DeKoter Lab

Welcome to the DeKoter Lab

The goal of our research is to identify genetic causes of diseases affecting the immune system, including primary immunodeficiency and leukemia. These diseases can be caused by mutation of genes encoding transcription factors. We are particularly interested in highly related transcription factors of the E26 transformation-specific (ETS) family called PU.1, Spi-B, and Spi-C. These proteins play diverse roles in regulating development and function of B lymphocytes and myeloid cells. We use a variety of methods to perform these studies including genetically modified mouse models, primary cell culture, chromatin immunoprecipitation, and gene expression analysis. Please follow the links to learn more about our current research activities.

Our research team currently includes three graduate students, one research technician, three undergraduate students, and one high school students. Our laboratory regularly accepts undergraduates as summer students, honors thesis students, or scholars elective students. We are funded by operating grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada.

Photograph showing lab members

Picture taken July 18, 2024: James Iasavitchous, Trevor Day, Rodney DeKoter, Joshua Yi. Front Row: Heidi Rysan, Maria Uribe, Lisa Xu, Chanpreet Riarh, Sherry Xu.


Welcome to James and Chanpreet, joining the lab as new graduate students in summer 2024.

Welcome to Trevor, a new summer and 4th year honours thesis student in summer 2024.  

Congratulations to Joshua Yi and Heidi Rysan for the successful defense of their MSc theses!

We are grateful to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada for awarding us a 2023-2025 operating grant.

Recent publications

MacKenzie et al, Negative regulation of activation-induced cytidine deaminase gene transcription in developing B cells by a PU.1-interacting intronic region. Funded by NSERC 03518 and CIHR 168995 BiorXiv, 2024

Rodrigues de Oliveira et al, IKZF3/Aiolos H195Y mutation identified in a mouse model of B cell leukemia results in altered DNA binding and altered STAT5-dependent gene expression. Funded by NSERC 04749 and CIHR 168995 Gene, 2024

Sams et al, N-acetylcysteine alters disease progression and increases Janus Kinase mutation frequency in a mouse model of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Funded by CIHR 142258 and 168995 Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2024

Kim et al, EZH2 inhibition stimulates repetitive element expression and viral mimicry in resting splenic B cells. F The EMBO Journal, 2024

Xu et al, Spi-C and PU.1 counterregulate Rag1 and Ig kappa transcription to effect Vkappa-Jkappa recombination in small pre-B cells. Funded by NSERC 2022-03518 The Journal of Immunology, 2023

Current projects

We work on proteins called transcription factors and their role in gene regulation during B cell and macrophage development. Transcription factors such as PU.1, Spi-B, and Spi-C play roles in immune development and in diseases such as immune deficiency. Click here to learn more!

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