Nutrion for a Physically Active Lifestyle (FN 373b) Brescia University College @ UWO Winter 2004 Nutrition Program Dr. L .A. Piché
PURPOSE: To study in depth, various aspects of nutrition as it relates to the recreational athlete.
APPROACH: An integrative study of the impact of various levels of physical activity on nutritional needs and food and nutrient intakes based upon current research with attention to popular half-truths and myths.
SCHEDULE: Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Energy transfer pathways and the fitness / recreational athlete: An overview
Week 3 Nutritional concerns: Carbohydrates as fuel
Week 4 Nutritional concerns: Lipids as fuel
Week 5 Nutritional concerns: Protein and physical activity
Week 6 Nutritional concerns: Energy & Nutrient balance
Week 7 Role of diet and exercise in achieving a healthy body weight
Week 8 Conference week
Week 9 Body Composition
Week 10 Fluids & hydration and performance
Week 11 Canada's Physical Activity Guide: to healthy active living
Week 12 Water Soluble Vitamins and performance
Week 13 Ani-oxidant nutrients & Minerals and performance
Week 14 Nutritional & physiological ergogenic aids
READINGS: Course text - Sport Nutrition for Health and Performance, M Manore & J Thompson, Human Kinetics, 2000.
Assigned reading material in textbooks, journal articles and access to specific websites will be available in the Brescia Library.
ASSIGNMENTS: (Note: Material handed in will not be returned; keep a copy for your own files)
1. During class discussions / workshops students will be asked to provide product specific information (from store / supermarket shelves or elsewhere) to enhance application of material in each section of the course.
2. Student participation in workshops on selected topics is mandatory and will be marked accordingly.
3. Computer Assignment: lifestyle-nutrition (detailed instructions to be provided during lecture period)
EVALUATION: Term test (Wednesday, Feb 29, 2004) ............................ 25 %
Mini Assignments .......................................................... 15 %
Computer Assignment .................................................... 20 %
Final Exam ..................................................................... 40 %
PREREQUISITES: FN 021 (with a mark of a min of 75 %) or FN 235a
NOTE: The policies of the Department of Human Ecology are as follows:
1) Attendance at class and laboratories is mandatory. 2) Assignments are due at the time and date noted. The mark will be reduced by 20 % on assignments submitted within seven (7) days of the due time and date. Assignments that are submitted more than seven days late will not be accepted for marking. 3) There will be no make-up examination for a student who has missed an exam except with documentation to show a confirmed personal illness (prior to the exam) or a death in her/his immediate family.
1) "A student may be debarred from writing the final examination for failure to maintain satisfactory academic standing throughout the year".
2) "Any student who, in the opinion of the instructor, is absent too frequently from class or laboratory periods in any course, will be reported to the Dean (after due warning has been given). On the recommendation of the department concerned, and with the permission of the Dean, the student will be debarred from taking the regular examination in the course".
UWO 2003-04 Calendar, p. 32.
a:fn373-course-outline 01/01/04 |
Nutrition Cafe | FN 235a | FN 241b | FN 373b | FN 471b | FN 486a | HE 401a
L A Piche PhD RD
Date Last Modified: 12/04/04