#2 Joseph Short of Cashel, Parish of Clontibret, County Monaghan

#2 Joseph Short, found in the vestry meetings, Parish of Clontibret, in 1805-07, can also be found in the Tithe records for Cashel in 1830.

Thus far three children of Joseph Short have been identified:

1. Catherine Short, spinster, age 26, of Cashel, daughter of Joseph Short, farmer, married 1845 May 8
    James Straghan, farmer, bachelor, age 25, of Derryhennet, Derrynoose, Armagh, son of William Straghan,         farmer.
    Witnesses: John Hughes and James Hodge. Clontibret Parish.

    Charles Short married Jane Straghan in 1829.
    The relationship between Catherine and Charles has not been established.

2. John Short, 1823-1904, known in Cashel in the 1890's as "old" John, can be found in Griffith's Valuation in         Cashel.

John Short, bachelor, age 23, of Cashel, farmer, son of Joseph Short, farmer, married 1846 Jan 22
Sarah Hodge, spinster, age 19, of Avalreagh, daughter of Samuel Hodge, farmer.
Witnesses: James Hodge and Andrew Maxwell. Clontibret Parish by license.

    John and Sarah Hodge Short had the following known son:

    1. James, born in 1851, married, in 1889, Maggie Short, born in 1864, daughter of Thomas Short and                     Anne Donaldson Short.
James Short and Maggie Short had the following known children:

1. John, born 1890, died 28 May 1965.

    1940, John Short, 50, farmer Cashel, son of James Short m Annie Wilson, 40, farmer, of Crossmore,     d/o Thomas Wilson
    1942, Annie of Crossmore, b 1900, a Cashel burial.
2. Eliza Short, born 1892, Cashel, spinster, daughter of James Short, farmer married
    Robert Donaldson, widower, Cashel, 22 Jul 1913

    Witnesses: Joseph Short, Sarah Short
    Clontibret Parish, Church of Ireland

3. Mary Jane, born 1892

4. James, born in 1892, died 1966 who married Florence, born 1901, died 12 Oct 1978.
    They had four known children and two known grandchildren.

5. Sarah, born 1896

6. Thomas, born 1897, died 14 Apr 1980

7. William, born 1898

8. Charles, born 1900, died 1926

    James, John and Thomas' names were found on a stone in St. Colman's Cemetery, Parish of                 Clontibret. The name was spelled Shortt on the stone.

3. Joseph Short, born (c 1813) can be found in Griffith's Valuation for Cashel.

    Clontibret Parish, Church of Ireland register, 11 Oct 1860:
    Joseph Short, farmer, Cashel, father Joseph, married
    Matilda McClelland, age 20, spinster, Doosky, father Francis.
    Witnesses: Mary McClelland and William Stockdale

    Joseph Short and Matilda McClelland Short had the following known children:

1. Jane, born 1866 (1901 census).

2. Joseph, born 1869 (1901 census) married Mary Ella and had one known son.

3. John, born 1873 (1901 census) married Fanny. John died in 1920 and Fanny and her son emigrated     to the USA.

4. James, born 22 Apr 1874, Clontibret Parish Register.

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