Publication List
- H.-Y. Nie
The variability in hydrocarbon ions (CnH¯) of polymers detected by ToF-SIMS: Principal component analysis on carbon density and cross-linking degree
Front. Anal. Sci. 5, 1512520 (2025).
- J. Chen, X. Pan, H.-Y. Nie, B. Kobe, E. Bergendal, C. Lilja, M. Behazin, D.W. Shoesmith and J.J. Noël
Topographical and statistical studies of the corrosion damage underneath the sulfide film formed on a Cu surface
Corr. Sci. 248, 112801 (2025).
- J. Ren, S. Shan, M. Zhou, Y. Zhang, H.-Y. Nie and Y. Liu
Bidirectional transfer learning-based evaluation method for controlling femtosecond laser-induced porous structures of polymers
Opt. Laser Technol. 186, 112617 (2025).
- T.Y. Xu, J. She, S.W. Wang, A.T. Tang, J. Ren, Y. Liu, J.H. Henderson, Sebastian A. Skaanvik, Mark C. Biesinger and H.-Y. Nie
Regulation of Mg-Cu alloy corrosion by Cu loading in a physiological solution: a study on morphology and surface chemistry
Mater. Today Commun. 43, 111675 (2025).
- L.Y. Song, Z.Q. Han, H.Y. Nie and W.-M. Lau
Compact quantum cascade laser-based noninvasive glucose sensor upgraded with direct comb data-mining
Sensors 25, 587 (2025).
- L. Laundry-Mottiar, T.M. Suduwella, W.G.K. Senanayake, M.J. Turnbull, A. Juneau, E. Kaur, M.D. Aloisio, T.M. Guimaraes Selva, J.D. Henderson, H.-Y. Nie, M. Biesinger, J.J. Noël, Y.S. Hedberg, C.M. Crudden and J. Mauzeroll
N-heterocyclic carbene overlayers on mild steel
Chem. Mater. 37, 76-86 (2025).
- X.B. Yang, C. Wang, S. Wei, Q. Zhu, B. Zhou, Z.Q. Duan, Z.X. Xie, H.-Y. Nie and Y.M. Hu
B, N dual-doped carbon fibers loaded with nanocrystalline NiCo: an efficient electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution reaction
J. Appl. Electrochem. , published online (2024).
- J.D. Henderson, L. Pearson, H.-Y. Nie and M.C. Biesinger
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis of indium and indium-containing compounds
Surf. Interface Anal. 57, 81-97 (2025).
- H.L. Bloomfield, M. Caverson and H.-Y. Nie
Classification of ToF-SIMS detected chemicals causing nearly 1000 automotive paint craters
J. Coat. Technol. Res. 22 , 447-459 (2025).
- Z.W. Richter-Bissona, H.-Y. Nie and Y.S. Hedberg
Serum protein albumin and chromium: mechanistic insights into the interaction between ions, nanoparticles, and protein
Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 278, 134845 (2024).
- J.W. Xu, Z.Y. Wang, H.-Y. Nie, Y. Wei and Y. Liu
Self-powered smart vibration absorber for in-situ sensing and energy harvesting
Adv. Intell. Syst. 6, 2300792 (2024).
- Z.Q. Duan, Z.X. Xie, Y.M. Hu, J.W. Xu, J. Ren, Y. Liu and H.-Y. Nie
Self-assembled monolayers of fluorinated phosphonic acid as a protective coating on aluminum
Molecules 29, 706 (2024).
- L.H. Grey, H.-Y. Nie and M.C. Biesinger
Defining the nature of adventitious carbon and improving its merit as a charge correction reference for XPS
Appl. Sur. Sci. 653, 159319 (2024).
- S. Nikpour, J.D. Henderson, S. Matin, H.-Y. Nie, J. Hedberg, V. Dehnavi, Y.K. Hosein, D.W. Holdsworth, M. Biesinger and Y. Hedberg
Effect of passivation and surface treatment of a laser powder bed fusion biomedical titanium alloy on corrosion resistance and protein adsorption
Electrochim. Acta 475, 143650 (2024).
- J.W. Xu, Y.B. Cao, H.-Y. Nie, Z.Y. Wang, X.L. Wang and Y. Liu
Multi-mode coaxial printing of biomimetic segmented elastomeric structures for soft robotics
Smart Mater. Struct. 33, 015003 (2024).
- J.T. Kim, A. Rao, H.-Y. Nie, Y. Hu, W.H. Li, F.P. Zhao, S.X. Deng, X.G. Hao, J.M. Fu, J. Luo, H. Duan, C.H. Wang, C.V. Singh and X.L. Sun
Manipulating Li2S2/Li2S mixed discharge products of all-solid-state lithium sulfur batteries for improved cycle life
Nat. Commun. 14, 6404 (2023).
- V. Martins, B.E.G. Lucier, K.Z. Chen, I. Hung, Z.H. Gan, C. Gervais, C. Bonhomme, H.-Y. Nie, W.L. Zhang and Y.N. Huang
Molecular-level characterization of oxygen local environments in a pristine and post-synthetically modified metal–organic framework via 17O nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Chem. Mater. 35, 3555-3569 (2023).
- M.F. Liang, Y. Zhu, R. Xu, J.Q. Wang, J. Cui, D.Q. Yang, H.-Y. Nie and W.-M. Lau
Polyacrylic acid ultra-thin films: Influence of cross-linking structure via hyperthermal hydrogen-induced cross-linking
J. Appl. Poly. Sci. 139, e53144 (2022).
- J.K. Liu, R. Xu, Y. Zhu, D.Q. Yang, H.-Y. Nie and W.M. Lau
AFM/XPS analysis of the growth and architecture of oriented molecular monolayer by spin cast process and its cross-linking induced by hyperthermal hydrogen
Appl. Sci. 12, 6233 (2022).
- J. Ren, D.Y. Li, Y. Zhang, W.Z. Yang, H.-Y. Nie and Y. Liu
Laser direct activation of polyimide for selective electroless plating of flexible conductive patterns
ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 4, 2191-2202 (2022).
- H.-Y. Nie and H.-R. Jahangiri-Famenini
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analyses of self-assembled monolayers of octadecyltrimethoxysilane on SiO2 substrate
Appl. Sci. 12, 4932 (2022).
- Z.Q. Duan, Z.X. Xie, B. Zhou, X.B. Yang, H.-Y. Nie and Y.M. Hu
Natural stones with a self-cleaning surface via self-assembled monolayers
Appl. Sci. 12, 4771 (2022).
- X.Y. Wang, J. Hedberg, H.-Y. Nie, M.C. Biesinger, I. Odnevall and Y.S. Hedberg
Location of cobalt impurities in the surface oxide of stainless steel 316L and metal release in synthetic biological fluids
Mater. Des. 215, 110524 (2022).
- H.-Y. Nie, E. Romanovskaia, V. Romanovski, J. Hedberg and Y.S. Hedberg
Detection of gold cysteine thiolate complexes on gold nanoparticles with time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry
Biointerphases 16, 021005 (2021).
- W.Z. Yang, Y. Liu, W. Xu and H.-Y. Nie
Design and fabrication of flexible capacitive sensor with cellular structured dielectric layer via 3D printing
IEEE Sens. J. 21, 10473-10482 (2021).
- Z.Y. Wang, W.Z. Yang, R. Liu, X.L. Zhang, H.Y. Nie and Y. Liu
Highly stretchable graphene/polydimethylsiloxane composite lattices with tailored structure for strain-tolerant EMI shielding performance
Compos. Sci. Technol. 206, 108652 (2021).
- W. Xu, H.-Y. Nie and Y. Liu
Structural observation of 3D printed samples under in situ compression
Light Industry Machinery 38, 89-93 (2020).
- J.W. Xu, X.H. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, H.-Y. Nie, G.Y. Zhang, W.L. Gao
Selective coaxial ink 3D printing for single-pass fabrication of smart elastomeric foam with embedded stretchable sensor
Addit. Manuf. 36, 101487 (2020).
- Y.Q. Chen, Y. Liu, W. Xu, Y. Zhang and H.-Y. Nie
Quantitative calibration of conductive pattern growth via electroless copper plating at nano-resolution
Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop. 8, 035003 (2020).
- Y.M. Hu, R.H. Li, X.Q. Zhang, Y. Zhu and H.-Y. Nie
Aluminium films roughened by hot water treatment and derivatized by fluoroalkyl phosphonic acid: wettability studies
Surf. Eng. 36, 589-600 (2020).
- Z.S. Lin, D.H. Chen, H.-Y. Nie, Y.T.A. Wong and Y.N. Huang
Investigations of the formation of zeolite ZSM-39 (MTN)
Can. J. Chem. 97, 840-847 (2019).
- T. Bamba, T. Ohtake, Y. Ohata, H.-Y. Nie, T. Ban and S.-I. Yamamoto
Octadecylphosphonic acid self-assembled monolayers obtained using rapid dipping treatments
Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan 43, 305-309 (2018).
- Y. Zhu, Y. M. Hu , L. Ma, H.-Y. Nie and W. M. Lau
Ultra-repellency of Al surfaces: design and evaluation
J. Coat. Technol. Res. 15, 633–641 (2018).
- L. Du, X.H. Yang, W.Q. Li, H.Y. Li, S.B. Feng, R. Zeng, B. Yu, L.X. Xiao, Y. Liu, M. Tu and H.-Y. Nie
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analyses of vancomycin
Biointerphases 13, 03B401 (2018).
- H.-Y. Nie
monolayers of octadecylphosphonic acid and polymer films: Surface
chemistry and chemical structures studied by time-of-flight secondary
ion mass spectrometry
Surf. Interface Anal. 49, 1431-1441 (2017).
- H. Bloomfield and H.-Y. Nie
Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry analysis of paint craters
Surf. Interface Anal. 49, 1379-1386 (2017).
- Y. Liu, C. Bao, H.-Y. Nie, D. Hui, J. Mei and W.-M. Lau
Atomic force microscopy for characterizing nanocomposites
In: Kaneko S. et al. (eds) Carbon-related Materials in Recognition of Nobel Lectures by Prof. Akira Suzuki in ICCE, pp 421-442, Springer, Cham (2017).
- C. Bao, Z.F. Wang, Y. Liu, Y.N. Zhang, H.-Y. Nie, W.-M. Lau and J. Mei
Mechanics of surface cross-linked polydimethylsiloxane microstructure used for micro - contact transfer printing
J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 134, 45166 (2017).
- L. Du, S.Y. Yang, W.Q. Li, H.Y. Li, S.B. Feng, R. Zeng, B. Yu, H.-Y. Nie and M. Tu
composed of porous vancomycin-loaded poly(lactide-co-glycolide)
microspheres: A controlled-release drug delivery system with
shape-memory effect
Mater. Sci. Engin. C. 78, 1172-1178 (2017).
- S. Naderi-Gohar, K.M.H. Huang, Y.L. Wu, W.M. Lau and H.-Y. Nie
Depth profiling cross-linked poly(methyl methacrylate) films: a time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry approach
Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 31, 381-388 (2017).
- H.-Y. Nie
Negative hydrocarbon species C2nH¯: How useful can they
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 34, 030603 (2016).
- Y. Zhu, Y.M. Hu, H.-Y. Nie, W. Zhou and J.H. Yi
Superhydrophobicity via organophosphonic acid derivatized aluminum films
Surf. Eng. 32, 114-118 (2016).
- C. Bao, K.-Q. Xu, C.-Y. Tang, W.M. Lau, C.-B. Yin, Y. Zhu, J. Mei, J. Lee, D. Hui, H.-Y. Nie and Y. Liu
Cross-linking the surface of cured polydimethylsiloxane via hyperthemal hydrogen projectile bombardment
ACS Appl. Mater. Interface 7, 8515-8524 (2015).
- D.H. Chen, H.K.-Y. Wu, S. Naderi-Gohar, Y.L. Wu, Y.N. Huang and H.-Y. Nie
An extremely rapid dip-coating method for self-assembly of
octadecylphosphonic acid and its thermal stability on an aluminum film
J. Mater. Chem. C 2, 9941-9948 (2014).
- C. Smithson, Y.L. Wu, T. Wigglesworth, S. Gardner, S.P. Zhu and H.-Y. Nie
unsorted single-wall carbon nanotubes to enhance mobility of
diketopyrrolopyrrole-quarterthiophene copolymer in thin-film transistors
Org. Electron. 15, 2639-2646 (2014).
T. Trebicky, P. Crewdson, M. Paliy, I. Bello, H.-Y. Nie, Z. Zheng, X.L.
Fan, J. Yang, E.R. Gillies, C.Y. Tang, H. Liu, K.W. Wong and W.M. Lau
Cleaving C-H bonds with hyperthermal H2: facile chemistry to cross-link organic molecules under low chemical- and energy-loads
Green Chem. 16, 1316-1325 (2014).
- H.-Y. Nie
Oxidizing octadecylphosphonic acid molecules without disrupting their self-assembled monolayers
Anal. Methods 5, 4911-4920 (2013).
- P. He, J. Xu, V.V. Terskikh, A. Sutrisno, H.-Y. Nie and Y.N. Huang
Identification of non-equivalent framework oxygen species in metal-organic frameworks by 17O
solid-state NMR
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 16953-16960 (2013).
- R. Guterman, B.M. Berven, T.C. Corkery, H.-Y. Nie, M. Idacavage, E.R. Gillies and P. J. Ragogna
Fluorinated polymerizable phosphonium salts from PH3: Surface properties of photopolymerized pilms
J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 51, 2782-2792 (2013).
- F.Z. Zhao, R. Dey, H.-Y. Nie and W.M. Lau
Increased crystallinity of octadecylphosphonic acid Langmuir-Blodgett films with an increasing number of layers
Thin Solid Films 537, 242-246 (2013).
- L. Zhang, D.H. Chen, H.-Y. Nie and Y.N. Huang
A study of the formation of microporous material SAPO-37
Microporous Mesoporous Mater. 175, 147-156 (2013).
- M. Tencer, A. Olivieri, B. Tezel, H.-Y. Nie and Pierre Berini
Chip-scale electrochemical differentiation of SAM-coated gold features using a probe array
J. Electrochem. Soc. 159, J77-J82 (2012).
- L. Zhang, J. Bates, D.H. Chen, H.-Y. Nie and Y.N. Huang
Investigations of formation of molecular sieve SAPO-34
J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 22309-22319 (2011).
- J. Hua, Z.G. Wang, J. Zhao, J. Zhang, R.Y. Li, H.Y. Nie and X.L. Sun
facile approach to synthesize poly(4-vinylpyridine)/multi-walled carbon
nanotubes nanocomposites: highly water-dispersible carbon nanotubes
decorated with gold nanoparticles
Colloid Polym. Sci. 289, 783-789 (2011).
- H.-Y. Nie, A.R. Taylor, W.M. Lau and D.F. MacFabe
Subcellular features revealed on unfixed rat brain sections by phase imaging
Analyst 136, 2270-2276 (2011).
- M. Tencer, H.-Y. Nie and P. Berini
Formation and electrochemical desorption of self-assembled monolayers as studied by ToF-SIMS
Surf. Interface Anal.43, 993-997 (2011).
- Y. Liu, D.-Q. Yang, H.-Y. Nie, W.M. Lau and J. Yang
Study of a hydrogen-bombardment process for molecular cross-linking within thin films
J. Chem. Phys. 134, 074704 (2011).
- M. Tencer, H.-Y. Nie and P. Berini
A contact angle and ToF-SIMS study of SAM - thiol interactions on polycrystalline gold
Appl. Surf. Sci.257, 4038-4043 (2011).
- H.-Y. Nie, A.R. Taylor, J.T. Francis, M.J. Walzak, W.M. Lau and D.F. MacFabe
propionic acid infused to rat brain via deuterium tagging - further
development of a novel rodent model of autism spectrum disorders
Surf. Interface Anal.43, 358-362 (2011).
- Y. Liu, K.M. Leung, H.-Y. Nie, W.M. Lau and J. Yang
new AFM nanotribology method using a T-shape cantilever with an
off-axis tip for friction coefficient measurement with minimized Abbé
Tribol. Lett. 41, 313-318 (2011).
- H.-Y. Nie
different bonding modes of self-assembled octadecylphosphonic acid
monolayers on oxides by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry:
silicon vs aluminum
Anal. Chem. 82, 3371-3376 (2010).
- Y. Liu, Q.Q. Guo, H.-Y. Nie, W.M. Lau and J. Yang
and calibration of atomic force microscopy sensitivity in terms of
tip-sample interactions in high-order dynamic atomic force microscopy
J. Appl. Phys. 106, 124507 (2009).
- M. Tencer, H.-Y. Nie and P. Berini
differentiation and ToF-SIMS characterization of thiol-coated gold
features for (bio)chemical sensor applications
J. Electrochem. Soc. 156, J386-J392 (2009).
- S. Naeem, Y. Liu, H.-Y. Nie, W.M. Lau and J. Yang
Revisiting AFM force spectroscopy sensitivity for single molecule studies
J. Appl. Phys. 104, 114504 (2008).
- H.-Y. Nie, N.S. McIntyre, W.M. Lau and J.M. Feng
Optical properties of octadecylphosphonic acid self-assembled monolayer on a silicon wafer
Thin Solid Films 517, 814-818 (2008).
- H.-Y. Nie, J.T. Francis, A.R. Taylor, M.J. Walzak, W.H. Chang, D.F. MacFabe and W.M. Lau
subcellular features of a sectioned rat brain using time-of-flight
secondary ion mass spectrometry and scanning probe microscopy
Appl. Surf. Sci. 255, 1079-1083 (2008).
- J.T. Francis, H.-Y. Nie, A.R. Taylor, M.J. Walzak, W.H. Chang, D.F. MacFabe and W.M. Lau
ToF-SIMS cluster ion imaging of Hippocampal rat brain neurons
Appl. Surf. Sci. 255, 1126-1130 (2008).
- N.W. Ghonaim, M. Nieradko, L. Xi, H.-Y. Nie, J.T. Francis, O. Grizzi, K.K.C. Yeung and W.M. Lau
ion fluence dependence in time-of-flight SIMS of self-assembled
monolayer of alkyl thiol molecules on Au (111) – discussion of static
Appl. Surf. Sci. 255, 1029-1032 (2008).
- L. Xi, Z. Zheng, N.-S. Lam, H.-Y. Nie, O. Grizzi and W.M. Lau
Study of the hyperthermal proton bombardment effects on self-assembled monolayers of dodecanethiol on Au(111)
J. Phys. Chem. C 112, 12111-12115 (2008).
- M. Nieradko, N.W. Ghonaim, L. Xi, H.Y. Nie, J. Francis, O. Grizzi, K. Yeung and W.M. Lau
ion fluence dependence in time-of-flight SIMS of a self-assembled
monolayer of octadecylphosphonic acid molecules on mica: discussion of
static limit
Can. J. Chem. 85, 1075-1082 (2007).
- H.-Y. Nie, N.S. McIntyre and W.M. Lau
Nanolithography of a full-coverage octadecylphosphonic acid monolayer spin coated on a Si substrate
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 203114 (2007).
- H.-Y. Nie, N.S. McIntyre and W.M. Lau
removal of octadecylphosphonic acid (OPA) molecules from their
self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) formed on a Si substrate
J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 61, 869-873 (2007).
- H.-Y. Nie and N.S. McIntyre
Unstable amplitude and noisy image induced by tip contamination in dynamic force mode atomic force microscopy
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78, 023701 (2007).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
Growth and properties of complete monolayer films of octadecylphosphonic acid (OPA) on oxidized aluminum surfaces
ATB Metallurgie 45, 564-568 (2006).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
Scratch resistance anisotropy in biaxially oriented polypropylene and poly(ethylene terephthalate) films
Appl. Surf. Sci. 253, 2320-2326 (2006).
- J.T. Francis, H.-Y. Nie, N.S. McIntyre and D. Briggs
ToF-SIMS investigation of octadecylphosphonic acid monolayers on a mica substrate
Langmuir 22, 9244-9250 (2006).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
Delivering octadecylphosphonic acid self-assembled monolayers on a Si wafer and other oxide surfaces
J. Phys. Chem. B 110, 21101-21108 (2006).
- N.S. McIntyre, H.-Y. Nie, A.P. Grosvenor, R.D. Davidson and D. Briggs
XPS studies of octadecylphosphonic acid (OPA) monolayer interactions with some metal and mineral surfaces
Surf. Interf. Anal. 37, 749-754 (2005).
- H.-Y. Nie, D.J. Miller, J.T. Francis, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
Robust self-assembled octadecylphosphonic acid monolayers on mica substrate
Langmuir 21, 2773-2778 (2005).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
Atomic force microscopy study of biaxially-oriented polypropylene films
J. Mater. Eng. Perform. 13, 451-460 (2004).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
of biaxially-oriented polypropylene film for evaluating and cleaning
contaminated atomic force microscopy probe tips: an application to
blind tip reconstruction
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 73, 3831-3836 (2002).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
Bilayer and odd-numbered multilayers of octadecylphosphonic acid formed on Si substrate studied by atomic force microscopy
Langmuir 18, 2955-2958 (2002).
- H.-Y. Nie and N.S. McIntyre
A simple and effective method of evaluating atomic force microscopy tip performance
Langmuir 17, 432-436 (2001).
- H.-Y. Nie
Formation and decomposition of electron traps at hydrogneated Pd/GaAs (n-type) Schottky interfaces
J. Appl. Phys. 87, 4327-4331 (2000).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
Atomic force microscopy study of UV/ozone treated polypropylene films
Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Vol.2, Ed. K.L. Mittal, VSP (Utrecht, The Netherlands), 377-392 (2000).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak and N.S. McIntyre
Draw-ratio-dependent morphology of biaxially-oriented polypropylene films as determined by atomic force microscopy
Polymer 41, 2213-2218 (2000).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak, B. Berno and N.S. McIntyre
Microscopic stripe formation and adhesion force increase introduced by local shear-stress deformation of polypropylene film
Langmuir 15, 6484-6489 (1999).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak N.S. McIntyre and A.M. EL-Sherik
Applications of lateral force imaging to enhance topographic features of polypropylene film and photo-cured polymers
Appl. Surf. Sci. 144-145, 633-637 (1999).
- H.-Y. Nie, M.J. Walzak, B. Berno and N.S. McIntyre
Atomic force microscopy study of polypropylene surfaces treated by UV and ozone: modification of morphology and adhesion force
Appl. Surf. Sci. 144-145, 627-632 (1999).
- . H.-Y. Nie and J. Masai
Surface potentials on Pd/GaAs contacts studied using scanning probe microscopy
Appl. Phys. A 66, s1059-s1062 (1998).
- H.-Y. Nie, K. Horiuchi, H. Yamauchi and J. Masai
Local surface potential measurement of Pd/GaAs contact and anodized aluminum films using scanning probe microscopy
Nanotechnology 8, A24-A31 (1997).
- H.-Y. Nie, M. Motomatsu, W. Mizutani and H. Tokumoto
Observation of modification and recovery of local properties of polyethylene oxide
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 15, 1388-1393 (1997).
- M. Motomatsu, T. Takahashi, H.-Y. Nie, W. Mizutani and H. Tokumoto
Microstructure study of acrylic polymer-silica nanocomposite surface by scanning force microscopy
Polymer 38, 177-182 (1997).
- M. Motomatsu, W. Mizutani, H.-Y. Nie and H. Tokumoto
Surface structure of a fluorinated thiol on Au(111) by scanning force microscopy
Thin Solid Films 281-282, 548-551 (1996).
- M. Motomatsu, H.-Y. Nie, W. Mizutani and H. Tokumoto
Surface morphology study of poly (ethylene oxide) crystals by scanning force microscopy
Polymer 37, 183-185 (1996).
- M. Motomatsu, H.-Y. Nie, W. Mizutani and H. Tokumoto
Scanning force microscopy application to polymer surfaces for novel nano-scale surface characterization
Thin Solid Films 273, 304-307 (1996).
- H.-Y. Nie, M. Motomatsu, W. Mizutani and H. Tokumoto
Local elasticity measurement on polymers using atomic force microscopy
Thin Solid Films 273, 143-148 (1996).
- . H.-Y. Nie, M. Motomatsu, W. Mizutani and H. Tokumoto
Local modification of elastic properties of polystyrene-polyethyleneoxide blend surfaces
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 13, 1163-1166 (1995).
- M. Motomatsu, W. Mizutani, H.-Y. Nie and H. Tokumoto
Lateral force measurements on phase separated polymer surfaces
in Proceedings of Forces in Scanning Probe Microscopies, ASI E286,
edited by H.-J. Guntherodt et al. (Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, 1995),
- M. Motomatsu, H.-Y. Nie, W. Mizutani and H. Tokumoto
Local properties of phase-separated polymer surfaces by force microscopy
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 33, Part 1, 3775-3778 (1994).
- H.-Y. Nie and Y. Nannichi
Schottky and ohmic contacts of Pd on p-type GaAs distinguished with hydrogen
J. Appl. Phys. 76, 4205-4208 (1994).
- H.Y. Nie, W. Mizutani and H. Tokumoto
Au(111) reconstruction observed by atomic force microscopy with lateral force detection
Surf. Sci. 311, L649-L654 (1994).
- H.Y. Nie, T. Shimizu and H. Tokumoto
Atomic force microscopy study of Pd clusters on graphite and mica
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 12, 1843-1846 (1994).
- H.-Y. Nie and Y. Nannichi
Apparent recovery effect of hydrogenated Pd-on-GaAs (n-type) Schottky interface by forward current at low temperature
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 32, Part 2, L890-L893 (1993).
- H.-Y. Nie and Y. Nannichi
Pd-on-GaAs Schottky contact: Its barrier height and response to hydrogen
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 30, Part 1, 906-913 (1991).
- T. Fukase, H.Y. Nie and Y. Nannichi
Effect of stray carriers on the separation of electron and hole traps in TSC
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 28, Part 1, 1515-1516 (1989).
Updated on February 26, 2025.