear, was sending Swift a manuscript copy of Pope's
version, and, it may be surmised, at Pope's instigation, who, doubtless,
was anxious to note the result. This was in October, 1737. In March,
1738 (see Griffith, Alexander Pope: A Bibliography, No. 479), Pope
published the poem in its extended form, which included, as well as his
own matter, twenty new lines from Swift's pen.
[10] These twenty lines, 9-28, are followed by ll. 9-112 of the 1727 version,
thus becoming, in 1738, ll. 29-132. Then follow ll. 133-221, consisting,
for the most part, of the fable of the country and the city mouse, which are
by Pope.
[11] According to Pope (Spence's Anecdotes, ed. Singer, 1720, p. 257), Swift
did not think the extension 'at all a right imitation of his style'.
[12] I have printed the poem as it appeared in Miscellanies. The Last
Volume, 1727, inserting within square brackets those twenty lines of the
1738 version which I consider to be by Swift.
13 I Often [Footnote: 1Kb]
wish'd, that I had clear
14 For Life, six hundred Pounds a Year,
15 A handsome House to lodge a Friend,
16 A River at my Garden's End,
17 A Terras Walk, and half a Rood [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 Of Land set out to plant a Wood.
19 Well, now I have all this and more,
20 I ask not to increase my Store,
21 [But here a Grievance seems to lie,
22 All this is mine but till I die;
23 I can't but think 'twould sound more clever,
24 To me and to my Heirs for ever.
[Page 199]
25 If I ne'er got, or lost a groat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
26 By any Trick, or any Fault;
27 And if I pray by Reason's rules,
28 And not like forty other Fools:
29 As thus, "Vouchsafe, Oh gracious Maker!
30 To grant me this and t'other Acre:
31 Or if it be thy will and Pleasure
32 Direct my Plow to find a Treasure:"
33 But only what my Station fits,
34 And to be kept in my right wits.
35 Preserve, Almighty Providence!
36 Just what you gave me, Competence:
37 And let me in these Shades compose
38 Something in Verse as true as Prose;
39 Remov'd from all th' ambitious Scene,
40 Nor puff'd by Pride, nor sunk by Spleen.]
41 But should be [Footnote: 1Kb]
perfectly content,
42 Could I but [Footnote: 1Kb]
live on this side Trent;
43 Nor cross the Channel twice a Year,
44 To spend six Months with Statesmen here.
45 I must by all means come to Town,
46 'Tis for the Service of the Crown.
47 "Lewis; [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Dean will be of Use,
48 Send for him up, take no Excuse.
49 The Toil, [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Danger of the Seas;
50 Great Ministers ne'er think of these;
51 Or let it cost Five hundred Pound, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
52 No matter where the Money's found;
[Page 200]
53 It is but so much more in Debt,
54 And that they ne'er consider'd yet.
55 "Good Mr. Dean go change your Gown,
56 Let my Lord know you're come to Town.
57 I hurry me in haste away,
58 Not thinking it is Levee-Day;
59 And find his Honour in a Pound,
60 Hemm'd by a triple Circle round,
61 Chequer'd with Ribbons blew and green;
62 How should I thrust my self between?
63 Some Wag observes me thus perplext,
64 And smiling, whispers to the next,
65 I thought the D---n had been too proud,
66 To justle [Footnote: 1Kb]
here among a Crowd.
67 Another in a surly Fit,
68 Tells me I have more Zeal than Wit,
69 So eager to express your Love,
70 You ne'er consider whom you shove,
71 But rudely press before a Duke.
72 I own, I'm pleas'd with this Rebuke,
73 And take it kindly meant to show
74 What I desire the World should know.
75 I get a Whisper, and withdraw,
76 When twenty Fools I never saw [Footnote: 1Kb]
77 Come with Petitions fairly pen'd,
78 Desiring I would stand their Friend.
79 This, humbly offers me his Case--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
80 That, begs my Interest for a Place--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
81 A hundred other Men's Affairs
82 Like Bees, are humming in my Ears.
83 "To morrow my Appeal comes on,
84 Without your Help the Cause is gone---
85 The Duke expects my Lord and you,
86 About some great Affair, at Two---
[Page 201]
87 "Put my Lord Bolingbroke in Mind,
88 To get my Warrant quickly signed:
89 Consider, 'tis my first Request.---
90 Be satisfy'd, I'll do my best:---
91 Then presently he falls to teize,
92 "You may for certain, if you please;
93 I doubt not, if his Lordship knew---
94 And Mr. Dean, one Word from you--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
95 'Tis (let me see) three Years and more, [Footnote: 1Kb]
96 (October next, it will be four)
97 Since Harley bid me first attend,
98 And chose me for an humble Friend;
99 Would take me in his Coach to chat,
100 And question [Footnote: 1Kb]
me of this and that;
101 As, "What's a-Clock?" And, "How's the Wind?
102 Whose Chariot's that we left behind?
103 Or gravely try to read the Lines
104 Writ underneath the Country Signs; [Footnote: 1Kb]
105 Or, "Have you nothing new to day
106 From Pope, from Parnel, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
or from Gay?
107 Such Tattle often entertains
108 My Lord and me as far as Stains,
109 As once a week we travel down
110 To Windsor, and again to Town,
111 Where all that passes, inter nos, [Footnote: 1Kb]
112 Might be proclaim'd at Charing-Cross. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 202]
113 Yet some I know with Envy swell,
114 Because they see me us'd so well:
115 "How think you of our Friend the Dean?
116 I wonder what some People mean;
117 My Lord and he are grown so great,
118 Always together, tête à tête:
119 What, they [Footnote: 1Kb]
admire him for his Jokes---
120 See but the Fortune of some Folks!
121 There flies about a strange Report [Footnote: 1Kb]
122 Of some [Footnote: 1Kb]
Express arriv'd at Court;
123 I'm stopt by all the Fools I meet,
124 And catechis'd in ev'ry Street.
125 "You, Mr. Dean frequent the Great;
126 Inform us, will the Emp'ror treat? [Footnote: 1Kb]
127 Or do the Prints and Papers lye?
128 Faith Sir, you know as much as I.
129 "Ah Doctor, how you love to jest? [Footnote: 1Kb]
130 'Tis now no Secret---I protest
131 'Tis one to me.---"Then, tell us, pray
132 When are the Troops to have their Pay?
133 And, though I solemnly declare
134 I know no more than my Lord Mayor,
135 They stand amaz'd, and think me grown
136 The closest Mortal ever known.
137 Thus in a Sea of Folly tost,
138 My choicest [Footnote: 1Kb]
Hours of Life are lost:
139 Yet always wishing to retreat;
140 Oh, could I see my Country Seat.
141 There leaning near a gentle Brook,
142 Sleep, or peruse some antient Book;
143 And there in sweet Oblivion drown
144 Those Cares that haunt the Court [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Town.
[Page 203]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: In SICKNESS
Written soon after the Author's coming to live in Ireland,
upon the Queen's Death, October 1714. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 356 (1737, ii. 133).
[2] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 65 (1736, v. 65; 1745, v. 14;
1751, x. 13).
[3] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1), 13.
[4] Swift left Letcombe for Ireland on 16 August, 1714, and arrived in
Dublin on the 24th (Letters of Swift to Ford, ed. Nichol Smith, p. 60). He
was despondent at the turn of political events, sick at heart on parting from
his English friends, and assailed by lampoons. Among these squibs may be
named An Hue and Cry after Dr. S---t, which appeared before he left
Letcombe, A farther Hue and Cry after Dr. S---t, and Essays, Divine,
Moral, and Political: ... By the Author of the Tale of a Tub. His personal
prospects, further, were endangered by his association with a fallen party.
[5] The earliest surviving letter written by Swift, after his return to Ireland,
is addressed to Ford (Nichol Smith, op. cit., p. 60), and the next to Bolingbroke,
14 Sept., 1714. His subsequent letters are filled with melancholy
and disappointment.
[6] Writing to Pope, early in September, Arbuthnot mentions a letter from
Swift which has been lost (Life and Works of John Arbuthnot, G. A.
Aitken, p. 81). On 19 October Arbuthnot wrote to the Dean describing
the general supersession of his political friends (Corresp. ii. 245). It was
probably after the receipt of this letter, with Arbuthnot specially in mind,
that Swift composed the lines 'In Sickness'. There is every reason to
believe Faulkner's date, 'October', to be correct.
[7] The text is printed from Faulkner's edition of 1735.
8 'Tis true,---then why should I repine,
9 To see my Life so fast decline?
10 But, why obscurely here alone? [Footnote: 1Kb]
11 Where I am neither lov'd nor known. [Footnote: 1Kb]
12 My State of Health none care to learn;
13 My Life is here no Soul's Concern.
14 And, those with whom I now converse,
15 Without a Tear will tend my Herse.
[Page 204]
16 Remov'd from kind Arbuthnot's Aid, [Footnote: 1Kb]
17 Who knows his Art but not his Trade;
18 Preferring his Regard for me
19 Before his Credit or his Fee.
20 Some formal Visits, Looks, and Words,
21 What meer Humanity affords,
22 I meet perhaps from three or four,
23 From whom I once expected more;
24 Which those who tend the Sick for pay
25 Can act as decently as they.
26 But, no obliging, tender Friend
27 To help at my approaching End,
28 My Life is now a Burthen grown
29 To others, e'er it be my own.
30 Ye formal Weepers for the Sick,
31 In your last Offices be quick:
32 And spare my absent Friends the Grief
33 To hear, yet give me no Relief;
34 Expir'd To-day, entomb'd To-morrow,
35 When known, will save a double Sorrow.
[Page 207]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Fable of the Bitches.
Wrote in the Year 1715, on an attempt to
repeal the Test Act. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1762, x. 308; 1763, xi. 406.
[2] Works, 1762, xiv. 184.
[3] Works, 1764, 4to, vii (2), 170; 8vo, xiv. 290.
[4] This poem was first attributed to Swift by Faulkner in 1762/3, and reprinted
in the continuation of the London edition of the Works edited by
Bowyer, and published by the trade in the same year.
[5] Swift was throughout life bitterly opposed to relieving Catholics and
Dissenters from the disabilities they suffered under the Test Act. His first
pamphlet on the subject, A Letter from a Member of the House of Commons
in Ireland to a Member of the House of Commons in England, was written in
1708, and included by him in his first collected Miscellanies, 1711. When,
in 1732-3, a renewed attempt was made in Ireland to repeal the Test Act,
the several tracts published by him show that his opinions had in no way
been chastened by the passage of time. See Prose Works, ed. Temple Scott,
iv. 3-106. See also 'The Tale of a Nettle', p. 1084; and notes on the poem,
'On the Words---Brother Protestants, and Fellow Christians', p. 809.
[6] 'This piece', says Dr. Elrington Ball, 'seems to have been occasioned by
the proceedings of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland in May
and the correspondence that ensued' (Swift's Verse, pp. 150-1).
[7] The text is printed from Faulkner's volume of 1762.
8 A Bitch that was full pregnant grown,
9 By all the Dogs and Curs in Town;
10 Finding her ripen'd Time was come,
11 Her Litter teeming from her Womb,
12 Went here and there, and ev'ry where,
13 To find an easy Place to lay-her.
14 At length to Musick's House [Footnote: 1Kb]
she came,
15 And begg'd like one both blind and lame;
16 "My only Friend, my Dear," said she,
17 "You see 'tis meer Necessity,
18 Hath sent me to your House to whelp,
19 I'll dye, if you deny your Help.
[Page 208]
20 With fawning Whine, and rueful Tone,
21 With artful Sigh and feigned Groan,
22 With couchant Cringe, and flattering Tale,
23 Smooth Bawty [Footnote: 1Kb]
did so far prevail;
24 That Musick gave her Leave to litter,
25 But mark what follow'd,---Faith she bit her.
26 Whole Baskets full of Bits and Scraps,
27 And Broth enough to fill her Paps,
28 For well she knew her num'rus Brood,
29 For want of Milk, wou'd suck her Blood.
30 But when she thought her Pains were done,
31 And now 'twas high Time to be gone;
32 In civil Terms,--- "My Friend," says she,
33 'My House You've had on Courtesy;
34 "And now I earnestly desire,
35 That you wou'd with your Cubbs retire:
36 For shou'd you stay but one Week longer,
37 I shall be starv'd with Cold and Hunger."
38 The Guest reply'd---"My Friend, your Leave,
39 I must a little longer crave;
40 Stay till may tender Cubs and find,
41 Their Way---for now you see they're blind;
42 But when we've gather'd Strength, I swear,
43 We'll to our Barn again repair."
44 The Time pass'd on, and Musick came,
45 Her Kennel once again to claim;
46 But, Bawty, lost to Shame and Honour,
47 Set all her Cubs at once upon her;
48 Made her retire, and quit her Right,
49 And loudly cry'd---a Bite, a Bite. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 209]
50 The MORAL.
51 Thus did the Grecian Wooden Horse,
52 Conceal a fatal armed Force;
53 No sooner brought within the Walls,
54 But Illium's lost, and Priam falls.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: To
The Earl of OXFORD, Late
Lord Treasurer. Sent to him
when he was in the Tower, before
his Tryal.
Out of HORACE.
Written in the Year 1716. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 348 (1737, ii. 135).
[2] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 58 (1736, v. 58; 1745, v. 15;
1751, x. 14).
[3] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (I), 14.
[4] George I arrived at Greenwich on the 29th of September, and was
crowned at Westminster on the 31st of October, 1714. A Parliament,
mainly composed of Whigs, met in March, 1715; and a committee was
appointed to inquire into Jacobite intrigues. Bolingbroke and Ormonde
fled the country; and, in July, Oxford was thrown into the Tower. After he
had lain there nearly two years he petitioned the House of Lords, who fixed
13 June, 1717, for his trial. The Commons requested a postponement to
the 24th, which was agreed; but later followed a fierce dispute on procedure
between the two Houses. On 1 July Oxford was acquitted of
all charges by the Upper House. On the 15th of that month he was, however,
at the instigation of the Commons, expressly exluded from the
King's act of grace.
[5] On the 19th of July, 1715 (Corresp. ii. 293), Swift wrote a noble and
dignified letter to Oxford in the Tower, whither he had been committed on
the 9th. On the 15th of June, 1717, Erasmus Lewis wrote to inform Swift
[Page 210]
that Oxford's trial was fixed for 'Monday next come sennight'. He wrote
again on the 18th in case the Dean should 'have any thoughts of coming
over'. On the 2nd of July he wrote that 'Lord Oxford's impeachment was
discharged'; and on the 9th Swift wrote to congratulate Oxford.
[6] The poem was first printed by Faulkner in 1735, and assigned to the
year 1716, a date which is presumably correct, for the tenor of the piece
suggests that it was written during Oxford's long wait in the Tower, and not
in immediate urgency before the trial took place.
[7] In early editions the poem is merely stated to be 'Out of Horace'. The
original parallel is Bk. III, Ode II.
[8] The text is printed from Faulkner's 1735 edition.
9 How blest is he, who for his Country dies;
10 Since Death pursues the Coward as he flies. [Footnote: 1Kb]
11 The Youth, in vain, would fly from Fate's Attack,
12 With trembling Knees, and Terror at his Back;
13 Though Fear should lend him Pinions like the Wind,
14 Yet swifter Fate will seize him from behind.
15 Virtue repuls't, yet knows not to repine;
16 But shall with unattainted Honour shine;
17 Nor stoops to take the Staff, [Footnote: 1Kb]
nor lays it down,
18 Just as the Rabble please to smile or frown.
19 Virtue, to crown her Fav'rites, loves to try
20 Some new unbeaten Passage to the Sky;
21 Where Jove a Seat among the Gods will give
22 To those who die, for meriting to live.
23 Next, faithful Silence hath a sure Reward:
24 Within our Breast be ev'ry Secret barr'd:
25 He who betrays his Friend, shall never be
26 Under one Roof, or in one Ship with me.
27 For, who with Traytors would his Safety trust,
28 Lest with the Wicked, Heaven involve the Just?
29 And, though the Villain 'scape a while, he feels
30 Slow Vengeance, like a Blood-hound at his Heels.
[Page 211]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Ad Amicum Eruditum
Scripsit Oct. Ann. Dom. 1717. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Whimsical Medley, iii. 354.
[2] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 475 (1737, ii. 387).
[3] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 153 (1736, v. 153; 1745,
v. 16).
[4] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (I), 15.
[5] Essay on the Earlier Part of the Life of Swift, Barrett, 1808, p. 155.
[6] Works, ed. Scott, 1814, x. 572.
[7] This epistle was first printed by Faulkner in 1735. According to Orrery,
Remarks, 1752, p. 130, Swift took special pride in these Latin verses (see
below, p. 316, notes on 'Carberiæ Rupes').
[8] The poem was transcribed, from a manuscript copy, into The Whimsical
Medley, together with a jesting introductory letter in English:
'To Mr. Tho: Sheridan
[9] Revd: and learned Sr.,
[10] I am Teacher of English for a want of a better to a poor Charity School
in the lower end of St. Thomas Street, but in my time I have been a
Virgilian, tho' I am now forc'd to teach English wch. I understood less than my own
Native Language, or even than Latin it self; therefore I made bold to send yu
the inclosed, the Fruit of My Muse, in hopes it may qualify me for the
honnour of being one of your most inferior Ushers, if you will Vouchsafe to
send me an Answer, direct it to me next door but one to the Harrow, on the
left hand in Crocker's Lane.
[11] I am yrs.
[12] Revd. Sr. to Command,
[13] Pat: Reyly.
[14] Scribimus indocti doctique poemata passim. Horat:'
[15] Barrett, in his Essay, 1808, printed this letter, together with other trifles
which passed between Sheridan and Swift, taken from The Whimsical
Medley. In consequence some modern editors have, most inappropriately,
included Swift's Latin epistle among the 'Trifles'. These verses were far
otherwise regarded by him.
[16] The text is printed from Faulkner's edition of the Poetical Works, 1735.
[Page 212]
17 DeliciÆ Sheridan [Footnote: 4Kb]
Musarum, dulcis amice,
18 Sic tibi propitius Permessi ad flumen Apollo
19 Occurrat, seu te mimum convivia rident;
20 Æquivocosve sales spargis, seu ludere versu
21 Malles; dic, Sheridan, quisnam fuit ille Deorum,
[Page 213]
22 Quæ melior natura orto tibi tradidit artem
23 Rimandi genium puerorum, atq; ima cerebri
24 Scrutandi? Tibi nascenti ad cunabula Pallas
25 Astitit; & dixit, mentis præsaga futuræ,
26 Heu puer infelix! nostro sub sydere natus;
27 Nam tu pectus eris sine corpore, corporis umbra;
28 Sed levitate umbram superabis, voce cicadam:
29 Musca femur, palmas tibi Mus dedit, ardea [Footnote: 1Kb]
30 Corpore sed tenui tibi quod natura negavit;
31 Hoc animi dotes supplebunt; teq; docente,
32 Nec longum Tempus, surget tibi docta juventus,
33 Artibus egregiis animas instructa novellas.
34 Grex hinc Poeonius venit, ecce, salutifer orbi. [Footnote: 1Kb]
35 Ast, illi causas orant; his insula visa est
36 Divinam capiti nodo constringere mitram.
37 Natalis te horæ non fallunt signa; sed usq;
38 Conscius, expedias puero seu lætus Apollo
39 Nascenti arrisit; sive illum frigidus horror
40 Saturni premit, aut septem inflavere triones.
41 Quin tu altè penitusq; latentia semina cernis,
42 Quæq; diu obtundendo olim sub luminis auras
43 Erumpent, promis; quo ritu saepè puella
44 Sub cinere hesterno sopitos suscitat ignes.
45 Te Dominum agnoscit quocunq; sub aere natus;
46 Quos indulgentis nimium custodia matris
47 Pessundat: Nam sæpè vides in stipite matrem.
[Page 214]
48 Aureus at ramus venerandæ dona Sibyllæ,
49 Æneæ sedes tantùm patefecit Avernas:
50 Sæpè puer, tua quem tetigit semel aurea virga,
51 Coelumq; terrasq; videt, noctemq; profundam.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: To Mr. DELANY. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Swift's autograph: Forster Library, South Kensington (541).
[2] Works, ed. Deane Swift, 1765, 4to, viii (2), 170; 8vo, xvi. 285. [Ref.
[3] Faulkner, 1765, xiii. 297.
[4] Works, ed. Sheridan, 1784, vii. 152.
[5] In the Forster Library, South Kensington, is preserved a letter from
Swift to Delany, accompanying a copy of these verses neatly written in the
Dean's hand. The letter is dated 'Novbr. 10th. 1718|9 in the morning.', and
the four pages of verses, on one folded sheet, are dated, at the foot of the
last page, 'Octbr. 10th. 1718/9 in the morning.' For the letter see Corresp. iii.
[6] Swift had not long been acquainted with Sheridan (for whom see p. 212 n.)
when a piece of badinage by that irrepressible jester wounded his feelings.
In The History of the Second Solomon, stated by Deane Swift to have been
written in 1729, Swift says: 'In three months' time Solomon, without the
least provocation, writ a long poem, describing that person's muse to be
dead, and making a funeral solemnity with asses, owls, &c., and gave the
copy among all his acquaintance.' The letter accompanying Swift's lines
requests Delany to regard the poem as confidential, 'else I may be thought
a Man who will not take a Jest'. Swift also suggested that Sheridan should
receive a hint that he had transgressed 'all the Rules of Raillery'.
[7] Delany (Observations, 1754, pp. 17, 18) quotes ll. 1, 2, 5-8, from
memory, and not quite accurately, stating they were the only lines he
remembered, and that he was 'assured, the person they were address'd to,
burnt the original in a fit of mortification: and kept no copy'. This implies
that the original manuscript, or a copy, reached Sheridan. In Delany's
opinion the verses were among the 'genteelest' ever written by Swift.
[8] Swift's acquaintance with Delany appears to have begun no earlier
than the year in which this poem was written. Patrick Delany was, at
the time, a Junior Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. He enjoyed a
reputation both as a scholar and a preacher. Lord Carteret, when Lord
Lieutenant, held him in esteem, and, in 1727, made him Chancellor of
Christ Church Cathedral. In addition he received the College living
[Page 215]
of Derryvullen. But his tastes were extravagant, and in 1729 he addressed
a rhyming epistle to Carteret soliciting further preferment, for which he
was ridiculed by Swift and Sheridan (see pp. 470 ff.). In 1730 he was
appointed Chancellor of St. Patrick's, and in 1744 Dean of Down. His
Observations upon Lord Orrery's Remarks (1754) was a defence of
Swift. He died in 1768. See Ball's Hist. of County Dublin, Part vi, 129 ff.
[9] The text is printed from Swift's holograph. Deane Swift evidently used a revised copy.
[Footnote: 1Kb]
10 To You, whose Virtues I must own
11 With shame, I have too lately known;
12 To you, by Art an Nature taught
13 To be the Man I long have sought,
14 Had not ill Fate, perverse and blind, [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 Plac'd you in Life too far behind;
16 Or what I should repine at more,
17 Plac'd me in Life too far before;
18 To you the Muse this Verse bestows,
19 Which might as well have been in Prose;
20 No Thought, no Fancy, no Sublime,
21 But simple Topicks told in Rime.
22 Three Gifts [Footnote: 1Kb]
for Conversation fit
23 Are Humor, Raillery and [Footnote: 1Kb]
24 The last, as boundless as the Wind;
25 Is well conceiv'd thô not defin'd;
26 For, sure, by Wit is onely [Footnote: 1Kb]
27 Applying what we first [Footnote: 1Kb]
28 What Humor is, not all the Tribe
29 Of Logick-mongers can describe;
30 Here, onely Nature [Footnote: 1Kb]
acts her Part,
31 Unhelpt by Practice, Books, or Art.
32 For Wit and Humor differ quite,
33 That gives Surprise, and this Delight:
[Page 216]
34 Humor is odd, grotesque, and wild,
35 Onely by Affectation spoild,
36 Tis never by Invention got,
37 Men have it when they know it not.
38 Our Conversation to refine
39 True Humor must with Wit [Footnote: 1Kb]
40 From both, we learn to Railly well;
41 Wherein French Writers most [Footnote: 1Kb]
42 [Side note: 1Kb]
Voiture [Footnote: 1Kb]
in various Lights displays
43 That Irony which turns to Praise,
44 His Genius first found out the Rule
45 For an obliging Ridicule:
46 He flatters with peculiar Air
47 The Brave, the Witty, and the Fair;
48 And Fools would fancy he intends
49 A Satyr where he most commends.
50 But as a poor pretending Beau
51 Because he fain would make a Show,
52 Nor can afford to buy gold [Footnote: 1Kb]
53 Takes up with Copper in the Place;
54 So, the pert Dunces of Mankind
55 Whene're [Footnote: 1Kb]
they would be thought refin'd,
56 Because the Diff'rence lyes [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 'Twixt Raillery and gross Abuse,
58 To show their Parts, will scold and rail,
59 Like Porters o'er a Pot of Ale.
60 Such is that [Footnote: 1Kb]
Clan of boist'rous Bears [Footnote: 1Kb]
61 Always together by the Ears;
62 Shrewd Fellows, and arch Wags, a Tribe
63 That meet for nothing but to gibe;
[Page 217]
64 Who first Run one another down,
65 And then fall foul on all the Town;
66 Skilld in the Horse-laugh and dry Rub,
67 And calld by Excellence, the Club:
68 I mean your Butler, Dawson, Car, [Footnote: 1Kb]
69 All special Friends, and allways jarr.
70 The mettled and the vicious Steed
71 Do not more differ [Footnote: 1Kb]
in their Breed,
72 Nay, Voiture is as like Tom Lee, [Footnote: 1Kb]
73 As Rudeness is to Repartee.
74 [Side note: 1Kb]
If what you said, I wish unspoke,
75 'Twill not suffice, it was a Joke.
76 Reproach not tho in jest, a Friend
77 For those Defects he cannot mend;
78 His Lineage, Calling, Shape or Sense [Footnote: 1Kb]
79 If nam'd with Scorn, gives just Offence.
80 What Use in Life, to make Men frett? [Footnote: 1Kb]
81 Part in worse humor than they met?
82 Thus all Society is lost,
83 Men laugh at one another's Cost;
84 And half the Company is teazd
85 That came together to be pleasd:
86 For all Buffoons have most in View
87 To please themselves by vexing You [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 218]
88 When Jests are carryd on too far,
89 And the loud Laugh proclaims [Footnote: 1Kb]
the War;
90 You keep Your Countenance for shame
91 Yet still you think your Friend to blame.
92 And [Footnote: 1Kb]
thô men cry, they love a Jest,
93 Tis but when others stand the Test,
94 For would you have their Meaning known?
95 They love a Jest---when [Footnote: 1Kb]
'tis their own.
96 [Side note: 1Kb]
You wonder now to see me write
97 So gravely, where the Subject's light. [Footnote: 1Kb]
98 Some part of what I here design
99 Regards a Friend [Footnote: 1Kb]
of yours and mine,
100 Who full of Humor, Fire and Wit, [Footnote: 1Kb]
101 Not allways [Footnote: 1Kb]
judges what is fit;
102 But loves to take prodigious Rounds, [Footnote: 1Kb]
103 And sometimes walks beyond his Bounds.
104 You must, although the Point the nice, [Footnote: 1Kb]
105 Venture to give him some [Footnote: 1Kb]
106 Few Hints [Footnote: 1Kb]
from you will set him right,
107 And teach him how to be polite.
108 Let [Footnote: 1Kb]
him, like you, observe with Care [Footnote: 1Kb]
109 Whom to be hard on, whom to spare:
110 Nor indiscreetly [Footnote: 1Kb]
to suppose
111 All Subjects like Dan Jackson's Nose. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 219]
112 To study the obliging Jest,
113 By reading those who teach it best.
114 For Prose, I recommend Voiture's,
115 For Verse, (I speak my Judgment) Yours:
116 He'll find the Secret out from thence
117 To Rime all day without Offence;
118 And I no more shall then Accuse
119 The Flirts of his ill-mannerd Muse.
120 If he be Guilty, you must mend him,
121 If he be innocent, defend him.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: A quiet Life, and a good Name
To &c. Writ A.D. 1719 [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey.
[2] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 349 (1737, ii. 178). [Ref. F.]
[3] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 59 (1736, v. 59; 1745, v. 62).
[Ref. 1735, &c.]
[4] The Muse in Good Humour: Or, A Collection of Comic Tales, ... Printed for
F. Noble, ... 1751, 6th edn., p. 171.
[5] Stella's transcript is the earliest form in which this poem has been preserved.
Whether she was copying from a printed sheet or manuscript, she
did not give that part of the title which is supplied by Faulkner: 'To a
Friend, who married a Shrew.' Stella assigned the piece to 1719. Faulkner
says vaguely: 'Written about the Year 1724.' Stella's date may be accepted
with a doubt.
[6] Although the details are not wholly relevant matter of fact, it is possible
that Swift had Sheridan and his wife in mind. See pp. 954-5.
[7] The poem is printed from Stella's transcript.
8 Nell scolded in so loud a Din [Footnote: 1Kb]
9 That Will durst hardly venture in;
10 He mark't the Conjugall Dispute,
11 Nell roar'd incessant, Dick sate mute:
[Page 220]
12 But when He saw his Friend appear
13 Cry'd bravely, Patience, good my Dear.
14 At sight of Will she bawl'd no more,
15 But hurry'd out, and clapp't the Dore.
16 Why Dick! the Devil's in thy Nell [Footnote: 1Kb]
17 Quoth Will; thy House is worse than Hell:
18 Why, what a Peal the Jade has rung, [Footnote: 1Kb]
19 Damm her, why don't you Slit her Tongue?
20 For nothing else will make it cease,---
21 Dear Will, I suffer this for Peace;
22 I never quarrell with my Wife,
23 I bear it for a quiet Life [Footnote: 1Kb]
24 Scripture you know exhorts us to it,
25 Bids us to seek Peace and ensue it.
26 Will went again to visit Dick [Footnote: 1Kb]
27 And entring in the very nick,
28 He saw Virago Nell belabor
29 With Dick's own Staff his Peacefull Neighbor,
30 Poor Will, who needs must interpose,
31 Receiv'd a brace or two of Blows.
32 But now, to make my Story Short
33 Will drew out Dick to take a Quart,
34 Why Dick, thy Wife has dev'lish Whims:
35 Ods buds, why don't you break hger Limbs: [Footnote: 1Kb]
36 If she were Mine,and had such Tricks,
37 I'd teach her how to handle Sticks:
38 Z---ds I would ship her for Jamaica
39 And truck the Carrion for Tobacca, [Footnote: 1Kb]
40 I'd send her far enough away---
41 Dear Will, but, what would People say?
42 Lord! I should get so ill a Name,
43 The Neighbors round would cry out Shame.
44 Dick suffer'd for his Peace and Credit,
45 But who believ'd him when he said it: [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 221]
46 Can he who makes himself a Slave
47 Consult his Peace, or Credit save?
48 Dick found it by his ill Success
49 His Quiet small, his Credit less;
50 Nell serv'd him at the usu'll Rate
51 She stun'd, and then she broke his Pate.
52 And what he thought the hardest Case,
53 The Parish jear'd him to his Face:
54 Those Men who wore the Breeches least
55 Call'd him a Cuckold, Fool, and Beast,
56 At home, he was pursu'd with Noise,
57 Abroad, was pester'd by the Boys,
58 Within, his wife would break his Bones,
59 Without, they pelted him with Stones,
60 The Prentices procur'd a Riding
61 To act his Patience, and her chiding.
62 False Patience, and mistaken Pride!
63 There are ten thousand Dicks beside;
64 Slaves to their Quiet and good Name,
65 Are us'd like Dick, and bear the Blame.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: PHILLIS,
Or, the Progress of Love.
Written A.D. 1719. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Transcript by Stella: Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey.
[2] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 236 (1731, p. 287; 1733, p. 287;
1736, p. 267; 1742, iv. 183; 1751, vii. 167).
[3] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 120 (1737, ii. 96). [Ref. F.]
[4] The Muse in Good Humour. Or, a Collection of Comic Tales, ... Printed for
J. Noble, ... 1744. p. 18.
[5] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iii (2), 158.
[6] This and the following two poems are related in title, conception, and,
apparently, in date. The first two were included in Stella's volume of
transcripts; all three first appeared in print in the Miscellanies of 1727. As
[Page 222]
between Stella and the printed text the variants are few and unimportant in
the 'Progress of Love'; but five of Stella's stanzas in the 'Progress of Beauty'
were omitted in the printed version. It is clear that these stanzas belonged
to the original draft. An omission, in the latter poem, between lines 60 and
61 of the printed version is evident, and Stalla's stanza supplies it. These
stanzas were either deleted by Swift, or possibly by Pope as editor of the
[7] No date of composition is given for these three poems in the Miscellanies,
1727. Stella assigns both the 'Progress of Love' and the 'Progress of
Beauty' to 1719. All three probably belong to 1719-20. Faulkner gives
1716 for the 'Progress of Love', but this is almost certainly wrong, and,
possibly, only a printer's error.
[8] This and the following poem are printed from Stella's transcripts.
Swift made one annotation to the 'Progress of Love', l. 35, in his copy of the
[9] Stella spells 'Phillis', the printed version 'Phyllis' throughout.
10 Desponding Phillis was endu'd
11 With ev'ry Talent of a Prude,
12 She trembled when a Man drew near;
13 Salute her, and she turn'd her Ear:
14 If o'er against her you were plac't
15 She durst not look above your Wast;
16 She'd rather take you to her Bed
17 Than let you see her dress her Head;
18 In Church you heard [Footnote: 1Kb]
her thrô the Crowd
19 Repeat the Absolution loud;
20 In Church, secure behind her Fan
21 She durst behold that Monster, Man:
22 There practic'd how to place her Head,
23 And bit her Lips to make them red:
24 Or on the Matt devoutly kneeling
25 Would lift her Eyes up to the Ceeling,
26 And heave her Bosom unaware
27 For neighb'ring Beaux to see it bare.
28 At length a lucky Lover came, [Footnote: 1Kb]
29 And found Admittance from [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Dame.
30 Suppose all Partyes now agreed,
31 The Writings drawn, the Lawyer fee'd,
[Page 223]
32 The Vicar and the Ring bespoke:
33 Guess how could such a Match be broke. [Footnote: 1Kb]
34 See then what Mortals place their Bliss in!
35 Next morn betimes the Bride was missing,
36 The Mother scream'd, the Father chid,
37 Where can this idle Wench be hid?
38 No news of Phil. [Footnote: 1Kb]
The Bridegroom came,
39 And thought his Bride had sculk't for shame,
40 Because her Father us'd to say
41 The Girl had such a Bashfull way.
42 Now, John the Butler must be sent
43 To learn the Way [Footnote: 1Kb]
that Phillis went;
44 The Groom was wisht to saddle Crop, [Footnote: 1Kb]
45 For John must neither light nor [Footnote: 1Kb]
46 But find her where so'er she fled,
47 And bring her back, alive or dead.
48 See here again the Dev'l to do; [Footnote: 1Kb]
49 For truly John was missing too:
50 The Horse and Pillion both were gone
51 Phillis, it seems, was fled with John.
52 Old Madam who went up to find [Footnote: 1Kb]
53 What Papers Phil had left behind,
54 A Letter on the Toylet sees
55 To my much honor'd Father; These:
56 ('Tis always done, Romances tell us,
57 When Daughters run away with Fellows)
58 Fill'd with the choicest common-places,
59 By others us'd in the like Cases. [Footnote: 1Kb]
60 That, long ago a Fortune-teller [Footnote: 1Kb]
61 Exactly said what now befell her,
[Page 224]
62 And in a Glass had made her see
63 A serving-Man of low Degree:
64 It was her Fate; must be forgiven;
65 For Marriages are [Footnote: 1Kb]
made in Heaven:
66 His Pardon begg'd, but to be plain,
67 She'd do't if 'twere to do again.
68 Thank God, 'twas neither Shame nor Sin,
69 For John was come of honest Kin:
70 Love never thinks of Rich and Poor,
71 She'd beg with John from Door to Door:
72 Forgive her, if it be a Crime,
73 She'll never do't another Time,
74 She ne'r before in all her Life
75 Once disobey'd him, Maid nor Wife.
76 One Argument she summ'd up all in,
77 The Thing was done and past recalling:
78 And therefore hop'd she would [Footnote: 1Kb]
79 His Favor, when his Passion's over.
80 She valued not what others thought her;
81 And was---His most obedient Daughter. [Footnote: 1Kb]
82 Fair Maidens all attend the Muse
83 Who now the wandring Pair pursues:
84 Away they rode in homely Sort
85 Their Journy long, their Money short;
86 The loving Couple well bemir'd,
87 The Horse and both the Riders tir'd:
88 Their Vittells bad, their Lodging worse,
89 Phil cry'd, and John began to curse;
90 Phil wish't, that she had strained a Limb
91 When first she ventur'd out with him.
92 John wish't, that he had broke a Leg
93 When first for her he quitted Peg.
94 But what Adventures more befell 'um [Footnote: 1Kb]
95 The Muse has now not [Footnote: 1Kb]
time to tell 'um. [Footnote: 1Kb]
96 How Jonny wheadled, threatned, fawnd,
97 Till Phillis all her Trinkets pawn'd:
[Page 225]
98 How oft she broke her marriage Vows
99 In kindness to maintain her Spouse;
100 Till Swains unwholsome spoyld the Trade,
101 For now the Surgeon [Footnote: 1Kb]
must be paid;
102 To whom those Perquisites are gone
103 In Christian Justice due to John.
104 When Food and Rayment now grew scarce
105 Fate put a Period to the Farce;
106 And with exact Poetick Justice:
107 For John is Landlord, Phillis Hostess;
108 They keep at Stains the old blue Boar, [Footnote: 1Kb]
109 Are Cat and Dog, and Rogue and Whore.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: THE
Written A D: 1719 [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Transcript by Stella: Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey.
[2] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 247 (1731, p. 293; 1733, p. 293;
1736, p. 273; 1742, iv. 188; 1751, vii. 172).
[3] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 131 (1737, ii. 105). [Ref. F.]
[4] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iii (2), 163.
[5] See notes to the preceding poem. Faulkner gives 1720 as the date of this
[6] It is possible that Swift adopted his title from the well-known poem by
George Granville, Lord Lansdown, which first appeared in Charles
Gildon's New Miscellany of Original Poems, 1701.
[7] The text is printed from Stella's transcript. In Swift's copy of Faulkner,
vol. ii, 1737, three printer's errors, l. 2, 'Streams', l. 84 (100) omission of
'but', l. 93 (109) 'moves', are corrected. These slips do not appear in the
1735 edition.
[Page 226]
8 When first Diana leaves her Bed
9 Vapors and Steams her Looks disgrace,
10 A frouzy dirty colour'd red
11 Sits on her cloudy wrinckled Face.
12 But by degrees when mounted high
13 Her artificiall Face appears
14 Down from her Window in the Sky,
15 Her Spots are gone, her Visage clears.
16 'Twixt earthly Femals and the Moon
17 All Parallells exactly run;
18 If Celia should appear too soon
19 Alas, the Nymph would be undone.
20 To see her from her Pillow rise
21 All reeking in a cloudy Steam,
22 Crackt Lips, foul Teeth, and gummy Eyes,
23 Poor Strephon, how would he blaspheme!
24 The Soot or Powder which was wont [Footnote: 1Kb]
25 To make her Hair look black as Jet,
26 Falls from her Tresses on her Front
27 A mingled Mass of Dirt and Sweat. [Footnote: 1Kb]
28 Three Colours, Black, and Red, and White,
29 So gracefull in their proper Place,
30 Remove them to a diff'rent Light [Footnote: 1Kb]
31 They form a frightfull hideous Face,
32 For instance; when the Lilly slipps [Footnote: 1Kb]
33 Into the Precincts of the Rose,
34 And takes Possession of the Lips,
35 Leaving the Purple to the Nose.
36 So Celia went entire to bed,
37 All her Complexions safe and sound,
38 But when she rose, the black and red [Footnote: 1Kb]
39 Though still in Sight, had chang'd their Ground.
[Page 227]
40 The Black, which would not be confin'd
41 A more inferior Station seeks
42 Leaving the fiery red behind,
43 And mingles in her muddy Cheeks.
44 The Paint by Perspiration cracks, [Footnote: 1Kb]
45 And falls in Rivulets of Sweat,
46 On either Side you see the Tracks,
47 While at her Chin the Conflu'ents met.
48 A Skillfull Houswife thus her Thumb
49 With Spittle while shw spins, anoints,
50 And thus the brown Meanders come
51 In trickling Streams betwixt her Joynts. [Footnote: 1Kb]
52 But Celia can with ease reduce
53 By help of Pencil, Paint and Brush
54 Each Colour to it's Place and Use,
55 And teach her Cheeks again to blush.
56 She knows her Early self no more,
57 But fill'd with Admiration, stands,
58 As Other Painters oft adore
59 The Workmanship of their own Hands. [Footnote: 1Kb]
60 Thus after four important Hours
61 Celia's the Wonder of her Sex;
62 Say, which among the Heav'nly Pow'rs
63 Could cause such wonderfull Effects. [Footnote: 1Kb]
64 Venus, indulgent to her Kind
65 Gave Women all their Hearts could wish
66 When first she taught them where to find
67 White Lead, and Lusitanian Dish.
68 Love with White lead cements his Wings,
69 White lead was sent us to repair
70 Two birghtest, brittlest earthly Things
71 A Lady's Face, and China ware.
[Page 228]
72 She ventures now to lift the Sash,
73 The Window is her proper Sphear;
74 Ah Lovely Nymph be not too rash,
75 Nor let the Beaux approach too near.
76 Take Pattern by your Sister Star,
77 Delude at once and Bless our Sight,
78 When your are seen, be seen from far,
79 And chiefly chuse to shine by Night.
80 In the Pell-mell when passing by,
81 Keep up the Glasses of your Chair,
82 Then each tramsported Fop will cry,
83 G---d d---m me Jack, she's wondrous fair. [Footnote: 1Kb]
84 But, Art no longer can prevayl
85 When the Materialls all are gone,
86 The best Mechanick Hand must fayl
87 Where Nothing's left to work upon.
88 Matter, as wise Logicians say,
89 Cannot without a Form subsist,
90 And Form, say I, as well as They,
91 Must fayl if Matter brings no Grist.
92 And this is fair Diana's Case
93 For, all Astrologers maintain
94 Each Night a Bit drops off her Face
95 When Mortals say she's in her Wain.
96 While Partridge [Footnote: 1Kb]
wisely shews the Cause
97 Efficient of the Moon's Decay,
98 That Cancer with his pois'nous Claws
99 Attacks her in the milky Way:
100 But Gadbury [Footnote: 1Kb]
in Art profound
101 From her pale Cheeks pretends to show
102 That Swain Endymion is not sound,
103 Or else, that Mercury's her Foe.
[Page 229]
104 But, let the Cause be what it will,
105 In half a Month she looks so thin
106 That Flamstead [Footnote: 1Kb]
can with all his Skill
107 See but her Forehead and her Chin.
108 Yet as she wasts, she grows discreet,
109 Till Midnight never shows her Head;
110 So rotting Celia stroles the Street
111 When sober Folks are all a-bed.
112 For sure if this be Luna's Fate,
113 Poor Celia, but of mortall Race
114 In vain expects a longer Date
115 To the Materialls of Her Face.
116 When Mercury her Tresses mows
117 To think of Oyl and Soot, is vain, [Footnote: 1Kb]
118 No Painting can restore a Nose,
119 Nor will her Teeth return again
120 Two Balls of Glass may serve for Eyes,
121 White Lead can Plaister up a Cleft,
122 But these alas, are poor Supplyes
123 If neither Cheeks, nor Lips be left. [Footnote: 1Kb]
124 Ye Pow'rs who over Love preside,
125 Since mortal Beautyes drop so soon,
126 If you would have us well supply'd,
127 Send us new Nymphs with each new Moon.
[Page 230]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: THE
POETRY. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 243 (1731, p. 291; 1733, p. 291;
1736, p. 271; 1742, iv. 187; 1751, vii. 170).
[2] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 129 (1737, ii. 103).
[3] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iii (2), 161.
[4] Faulkner is the only authority for the date of this poem. In his 1735
edition he gives it as, 'Written in the Year 1720'. In his 1737 edition the
word 'in' is altered to 'about'; but in 1744 he returned to 'in'.
[5] The text is printed from the Miscellanies of 1727.
6 The Farmer's Goose, who in the Stubble,
7 Has fed wihout Restraint, or Trouble;
8 Grown fat with Corn and Sitting still,
9 Can scarce get o'er the Barn-Door Sill:
10 And hardly waddles forth, to cool
11 Her Belly in the neighb'ring Pool:
12 Nor loudly cackles at the Door;
13 For Cackling shews the Goose is poor.
14 But when she must be turn'd to graze,
15 And round the barren Common strays,
16 Hard Exercise, and harder Fare
17 Soom make my Dame grow lank and spare:
18 Her Body light, she tries her Wings,
19 And scorns the Ground, and upward springs,
20 While all the Parish, as she flies,
21 Hear Sounds harmonious from the Skies.
22 Such is the Poet, fresh in Pay,
23 (The third Night's Profits of his Play;)
[Page 231]
24 His Morning-Draughts 'till Noon can swill,
25 Among his Brethren of the Quill:
26 With good Roast Beef his Belly full,
27 Grown lazy, foggy, fat, and dull:
28 Deep sunk in Plenty, and Delight,
29 What Poet e'er could take his Flight?
30 Or stuff'd with Phlegm up to the Throat,
31 What Poet e'er could sing a Note?
32 Nor Pegasus could bear the Load,
33 Along the high celestial Road;
34 The Steed, oppress'd, would break his Girth,
35 To raise the Lumber from the Earth.
36 But, view him in another Scene,
37 When all his Drink is Hippocrene,
38 His Money spent, his Patrons fail,
39 His Credit out for Cheese and Ale;
40 His Two-Year's Coat so smooth and bare,
41 Through ev'ry Thread it lets in Air;
42 With hungry Meals his Body pin'd,
43 His Guts and Belly full of Wind;
44 And, like a Jockey for a Race,
45 His Flesh brought down to Flying-Case:
46 Now his exalted Spirit loaths
47 Incumbrances of Food and Cloaths;
48 And up he rises like a Vapour,
49 Supported high on Wings of Paper;
50 He singing flies, and flying sings,
51 While from below all Grub-street rings.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: AN
On the much lamented Death of Mr. Demar,
the Famous rich Man, who died the 6th of
this Inst. July, 1720. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] An Elegy On the much lamented Death of Mr. Demar, the Famous rich Man,
who died the 6th of this Inst. July, 1720. Fo. Broadside.
[2] An Elegy ... Mr. Joseph Demar, ... who died in Dublin ... Fo. Broadside.
[3] Weekly Journal: or, British Gazetteer, Saty., July 23, 1720. [Ref. Weekly
[4] A Defence of English Commodities ... To which is Annexed, An Elegy upon
the much lamented Death of Mr. Demar, ... Printed at Dublin: And Reprinted
at London, by J. Roberts in Warwick-Lane. MDCCXX. p. 25.
[Ref. 1720.]
[5] Pinkethman's Jests: Or, Wit Refined. ... London: ... 1721,, 2nd part,
p. 121.
[6] Miscellanies, written by Jonathan Swift, D.D. ... The fourth Edition.
[7] London: Printed in the Year M.DCC.XXII. (Curll.) p.194.
[8] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, p. 286 (1731, p. 318; 1733, p. 318).
Epitph only.
[9] Gulliveriana, 1728, p. 82. [Ref. Gull.]
[10] The Drapier's Miscellany. ... Dublin: Printed by and for James Hoey, ...
1733. p. 26 (30). [Ref. 1733.]
[11] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 137 (1737, ii. 109). [Ref. F.]
[12] A Collection of Poems, &c. Omitted in the Fifth Volume of Miscellanies in
Prose and Verse. London: ... Charles Davis, ... MDCCXXXV. p. 433.
[Ref. 1735.]
[13] There are two broadside editions of this piece, both probably printed in
Dublin. They are modelled on the pattern of the ordinary broadside elegies
of the day. At the foot of the 'Elegy' is a mourning rule, and below appears
'The Epitaph'. A heavy mourning border surrounds the whole. No place,
date, or printer.
[14] Within the same month, July, 1720, the poem was reprinted in the London
Weekly Journal: or, British Gazetteer; and in the same year in A
Defence of English Commodities as 'By the Author of the Art of Punning'. In the
Pope and Swift Miscellanies the Epitaph only appears. Faulkner prints the
[Page 233]
two; and the supplement to the Fifth Volume of Miscellanies, 1735, prints
both. In the Bathurst editions of Swift's Works the 'Elegy' and the
'Epitaph' commonly appear in separate volumes.
[15] The following note appears in Scott's edition, 1814, xiv. 120: 'My late
regretted friend, Mr. Cooper Walker, favoured me with the following
notices concerning this elegy: "The subject was John Demar, a great merchant
in Dublin, who died 6th July, 1720. Swift, with some of his usual
party, happened to be in Mr. Sheridan's, in Capel Street, when the news
of Demar's death was brought to them; and the elegy was the joint composition
of the company".' As John Cooper Walker was not born till 1761
the story can be accepted only with reserve. It is not improbable, however,
that Swift was only in part responsible for the poem. The Pope and Swift
Miscellanies of 1727 print the Epitaph only. Delany, Observations, 1754,
p. 53, says: 'The writing an elegy upon Demar, was a subject started, and
partly executed in company, Swift, and Stella, and a few friends
present. Every one threw in their hint, and Stella added her's as follows.'
He then quotes ll. 31-4. Hawkesworth repeated this statement in
his Life of Swift (1755, 4to, i. 42). It is not unlikely, judging by style, that
the 'Elegy' may have been a piece of patchwork; and the 'Epitaph' is most
suggestive of Swift's manner. Of Stella's part in the poem Scott (i. 271)
observes, 'if she really wrote the last verse in the epitaph on Demar the
usurer, she wrote by far the best lines in the poem'. He was evidently
labouring under a mistake about the lines attributed to her.
[16] The correspondent who forwarded the 'Elegy' to The Weekly Journal: or,
British Gazetteer professed to have known 'Deamur' for 'upward of
50 Years'. He gives him a high character for kindliness and generosity. 'I
look upon his Death to be one of the greatest Losses Ireland cou'd labour
under, ... The Death of Mr. Demur [sic] produc'd the following Elegy,
written by the Celebrated Author of the Art of Punning.'
[17] Joseph Damer, or Demar, was born in England in 1630, and served with
the Parliamentary forces as a commander of horse. At the restoration he
deemed it safer to retire to France; and, later, selling some of his English
property, bought land in Ireland. He set up as a usurer in Dublin, with his
offices at the London Tavern. He died, unmarried, at the age of ninety.
See Gilbert's Hist. of the City of Dublin, i. 65-7.
[18] The text is here printed from one of the broadside editions. The words
'This Inst.' are generally omitted from the title in later editions.
19 Know all Men by these Presents, Death the Tamer
20 By Mortgage hath secur'd the Corps of Demar; [Side note: 1Kb]
21 Nor can four hundred thousand sterling Pound
22 Redeem him from his Prison under Ground.
23 His Heirs might well of all his Wealth possest,
24 Bestow to bury him one Iron Chest.
[Page 234]
25 Pluto the god of Wealth, will joy to know
26 His faithful Steward, in the Shades below.
27 He walk'd the Streets, and wore a Thread-bare Cloak;
28 He Din'd and Sup'd at Charge of other Folk,
29 And by his Looks, had he held out his Palms,
30 He might be thought an Object fit for Alms.
31 So to the Poor if he refus'd his Pelf,
32 He us'd 'em full as kindly as himself.
33 Where'er he went he never saw his Betters, [Footnote: 1Kb]
34 Lords, Knights and Squires were all his humble Debtors.
35 And under Hand and Seal the Irish Nation
36 Were forc'd to own to him their Obligation.
37 He that cou'd once have half a Kingdom bought,
38 In half a Minute is not worth one Groat; [Footnote: 1Kb]
39 His Coffers from the Coffin could not save,
40 Nor all his Int'rest keep him from the Grave.
41 A golden Monument would not be Right,
42 Because we wish the Earth upon him Light,
43 Oh London Tavern! [Footnote: 1Kb]
Thou hast lost a Friend,
44 Tho' in thy Walls he ne'er did Farthing spend,
45 He touch'd the Pence when others touch'd the Pot;
46 The Hand that sign'd the Mortgage paid the Shot. [Footnote: 1Kb]
47 Old as he was, no vulgar known Disease
48 On him could ever boast a Pow'r to seize;
49 But as his Gold he weigh'd, grim Death in spight,
50 Cast in his Dart Which made three Moydores [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 235]
51 And as he saw his darling Money fail,
52 Blew his last Breath to sink the lighter Scale.
53 He who so long was Currant 'twould be strange
54 If he shou'd now be cry'd down since his Change
55 The Sexton shall green Sods on thee bestow.
56 Alas the Sexton is thy Banker now!
57 A dismal Banker must that Banker be,
58 Who gives no Bills, but of Mortality.
59 Beneath this verdant Hillock lies
60 Demar the Wealthy, and the Wise.
61 His Heirs for Winding-Sheet bestow'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
62 His Money-Bags together sow'd. [Footnote: 1Kb]
63 And that he might securely Rest, [Footnote: 1Kb]
64 Have put his Carcass in a Chest.
65 The very Chest, in which they say [Footnote: 1Kb]
66 His other Self, his Money lay.
67 And if his Heirs continue kind,
68 To that dear Self he left behind;
69 I dare believe that Four in Five
70 Will think his better Half [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 236]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: AN
Excellent new SONG on a
seditious Pamphlet.
To the Tune of Packington's Pound.
Written in the Year 1720. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 358 (1737, ii. 126).
[2] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 67 (1736, v. 67; 1745, v. 36;
1751; x. 33).
[3] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1) 29.
[4] Swift's Proposal for the Universal Use of Irish Manufacture (Prose
Works, ed. Temple Scott, vii. 11) appeared in April, or May, of
1720. The result was an outcry upon what was characterized as a
seditious pamphlet. Edward Waters, the printer, was prosecuted. The
jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Lord Chief Justice Whitshed refused
to accept this verdict, sent the jury back nine times, and kept them eleven
hours. In August, 1721, the Duke of Grafton arrived in Dublin as Lord
Lieutenant; and the matter ended in the grant of a noli prosequi. For
Swift's account of this affair see his letter to Sir Thomas Hanmer, 1 Oct.,
1720 (Corresp. iii. 64), his letter to Pope, 10 Jany., 1722 (Corresp. iii.
115), and his Proposal that all the Ladies and Women of Ireland should
appear constantly in Irish Manufactures (Prose Works, vii. 193).
[5] William Whitshed had been appointed Chief Justice of the King's
Bench in Ireland on the accession of George I. Despite his behaviour at
the trial of Waters he appears to have been a man of probity, who was held
in general respect. He also acted as judge at Harding's trial; and Swift
never forgave him. See 'Whitshed's Motto on his Coach', 'Verses on
the Upright Judge' (pp. 347-50), the lines in 'Verses on the Death of Doctor
Swift' (pp. 569-70), and Ball, Judges in Ireland, ii. 189 et passim.
[6] The text is printed from Faulkner's edition.
1 Brocado's and Damasks, and Tabbies, and Gawses,
2 Are by Robert Ballentine lately brought over;
3 With Forty Things more: Now hear what the Law says,
4 Whoe'er will not were them, is not the King's Lover. [Side note: 1Kb]
[Page 237]
5 Tho'a Printer and Dean
6 Seditiously mean
7 Our true Irish Hearts from old England to wean;
8 We'll buy English Silks for our Wives and our Daughters,
9 In Spight of his Deanship and Journeyman Waters.
1 In England the Dead in Woollen are clad, [Footnote: 1Kb]
2 The Dean and his Printer then let us cry Fye on;
3 To be cloath'd like a Carcass would make a Teague mad,
4 Since a living Dog better is than a dead Lyon,
5 Our Wives they grow sullen
6 At wearing of Woollen,
7 And all we poor Shopkeepers must our Horns pull in.
8 Then We'll buy English Silks, &c.
1 Whoever our Trading with England would hinder,
2 To inflame both the Nations do plainly conspire;
3 Because Irish Linen will soon turn to Tinder;
4 And Wool it is greasy, and quickly takes Fire.
5 Therefore I assure ye,
6 Our noble Grand Jury,
7 When they saw the Dean's Book [Footnote: 1Kb]
they were in a great Fury:
8 They would buy English Silks for their Wives, &c.
[Page 238]
9 This wicked Rogue Waters, who always in sinning,
10 And before Corum Nobus [Footnote: 1Kb]
so oft has been call'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
11 Henceforward shall print neither Pamphlets nor Linnen,
12 And, if Swearing can do't, shall be swingingly mawl'd:
13 And as for the Dean,
14 You know whom I mean,
15 If the Printer will peach him, he'll scarce come off clean.
16 Then we'll buy English Silks for our Wives and our Daughters,
17 In Spight of his Deanship and Journeyman Waters.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Run upon the Bankers. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
Written A:D: 1720.
[1] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke,
of Bedford, Woburn Abbey.
[2] The Run upon the Bankers, and, The South-Sea Detected. ... Cork: Printed
by Samuel Terry, ... 1721. Fo. Broadside.
[3] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 208 (1737, ii. 122). [Ref. F.]
[4] A Collection of Poems, &c. Omitted in the Fifth Volume of Miscellanies in
Prose and Verse. London: ... Charles Davis, ... MDCCXXXV. p.436.
[Ref. 1735.]
[5] Miscellanies, 1736, v. 208 (1745, v. 27).
[6] No copy of a Dublin broadside edition of this piece has been traced,
although it is probable that the Cork broadside was printed from a Deblin
issue. Faulkner itroduces the poem with the enigmatic note: 'This Poem
was printed some Years ago, and it should seem by the late Failure of two
Bankers to be somewhat prophetick, it was therefore thought fit to be reprinted.'
Stella gives the date 1720, and this is probably correct. Dr. Elrington Ball
(Swift's Verse, p. 157) calls attention to a remark by Swift in a letter to
Vanessa under date 18 October, 1720: 'Conversation is full of nothing
but South Sea, and the ruin of the kingdom, and scarcity of money.'
(Corresp. iii. 68.) The poem may well be connected with events of that
[Page 239]
time. See, further, notes on the next poem, the imitation of Horace
addressed to Archbishop King.
[7] The text is printed from Stella's transcript. The only verbal variant of
the Cork broadside is the omission of 'a' in 1. 37.
8 The bold Encroachers on [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Deep,
9 Gain by Degrees huge Tracts of Land,
10 'Till Neptune with a [Footnote: 1Kb]
Gen'ral Sweep
11 Turns all again to barren Strand.
12 The Multitude's Capricious Pranks
13 Are said to represent the Seas,
14 Breaking the Bankers and the Banks,
15 Resume their own when e'er they please.,
16 Money, the Life-blood of the Nation,
17 Corrupts and stagnates in the Veins,
18 Unless a proper Circulation
19 Its Motion and its Heat maintains
20 Because 'tis Lordly not to pay,
21 Quakers [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Aldermen, in State,
22 Like Peers, have Levees ev'ry Day
23 Of Duns, attending at their Gate.
24 We want [Footnote: 1Kb]
our Money on the Nail;
25 The Banker's ruin'd if he pays;
26 They seem to act an Ancient Tale,
27 The Birds are met to strip the Jays.
28 Riches, the Wisest Monarch sings, [Footnote: 1Kb]
29 Make Pinions for themselves to fly,
30 They fly like Bats, on Parchment Wings,
31 And Geese their silver Plumes supply.
[Page 240]
32 No Money left for squandring Heirs!
33 Bills turn the Lenders into Debters,
34 The Wish of Nero [Footnote: 1Kb]
now is Theirs,
35 That, they had never known their Letters.
36 Conceive the Works of Midnight Hags,
37 Tormenting Fools behind their Backs;
38 Thus Bankers o'er their Bills and Bags
39 Sit squeezing Images of Wax. [Footnote: 1Kb]
40 Conceive the whole Enchantment broke,
41 The Witches left in open Air,
42 With Pow'r no more than other Folk,
43 Expos'd with all their Magick Ware.
44 So Pow'rful are a Banker's Bills
45 When [Footnote: 1Kb]
Creditors demand their Due;
46 They break up Counters, [Footnote: 1Kb]
Doors, and Tills,
47 And leave his emty [Footnote: 1Kb]
Chests in View.
48 Thus when an Earthquake lets in Light
49 Upon the god of Gold and Hell,
50 Unable to endure the Sight, [Footnote: 1Kb]
51 He hides within his darkest Cell.
52 As when a Conj'rer takes a Lease
53 From Satan for a Term of Years,
54 The Tenant's in a Dismal Case
55 When e'er the bloody Bond [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 241]
56 A baited Banker thus desponds,
57 From his own Hand foresees his Fall,
58 They have his Soul who have his Bonds,
59 'Tis like the Writing on the Wall. [Footnote: 1Kb]
60 How will the Caitiff Wretch be scar'd
61 When first he finds himself awake
62 At the last Trumpet, unprepar'd,
63 And all his Grand Account to make?
64 For in that Universall Call
65 Few Bankers will to Heav'n be Mounters:
66 They'll cry, Ye Shops, upon us fall
67 Conceal, and cover us, Ye Counters.
68 When Other Hands the Scales shall hold,
69 And They in Men and Angels Sight
70 Produc'd with all their Bills and Gold,
71 Weigh'd in the Ballance, and found Light.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Part of the 9th Ode of the 4th Book
of Horace, address'd to Doctor
William King, late Lord Arch-Bishop
of Dublin.
Paulùm sepultae, &c. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Miscellaneous Poems, By Several Hands. Published by D. Lewis. ...
London: Printed By J. Watts. M DCC XXX. p. 49. [Ref. 1730.]
[2] Faulkner, 1746, viii. 179.
[3] Miscellanies, 1746, xi. 226 (1751, xiv. 206).
[4] The Story of the Injured Lady. ... London, Printed for M. Cooper,. ...
MDCCXLVI. p. 63.
[5] Works of Jonathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkesworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1), 275.
Works, ed. Sheridan, 1784, vii. 151.
[Page 242]
[6] The date, 1718, assigned to the poem by Sheridan, in his edition of the
Works, 1784, although incorrect, has been accepted by later editors.
[7] Since the days when Swift had been sent by Archbishop King as his
agent in England, to solicit the remission of the first-fruits, a coolness had
sprung up between the two upon Swift's joining the Tory party. The first
sign of re-awakened cordiality, apart possibly from the present poem, was
Swift's letter to King of the 28th of September, 1721 (Corresp. iii. 100).
This was due to King's sympathy with Swift's Irish patriotism. After six
years of silence, following upon his retirement to Ireland in 1714, Swift
appeared again as a political pamphleteer with his Proposal for the Universal
Use of Irish Manufacture, 1720. This was an attack upon the monopolizing
acts passed in the reign of William III, probihiting the export of
woollen goods from Ireland, except into England and Wales. The effect of
these statutes upon Irish manufactures was disastrous (see Prose Works, vii.
13-30; Scott, vii. 15-17). In 1720 a project was put forward by the Earl
of Abercorn, Viscount Boyne, Sir Ralph Gore, and others, for the establishment
of a National Bank in Ireland, with a capital of £500,000 for
the purpose of making advances to merchants at low rates of interest. The
proposals were not without merit, but Swift associated the scheme
with moneyed Whig interests and stock-jobbers; and there was a very
general opposition to the whole plan. The scheme was approved by the King in
July, 1721; but eventually rejected by both Houses of the Irish Parliament
in December of the same year. See Journals of the House of Commons
of Ireland, iii, Part I, pp. 253, 256-7, 283, 289; Journal of the House
of Lords of Ireland, ii. 711-13, 716, 720. Swift's tracts in opposition were
An Essay on English Bubbles; and The Swearer's Bank (Prose Works, vii.
[8] Writing to Archbishop King on the 28th of September, 1721, Swift
says: 'I hear you are likely to be the sole opposer of the bank, ... Bankrupts
are always for setting up banks; how then can you think a bank will fail
of a majority in both Houses?' (Corresp. iii. 101). He was, as the event
proved, mistaken.
[9] Other versions of the same ode, (1) addressed to Lord Carteret,
(2) addressed to Humphry French, Lord Mayor of Dublin, have been
attributed to Swift---see pp. 1132-3.
[10] The first printing of these lines appears to have been in the second
volume of Lewis's Miscellaneous Poems, 1730. There is no attribution of
authorship. Faulkner included the poem in Swift's Works in 1746. The
text is here reprinted from Faulkner.
11 Virtue conceal'd within our Breast
12 Is Inactivity at best:
13 But, never shall the Muse endure
14 To let your Virtues lye obscure,
[Page 243]
15 Or suffer Envy to conceal
16 Your Labours for the Publick Weal,
17 Within your Breast all Wisdom lyes,
18 Either to govern or advise;
19 Your steady Soul preserves her Frame
20 In good and evil Times the same.
21 Pale Avarice and lurking Fraud [Footnote: 1Kb]
22 Stand in your sacred Presence aw'd;
23 Your Hand alone from Gold abstains,
24 Which drags the slavish World in Chains.
25 Him for an [Footnote: 1Kb]
happy Man I own,
26 Whose Fortune is not overgrown;
27 And, happy he, who wisely knows
28 To use the Gifts, that Heav'n bestows;
29 Or, if it please the Powers Divine,
30 Can suffer Want, and not repine.
31 The Man, who Infamy to shun,
32 Into the Arms of Death would run,
33 That Man is ready to defend
34 With Life his Country, or his Friend.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Description of an Irish-Feast,
translated almost literally out of
the Original Irish.
Translated in the Year 1720. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 295 (1737, ii. 300).
[2] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 14 (1736, v. 14; 1745, v. 31;
1751, x. 28).
[3] Works of Janathan Swift, D.D., ed. Hawkisworth, 1755, 4to, iv (1), 25.
[4] This ballad is commonly held to celebrate a great feast, which long
lived in memory, given by the O'Rourke, who rebelled against the English in
[Page 244]
1580. The Irish poem was, however, composed in the first or
second decade of the eighteenth century, and was probably a skit on some
O'Rourkes, circa 1710.
[5] The original Pléaraca na Ruarcach is attributed to Hugh MacGauran
(flor. circa 1712). It was set to music by the Irish bard, Carolan (J. C.
Walker's Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, 1786). According to
Wilson's Swiftiana, ii. 19-23, Swift, while staying at a country house
near Cavan, was furnished with a literal translation by MacGauran himself.
The evidence for this story is slight, but it need not be dismissed
as impossible.
[6] For bibliographical and other details relating to Plèaraca na Ruarcach
see 'A Rare Book of Irish and Scottish Gaelic Verse', by Séamus
Ó Casaide, in Publications of the Bibliographical Society of Ireland, iii.
No. 6, 1928.
[7] The Irish poem runs to 96 lines. Swift translated ll. 1-40 and 45-72
of the full Irish text. The text, not complete, with Swift's translation,
appeared in the second edition, 1781, and also in the re-issue, 1782, of
Charles Vallancey's Grammar of the Iberno-Celtic, or Irish language.
Charles Henry Wilson published the Irish text with an English verse translation
of his own in his rare Poems Translated from the Irish Language into
the English, 1782. Scott, in his edition of Swift's Works, 1814, xiv. 135-41,
gives the original Irish, Wilson's translation of ll. 41-4, and a spirited
translation by himself of ll. 73-96.
[8] The text of Swift's translation is printed from Faulkner's edition of 1735.
9 Orourk's noble Fare
10 Will ne'er be forgot,
11 By those who were there,
12 Or those who were not.
13 His Revels to keep,
14 We sup and we dine,
15 On seven Score Sheep,
16 Fat Bullocks and Swine.
17 Usquebagh [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
to our Feast
18 In Pails was brought up,
19 An Hundred at least,
20 And a Madder [Footnote: 1Kb]
our Cup.
[Page 245]
21 O there is the Sport,
22 We rise with the Light,
23 In disorderly Sort,
24 From snoring all Night.
25 O how was I trick't, [Footnote: 1Kb]
26 My Pipe it was broke,
27 My Pocket was pick't,
28 I lost my new Cloak.
29 I'm rifled, quoth Nell,
30 Of Mantle and Kercher, [Footnote: 1Kb]
31 Why then fare them well, [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 The De'el take the Searcher.
33 Come, Harper, strike up,
34 But first by your Favour,
35 Boy, give us a Cup;
36 Ay, this has some Savour:
37 O Rourk's jolly Boys
38 Ne'er dream't of the Matter,
39 Till rowz'd by the Noise,
40 And musical Clatter,
41 They bounce from their Nest,
42 No longer will tarry,
43 They rise ready drest,
44 Without one Ave Mary.
45 They dance in a Round,
46 Cutting Capers and Ramping,
47 A Mercy the Ground
48 Did not burst with their stamping.
49 The Floor is all wet
50 With Leaps and with Jumps,
51 While the Water and Sweat,
52 Splish, splash in their Pumps.
[Page 246]
53 Bless you late and early,
54 Laughlin O Enagin,
55 By my Hand, you dance rarely,
56 Margery Grinagin. [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 Bring Straw for our Bed,
58 Shake it down to the Feet,
59 Then over us spread,
60 The winnowing Sheet.
61 To show, I don't flinch,
62 Fill the Bowl up again,
63 Then give us a Pinch
64 Of your Sneezing; a Yean. [Footnote: 1Kb]
65 Good Lord, what a Sight,
66 After all their good Cheer,
67 For People to fight
68 In the Midst of their Beer: [Footnote: 1Kb]
69 They rise from their Feast,
70 And hot are their Brains,
71 A Cubit at least
72 The Length of their Skeans. [Footnote: 1Kb]
73 What Stabs and what Cuts,
74 What clatt'ring of Sticks,
75 What Strokes on Guts, [Footnote: 1Kb]
76 What Bastings and Kicks!
77 With Cudgels of Oak,
78 Well harden'd in Flame,
79 An hundred Heads broke,
80 An hundred struck lame.
81 You Churle, I'll maintain
82 My Father built Lusk, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 247]
83 The Castle of Slain, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
84 And Carrickdrumrusk: [Footnote: 1Kb]
85 The Earl of Kildare, [Footnote: 1Kb]
86 And Moynalta, his Brother,
87 As great as they are,
88 I was nurs'd by their Mother. [Footnote: 2Kb]
89 Ask that of old Madam,
90 She'll tell you who's who,
91 As far up as Adam,
92 She knows it is true,
93 Come down with that Beam,
94 If Cudgels are scarce,
95 A Blow on the Weam,
96 Or a Kick on the A---se.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The BUBBLE [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Ford Papers: Swift's autograph.
[2] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey. [Ref. Stella.]
[3] The Bubble: A Poem. London, Printed for Benj. Tooke, ... and sold by
J. Roberts, ... M.DCC.XXI. [Ref. R.]
[4] The Bubble: A Poem ... London: Printed for Ben. Tooke, ... And
Re-printed in Dublin, 1721. [Ref. D.]
[5] A Miscellaneous Collection of Poems, Songs and Epigrams. By Several Hands.
Published by T. M. Gent. ... Dublin: Printed by A. Rhames, 1721.
ii. 147. [Ref. T.M.]
[6] The Bubblers Medley, or a Sketch of the Times Being Europes Memorial for
the Year 1720.
[7] Miscellaneous Poems, Original and Translated, By several Hands. ...
Published by Mr. Concanen. ... London: Printed for J. Peele, ...
MDCCXXIV. p. 148. [Ref. C.]
[8] A New Collection of Poems on Several Occasions. By Mr. Prior, and
Others. ... London: Printed for Tho. Osborne, ... MDCCXXV. p. 94.
Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727. p. 185 (1731, p. 255;
1733, p. 255; 1742, iv. 153).
[9] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 147 (1737, ii. 1 36). [Ref. F.]
[10] A Supplement to Dr. Swift's Works, 1779. (Notes.)
[11] Works, ed. Sheridan, 1784, vii. 192.
[12] The textual history of this poem is complicated. A copy in Swift's
hand has been preserved among the Ford papers. This holograph is
closely written in double column. The poem carries no title. It was sent to Swift's
friend, Ford, in London, addressed:
[13] 'To Charles Ford Esqr,
[14] at His Lodgings at the
[15] blue Perewig in Pell-Mell
[16] London.'
[17] Swift's covering letter, written at the end of the manuscript, is dated
'Decbr. 15th. 1720'. The London postmark shows that Ford did not
receive it before the 26th of December. It was, however, advertised in The Daily
Courant and The Post-Boy as published on 3 Jany., 1720---1. Three weeks
later it was advertised in The Evening Post, Jany. 24--6, with the quotation
of two stanzas, the 48th and the last.
[18] Swift directed Ford to send the copy to the printer without revealing the
authorship of the poem. As the original survives, with other Ford letters
and manuscripts, it is clear that Ford sent the printer a transcript, and that
[Page 249]
the poem was published by Roberts in seven or eight days. The title, 'The
Bubble', was, presumably, chosen by Ford. It appeared anonymously;
but the two stanzas printed later in The Evening Post were said to be by
[19] The text published by Roberts follows the manuscript closley. Two
marked differences are 'Garr'way's' for 'Garr'way' (l. 153), and 'Bone'
instead of 'Bones' (l. 204). In this form the poem extends to fifty-five
[20] In the same year ten of the stanzas appeared in a piece called The
Bubblers Medley, or a Sketch of the Times Being Europes Memorial for the
Year 1720. They are, in order, reckoning by the 55---stanza version of the
poem, nos. 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 17, 42, 26, 28, and 55. See Catalogue of
Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Division I. Political and
Personal Satires, ii. 412 (No. 1610). Again, in 1721, in both instances with
the addition of two stanzas, the 9th and 10th, it was printed in a
Dublin edition, and in A Miscellaneous Collection of Poems, Songs and Epigrams,
edited by 'T. M. Gent.', also published in Dublin. In the single publication
a quotation from Virgil appears on the title; in the collection it is
prefixed to the poem.
[21] The next appearance of the poem in print, as far as we now know, is in
Concanen's collection of Miscellaneous Poems, 1724, where it is attributed
to Swift. The Latin quotation heads the poem, and there are 57 stanzas.
The poem was included in a London miscellany of 1725, A New Collection
of Poems, published by Osborne. The Latin quotation is prefixed, and there
are 57 stanzas. The text agrees with the Dublin and Concanen versions,
and it is needless to show its readings in the apparatus.
[22] In the Dublin collection edited by 'T. M. Gent.' there are several
marked variants from Swift's manuscript, and from the printed versions.
In l. 116 (108 of the text here printed), 'T. M.' reads 'sink'
for 'sunk'; l. 143 (135), 'the' for 'this'; l. 191 (183), 'by' for 'in'; l. 214 (206),
'Those' for 'These'; l. 222 (214), 'these' for 'those'.
[23] Stella heads her transcript of the poem in the Woburn volume:
'The Bubble.
Printed in Ireland A:D: 1720.'
She omits the Latin quotation. She was copying, presumably, as her heading
implies, from the separate Dublin edition, or she may have been using
the copy of a manuscript supplied to the printer of that edition, for she does
not follow the 'T.M.' readings. Two important variants appear in her
transcript for the first time---l. 33, 'Five hundred' for 'Two hundred'; and
l. 180, 'Pallace-Roofs' for 'Castle-Roofs'. The latter reading was adopted
in the Miscellanies of 1727; and both by Faulkner in 1735.
[24] In Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727, the poem was completely
revised. The title was changed to 'The South-Sea. 1721'; the Latin
quotation was removed to the end; and thirteen of the fifty-seven stanzas
(13, 17, 27, 28, 29, 30, 39, 42, 43, 50, 51, 52, 53) were omitted. There
[Page 250]
are only two distinctive new readings: ll. 14 and 16 are transposed; and
'at last', in l. 139, becomes 'and scarce'.
[25] The Miscellanies were edited by Pope; but during the summer of 1727
Swift was staying with Pope at Twickenham, and it is unlikely that such
extensive alterations were made without Swift's cognizance. It is also noteworthy
that Swift made no annotations against 'The South-Sea' in his own
copy of the Miscellanies. Nevertheless he may have been deterred by the
amount of correction necessary, for that version can hardly be considered
his last thought for the poem. His interest in Faulkner's edition of the
Works 1735, is manifest, and Faulkner restored eleven out of the thirteen
rejected stanzas, the exceptions being 17 and 29. The title becomes
'Upon the South-Sea Project.' Swift made no corrections in his copy of
[26] The additional stanzas included by Faulkner were not noted by the
editor of Miscellanies, In Prose and Verse. Volume the Fifth, 1735; and
Bathurst and the London trade editions continued to print 44 stanzas only.
The omission of the thirteen stanzas was pointed out by Nichols, Supplement,
1779; they were included by Sheridan in his edition of the Works,
1784, and by all subsequent editors.
[27] The poem was first printed from Swift's manuscript by Professor D.
Nichol Smith, Letters of Jonathan Swift to Charles Ford, 1935, pp. 182-92.
[28] Dr. Elrington Ball, Swift's Verse, p. 160, presumes that Swift took a
hint for his concluding stanzas from Prior's letter to him of 28 Feby.,
1720-1: 'I am tired with politics, and lost in the South Sea. The
roaring of the waves, and the madness of the people, were justly put
together' (Corresp. iii. 74). But the poem had then been in print several
weeks. It is more probable that Prior's remark was prompted by the poem.
[29] For an account of the South Sea project and its collapse see Lecky,
History of England in the Eighteenth Century, i. 321-3, and The South Sea
Bubble, by Viscount Erleigh, 1933.
[30] The text is printed from Swift's manuscript. No note is taken of variations
in punctuation, &c., unless of significance.
31 [Side note: 1Kb]
Ye wise Philosophers explain [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 What Magick makes our Money rise
33 When dropt into the Southern Main,
34 Or do these Juglers cheat our Eyes?
[Page 251]
35 Put in Your Money fairly told;
36 Presto be gone---Tis here ag'en,
37 Ladyes, and Gentlemen, behold,
38 Here's ev'ry Piece as big as ten.
39 Thus in a Basin drop a Shilling,
40 Then fill the Vessel to the Brim,
41 You shall observe as you are filling
42 The pond'rous Metal seems to swim;
43 It rises both in Bulk and Height,
44 Behold it mounting to the Top, [Footnote: 1Kb]
45 The liquid Medium cheats your Sight,
46 Behold it swelling like a Sop. [Footnote: 1Kb]
47 In Stock three hundred thousand Pounds; [Footnote: 1Kb]
48 I have in view a Lord's Estate,
49 My Mannors all contig'ous round,
50 A Coach and Six, and serv'd in Plate:
51 Thus the deluded Bankrupt raves,
52 Puts all upon a desp'rate Bett,
53 Then plunges in the Southern Waves,
54 Dipt over head and Ears---in Debt.
55 So, by a Calenture misled, [Footnote: 1Kb]
56 The Mariner with Rapture sees
57 On the smooth Ocean's azure Bed
58 Enamell'd Fields, and verdant Trees;
59 With eager Hast he longs to rove
60 In that fantastick Scene, and thinks
[Page 252]
61 It must be some enchanted Grove,
62 And in he leaps, and down he sinks. [Footnote: 1Kb]
63 Rais'd up on Hope's aspiring Plumes,
64 The young Advent'rer o'er the Deep
65 An Eagle's Flight and State assumes,
66 And scorns the middle Way to keep:
67 On Paper Wings he takes his Flight,
68 With Wax the Father bound them fast, [Footnote: 1Kb]
69 The Wax is melted by the Height,
70 And down the towring Boy is cast:
71 A Moralist might here explain [Footnote: 1Kb]
72 The Rashness of the Cretan Youth, [Footnote: 1Kb]
73 Describe his Fall into the Main,
74 And from a Fable form a Truth:
[Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
75 His Wings are his Paternall Rent,
76 He melts his Wax at ev'ry Flame,
77 His Credit sunk, his Money spent,
78 In Southern Seas he leaves his Name.
79 Inform us, You that best can tell,
80 Why in you dang'rous Gulph profound
81 Where hundreds and where thousands fell,
82 Fools chiefly float, the Wise are drown'd. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 253]
83 So have I seen from Severn's Brink
84 A Flock of Geese jump down together,
85 Swim where the Bir[d] of Jove would sink,
86 And swimming ne[ver] wet a Feather.
87 But I affirm, 'tis false in Fact, [Footnote: 1Kb]
88 Directors better know their Tools,
89 We see the Nation['s] Credit crackt,
90 Each Knave hath [ma]de a thousand Fools.
91 One Fool may f[r]om another win,
92 And then get off with Money stor'd,
93 But if a Sharper once comes in,
94 He throws at all, and sweeps the Board.
95 As Fishes on each other prey
96 The great ones swall'wing up the small
97 So fares it in the Southern Sea
98 But Whale Directors eat up all.
99 When Stock is high they come between,
100 Making by second hand their Offers,
101 Then cunningly retire unseen,
102 With each a Million in his Coffers.
103 So when upon a Moon-shine Night
104 An Ass was drinking at a Stream,
105 A Cloud arose and stopt the Light,
106 By intercepting e[v]'ry Beam;
107 The Day of Judgment will be soon,
108 Cryes out a Sage among the Croud,
109 An Ass hath swallow'd up the Moon,
110 The Moon lay safe behind the Cloud.
111 Each poor Subscriber to the Sea
112 Sinks down at once, and there he lyes,
113 Directors fall as well as they,
114 Their Fall is but a Trick to rise:
[Page 254]
115 So Fishes rising from the Main [Footnote: 1Kb]
116 Can soar with moistned Wings on high,
117 The Moysture dry'd they sink again,
118 And dip their Fins again to fly.
119 Undone at Play, the Femal Troops
[Side note: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
120 Come here their Losses to retrieve,
121 Ride o'er the Waves in spacious Hoops,
122 Like Lapland Witches [Footnote: 1Kb]
in a Sieve:
123 Thus Venus to the Sea descends
124 As Poets fein; but where's the Moral?
125 It shews the Queen of Love intends
126 To search the Deep for Pearl and Coral.
127 The Sea is richer than the Land, [Footnote: 1Kb]
128 I heard it from my Grannam's Mouth,
129 Which now I clearly understand,
130 For by the Sea she meant the South.
131 Thus by Directors we are told,
132 Pray Gentlemen, believe your Eyes,
133 Our Ocean's cover[d o]'er with Gold,
134 Look round about [h]ow thick it lyes:
135 We Gentlemen, a[re] Your Assisters, [Footnote: 1Kb]
136 We'll come and hol[d] you by the Chin,
137 Alas! all is not Go[l]d that glisters;
138 Ten thousand sunk by leaping in.
[Page 255]
139 Oh! would these [Footnote: 1Kb]
Patriots be so kind [Footnote: 1Kb]
140 Here in the Deep to wash their Hands,
141 Then like Pactolus [Footnote: 1Kb]
we should find
142 The Sea indeed had golden Sands.
143 A Shilling in the Bath You fling,
144 The Silver takes a nobler Hue,
145 By Magick Virtue in the Spring,
146 And seems a Guinnea to your Veiw:
147 But as a Guinnea will not pass
148 At Market for a Farthing more
149 Shewn through a multiplying Glass
150 Than what it allways did before;
151 So cast it in the Southern Seas,
152 And view it through a Jobber's Bill,
153 Put on what Spectacles You please,
154 Your Guinnea's but a Guinnea still.
155 One Night a Fool into a Brook
156 Thus from a Hillock looking down,
157 The Golden Stars for Guinneas took,
158 And Silver Cynthia for a Crown;
159 The Point he could no longer doubt,
160 He ran, he leapt into the Flood,
161 There sprawl'd a while, at last got out, [Footnote: 1Kb]
162 All cover'd o'er with Slime and Mud.
163 [Side note: 1Kb]
Upon the Water [Footnote: 1Kb]
cast thy Bread [Footnote: 1Kb]
164 And after many Days thou'lt find it, [Footnote: 1Kb]
165 But Gold upon this Ocean spred [Footnote: 1Kb]
166 Shall sink, and leave no mark behind it. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 256]
167 There is a Gulph where thousands fell,
168 Here all the bold Advent'rers came,
169 A narrow Sound, though deep as Hell,
170 Change-Ally [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
is the dreadfull Name;
171 Nine times a day it ebbs and flows,
172 Yet He that on the Surface lyes
173 Without a Pilot seldom knows
174 The Time it falls, or when 'twill rise.
175 Subscribers here by thousands float, [Footnote: 1Kb]
176 And justle one another down,
177 Each padling in his leaky Boat,
178 And here they fish for Gold and drown:
179 [Side note: 1Kb]
Now bury'd in the Depth below, [Footnote: 1Kb]
180 Now mounted up to Heav'n again,
181 They reel and stagger too and fro,
182 At their Wits end like drunken Men.
183 Mean time secure on [Side note: 1Kb]
Garr'way [Footnote: 1Kb]
Clifts [Footnote: 1Kb]
184 A savage Race by Shipwrecks fed,
185 Ly waiting for the foundred Skiffs,
186 And strip the Bodyes of the Dead.
187 But these, you say, are factious Lyes [Footnote: 1Kb]
188 From some malicious Tory's Brain,
189 For, where Directors get a Prize,
190 The Swiss and Dutch whole Millions drain.
[Page 257]
191 Thus when by Rooks a Lord is ply'd,
192 Some Cully often wins a Bett
193 By vent'ring on the cheating Side,
194 Tho not into the Secret let.
195 While some build Castles in the Air,
196 Directors build 'em in the Seas;
197 Subscribers plainly see 'um there,
198 For Fools will see as Wise men please.
199 Thus oft by Mariners are shown,
200 Unless the Men of Kent are Ly'rs,
201 Earld Godwin's Castles overflown, [Footnote: 1Kb]
202 And Castle roofs, and Steeple Spires. [Footnote: 1Kb]
203 Mark where the Sly Directors creep,
204 Nor to the Shore approach too nigh,
205 The Monsters nestle in the Deep
206 To seise you in your passing by:
207 [Side note: 1Kb]
Then, like the Dogs of Nile be wise,
208 Who taught by Instinct how to shun
209 The Crocodile that lurking lyes,
210 Run as they drink and drink and run.
211 Antæus could by Magick Charms [Footnote: 1Kb]
212 Recover Strength whene'er he fell,
213 Alcides held him in [Footnote: 1Kb]
his Arms,
214 And sent him up in Air to Hell.
[Page 258]
215 Directors thrown into the Sea
216 Recover Strength and Vigor there,
217 But may be tam'd another way,
218 Suspended for a while in Air.
219 Directors; for tis you I warn, [Footnote: 1Kb]
220 By long Experience we have found
221 What Planet rul'd when you were born;
222 We see you never can be drown'd:
223 Beware, nor over-bulky grown,
224 Nor come within your Cullyes Reach,
225 For if the Sea should sink so low
226 To leave you dry upon the Beach,
227 You'll ow Your Ruin to your Bulk;
228 Your Foes already waiting stand
229 To tear you like a foundred Hulk
230 While you ly helpless on the Sand:
231 [Side note: 1Kb]
Thus when a Whale hath lost the Tide [Footnote: 1Kb]
232 The Coasters crowd to seise the Spoyl,
233 The Monster into Parts divide,
234 And strip the Bones, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and melt the Oyl.
235 Oh, may some Western Tempest sweep
236 These [Footnote: 1Kb]
Locusts whom our Fruits have fed,
237 That Plague, Directors, to the Deep,
238 Driv'n from the South-Sea to the Red.
239 May He whom Nature's Laws obey,
240 Who lifts the Poor, and sinks the Proud,
241 Quiet the Raging of the Sea,
242 And Still the Madness of the Crowd.
[Page 259]
243 But never sh[all our is]le have Rest
244 Till those [Footnote: 1Kb]
devour[ing] Swine run down,
245 (The Devils leavi[ng] the Possess't)
246 And headlong i[n] the Waters drown.
247 The Nation t[oo] too [Footnote: 1Kb]
late will find
248 Computing all th[eir] Cost and Trouble,
249 Directors Promi[ses] but Wind,
250 South-Sea at best [a m]ighty Bubble.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Written on the Deanery Window of
By Dr.DELANY. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Transcript in the possession of the Duke of Portland, Welbeck Abbey.
[Ref. W.]
[2] Two contemporary transcripts (hands unknown) in the possession of Lord
Mount Temple, Broadlands, Romsey, Hants. [Ref. Ashley (1) and
[3] Transcript in the British Museum, Harley 7316, pp.146-7.
[4] Miscellaneous Poems, Original and Translated, By Several Hands. ...
[5] Published by Mr. Concanen. ... London: Printed for J. Peele, ... MDCCXXIV. p. 137.
[6] Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. ... By Jonathan Swist, D.D. and Alexander
Pope, Esq; ... London Printed, and Re-printed in Dublin, By and
for Sam. Fairbrother, ... 1728. ii. 167. [Ref. 1728.]
[7] A New Miscellany In Prose and Verse. ... London: Printed for T. Read,
... MDCCXLII. p. 62.
[8] Faulkner, 1746, viii. 322. [Ref. 1746.]
[9] The Story of the Injured Lady. ... London, Printed for M. Cooper, ...
MDCCXLVI. p. 60. (Printed from and follows Faulkner.)
[10] Observations upon Lord Orrery's Remarks [Delany], 1754, p.182. [Ref.
[Page 260]
[11] An interchange of four poetical pieces between Delany and Swift took
place in January and February, 1721 (see below, 'Apollo to Dean Swist',
l. 29, and 'News from Parnassus', l. 1). Delany, with suggestions
from Stella, began by writing two sets of verses on a window of the Deanery, in
the first comparing Swift's domestic economy with that of his predecessor,
in the second alleging that Swift chose Apollo, his patron, as host in his
house, fobbing off with wit and wine those that came 'expecting to dine'.
Swift responded with the long poem 'Apollo to Dean Swift'. To this Delany
replied with 'News from Parnassus'; and Swift closed the group with
'Apollo's Edict'. The fifth and last poem may have been written later in
the year---see p.271 n.
[12] The first three poems were printed in Concanen's Miscellaneous Poems,
1724, the first two duly attributed to Delany, the third to Swift. In Fair-brother's
Dublin reprint (1728) of the London Miscellanies in Prose and
Verse (1727) the three poems were added, at the end of vol. ii, to those
contained in the London edition. No author is named for the first two, the
third is assigned to Swift. In 1735 Faulkner printed 'Apollo to the Dean'
apart from the two pieces leading up to it; and in 1746 he added these two
(without note or reference to Swift's reply) as cut on the Deanery windows
'by two of the DEAN's Friend's. Delany, in his Observations, 1754, prints
the first two poems, but makes no claim to have composed them, and he
gives the first two lines of 'Apollo to the Dean', which he describes as
'genteel, and finely imagined'. It may be added that the first two pieces
were included, as by Delany, in A Collection of Epigrams, published by
J. Walthoe in 1727.
[13] 'Apollo to the Dean' was one of the poems transcribed by Stella. At
Welbeck Abbey there is contemporary transcript of the two sets of
window verses and of 'Apollo to the Dean' on a folio sheet folded to make
two leaves, endorsed 'Transcribed'. In the library of Lord Mount Temple
there are two separate transcripts of the three poems in differing hands.
In the main these three manuscripts agree with each other against Concanen's
printed version. There is also a transcript of the three poems in one
of the Harley miscellanies in the British Museum. Save for quite insignificant
differences the text agrees with the Welbeck MS.
[14] Delany's poem, 'News from Parnassus', in reply to 'Apollo to the Dean'
appeared in newspapers in 1721; and in 1724 it was reprinted in Concanen's
miscellany, but at a later point in the volume, without indication
of authorship or any reference to the three poems with which it was
connected. It was printed by Nichols in his Supplement, 1799, as 'Occasioned
by "Apollo to the Dean". Swift's response, 'Apollo's Edict', was first
printed in Dublin as a two-leaf quarto pamphlet; and next in Gulliveriana,
1728, with a footnote reference to 'News from Parnassus'.
[15] The first four poems are printed from Concanen's Miscellaneous Poems,
the fifth from the quarto pamphlet.
[Page 261]
Verses on the Deanery Window
16 Are the Guests of this House still doom'd to be cheated? [Footnote: 1Kb]
17 Sure, the Fates have decreed, they by Halves should be treated.
18 In the Days [Footnote: 1Kb]
of good John, [Footnote: 1Kb]
if you came here to dine,
19 You had Choice [Footnote: 1Kb]
of good Meat, but [Footnote: 1Kb]
no [Footnote: 1Kb]
Choice of good Wine.
20 In Jonathan's Regin, [Footnote: 1Kb]
if you come here to eat,
21 You have Choice [Footnote: 1Kb]
of good Wine, but [Footnote: 1Kb]
no Choice of good Meat.
22 O Jove, then how fully might all Sides be bless'd,
23 Would'st [Footnote: 1Kb]
Thou but agree [Footnote: 1Kb]
to this humble Request;
24 Put both Deans in one, or if that's too much Trouble,
25 Instead of the Dean, [Footnote: 1Kb]
make the Dean'ry double.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: ANOTHER,
By the Same [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] As above---four manuscripts.
[2] Miscellaneous Poems ... Concanen. p.138.
[3] Miscellanies in Prose and Verse. ... Fairbrother. ii. 168. [Ref.1728.]
[4] Faulkner, 1746, viii. 321. [Ref. 1746.]
[5] The Story of the Injuried Lady, p.59. (Printed from and follows Faulkner.)
[6] Observations [Delany], 1754, p.183. [Ref. Delany.]
[Page 262]
7 A Bard, on whom Phæbus his Spirit bestow'd,
8 Resolv'd to acknowledge [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Bounty he ow'd;
9 Found out a new Method at once of confessing,
10 And making the most of so mighty a Blessing:
11 To the God he'd be grateful, but Mortals he'd chouse. [Footnote: 1Kb]
12 By making his Patron preside in his House;
13 And wisely foresaw this Advantage from thence, [Footnote: 1Kb]
14 That the God must in Honour bear most of th' Expence: [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 So the Bard he finds Drink, and leaves Phoebus to treat
16 With the Thoughts he inspires, regardless of Meat:
17 Hence they that come hither, expecting to dine,
18 Are always fob'd off, with Sheer-Wit, and Sheer-Wine.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: APOLLO,
By Himself. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] In Stella, the Ashley MSS., and edus, later than Concanen, becomes
'Apollo to the Dean'. Stella and Faulkner give the date 1720. Fairbrother
adds to the title, 'By D---S---'.
[2] Transcript by Stella; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke
of Bedford, Woburn Abbey. [Ref. Stella.]
[3] Transcript in the possession of the Duke of Portland, Welbeck Abbey.
[Ref. W.]
[4] Two transcripts in the possession of Lord Mount Temple. [Ref. Ashley
(1) and (2).]
[5] Transcript in the British Museum, Harley 7316, pp. 147-51.
[6] Miscellaneous Poems ... Concanen. p. 140.
[7] Miscellanies in Prose and Verse ... Fairbrother. ii. 169. [Ref. 1728.]
[8] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 180 (1737, ii. 117). [Ref. F.]
[Page 263]
9 Right Trusty, and so forth; We let you to know,
10 We are very ill us'd by you Mortals below;
11 For, first, I have often by Chymists been told,
12 Tho' I know nothing on't, 'tis [Footnote: 1Kb]
I that make Gold;
13 Which when you have got, you so carefully hide it,
14 That since I was born, I hardly have spy'd it;
15 Then, it must be allow'd, whenever [Footnote: 1Kb]
I shine,
16 I forward the Grass, and ripen [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Vine:
17 To me the good Fellows apply for Relief,
18 Without whom they could [Footnote: 1Kb]
get neither Claret nor Beef;
19 Yet their Wine and their Victuals, those [Footnote: 1Kb]
curmudgeon Lubbards
20 Lock up from my Sight in Pantries [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Cupboards:
21 That I have in ill Eye, they wickedly think,
22 And taint all their Meat, and sour all their Drink. [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 But thirdly and lastly, it must be allow'd,
24 I alone can inspire the poetical Crowd;
25 This is gratefully own'd by each Boy in the College,
26 Whom if I inspire, 'tis [Footnote: 1Kb]
not to my Knowledge;
27 This every Pretender to Rhyme will admit, [Footnote: 1Kb]
28 Without troubling his Head about Judgment or Wit:
29 These Gentlemen use me with Kindness and Freedom,
30 And as for their Works, when I please I may read 'em;
31 They lie open on Purpose, on Counters and Stalls,
32 And the Titles I view, when I shine on the Walls:
33 But a Comrade of yours, that Traytor Delany,
34 Who I, for your Sake, have us'd better than any; [Footnote: 1Kb]
35 And of my meer Motion, and special good Grace,
36 Intended in Time to succeed to your [Footnote: 1Kb]
37 On Tuesday the Ninth, [Footnote: 1Kb]
seditiously came,
38 With a certain false Traitress, one Stella by Name,
[Page 264]
39 To the Dean'ry House, and on the North Glass,
40 Where for fear of the Cold, I never can pass;
41 Then and there, Vi & Armis, with a certain Utensil,
42 Of Value five Shillings, in English a Pencil;
43 Did maliciously, falsly, and traiterously write,
44 Whilst [Footnote: 1Kb]
Stella aforesaid stood by with the Light;
45 My Sister [Footnote: 1Kb]
has lately depos'd upon Oath,
46 That she stopt in her Course to look on [Footnote: 1Kb]
them both;
47 That Stella was helping, abetting and aiding,
48 And still as he writ, stood smiling and reading;
49 That her Eyes were as bright as our self at Noon-Day; [Footnote: 1Kb]
50 But her graceful black Locks, were all [Footnote: 1Kb]
mingled with Grey,
51 And by the Description I certainly know,
52 'Tis the Nymph that I [Footnote: 1Kb]
courted some ten Years ago;
53 Whom, [Footnote: 1Kb]
when I with the best of my Talents endu'd,
54 On her Promise of yielding, she acted the Prude;
55 That some Verses were writ [Footnote: 1Kb]
with felonious Intent,
56 Direct to the North, where I never yet went; [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 That the letters appear'd revers'd on [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Pane,
58 But in Stella's bright Eyes were plac'd right again; [Footnote: 1Kb]
59 Wherein she distinctly could read ev'ry Line,
60 And presently guess'd that the [Footnote: 1Kb]
Fancy was mine;
61 She can swear to the Person, [Footnote: 1Kb]
whom oft she has seen, [Footnote: 1Kb]
62 At Night between Cavan-street and College-Green:
63 Now you see why his Verses so seldom are shown,
64 The Reason is plain, they are none of his own;
65 And observe while you live, that no Man is shy
66 To discover the Goods he came, [Footnote: 1Kb]
honestly by:
[Page 265]
67 If I light on a Thought, he will certainly steal it,
68 And when he has got it, finds [Footnote: 1Kb]
Ways to conceal it;
69 Of all the fine Things he keeps in the Dark,
70 There's scarce one in ten, but what has my Mark;
71 And let them be seen by the World if he dare,
72 I'll make it appear that they're all [Footnote: 1Kb]
stol'n Ware:
73 But as for the Poem he writ on your [Footnote: 1Kb]
74 I think I have now got him under my Lash;
75 My Sister transcrib'd it last Night, to his Sorrow,
76 And the Publick shall see't, if I live 'till to Morrow;
77 Thro' the Zodiack around, it shall quickly be spread,
78 In all Parts of the [Footnote: 1Kb]
Globe, where your Language is read;
79 He knows very well I ne'er gave a Refusal,
80 When he ask'd for my Aid, in the Forms that are usual:
81 But the Secret is this; I did lately intend
82 To write a few Verses on you as my Friend;
83 I study'd a Fortnight, before I could find,
84 As I rode in my Chariot, a Thought to my Mind;
85 And [Footnote: 1Kb]
resolv'd the next Winter, for that is the Time,
86 When the Days are at shortest, to put [Footnote: 1Kb]
it in Rhyme;
87 Till then it was lock'd in my Box at Parnassus;
88 When that [Footnote: 1Kb]
subtle Companion, in hopes to surpass us,
89 Conveys out my Paper of Hints by a Trick,
90 For I think in my Conscience he deals with Old Nick; [Footnote: 1Kb]
91 And from my own [Footnote: 1Kb]
Stock, provided with Topicks,
92 He gets to a Window beyond both the Tropicks;
93 There out of my Sight, just against [Footnote: 1Kb]
the North-Zone,
94 Writes down my Conceits, and then calls them his own: [Footnote: 1Kb]
95 And you like a Booby, [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Bubble can swallow;
96 Now [Footnote: 1Kb]
who but Delany can write like Apollo? [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 266]
97 High Treason by Statute! [Footnote: 1Kb]
But here you object,
98 He only stole Hints; the Verse [Footnote: 1Kb]
is correct;
99 Tho' the Thought be [Footnote: 1Kb]
Apollo's, 'tis finely express'd;
100 So a Thief steals my Horse, and then gets [Footnote: 1Kb]
him well drest;
101 Now, whereas the said Criminal seems past Repentance,
102 We Phoebus think fit to proceed to his Sentence;
103 Since Delany has dar'd, like Prometheus [Footnote: 1Kb]
his Sire, [Footnote: 1Kb]
104 To climb to our Region, and thence to steal [Footnote: 1Kb]
105 We order a Vulture, in Shape of the Spleen,
106 To prey on his Liver, but not [Footnote: 1Kb]
to be seen:
107 And we order our Subjects, of every Degree,
108 To believe all his Verses were written by me;
109 And under the Pain of our highest Displeasure, [Side note: 1Kb]
110 To call nothing his, but the Rhyme and the Measure. [Side note: 1Kb]
111 And lastly for Stella, just out of her Prime,
112 I am too much reveng'd already [Footnote: 1Kb]
by Time;
113 In return to her Scorn, I send [Footnote: 1Kb]
her Diseases,
114 And [Footnote: 1Kb]
will now be her Friend whenever she pleases;
115 And the Gifts I bestow'd her, will find her a Lover,
116 Tho' she lives 'till [Footnote: 1Kb]
she's Grey as a Badger all over.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: NEWS from Parnassus.
By DELANY [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Weekly Journal: or, British Gazetteer, 25 March, 1721.
[2] Miscellaneous Poems ... Concanen. p. 215.
[3] A Supplement to Dr. Swift's Works: ... J. Nichols, 1779.
[Page 267]
4 PArnassus, February the twenty-seventh,
5 The Poets assembled here on the Eleventh;
6 Conven'd by Apollo, who gave them to know,
7 He'd have a Vicegerent [Footnote: 1Kb]
in his Empire below;
8 But declar'd that no Bard shou'd this Honour inherit,
9 'Till the rest had agreed he surpass'd them in Merit:
10 Now this you'll allow was a difficult Case,
11 For each Bard believ'd he had a Right to the Place;
12 So finding the Assembly [Footnote: 1Kb]
grow warm in Debate,
13 He put 'em in Mind of his Phaeton's Fate: [Footnote: 1Kb]
14 'T was urged to no Purpose, the Dispute higher rose,
15 Scarce Phoebus himself cou'd their Quarrels compose.
16 'Till at length he determin'd that every Bard
17 Shou'd (each in their [Footnote: 1Kb]
Turn) be patiently heard.
18 First, one who believ'd he excell'd in Translation, [Footnote: 1Kb]
19 Founds his Claim on the Doctrine of Transmigration: [Footnote: 1Kb]
20 "Since the Soul of great Milton was given to me,
21 I hope the Convention will quickly agree---
22 Agree, quoth Apollo, from whence is this Fool?
23 Is he just come from reading Pythagoras at School?
24 Begone, Sir, you've got your Subscriptions in Time,
25 And giv'n in Return neither Reason nor Rhyme.
26 To the next, says the God, tho' now I won't chuse you,
27 I'll tell you the Reason for which I refuse you;
[Page 268]
28 Love's Goddess has oft to her Parent complain'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
29 Of my fav'ring a Bard who her Empire disdain'd,
30 That at my Instigation a Poem you writ,
31 Which to Beauty and Youth prefer'd Judgment and Wit;
32 That to make you a Laureat I gave the first Voice,
33 Inspiring the Britons t'approve of my Choice.
34 Jove sent her to me her Power to try;
35 The Goddess of Beauty what God can deny?
36 She forbids your Preferment, I grant her Desire,
37 Appease the fair Goddess, you then may rise higher.
38 The next that appear'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
had good Hopes of succeeding,
39 For he merited much for his Wit and his Breeding.
40 'T was wise in the Britons no favour to shew him,
41 He else might expect they shou'd pay what they owe him.
42 And therefore they prudently chose to discard
43 The Patriot, whose Merits they wou'd not reward:
44 The God with a Smile bid his Fav'rite advance, [Footnote: 1Kb]
45 You were sent by Astrea her Envoy to France.
46 You bent your Ambition to rise in the State,
47 I refuse you, because you cou'd stoop to be great.
48 Then a Bard, who had been a successful Translator, [Footnote: 1Kb]
49 "The Convention allows me a Versificator.
50 Says Apollo, you mention the least of your Merit,
51 By your Works it appears you have much of my Spirit;
52 I esteem you so well, that to tell you the Truth,
53 The greatest Objection against you's your Youth;
54 Then be not concern'd you are now laid aside,
55 If you live you shall certainly one Day preside.
56 Another, low bending, Apollo thus greets, [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 "'Twas I taught your Subjects to walk thro' the Streets.
[Page 269]
58 You taught 'em to walk, why they knew it before,
59 But give me the Bard that can teach them to soar; [Footnote: 1Kb]
60 Whenever he claims his Right, I'll confess
61 Who lately attempted my Style with Success;
62 Who writes like Apollo, has most of his Spirit,
63 And therefore 'tis just I distinguish his Merit;
64 Who makes it appear by all he was writ,
65 His Judgment alone can set Bounds to his Wit;
66 Like Virgil correct, with his own Native Ease,
67 But excels ev'n Virgil in elegant Praise;
68 Who admires the Ancients, and knows 'tis their due,
69 Yet writes in a Manner entirely new;
70 Tho' none with more Ease their Depths can explore,
71 Yet whatever he wants he takes from my Store;
72 Tho' I'm fond of his Virtues, his Pride I can see,
73 In scorning to borrow from any but me;
74 'Tis owing to this, that like Cynthia, his Lays [Footnote: 1Kb]
75 Enlighten the World by reflecting my Rays.
76 This said, the whole Audience soon found out his Drift,
77 The Convention was summon'd in Favour of Sw---t. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Apollo's Edict. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Apollo's Edict; 4 pp. 4to, no imprint or date.
[2] Gulliveriana, 1728, p. 50. [Ref. 1728.]
[3] Vol. IV. of the Miscellanies ... Dublin, Printed by and for Samuel Fair-brother, ... 1735.
p. 164. [Ref. 1735.]
[4] A Supplement to Dr. Swift's Works: ... J. Nichols, 1779.
5 Ireland is now our royal Care,
6 We lately fix'd our Viceroy [Footnote: 1Kb]
7 How near was she to be undone,
8 Till pious Love inspir'd her Son?
[Page 270]
9 What cannot our Vicegerent do,
10 As Poet and as Patriot too?
11 Let his Success our Subjects sway
12 Our Inspirations to obey,
13 And follow where he leads the Way:
14 Then study to correct your Taste, [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 Nor beaten Paths be longer trac'd.
16 No Simile shall be begun,
17 With rising or with setting Sun:
18 And let the secret Head of Nile
19 Be ever banish'd from your Isle.
20 When wretched Lovers live on Air,
21 I beg you'll the Camelion spare. [Footnote: 1Kb]
22 And when you'd make an [Footnote: 1Kb]
Heroe grander,
23 Forget he's like a Salamander. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
24 No Son of mine shall dare to say,
25 Aurora usher'd in the Day,
26 Or ever name the milky Way.
27 You all agree, I make no doubt,
28 Elijah's Mantle's [Footnote: 1Kb]
worn out.
29 The Bird of Jove shall toil no more,
30 To teach the humble Wren to soar..
31 Your tragick Heroes shall not rant, [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 Nor Shepherds use poetick Cant:
33 Simplicity alone can grace,
34 The Manners of the rural Race,
35 Theocritus and Philips [Footnote: 1Kb]
36 Your guides to true Simplicity.
37 When Damon's Soul shall take its Flight,
38 Tho' Poets [Footnote: 1Kb]
have the second Sight,
39 They shall not see a Trail of Light;
[Page 271]
40 Nor shall the Vapour [Footnote: 1Kb]
upwards rise,
41 Nor a new Star adorn the Skies:
42 For who can hope to place one there,
43 As glorious as Belinda's Hair?
44 Yet if his Name you'd eternize
45 And must exalt him to the Skies:
46 Without a Star this may by done,
47 So TICKELL mourn'd his ADDISON. [Footnote: 1Kb]
48 If Ann A's happy Reign you praise,
49 Pray not a word of Halcyon Days.
50 Nor let my Votaries show their Skill
51 In apeing Lines from Cooper's Hill;
52 For know I cannot bear to hear,
53 The Mimickry of deep yet clear. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
54 When e'er my Viceroy is address'd,
55 Against the Phoenix I protest.
56 When Poests soar in youthful Strians, [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 No Phaeton to Hold the Reins.
[Page 272]
58 When you describe a lovely Girl,
59 No Lips of Coral Teeth of Pearl.
60 Cupid shall ne'er mistake another
61 However beauteous for his Mother:
62 Nor shall his Darts at random fly
63 From Magazeen [Footnote: 1Kb]
in Calia's Eye.
64 with Women Compounds I am cloy'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
65 Which only pleaed in Biddy Floyd: [Footnote: 1Kb]
66 For foreign Aid what need they roam,
67 Whom Fate has amply bless'd at home?
68 Unerring Heav'n, with bounteous Hand, [Footnote: 2Kb]
69 Has form'd a Model for your Land;
70 Whom Jove endow'd with ev'ry Grace,
71 The Glory of the Granard Race;
72 Now destin'd, by the Powers divine,
73 The Blessing of another Line:
74 Then wou'd you [Footnote: 1Kb]
paint a matchless Dame,
75 Whom you'd consigne to endless Fame? [Footnote: 1Kb]
76 Invoke not Citherea's Aid,
77 Nor borrow from the Blew-ey'd Maid,
78 Nor need you on the Graces call,
79 Take Qualities from DONEGAL.
[Page 273]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: AN
To be spoke at the
This present Saturday being April the 1st. In the
Behalf of the Distressed Weavers. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Stella's transcript; Manuscript Volume in the possession of the Duke of
Bedford, Woburn Abbey. [Ref. Stella.]
[2] An Epilogue [as above] ... Dublin Printed by J. W. Fo. Broadside.
[3] An Epilogue, As it was spoke by Mr. Griffith at the Theatre-Royal
On Saturday the First of April. In the Behalf of the Distressed Weavers.
[4] [Printed on the verso of A Prologue, spoke by Mr. Elrington At
the Theatre-Royal On Saturday the First of April. In the
Behalf of the Distressed Weavers . ... Dublin Printed
by John Harding.] Fo. Hf. sheet. [Ref. Hf. Sheet.]
[5] An Epilogue: ... Limerick Printed by Andrew Welsh. Fo Broadside.
St. James's Post, 10-12 April, 1721.
[6] Weekly Journal: or, British Gazetteer, 15 April, 1721.
[7] Gentleman's Journal, 15 April, 1721.
[8] Weekly Journal, or Saturday's Post, 13 May, 1721.
[9] Miscellanies, Written By Jonathan Swift, D.D. ... The Fourth Edition.
London: Printed in the Year M.DCC.XXII. ... p. 192.
[10] Miscellanies Poems, ... Published by Mr. Concanen, 1724, p. 208.
[11] Miscellanies. The Last Volume, 1727. p. 283 (1731, p. 316; 1733, p. 316).
[12] The Drapier's Miscellany. ... Dublin: Printed by and for James Hoey, ...
1733. p. 6. [Ref. 1733.]
[13] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 172 (1737, ii. 146). [Ref. F.]
[14] The weaving indistry in Ireland had been severely crippled by English
legislation; and, in the earlier part of 1721, unemployment, poverty, and
suffering became acute. Distress in Dublin was also due to speculation in
the South Sea funds. Archbishop King estimated that the number of
families in the weaving trade in dire want was nearly seventeen hundred,
and the number of persons six thousand (Corresp. iii. 75 n.2). The
government ordered £ 100 for relief purposes; collections were made in
the churches; and a play, realizing £ 73, was given for the benefit of
distressed weavers. The play chosen for performance was Hamlet (Gentle
man's Journal, 15 April, 1721). A special prologue and epilogue were written
for the occasion.
[15] The prologue, beginning 'Great Cry and Little Wool', was written by
[Page 274]
[16] Sheridan, the epilogue by Swift. Both exhorted ladies to the wearing of
Irish woollen. An anonymous 'Answer' appeared, ridiculing the vain
attempt to displace silk and cotton as materials of feminine attire. The
'Prologue', 'Epilogue', and 'Answer' were reprinted together by Concanen
in 1724. Faulkner and London trade editions printed the 'Epilogue'
only. Nichols, in his Supplement, 1779, reprinted the 'Prologue' and
[17] Sheridan's 'Prologue' and Swift's 'Epilogue' appeared, in the first
instance, as folio broadsides, and also together on opposite sides of a folio
half-sheet. They were almost immediately reprinted in several London newspapers.
The St. James's Post and The Gentleman's Journal attributed the
'Epilogue' to Swift, although the broadside made no mention of the author.
Concanen, also, assigned the pieces to Sheridan and Swift respectively.
[18] The 'Epilogue' is one of the poems transcribed by Stella. She heads it
'Epilogue for the Weavers | Written A.D. 1721.'
[19] The 'Prologue' was spoken by Thomas Elrington, for whom see
D.N.B. xvii. 332. He flourished 1688-1732, was Deputy Master of the
Revels, Steward of the King's Inns, and Chief of his Majesty's Company of
Comedians in Ireland. The 'Epilogue' was spoken by Thomas Griffith,
well known on the Dublin stage during the early part of the eighteenth
century. In 1736, heavily in debt, he appealed to Swift for help (Corresp. v.
[20] The text is printed from the original broadside from which the Limerick
broadside was reprinted.
21 Who dares affirm this is no pious age,
22 When Charity begins to tread the Stage: [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 When Actors who at best are hardly Savers,
24 Will give a Night of Benefit to Weavers. [Footnote: 1Kb]
25 Stay---But [Footnote: 1Kb]
let me see how finely will it Sound, [Footnote: 1Kb]
26 Imprimis: From his Grace a [Footnote: 1Kb]
Hundred pound. [Footnote: 1Kb]
27 Peers, Clergy, Gentry, all are Benefactors;
28 And then Comes in the Item of the Actors.
29 Item the Actors, freely gave a Day,
30 The Poet had no more who made the Play. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 275]
31 But whence this Wonderous Charity, in Play'rs, [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 They learnt it not [Footnote: 1Kb]
at Sermons or at pray'rs.
33 Under the Rose since here are none but friends;
34 To own the truth [Footnote: 1Kb]
we have some private Ends.
35 Since Waiting Women like Exacting Jades, [Footnote: 1Kb]
36 Hold up the prices of their Old Brocades. [Footnote: 1Kb]
37 We'll dress in Manufactures, made at home? [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
38 Equip our Kings, and Generalls at the Comb. [Footnote: 1Kb]
39 We'll [Footnote: 1Kb]
Rigg in Meath-Street, Egypt's hauty Queen,
40 And Anthony shall Court her in Ratteen.
41 In blew shalloon, [Footnote: 1Kb]
shall Hanniball be Clad,
42 And Scipio, trail an Irish purple Plad.
43 In Drugget drest of Thirteen [Footnote: 1Kb]
Pence a Yard,
44 See Philip's Son amidst his Persian Guard;
45 And proud Roxana fir'd with jealous Rage,
46 With fifty Yards of Crape, shall sweep the Stage.
47 In short our Kings and Princesses within,
48 Are all resolv'd the Project to begin;
49 And you, our Subjects, when you here resort,
50 Must Imitate the Fashion of the Court.
51 O! Cou'd I see this Audience Clad in Stuff,
52 Tho' [Footnote: 1Kb]
Moneys scarce we shou'd have Trade enough;
53 But Chints, Brocades, and Lace take all away, [Footnote: 1Kb]
54 And scarce a Crown is left to see the Play: [Footnote: 1Kb]
55 Perhaps you wonder whence this Friendship Springs, [Footnote: 1Kb]
56 Between the Weavers and us Play-House Kings.
[Page 276]
57 But Wit and Weaving had the same beginning,
58 Pallas first taugh[t] us Poetry and Spinning;
59 And next Observe how this Alliance fits, [Footnote: 1Kb]
60 For Weavers now are just as poor as Wits;
61 Their Brother Quill-Men Workers for the Stage,
62 For sorry Stuff, can get a Crown a Page;
63 But Weavers will be Kinder to the Players,
64 And Sell for Twenty Pence a Yard [of] theirs;
65 And to your knowledge there is often less in,
66 The Poets Wits, than in the Players Dressing. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: THE
JOURNAL. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Journal. [? 1721] Broadside.
[2] Baker's News; or, the Whitehall Journal, January, 1722-3.
[3] The Weekly Journal; or, British Gazetteer, 19 January, 1722-3.
[4] Manuscript copy, in an unidentified hand, sent to Lady Giffard from
Ireland, and endorsed by Lady Giffard, 'Dr. Swift's Verses'. Now in
the possession of the Rev. John Longe, Yelverton Rectory, Norfolk.
[Ref. G.]
[5] Miscellanea. The Second Volume ... London: Printed in the Year, 1727.
p. 85.
[6] Gulliveriana, 1728, p. 13.
[7] Miscellanies. The Third Volume, 1732, p. 20.
[8] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 174 (1737, ii. 156). [Ref. F.]
[9] Miscellanies, 1742, iv. 226.
[10] From June to October, in 1721 (Letters of Swift to Ford, ed. Nichol
Smith, pp. 93, 95 n. 1), Swift was staying at Gaulstown House, which lay
between the twon of Trim and Woodbrooke, the seat of Knightley Chetwode,
to whom, possibly, was due his introduction to Baron Rochfort,
the owner of Gaulstown. Robert Rochfort (for whom see also D.N.B.
xlix. 74), a member of the Irish Bar, was, after the accession of William,
chosen a commissioner of the Great Seal of Ireland, and accompanied the
King from London to the Boyne (Corresp. ii. 257 n. 6). Disapproving,
however, of concessions to the Roman Catholics, he went into opposition.
[Page 277]
[11] In 1695 he became Attorney-General of Ireland, and Speaker of the Irish
House of Commons. From 1707 to 1714 he was Chief Baron of the Exchequer;
but, as a strong Tory, was deprived of this office on the accession of
George I.
[12] Gaulstown House, which has now been replaced was given by Lord
Chief Baron Rochfort to his eldest son, George, on that son's marriage to
Lady Betty Moore, youngest daughter of the Earl of Drogheda. It is not
impossible that to her Swift addressed his Letter to a very young Lady on her
Marriage (Prose Works, ed. Temple Scott, xi. 114). The interchange of verses
was a favourite amusement between Swift, George, and the younger son
John Rochfort (see pp. 965 ff.).
[13] Gaulstown House was satirically described in verses written by Delany,
and printed in Whartoniana, 1727, i. 30.
[14] 'The Journal', and later, 'A Soldier and a Scholar', 1732, led to some
criticism of Swift for abusing the hospitality of his friends (Corresp. iii. 141;
iv. 303). In Gulliveriana, pp. 11, 12, 20, Swift, as 'Dean Celer', is attacked
for repaying 'so rudely, the Hospitality of his Friend'. A broadside poem
(n.p. or d.) called 'A Letter of Advice to the Revd. D---r D---la---y', has
the lines:
If you presume too far, you miss that end,
For the like Cause lost Sw---t his Galls-twon Friend.
Percival, Dean of Emly, was, not unnaturally, nettled at Swift's description
of himself and his wife in 'The Journal', and retorted with 'A Description
In Answer to the Journal', which appeared in Dublin, 1722, on the verso
of a half-sheet, on the recto of which Swift's poem was printed. 'A Description'
was reprinted by Scott, Works 1814, i. 272 n.
[15] Swift's poem, descriptive of Gaulstown and the house-party, during his
stay there in 1721, was probably composed in the autumn towards the end of
his visit (see line 51). It is possible, however, that the printed broadside did
not appear till the following year, for it was not reprinted in the London newspapers
till January, 1723. Faulkner says, 'Written in the YEAR 1723'
[16] In the broadside edition the title of the poem is 'The Journal'; and this
title is followed in Curll's Miscellanea 1727, and in Gulliveriana, 1728,
In the Pope and Swift Miscellanies volume of 1732 the title becomes 'The
Country Life', and this title is followed in the Bathurst and trade editions.
Faulkner, 1735, called the poem 'The Part of a Summer, at the House of
George Rochfort, Esq;'.
[17] In the possession of the Rev. John Longe at Yelverton Rectory, Norfolk,
are a number of papers which have come down from Sir William Temple's
family. Among them is a transcript of this peom, not in Swift's hand. The
manuscript is folded. On the back is written 'To the Lady Giffard',
together with an endorsement, 'Dr. Swift's Verses', apparently in Lady
Giffard's hand. Swift broke off all intercourse with Lady Giffard in 1709,
in consequence of a difference which sprang up between them after the
publication of the third part of Temple's Memoirs. At a later date, when
[Page 278]
Swift was in London, she made advances, but only to be repulsed. It is not
improbable, however, that the transcript of the poem reached her from
[18] This is one of the poems corrected by Swift in his own copy of the
Miscellanies, 1727-32. His corrections number seven, and are marked
'S' in the apparatus.
[19] The text is printed from the broadside edition.
20 Thalia, tell in sober Lays,
21 How George, Nim, Dan, Dean pass their Days; [Footnote: 1Kb]
22 And shou'd our Galls-town Wit grow fallow, [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 Yet, Neget quis Carmina Gallo. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
24 Here (by the Way) by Gallus mean I,
25 Not Sheridan, but friend Delany.
26 Begin, my Muse, first from our Bowers, [Footnote: 1Kb]
27 We issue forth at different Hours;
28 At Seven, the Dean in Night-gown drest,
29 Goes round the House to wake the rest:
30 At Nine, grave Nim and George Facetious,
31 Go to the Dean to read Lucretius. [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 At Ten, my Lady [Footnote: 1Kb]
comes and Hectors,
33 And kisses George, and ends or Lectures:
[Page 279]
34 And when [Footnote: 1Kb]
she has him by the Neck fast,
35 Hawls him, and scolds us down to Breakfast.
36 We squander there an Hour and [Footnote: 1Kb]
37 And then all hands, Boys, to the Oar
38 All, Heteroclit [Footnote: 1Kb]
Dan except, [Footnote: 1Kb]
39 Who neither [Footnote: 1Kb]
time nor order kept.
40 But by peculiar Whimseys drawn,
41 Peeps in the Ponds to look for Spawn:
42 O'er sees [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Work, or Dragon rowes, [Footnote: 1Kb]
43 Or spoils a Text, or mends his Hose. [Footnote: 1Kb]
44 Or---but proceed we in our Journal,
45 At Two or after we return all,
46 From the four Elements assembling,
47 Warn'd by the Bell, all Flocks [Footnote: 1Kb]
come trembling,
48 From Airy Garrets some descend,
49 Some from the Lakes remotest end.
50 My Lord [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Dean, the Fire forsake; [Footnote: 1Kb]
51 Dan leaves the Earthly Spade and Rake,
52 The Loyt'res quake, no Corner [Footnote: 1Kb]
hides them,
53 And Lady Betty soundly chides them.
54 Now Water's brought, and Dinner [Footnote: 1Kb]
55 With Church and King, the Lady's gone;
56 Not reckoning half an hour we pass, [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 In talking ore a moderate Glass.
58 Dan growing drowsy like a Thief,
59 Steals off to dose away his Beef,
[Page 280]
60 And this must pass for reading Hammond: [Footnote: 1Kb]
61 While George, and Dean, go back to Gammon. [Footnote: 1Kb]
62 George, Nim and Dean, set out at Four,
63 And then again, Boys, to the Oar.
64 But when the Sun goes to the Deep,
65 Not to disturb him in his Sleep;
66 Or make a rumbling o'er his Head,
67 His Candle out, and he a Bed. [Footnote: 1Kb]
68 We watch his Motions to a Minute,
69 And leave [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Flood when he goes in it:
70 Now stinted in the short'ning [Footnote: 1Kb]
71 We go to Pray'rs, and then to play
72 Till Supper comes, and after that,
73 We sit an hour to drink and chat.
74 'Tis late, the old and younger Pairs,
75 By Adam [Footnote: 1Kb]
lighted walk up [Footnote: 1Kb]
76 The weary [Footnote: 1Kb]
Dean goes to his Chamber,
77 And Nim and Dan to Garret [Footnote: 1Kb]
78 So when this Circle we have run,
79 The Curtain falls, and we have [Footnote: 1Kb]
80 I might have mention'd several facts, [Footnote: 1Kb]
81 Like Episodes between the Acts;
82 And tell [Footnote: 1Kb]
who loses, and who wins,
83 Who gets a Cold, who break [Footnote: 1Kb]
84 How Dan caught nothing [Footnote: 1Kb]
in his Net,
85 And [Footnote: 1Kb]
how [Footnote: 1Kb]
his Boat was over set,
[Page 281]
86 For brevity I have retrench'd,
87 How in the Lake [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Dean was drench'd: [Footnote: 1Kb]
88 It would be an Exploit to brag on,
89 How Valiant George rode o'er the Dragon;
90 How steady in the Sterne he sat, [Footnote: 1Kb]
91 And sav'd his Oar, but lost his Hat.
92 How Nim, no Hunter 'ere could match him, [Footnote: 1Kb]
93 Still brings us [Footnote: 1Kb]
Hares when he can catch them:
94 How skilfully Dan mends his Nets,
95 How Fortune fails him when he sets:
96 Or how the Dean delights to vex
97 The Ladys, or [Footnote: 1Kb]
Lampoon the Sex. [Footnote: 1Kb]
98 I might have told how oft [Footnote: 1Kb]
Dean Per---l [Footnote: 2Kb]
99 Displays his Pedantry unmerciful, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
100 How haughtily he lifts his Nose,
101 To tell what ev'ry School Boy knows:
102 And [Footnote: 1Kb]
with his Finger on his Thumb,
103 Explaining [Footnote: 1Kb]
strikes opposers Dumb;
[Page 282]
104 And [Footnote: 1Kb]
how his Wife that Female Pedant,
105 But now there need no more be said on't, [Footnote: 1Kb]
106 Shews all her Secrets of House keeping,
107 For Candles, how she trucks her Driping;
108 Was forc'd to send three Miles for Yest,
109 To brew her Ale, and raise her Paste:
110 Tells ev'ry thing that you [Footnote: 1Kb]
can think of,
111 How she cur'd Charley [Footnote: 1Kb]
of the Chincough; [Footnote: 1Kb]
112 What gave her Brats [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Pigs the Meazles,
113 And how her Doves were kill'd by Weezles:
114 How Jowler howl'd, and what a fright
115 She had with [Footnote: 1Kb]
Dreams the other Night.
116 But now, since I have gone so far on, [Footnote: 1Kb]
117 A word or two of Lord Chief Baron;
118 And tell how little weight he sets,
119 On all Whig Papers, and Gazets:
120 But for the Politicks of Pue, [Footnote: 1Kb]
121 Thinks ev'ry Syllable is true;
122 And since he owns the King of Sweden [Footnote: 1Kb]
123 Is dead at last without evading. [Footnote: 1Kb]
124 Now all his hopes are in the Czar,
125 Why [Footnote: 1Kb]
Muscovy is not so far,
126 Down the black Sea, and up the Streights,
127 And in a Month he's at your [Footnote: 1Kb]
128 Perhaps from what the [Footnote: 1Kb]
Packet brings,
129 By Christmas we shall see strange things. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 283]
130 Why shou'd I tell of Ponds and Drains, [Footnote: 1Kb]
131 What Carps we met [Footnote: 1Kb]
with for our pains:
132 Of Sparrows tam'd, of [Footnote: 1Kb]
Nuts innumerable,
133 To Choak the Girls, or consume [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Rabble;
134 But you, who are a Scholar, know
135 How transient all things [Footnote: 1Kb]
are below:
136 How prone to change [Footnote: 1Kb]
in human life,
137 Last Night arriv'd Clem [Footnote: 1Kb]
and his Wife.
138 This Grand Event half [Footnote: 1Kb]
broke our Measures,
139 Their Reign began with cruel Seizures;
140 The Dean must with his Quilt supply,
141 The Bed in which these Tyrants lie:
142 Nim lost his Wig-block, [Footnote: 1Kb]
Dan his Jordan,
143 My Lady says she can't afford one; [Footnote: 1Kb]
144 George is half scar'd out of his Wits,
145 For Clem gets all the dainty [Footnote: 1Kb]
146 Henceforth expect a different survey,
147 This House will soon turn topsy turvey;
148 They talk of further Alterations,
149 Which causes many Speculations.
[Page 284]
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: A quibbling ELEGY on the
Worshipful Judge BOAT. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 331 (1737, ii. 167).
[2] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 43 (1736, v. 43; 1745, v. 52).
[3] Godfrey Boate, a Judge of the King's Bench, was joined in 1720 with
Lord Chief Justice Whitshed in the trial of Edward Waters, the printer
of Swift's pamphlet, A Proposal for the Universal Use of Irish Manufactures
(see p. 236). He would, therefore, incur Swift's hostility. Dr. Ball
(Swift's Verse, p. 164) suggests, further, that 'the origin of the satire is
possibly to be found in the fact that Boate was connected with Swift's
great friend Knightly Chetwode, through Chetwode's wife, and as in his
will he recommends his executor to compel Chetwode to make a settlement,
it may be opined that their relations were not too cordial'. Through
her mother Mrs. Chetwode was a niece of Judge Boate.
[4] Boate died in 1721; his will was proved on November the 17th; the
composition of Swift's elegy may be placed in the latter part of the year.
Faulkner, who first printed the poem, assigned it to 1723, which is unlikely
to be correct.
[5] The text is printed from Faulkner's edition of the Works, 1735.
6 To mournful Ditties, Clio, change thy Note,
7 Since cruel Fate hath sunk our Justice Boat; [Footnote: 1Kb]
8 Why should he sink where nothing seem'd to press?
9 His Lading little, and his Ballast less.
10 Tost in the Waves of this tempestuous World,
11 At length, his Anchor fixt, and Canvas furl'd,
12 To Lazy-Hill retiring from his Court,
13 At his Ring's-End [Footnote: 1Kb]
he founders in the Port.
14 With Water fill'd he could no longer float, [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 The common Death of many a stronger Boat.
[Page 285]
16 A Post so fill'd, on Nature's Laws entrenches;
17 Benches on Boats are plac't, not Boats on Benches.
18 And yet our Boat, how shall I reconcile it?
19 Was both a Boat, and in one Sense a Pilat. [Footnote: 1Kb]
20 With ev'ry Wind he sail'd, and well could tack:
21 Had many Pendents, but abhor'd a Jack. [Footnote: 1Kb]
22 He's gone, although his Friends began to hope
23 That he might yet be lifted by a Rope.
24 Behold the awful Bench on which he sat,
25 He was as hard, and pond'rous Wood at that:
26 Yet, when his Sand was out, we find at last,
27 That, Death has overset him with a Blast.
28 Our Boat is now sail'd to the Stygian Ferry,
29 There to supply old Charon's leaky Wherry:
30 Charon in him will ferry Souls to Hell;
31 A Trade, our Boat had practic'd here so well. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
32 And, Cerberus hath ready in his Paws,
33 Both Pitch and Brimstone to fill up his Flaws;
34 Yet, spight of Death and Fate, I here maintain
35 We may place Boat in his old Post again.
36 The Way is thus; and well deserves your Thanks:
37 Take the three strongest of his broken Planks,
38 Fix them on high, conspicuous to be seen,
39 Form'd like the Triple-Tree near Stephen's-Green; [Footnote: 1Kb]
40 And, when we view it thus, with Thief at End on't,
41 We'll cry; look, here's our Boat, and there's the Pendent.
[Page 286]
42 Here lies Judge Boat within a Coffin.
43 Pray gentle-Folks forbear your Scoffing.
44 A Boat a Judge! yes, where's the Blunder? [Footnote: 1Kb]
45 A wooden Judge is no such Wonder.
46 And in his Robes, you must agree,
47 No Boat was better deckt than He.
48 'Tis needless to describe him fuller.
49 In short, he was an able Sculler. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The BANK thrown down.
To an Excellent New TUNE. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Although this ballad has not hitherto been included in any edition of
Swift's works there seems good reason to believe that it came from his
hand. His opposition to proposals for the establishment of a National
Bank in Ireland has been stated on p. 242. 'The Bank thrown down'
is certainly not unworthy of him; the movement and style are reminiscent
of his manner; the references to Demar and the South Sea are
suggestive; and it was printed as a broadside by Harding. Ball (Swift's
Verse, p. 164) accepted the ballad as undoubtedly by Swift. It is therefore
here printed, with some hesitation, as probably authentic.
[2] The ballad evidently belongs to December, 1721, when the scheme for
a National Bank was finally rejected by both Houses of the Irish Parliament,
or to the beginning of 1722.
[3] The text is given as it appears on the original broadside, copies of which
may be found in the British Museum, 839. m. 23 (93); Trinity College,
Dublin, Press A. 7. 6 (2); the Gilbert Collection, Dublin, Newenham
Pamphlets, 1 (28).
[Page 287]
4 Pray, what is this BANK of which the Town Rings?
5 The BANKS of a River I know are good Things,
6 But a Pox o' those BANKS that choak up the SPRINGS.
7 Some Mischief is Brewing, the Project smells Rank,
8 To shut out the River by raising the BANK.
9 The DAMS and the WEIRS must all be your own,
10 You get all the FISH, and others get none,
11 We look for a SALMON, you leave us a stone.
12 But Thanks to the HOUSE, the Projectors look blank,
13 And Thanks to the MEMBERS that Kickt down the
14 BANK.
15 This BANK is to make us New Paper Mill,
16 This Paper they say, by the Help of a Quill,
17 The whole Nations Pockets with Money will fill.
18 But we doubt that our Purses will quickly grow lank,
19 If nothing but Paper comes out of this BANK.
20 'Tis happy to see the whole Kingdom in Rags,
21 For Rags will make Paper, and Pa-ba-ba-brags,
22 This Paper will soon make us richer than Crags. [Footnote: 1Kb]
23 From a bo-bo-bo-Boy he pursues his old Hank,
24 And now he runs mad for a ba-ba-ba-BANK.
25 Oh! then but to see how the Beggars will Vapour,
26 For Beggars have Rags and Rags will make Paper,
27 And Paper makes Money, and what can be cheaper?
28 Methinks I now see them so jovial and crank,
29 And riding on Horseback to Hell and the BANK.
30 But the Cobler was angry, and swore he had rather
31 As they did in old Times, make Money of Leather,
32 For then he could Coyn and could Cobble together;
33 And then he could pay for the Liquor he drank
34 With the Scrap of a Sole, and a Fig for the BANK.
[Page 288]
35 By a Parliament Man when the Farmer was told,
36 That Paper would quickly be dearer than Gold,
37 He wonder'd for how much an Inch 'twould be Sold:
38 Then Plodding, he thought on a whimsical Prank
39 To turn to small Money a Bill on the BANK.
40 For nicely computing the Price by Retail,
41 He found he could purchase Two Tankards of Ale
42 With a Scrap of Bank Paper the Breadth of his Nail;
43 But the Tapster well Cudgell'd him both Side and Flank,
44 And made him to Curse the poor innocent BANK.
45 The Ghost of old D---mer, who left not his Betters, [Footnote: 1Kb]
46 When it heard of a BANK appear'd to his Debtors,
47 And lent them for Money the Backs of his Letters:
48 His Detors they wonder'd to find him so frank,
49 For Old Nick gave the Papers the Mark of the BANK.
50 In a Chancery Bill your Attorney engages,
51 For so many Six-pences, so many Pages,
52 But Six-pence a Letter is monstrous high Wages:
53 Those that dropt in the South-Sea discover'd this Plank,
54 By which they might Swimmingly land on a BANK.
55 But the Squire he was cunning and found what they meant,
56 That a Pack of sly Knaves should get fifty per Cent,
57 While his Tenants in Paper must pay him his Rent:
58 So for their Quack-Bills he knows whom to thank,
59 For those are but Quacks, who mount on a BANK.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: The Progress of Marriage. Jany. 1721-2 [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Swift's autograph; Forster Collection, South Kensington (No. 517).
Works of Jonathan Swift, ed. Deane Swift, 1765, 4to, viii (2), 218;
8vo, xvi. 343. [Ref. 1765.]
Faulkner, 1765, xiii. 346. [Ref. F.]
[2] What appears to be the first draft of this poem, with many corrections
and interlineations, is preserved in the Forster collection. It is written on
three folded half-sheets. The wrapper is blank on the inner side. On the
front recto Swift has written the title and date: 'Progress of Marriage
Jan. 1721-2.' On the back verso of wrapper the title appears twice and the
date once. The text of the poem occupies eight pages. An attempt has
been made, so far as is possible apart form facsimile reproductions, to present
the author's corrections.
[3] The marriage satirized was that of Dean Pratt to Lady Philippa Hamilton.
Pratt died 5 Dec., 1721. He had only been married about twelve
months. Writing to Knightley Chetwode, 9 Dec., 1721, Swift comments on
Pratt's intention of setting up town and country establishments, and 'great
equipages'. He adds, 'What a ridiculous thing is man' (Corresp. iii. 108).
[4] Benjamin Pratt entered Trinity College, Dublin, while Swift was an
undergraduate there. He was a man of considerable fortune, was elected
a fellow, and became Provost in 1710. He was accomplished and possessed
musical tastes (Delany, Observations, p. 190). In 1717 he was appointed
Dean of Down. About a year before his death he married Philippa,
daughter of the sixth Earl of Abercorn. He was fond of society, something
of a bon vivant, and incurred criticism for spending too much of his time
in London instead of attending to his duties as Provost. Swift was on
friendly terms with him. See also pp. 966 n., 1099.
[5] The poem is here given from Swift's manuscript draft. The printed
version of Deane Swift, 1765, shows no striking variants.
6 [Side note: 1Kb]
Ætatis suæ fifty two
7 A rich Divine began to woo [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
8 A handsome young imperious Girl
9 Nearly related to an Earl. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 290]
10 Her Parents and her Friends consent, [Footnote: 1Kb]
11 The Couple to the Temple went:
12 They first invite the Cyprian Queen, [Footnote: 1Kb]
13 'Twas answerd, she would not be seen.
14 The Graces next, and all the Muses [Footnote: 1Kb]
15 Were bid in form, but sent Excuses:
16 Juno attended at the Porch
17 With farthing Candle for a Torch,
18 While Mistress Iris held her Train,
19 The faded Bow distilling Rain. [Footnote: 1Kb]
20 Then Hebe came and took her Place
21 But showed no more than half her Face
22 Whate'er these [Footnote: 1Kb]
dire fore-bodings meant,
23 In Mirth the wedding-day was spent. [Footnote: 1Kb]
24 The Wedding-day, you take me right, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
25 I promise nothing for the Night: [Footnote: 1Kb]
26 The Bridegroom dresst, to make a Figure,
27 Assumes an artificiall Vigor;
28 [Side note: 1Kb]
A flourisht [Footnote: 1Kb]
Night-cap on, to grace
29 His ruddy, wrinckled, smirking [Footnote: 1Kb]
30 Like the faint red upon a Pippin [Footnote: 1Kb]
31 Half wither'd by a Winters keeping. [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 And, thus set out this happy Pair,
33 The Swain is rich, the Nymph is fair;
34 But, which I gladly would forget, [Footnote: 1Kb]
35 The Swain is old, the Nymph Coquette.
36 Both from the Goal together start;
37 Scarce run a Step before they part; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 291]
38 No common Ligament that binds
39 The various Textures of their Minds,
40 Their Thoughts, and Actions, Hopes, and Fears,
41 Less corresponding than their Years.
42 Her Spouse desires his Coffee soon, [Footnote: 1Kb]
43 She rises to her Tea at noon.
44 While He goes out to cheapen Books, [Footnote: 1Kb]
45 She at [Footnote: 1Kb]
the Glass consults her Looks [Footnote: 1Kb]
46 While Betty's buzzing at her Ear,
47 Lord, what a Dress these Parsons wear, [Footnote: 1Kb]
48 So odd a Choice, how could she make,
49 wish't him a Coll'nell for her Sake. [Footnote: 1Kb]
50 [Side note: 1Kb]
Then on her fingers Ends she counts
51 Exact to what his Age amounts,
52 The Dean, she heard her Uncle say
53 Is fifty, [Footnote: 1Kb]
if he be a Day; [Footnote: 1Kb]
54 His ruddy Cheeks are no Disguise; [Footnote: 1Kb]
55 You see the Crows feet round his Eyes.
56 At one she rambles to the Shops [Footnote: 1Kb]
57 To cheapen Tea, and talk with Fops.
58 Or calls a Councel of her Maids
59 And Tradesmen, to compare Brocades.
60 Her weighty Morning Bus'ness o'er
61 Sits down to Dinner just at four;
62 Minds nothing that is done or said,
63 Her ev'ning Work to fills her Head;
64 The Dean, Who us'd to dine at one,
65 Is maukish, and his Stomach gone;
66 In threed-bare Goun, would scarce a louse hold,
67 Looks like the Chaplain of the Houshold, [Footnote: 1Kb]
68 Beholds her from the Chaplain's Place
69 In French brocades and Flanders Lace; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 292]
70 [Side note: 1Kb]
He wonders what employs her Brain;
71 But never asks, or asks in vain;
72 His Mind is full of other Cares,
73 And in the sneaking Parsons Airs
74 Computes, that half a Parish Dues
75 Will hardly find his Wife in Shoes.
76 Canst thou imagine, dull Divine, [Footnote: 1Kb]
77 'Twill gain her Love to make her fine?
78 Hath she no other wants beside?
79 You raise Desire as well as Pride, [Footnote: 1Kb]
80 Enticing Coxcombs to adore,
81 And teach her to despise thee more
82 If in her Coach she'll condescend [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
83 To place him at the hinder End [Footnote: 1Kb]
84 Her Hoop is hoist above his Nose,
85 His odious Goun would soil her Cloaths, [Footnote: 1Kb]
86 And drops him at the Church, to pray
87 While she drives on to see the Play.
88 He like an orderly Divine
89 Comes home a quarter after nine, [Footnote: 1Kb]
90 And meets her hasting to the Ball,
91 Her Chairmen push him from the Wall:
92 He enters in, and walks up Stairs, [Footnote: 1Kb]
93 And calls the Family to Prayrs, [Footnote: 1Kb]
94 [Side note: 1Kb]
Then goes alone to take his Rest
95 In bed, where he can spare her best.
96 At five the Footmen make a Din,
97 Her Ladyship is just come in,
98 The Masquerade began at two,
99 She stole away with much ado,
100 And shall be chid this afternoon
101 for leaving company so soon; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 293]
102 she'll say, and she may truly say't [Footnote: 1Kb]
103 She can't abide to stay out late. [Footnote: 1Kb]
104 But now, though scarce a twelvemonth marry'd,
105 His Lady has twelve times miscarry'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
106 The Cause, alas, is quickly guesst, [Footnote: 1Kb]
107 The Town has whisper'd round the Jest:
108 Think on some Remedy in time
109 You find His Rev'rence past his Prime, [Footnote: 1Kb]
110 Already dwindled to a Lath;
111 No other way but try the Bath:
112 For Venus rising from the Ocean
113 Infus'd a strong prolifick Potion,
114 That mixt with Achelous Spring, [Footnote: 1Kb]
115 The horned Floud, as Poets sing:
116 [Side note: 1Kb]
Who with an English Beauty smitten
117 Ran under Ground from Greece to Brittain,
118 The genial Virtue with him brought,
119 And gave the Nymph a plenteous Draught;
120 Then fled, and left his Horn behind
121 For Husbands past their Youth to find;
122 The Nymph who still with Passion burnd,
123 Was to a boiling Fountain turn'd,
124 Where Chidless wives crowd ev'ry morn
125 To drink in Achilous' [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
126 And here the Father often gains
127 That Title by anothers Pains. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 294]
128 Hither, though much against his [Footnote: 1Kb]
Grain, [Footnote: 1Kb]
129 The Dean has carry'd Lady Jane
130 He for a while would not consent,
131 But vow'd his Money all was spent;
132 His Money spent! a clownish Reason? [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
133 And, must my Lady slip her Season?
134 The Doctor with a double Fee
135 Was brib'd to make the Dean agree
136 Here, all Diversions of the Place
137 Are proper in my Lady's Case
138 [Side note: 1Kb]
With which she patiently complyes,
139 Merely because her Friends advise;
140 His Money and her Time employs
141 In musick, Raffling-rooms, and Toys,
142 Or in the cross-bath [Footnote: 1Kb]
seeks an Heir
143 Since others oft have found one there;
144 Where if the Dean by chance appears [Footnote: 1Kb]
145 It shames his Cassock and his Years [Footnote: 1Kb]
146 He keeps his Distance in the Gallery
147 Till banisht by some Coxcombs Raillery;
148 For, it would [Footnote: 1Kb]
his Character Expose
149 To bath among the Belles and Beaux.
150 So have I seen within a Pen
151 Young Ducklings, fostered by a Hen;
152 But when let out, they run and muddle
153 As Instinct leads them, in a Puddle; [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 295]
154 The sober Hen not born to swim
155 With mournful Note clocks [Footnote: 1Kb]
round the Brim. [Footnote: 1Kb]
156 The Dean with all his best Endeavour [Footnote: 1Kb]
157 Gets not an Heir, but gets a Feaver;
158 A Victim to the last Essays
159 Of Vigor in declining Days.
160 He dyes, and leaves his mourning Mate
161 (What could he less,) his whole Estate. [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
[Side note: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
162 The Widow goes through all her Forms;
163 New Lovers now will come in Swarms.
164 Oh, may I see her soon dispensing
165 Her Favors to some broken Ensign [Footnote: 1Kb]
166 Him let her Marry for his Face,
167 And only Coat of tarnish't Lace;
168 To turn her Naked out of Doors,
169 And spend her Joynture on his Whores:
170 But for a parting Present leave her
171 A rooted Pox to last for ever. [Footnote: 1Kb] ![Open Note](/images/note.gif)
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: A
On the Death of a late
FAMOUS GENERAL. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] The Gentleman's Magazine, xxxiv. 244, May, 1764. [Ref. G.M.]
[2] Works of Jonathan Swift, ed. Deane Swift, 1765, 4to, viii (2), 205;
8vo, xvi. 327.
[3] Faulkner, 1765, xiii. 333.
[Page 296]
[4] This ungenerous attack on Marlborough appears first to have been
printed in The Gentleman's Magazine, 1764. It was included in the Works
by Deane Swift in the following year. The Gentleman's Magazine copy
may have been obtained from Deane Swift.
[5] The Duke died on the 16th of June, 1722. For Swift's attitude towards
Marlborough see notes introductory to 'the Fable of Midas', p. 155.
[6] The text of the poem is given as printed by Deane Swift.
7 His Grace! impossible! what dead!
8 Of old age too, and in his bed!
9 And could that Mighty Warrior fall? [Footnote: 1Kb]
10 And so inglorious, after all!
11 Well, since He's gone, no matter how,
12 The last loud trump must wake him now:
13 And, trust me, as the noise grows stronger,
14 He'd [Footnote: 1Kb]
wish to sleep a little longer.
15 And could he be indeed so old
16 As by the news-papers we're told? [Footnote: 1Kb]
17 Threescore, I think, is pretty high;
18 'Twas time in conscience he should die.
19 This world he cumber'd long enough;
20 He burnt his candle to the snuff;
21 And that's the reason, some folks think,
22 He left behind so great a s---k.
23 Behold his funeral appears,
24 Nor widow's sighs, nor orphan's tears,
25 Wont at such times each heart to pierce,
26 Attend the progress of his herse.
27 But what of that, his friends may say,
28 He had those honours in his day.
29 True to his profit and his pride,
30 He made them weep before he dy'd.
31 Come hither, all ye empty things,
32 Ye bubbles rais'd by breath of Kings;
33 Who float upon the tide of state,
34 Come hither, and behold your fate.
[Page 297]
35 Let pride be taught by this rebuke,
36 How very mean a thing's a Duke;
37 From all his ill-got honours flung,
38 Turn'd to that dirt from whence he sprung.
Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745: Upon the horrid Plot discovered by
Harlequin the B---of R---'s
French Dog.
In a Dialogue between a Whig and a Tory.
Written in the Year 1722. [from The Poems of Jonathan Swift. Edited By Harold Williams (1937)]
[1] Faulkner, 1735, ii. 409 (1737, ii. 161).
[2] Miscellanies, ... Volume the Fifth, 1735, p. 197 (1736, v. 201; 1745,
v. 44).
[3] Francis Atterbury, Bishop of Rochester, was in 1722 committed to the
Tower, charged with plotting for the restoration of the Stuarts. He was
deprived of his ecclesiastical offices and banished the kingdom.
[4] Towards the end of chapter vi, Part III of Gulliver's Travels, Swift
ridicules the proceedings brought against Atterbury, and, in particular, the
attempt to extract secret meanings from his correspondence. 'Artists of
Dexterity' in this practice, Swift suggests, may read a reference to 'a lame
Dog' to mean 'an Invader'. Atterbury received from France the present
of a dog which had its leg broken on the journey. It was mentioned under
feigned names in his correspondence. The poem also refers to this incident.
See The Weekly Journal: or, British Gazetteer, I Sept., and The Freeholder's
Journal, 5 Sept., 1722, which contain references to Atterbury's
[5] The poem was first printed by Faulkner in vol. ii of his edition of the
Works, 1735. When vol. v of the Pope and Swift Miscellanies was printing
in London in the same year it was at first either overlooked or withheld
for political reasons. It does not appear in the table of contents to the
volume, and is printed on two supplemental leaves at the end of the verse
and just before the prose section. These leaves are signed [O 3] and [O 4],
200, following upon O 3 and O 4, pp. 197-200.
[6] The text follows Faulkner's edition of 1735.
[Page 298]
7 I Ask'd a Whig the other Night,
8 How came this wicked Plot to Light: [Footnote: 1Kb]
9 He answer'd, that a Dog of late
10 Inform'd a Minister of State. [Footnote: 1Kb]
11 Said I, from thence I nothing know;
12 For, are not all Informers so?
13 A Villain, who his Friend betrays,
14 We style him by no other Phrase;
15 And so a perjur'd Dog denotes
16 Porter, and Prendergast, [Footnote: 1Kb]
and Oates. [Footnote: 2Kb]
17 And forty others I could name--- [Footnote: 1Kb]
18 But you must know this Dog was lame.
19 A weighty Argument indeed;
20 Your Evidence was lame. Proceed:
21 Come, help your lame Dog o'er the Style.
22 Sir, you mistake me all this while:
23 I mean a Dog, without a Joke,
24 Can howl, and bark, but never spoke.
25 I'm still to seek which Dog you mean;
26 Whether Curr Plunket, or Whelp Skean, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Page 299]
27 An English or an Irish Hound;
28 Or t'other Puppy that was drown'd, [Footnote: 1Kb]
29 Or Mason [Footnote: 1Kb]
that abandon'd Bitch: [Footnote: 1Kb]
30 Then pray be free, and tell me which:
31 For, ev'ry Stander-by was marking [Footnote: 1Kb]
32 That all the Noise they made was barking:
33 You pay them well; the Dogs have got
34 Their Dogs-heads in a Porridge-pot:
35 And 'twas but just; for, wise Men say,
36 That, every Dog must have his Day.
37 Dog W---laid a Quart of Nog on't, [Footnote: 1Kb]
[Footnote: 1Kb]
38 He'd either make a Hog or Dog on't,
39 And look't since he has got his Wish,
40 As if he had thrown down a Dish.
41 Yet, this I dare foretel you from it,
42 He'll soon return to his own Vomit.
43 Besides, this horrid Plot was found
44 By Neno [Footnote: 1Kb]
after he was drown'd.
45 Why then the Proverb is not right,
46 Since you can teach dead Dogs to bite.
47 I prov'd my Proposition full:
48 But, Jacobites are strangely dull.
49 Now, let me tell you plainly, Sir,
50 Our Witness is a real Curr,
51 A Dog of Spirit for his Years,
52 Has twice two Legs, two hanging Ears;
[Page 300]
53 His Name is Harlequin, [Footnote: 1Kb]
I wot,
54 And that's a Name in ev'ry Plot:
55 Resolv'd to save the British Nation,
56 Though French by Birth and Education:
57 His Correspondence plainly dated,
58 Was all decypher'd, and translated.
59 His Answers were exceeding pretty
60 Before the secret wise Committee;
61 Confess't as plain as he [Footnote: 1Kb]
could bark;
62 Then with his Fore-foot set his Mark.