Dr. Robert Shcherbakov

Associate Professor

Ph.D. Cornell University 2002

Department of Earth Sciences and
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Western University
London, Ontario, Canada

E-mail: rshcherb [at] uwo.ca
Office: B&GS 1080
Lab: B&GS 1059
Phone: (519) 661-4212
Dr. Robert Shcherbakov
Research page at the Department of Earth Sciences


My research interests have evolved from problems in theoretical physics to problems in nonlinear geophysics. Although, they differ in many aspects, these problems share characteristics that can be described and studied in terms of the nonlinear behavior of dynamical systems, ideas of criticality and scaling, phase changes, chaos and complexity.

Topics I am currently interested in are: Earthquake physics and statistics; Temporal and spatial scaling properties of earthquakes and aftershocks; Earthquake hazard assessment and forecasting; Large-scale computer simulations of seismicity; Applications of continuum damage mechanics to fracture processes in solids, rocks, and the Earth crust; Planetary geodynamics; Self-organized critical behavior in nonlinear dissipative complex systems.
