Pam McKenzie's research page

Faculty of Information and Media Studies

FIMS-Nursing Building

FNB 4116

The University of Western Ontario


London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B9

pam dot mckenzie at uwo dot ca

Here you can find my research interests by project, as well as links to the full text of publications and conference papers.

Full text of selected presentations and publications




1. Negotiating authoritative knowledge: information practices across a life transition

Pamela J. McKenzie, Doctoral thesis 2001

2. The midwifery clinic as information ground
Pamela J. McKenzie, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant, 2003-2007.

3. Doing early learning: an observation study of early learning programmes for very young children and their caregivers
Lynne (E.F.) McKechnie, Pamela J. McKenzie, and Rosamund Stooke, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant, 2005-2008).Seed funding from the American Library Association Carrol Preston Baber research award, 2003-2004.

4. Keeping track: the social organization of planning work in everyday life

Pamela J. McKenzie, Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Grant, 2012-2018.

5. Interdisciplinary graduate supervision

6. Other research