Department of Physics & Astronomy
Office: Physics & Astronomy Bldg, Rm 230
London, Ontario, CANADA
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Jamming crossovers in a confined driven polymer in solution S. Changizrezaei , M. Karttunen and C. Denniston
Soft Matter 20, 9373 (2024).
[cond-mat.soft/2406.14741] [Online]
Crystallization and crystal morphology of polymers: A multiphase-field study N. Afrasiabian, A. Elmoghazy, J. Blarr, B. Scheuring, A. Prahs, D. Schneider, W.V. Liebig, K.A. Weidenmann, C. Denniston, and B. Nestler
J. of Thermoplastic Composite Materials XX, XXX (2024).
[Online, open access]
Enhanced Pulley Effect for Translocation: The interplay of electrostatic and hydrodynamic forces N. Afrasiabian, M. Wei and C. Denniston
Biomacromolecules 24, 4103 (2023).
[Online, open access]
Dispersion and orientation patterns in nanorod-infused polymer melts N. Afrasiabian, V. Balasubramanian, and C. Denniston
The Journal of Chemical Physics 158, 054902 (2023).
[cond-mat.soft/2304.01957] [Online]
Modeling of a two-stage polymerization considering glass fibre sizing using molecular dynamics L. Schöller, B. Nestler and C. Denniston
Nanoscale Advances 5, 106 (2023).
[Online, open access]
Effects of structural inhomogeneity on equilibration processes in Langevin dynamics O. Mozafar and C. Denniston
Physical Review E 105, 064109 (2022).
LAMMPS lb/fluid fix version 2: Improved hydrodynamic forces implemented into LAMMPS through a lattice-Boltzmann fluidC. Denniston, N. Afrasiabian, M.G. Cole-André, F.E. Mackay, S. T.T. Ollila, T. Whitehead
Computer Physics Communications, 275, 108318 (2022).
[Online open access]
The journey of a single polymer chain to a nanpore N. Afrasiabian and C. Denniston
Soft Matter, 16, 9101 (2020).
[Online open access]
Theory and simulation of objects in liquid crystals (Review) C. Denniston
Advances in Physics:X 5, 1806728 (2020).
[Online, open access]
Reaction and characterisation of a two-stage thermoset using molecular dynamics F. Schwab and C. Denniston
Polymer Chemistry 10, 4413 (2019).
[Online, open access]
Stability of binary colloidal crystals immersed in a cholesteric liquid crystal S. Changizrezaei and C. Denniston
Physical Review E 99, 052701 (2019). [open access repository]
Polymer margination in uniform shear flows V. Balasubramanian and C. Denniston
Soft Matter, 14, 9209 (2018).
Simulations of microscopic propulsion of soft elastic bodies D. Urbanik, S. M. Dwivedi, and C. Denniston
European Physical Journal E 41, 24 (2018). [open access Repository]
Photonic band structure of diamond colloidal crystals in a cholesteric liquid crystal S. Changizrezaei and C. Denniston
Physical Review E 96, 032702 (2017). [open access Repository]
Heterogeneous colloidal particles immersed in a liquid crystal S. Changizrezaei and C. Denniston
Physical Review E 95, 052703 (2017). [open access Repository]
Dynamics of disk pairs in a nematic liquid crystal A. Antipova and C. Denniston Physical Review E 94, 052704 (2016). [Online]
Dynamics of a disc in a nematic liquid crystal A. Antipova and C. Denniston
Soft Matter, 12, 1279 (2016). [Online]
Halting the hallmarks: a cellular automaton model of early cancer growth inhibition J. Butler, F.E. Mackay, C. Denniston, and M. Daley
Natural Computing,1567 (2015). [Online]
Micelle fragmentation and wetting in confined flow M. Habibi, C. Denniston, and M. Karttunen
Europhysics Letters, 108, 28005 (2014); "editor's choice"
[cond-mat.soft/1409.8646] [Online]
Modeling the behavior of confined colloidal particles under shear flow F.E. Mackay, K. Pastor, M. Karttunen, and C. Denniston
Soft Matter, 10, 8724 (2014).
[cond-mat.soft/1409.5031] [Online]
Simulating Cancer Growth Using Cellular Automata to Detect Combination Drug Targets
J. Butler, F.E. Mackay, C. Denniston, and M. Daley
in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8553, editors: O.H. Ibarra, L. Kari, and S. Kopecki, 13th International Conference, UCNC 2014, Proceedings, 67-79 (Springer, 2014).
Locally stable diamond colloidal crystal formed in a cholesteric liquid crystal
F.E. Mackay and C. Denniston
Soft Matter 10, 4430 (2014).
Biopolymer Filtration in Corrugated Nanochannels
S.T.T. Ollila, C. Denniston, M. Karttunen, and T. Ala-Nissila
Physical Review Letters 112, 118301 (2014).
One- and two-particle dynamics in microfluidic T-junctions
S.T.T. Ollila, C. Denniston, and T. Ala-Nissila
Physical Review E, Rapid Communications 87, 050302(R) (2013).
Hydrodynamic forces implemented into LAMMPS through a lattice-Boltzmann fluid
F.E. Mackay, S.T.T. Ollila, and C. Denniston
Computer Physics Communications 184, 2021 (2013).
Deformable vesicles interacting in a nematic liquid crystal
F.E. Mackay and C. Denniston
Soft Matter 9, 5285 (2013).
Coupling Molecular Dynamics to a "Continuum" Mesh Background
C. Denniston, F.E. Mackay, S.T.T. Ollila
in Publication Series of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC), NIC Series Vol 46, editors: M. H. Mueser, G. Sutmann, R.G. Winkler, 1 (2013).
Hydrodynamic effects on confined polymers
S.T.T. Ollila, C. Denniston, M. Karttunen, and T. Ala-Nissila
Soft Matter 9, 3478 (2013).
Coupling MD particles to a Lattice-Boltzmann fluid through the use of conservative forces
F. E. Mackay and C. Denniston
Journal of Computational Physics 237, 289 (2013).
The hydrodynamic radius of particles in the hybrid lattice Boltzmann-molecular dyanmics method
S.T.T. Ollila, C.J. Smith, T. Ala-Nissila, and C. Denniston
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 11, 213 (2013).
Hydrodynamic forces on steady and oscillating porous particles
S.T.T. Ollila, T. Ala-Nissila, and C. Denniston
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 709, 123 (2012).
Modelling defect-bonded chains produced by colloidal particles in a cholesteric liquid crystal
F. E. Mackay and C. Denniston
Europhysics Letters 94, 66003 (2011).
Quantitative results for square gradient models of fluids
L.T. Kong, D. Vriesinga, and C. Denniston
Europhysics Letters 93, 50004 (2011).
Fluctuating lattice-Boltzmann models for complex fluids
S.T.T. Ollila, C. Denniston, M. Karttunen, and T. Ala-Nissila
Journal of Chemical Physics 134, 064902 (2011); also selected for Virt. J. of Bio. Phys. Res.
An improved version of the Green's function molecular dynamics method
L.T. Kong, C. Denniston, and M.H. Mueser
Computer Physics Communications 182, 540 (2011).
The crucial role of chemical detail for slip-boundary conditions: molecular dynamics simulations of linear oligomers between sliding aluminum surfaces
L.T. Kong, C. Denniston, and M.H. Mueser
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 18, 034004 (2010).
Constitutive relations in dense granular flows
John J. Drozd and C. Denniston
Phys. Rev. E, 81, 021305 (2010).
Non-bonded force field for the interaction between metals and organic molecules: a case study of olefins on aluminum
L.T. Kong, C. Denniston, M.H. Mueser, Y. Qi
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 10195 (2009).
Implementation of Green's function molecular dynamics: An extension to LAMMPS
L.T. Kong, G. Bartels, C. Campana, C. Denniston, and M.H. Mueser
Comp. Phys. Comm., 180, 1004 (2009).
Velocity fluctuations in dense granular flows
J. J. Drozd and C. Denniston
Phys. Rev. E, 78, 041304 (2008).
Elucidating the contact mechanics of Aluminum Silicon surfaces with Green's function molecular dynamics
C. Campana, M. Mueser, C. Denniston, Y. Qi, and T. A. Perry
Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 113511 (2007).
[preprint] [Online]
Elastic response of a nematic liquid crystal to an immersed nanowire
C.J. Smith and C. Denniston
Journal of Applied Physics, 100, 014305 (2007).
[cond-mat/0610048] [Online]
General continuum boundary conditions for miscible binary fluids from molecular dynamics simulations
C. Denniston and M.O. Robbins
J. Chem. Phys. 125, 214102 (2006).
Simulations of collision times in gravity driven granular flow
J. J. Drozd and C. Denniston
Europhysics Letters 76, 360 (2006).
[cond-mat/0609330] [Online]
On the orientation of lamellar block copolymer phases under shear
B. Fraser, C. Denniston, M. Mueser
J. Chem. Phys. 124, 104902 (2006).
Diffusion, elasticity, and shear flow in self-assembled block copolymers: A molecular dynamics study
B. Fraser, C. Denniston, M. Mueser
J. of Polymer Science B-Polymer Physics 43, 970 (2005).
Lattice Boltzmann algorithm for three-dimensional liquid-crystal hydrodyanmics
C. Denniston, D. Marenduzzo, E. Orlandini, and J.M. Yeomans
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. A 362, 1745-1754, (2004).
[cond-mat/0312123] [Online]
Mapping molecular models to continuum theories for partially miscible fluids
C. Denniston and M.O. Robbins
Physical Review E 69, 021505,(2004).
[cond-mat/0310667] [Online]
Anisotropy of domain growth in nematic liquid crystals
J. Jung, C. Denniston, E. Orlandini, and J.M. Yeomans
Liquid Crystals 30, 1455-1462 (2003).
Hydrodynamics of domain growth in nematic liquid crystals
G. Toth, C. Denniston, and J.M. Yeomans
Physical Review E 67, 051705 (2003).
[cond-mat/0207322] [Online]
Mapping molecular simulations to continuum models for binary fluids
C. Denniston and M. O. Robbins
in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics XV, pp. 163-175, Eds. D.P. Landau, S.P. Lewis and H.B. Schuttler (Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 2003).
Hydrodynamics of topological defects in nematic liquid crystals
G. Toth, C. Denniston, and J.M. Yeomans
Physical Review Letters 88, 105504 (2002).
[Online] [cond-mat/0201378]
Modelling nematohydrodynamics in liquid crystal devices
G. Toth, C. Denniston, and J.M. Yeomans
Computer Physics Communications, 147, 7 (2002).
[Online] [cond-mat/0204318]
Domain motion in confined liquid crystals
C. Denniston, G. Toth, and J.M. Yeomans
Journal of Statistical Physics , 107, 187 (2002).
[Online] [cond-mat/0108112]
Flexoelectric surface switching of bistable nematic devices
C. Denniston and J.M. Yeomans
Physical Review Letters 87, 275505 (2001).
[Online] [cond-mat/0108074]
On molecular and continuum boundary conditions for a miscible binary fluid
C. Denniston and M. O. Robbins
Physical Review Letters 87, 178302 (2001).
[Online] [cond-mat/0105383]
Phase ordering in nematic liquid crystals
C. Denniston, E. Orlandini, J. M. Yeomans
Physical Review E 64, 021701 (2001).
[Online] [cond-mat/0104550]
Lattice Boltzmann simulations of Liquid Crystal Hydrodynamics
C. Denniston, E. Orlandini, J. M. Yeomans
Physical Review E 63, 056702 (2001).
[Online] [cond-mat/0010320]
Simulations of Liquid Crystals in Poiseuille Flow
C. Denniston, E. Orlandini, J. M. Yeomans
Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science 11, 389 (2001).
[Online] [cond-mat/0012317]
Simulations of liquid crystal hydrodynamics in the isotropic and nematic phases
C. Denniston, E. Orlandini, J. M. Yeomans
Europhysics Letters 52, 481 (2000).
[Online] [cond-mat/9912153]
Dynamics and stress in gravity driven granular flow
C. Denniston and H.Li
Physical Review E 59, 3289 (1999).
[Online] [cond-mat/9810047]
Diffuse interface simulation of Marangoni convection
C. Denniston and J. M. Yeomans
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1, 2157 (1999).
Incommensurability in the frustrated two-dimensional XY model
C. Denniston and C. Tang
Physical Review B 60, 3163 (1999).
[Online] [cond-mat/9710060]
Low-energy excitations and phase transitions in the frustrated two-dimensional XY model
C. Denniston and C. Tang
Physical Review B 58, 6591 (1998).
[Online] [cond-mat/9711207]
The Frustrated XY Model
C. Denniston
Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University, Department of Physics (1997)
Domain Walls and Phase Transitions in the Frustrated Two-Dimensional XY Model
C. Denniston and C. Tang
Physical Review Letters 79, 451 (1997).
[Online] [cond-mat/9612140]
Disclination dynamics in nematic liquid crystals
C. Denniston
Physical Review B 54, 6272 (1996).
Commensurability in One Dimension and the Josephson Junction Ladder
C. Denniston and C. Tang
Phases of Josephson Junction Ladders
C. Denniston and C. Tang
Physical Review Letters 75, 3930 (1995).
[Online] [cond-mat/9507015]
Dynamics of a Driven Single Flux Line in Superconductors
C. Denniston and C. Tang
Physical Review B 51, 8457 (1995).
[Online] [cond-mat/9408037]