Teaching is the most common form of knowledge transfer in our society. In that respect, the act of teaching is the first test for the quality of the ideas we possess as well as for the effectiveness of the way in which we convey them. Teaching also serves the purpose of closing the first level of the circuit of creating and disseminating knowledge. In that respect, teaching is the first quality check of our knowledge.
In order for this circuit to be complete, teaching has to be interactive, up-to-date with the language and the media that the targeted audience understand, and above all, it has to be centered on the student, because s/he is going to be the one who makes us learn how good that knowledge comes to be. This implies a great deal of hard work on the part of the student in order to gain expertise in the technologies of culture used in the past to establish and keep the cultural identity, and a greater deal of adaptation on the part of the teacher to incorporate what new students and new knowledge bring at this very moment to the act of learning.