HE 401a (Section 530) Dr. L.A. Piché Introduction to Research Methods
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Students will study the components of research and develop a research proposal.
BEHAVIORAL By the end of the course, the student will be able to: OBJECTIVES: 1) Understand and evaluate the following components of the research process: formulation of a research problem and objectives/hypotheses; review of the literature; data collection; methodology (e.g., development of instruments, selection of research strategies); data analysis procedures (e.g., use of statistics and graphics).
2) Develop a research/grant proposal on a selected topic which incorporates the various research components.
APPROACH: A series of lecture/discussion and workshop periods on various components of the research process.
Periods of self-directed learning/independent study that allow students to develop their research/grant proposal.
Periods of individual consultation with the Professor (during designated office hours) to provide feedback on assignments.
PREREQUISITE: Registration limited to students in Year IV of Honors B.Sc.(Hum Ecol) program.
CLASS HOURS: Friday 9:00 - 11:00 am. BR 18 & 11:00 - 12:00 am BR 202.
REFERENCE TEXTS: - Monsen, E.R. (ed) 2004. Research: Successful Approaches, Amer. Diet. Assoc. READING MATERIAL - Touliatos, J. and Compton, N. 1988. Research Methods in Human Ecology/ Home Economics. Iowa State University Press.
- Streiner, D. and Norman, G. 1986. PDQ Statistics. C.V. Mosby Ltd. Toronto. (or any appropriate statistics book)
- Specific journal articles and other readings will be available at the Brescia College Library.
EVALUATION: Title and abstract of proposal/executive summary 10%
Research problem, conceptual framework, hypotheses, objectives 10%
Significance/relevance/justification of research 5%
Review of literature 20%
Methodology and references 20% *Subject/population description/sampling procedures *Data collection procedures and instruments *Data preparation and analysis procedures *Timelines
References 5%
Plans for publication/presentation of results 5%
Ethics approval for research involving subjects 5%
Budget and potential funding agencies 5%
Résumé (including cover letter) 4 pp max 5%
Class Presentation (Conceptual Approach) & Final Proposal [Integration(e.g., CF pp), improvements] 10 % ________
Total 100%
The policies of the Department of Human Ecology are as follows:
1. Attendance at class and laboratories is mandatory.
2. Assignments are due at time and date noted. The mark will be reduced by 20% on assignments submitted within seven (7) days of the due time. Assignments submitted after seven days will NOT be accepted for marking.
Sept. 10 - Course introduction and requirements - Overview of research process/research proposal guidelines - Topic selection and literature review (e.g., Cinderella) - Class exercises
Sept. 17 - Development of conceptual framework - Setting down a clear research question - Generation of objectives/hypotheses - Class exercises - DEADLINE FOR SELECTED TOPIC (WITH BRIEF DESCRIPTION)
Sept. 24 - Research strategies and designs - Class exercises
Oct. 08 - Evaluation of the literature - Class exercises
Oct. 15 - Data preparation and statistical analysis - Class exercises
Oct. 22 - Questionnaire construction & design - Workshop (bring OWN questions/questionnaire) - Budget and timelines - DEADLINE FOR REVIEW OF LITERATURE (include references)
Oct. 29 - Research communication and professional writing - Journal guidelines for authors
Nov. 05 - Executive Summary/abstract writing & Resumé writing - Ethics in research and professional codes of ethics - DEADLINE FOR METHODOLOGY
Nov. 12 - Independent study
Nov. 19 - Independent study
Nov. 26 - Class Presentations, Open discussion - DEADLINE FOR COMPLETE PROPOSAL (include table of contents)
Dec. 03 - Class Presentations, Open discussion
HE 401a (Section 530) Dr. L.A. Piché Introduction to Research Methods
A research proposal is a series of statements which are designed to carry forward an action for the purpose of testing a specific set of objectives/hypotheses. The proposal serves as a guide to the objectives/ hypotheses testing process, which embodies the specific purpose of the study effort (Behling, 1984).
The complete research proposal should consist of the following components in the order listed:
1. Executive summary/abstract(1 page) 2. Table of contents (1 page) 3. Project proposal (maximum 7 pages 4. Text Referencing & Literature cited (10 most relevant, 1 page) 5. Plans for publication/dissemination of research results 6. Ethics Protocol (follow specific guidelines, TBA) 7. Budget details/potential source of funding (1 page) 8. Timeline details (1 page) 9. Résumé (maximum 3 pages, including cover letter) 10. Appendices (maximum 5 pages)
All pages must be typewritten, double spaced, on 8½ x 11 inch white paper. For typing, use font size 12 (or a similar font size which will give maximum of 12 characters per inch), with one inch margins all around.
Proposals which do not conform to the preceding guidelines or are considered difficult to read as a result of photo-reducing, dot-matrix printing, etc. will be returned.
Proposals should be submitted to: Your Mentor Department of Human Ecology Brescia College 1285 Western Road London ON N6G 1H2
1. Executive Summary/Abstract A brief description (abstract) of the proposed research in non-technical language should be included on a separate page (maximum of 300 words). This should include the research question, the objectives of the research and a brief discussion of the methodological approach.
2. Table of Contents Paging must correspond with text of proposal.
3. Project Proposal The detailed proposal must not exceed 7 double spaced typewritten pages on 8½ x 11 inch white paper. The pages must be typed using font size 12 (or a similar font size which will give max of 12 characters per inch), have one inch margins all around. The proposal should include:
- Introduction general description of research area brief description of the research problem significance of research - Review of literature general definitions of terms and concepts theory relevant to research current literature Cont'd .../2 - Description of present research research problem conceptual framework hypotheses objectives - Methodology population description and sampling procedures data collection procedures and instruments data preparation and statistical analysis procedures references (use a standard/consistent format)
4. Text referencing and Literature Cited (follow specific guidelines, TBA)
5. Plans for publication and dissemination of research results Consider target audiences in choosing the most effective means of communicating research results. For example, plans may include presenting a Paper/Poster at a National Conference, publishing results in a scientific journal for colleagues.
6. Human Ethics Follow Guidelines for research involving human subjects (TBA).
7. Budget/potential source of funding The research proposal must contain a detailed budget indicating the funds required for:
a. Personnel: Indicate number of hours per week to be devoted to project.
b. Equipment: Equipment necessary for carrying out the project may be included, for example, Hunter's Lab Mini Scan, Beam balance weighing scale.
c. Supplies and Services: Expendable materials, telephone, postage, computer services, printing and photocopying, rental charges, repair costs, laboratory chemicals or analytical services, or maintenance contracts related to equipment used in the project can be added. Where applicable, unit cost, quantity and total cost should be specified for an item.
d. Fieldwork Travel: Funds essential for the collection of data or transportation or subjects of other field work travel can be added. Calculations must be given to show how the costs were estimated.
e. Conference Travel: Funds for investigator travel either to centres doing similar work for the purpose of obtaining first-hand essential information, or to scientific meetings for the presentation of project-related papers, can be added.
f. Potential Source of Funding: Indicate potential source(s) of funding for the proposed research. Information to be included re: the general description of the agency's granting policies and programs, eligible applicants, areas of support by agency, submission dates and standard format required in the application.
8. Timelines Start timeline after Grant money received and end with the presentation of research results.
9. Résumé Include a résumé (maximum 4 pages). The résumé should indicate: personal data, education and related course work, research experience, work experience, awards and scholarships.
10. Appendices Submit any relevant additional or supporting papers as appendices, limited to a maximum of 10 pages.
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Nutrition Cafe | FN 235a | FN 241b | FN 373b | FN 471b | FN 486a | HE 401a
L A Piche PhD RD
Date Last Modified: 12/04/04