I am an Assistant Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Psychology of the University of Western Ontario. My primary appointments are with the Neuropsychiatry Division (Psychiatry) and the Personality & Measurement Area (Psychology). I am also appointed in the Graduate Program in Neuroscience.
I am currently the Chair-Elect of the Traumatic Stress Section of the Canadian Psychological Association.
I am also a practicing clinical psychologist affiliated with the London Health Sciences Centre Mental Health Program and InMedic Pain Management Centres.
I am currently supervising undergraduate theses and independent study students and am interest to supervise graduate students.
I work closely with members of the PTSD Research Lab, directed by Dr. Ruth Lanius, in the Department of Psychiatry. I also collaborate closely with several members of the Department of Psychology, including Dr. David Dozois, Dr. Richard (Jim) Neufeld, and Dr. Greg Moran.
My research is currently supported by the Ontario Mental Health Foundation and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research.