Brodnitz, Friedrich S. Keep Your Voice Healthy:
A Guide to the Intelligent Use and Care of the Speaking and Singing
Voice; introd. by Olin Downes. New York: Harper, 1953. (RF465.B75)
Callas, Maria. Callas at Juilliard; the Master
Classes; edited by John Ardoin. 1st ed. New York: Knopf, 1987.
(MT820.C17 1987)
*Craig, David. A Performer Prepares: A Guide to
Song Preparation for Actors, Singers, and Dancers. New York: Applause,
c1993. (MT892.C73 1993)
Craig, David. On Singing On Stage. New and
completely rev. ed. New York, N.Y.: Applause Theatre Books, 1990.
(MT820.C788 1990)
Coffin, Berton. Historical Vocal Pedagogy Classics.
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1989. (MT820.C644 1989)
Coffin, Berton. [Overtones of Bel Canto.] Coffin's
Overtones of Bel Canto: Phonetic Basis of Artistic Singing: with 100
chromatic vowel-chart exercises. 1st ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow
Press, 1980. (MT883.C64)
Coffin, Berton. Sounds of Singing: Principles and
Applications of Vocal Techniques with Chromatic Vowel Chart; foreword
by Nicolai Gedda. 2nd ed. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1987. (MT821.C65
Duey, Philip A. Bel Canto in its Golden Age: A
Study of its Teaching Concepts. New York: Da Capo Press, 1980,
c1951. (MT820.D92 1980)
Emmons, Shirlee. The Art of the Song Recital;
with Stanley Sonntag. New York: Schirmer Books, c1979. (MT892.E54
Emmons, Shirlee. Power Performance for Singers:
Transcending the Barriers; with Alma Thomas. New York: Oxford
University Press, 1998. (MT892.E55 1998)
Garcia, Manuel. A Complete Treatise on the Art
of Singing; collated, edited, and translated by Donald V. Paschke.
New York: Da Capo Press, 1975-1984. (MT835.G313 1975 pt.1) (MT835.G313
1975 pt.2)
Helfgot, Daniel. The Third Line: The Opera Performer
as Interpreter; with William O. Beeman. New York, Toronto: Schirmer
Books, Maxwell Macmillan Canada, Maxwell Macmillan International,
c1993. (MT892.H44 1993)
Hines, Jerome. Great Singers on Great Singing.
Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1982. (ML1460.H46)
Hines, Jerome. The Four Voices of Man. 1st
Limelight ed. New York: Limelight Editions, c1997. (MT820.H56 1997)
*Kagen, Sergius. On Studying Singing. New York:
Dover Publications, 1960. (MT820.K34 1960)
*Kinsey Sable, Barbara, The Vocal Sound. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1982. (MT820.S12)
Lamperti, Giovanni Battista. Vocal Wisdom;
maxims of Giovanni Battista Lamperti, recorded and explained by his
pupil and assistant William Earl Brown. Supplement edited by Lillian
Strongin. Boston: Crescendo Pub. Co., 1973, c1957. (MT845.L35 1973)
Marafioti, P. Mario (Pasqual Mario). Caruso's Method
of Voice Production: The Scientific Culture of the Voice; preface
by Victor Maurel. New York: Dover, 1981, c1949. (MT845.M33 1981)
Marchesi, Mathilde. [Methode de Chant Theorique
et Pratique.] Theoretical and Practical Vocal Method: with a new
introd. by Philip L. Miller. New York: Dover Publications, 1970. (MT835.M316
McKinney, James. The Diagnosis and Correction of
Vocal Faults. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman Press, 1982. (MT820.M44
*Miller, Kenneth E. Principles of Singing: a Text
Book for Voice Class or Studio. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:
Prentice Hall, 1990. (MT820.M598 1990)
*Miller, Richard. On The Art of Singing. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1996. (MT820.M599 1996)
*Miller, Richard. The Structure of Singing.
New York: Schirmir, 1996.
*Miller, Richard. Training Tenor Voices. New
York, Toronto: Schirmer Books, Maxwell Macmillan Canada, c1993. (MT820.M6
*Miller, Richard. Training Soprano Voices.
New York: Schirmer Books, 2000. (MT820.M5995 2000)
Nair, Garyth. Voice Tradition and Technology.
San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, 1999.
National Association of Schools of Music. The Education
andTraining of the Singer-Actor. Reston, Va. c1984. (MT820.E48
Reid, Cornelius. The Free Voice, a guide to natural
singing. New York: Colman-Ross Co., 1965. (T820.R45)
Sataloff, Robert. Vocal Health and Pedagogy.
San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, 1988.
Schneider, Sara K. Concert Song as Seen, Kinesthetic
Aspects of Musical Interpretation. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press,
c1994. (MT892.S36 1994)
*Stark, James. Bel Canto: a history of vocal pedagogy.
Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. (ML1460.S695 1999)
Sundberg, Johann. The Science of the Singing Voice.
De Kalb, Ill.: Norhtern Illionois University Press, 1987. (MT821.s913
Titze, Ingo. Principles of Voice Production.
Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1994.
Vennard, William. Singing, the Mechanism and the
Technic; illustrations by the author. 5th ed. New York: C. Fischer,
c1968. (MT825.V4 1968)
*Wall, Joan & Caldwell, Robert. The Singer's
Voice [videorecording]. Dallas, Texas: Pst Inc, 1991. (MVD52 v.1)
(MVD52 v.2) (MVD52 v.3)
Back to
Adler, Kurt. Phonetics and Diction in Singing;
Italian, French, Spanish, German. Minneapolis, Minn.: University of
Minnesota Press, c1967. (MT872.A3 )
Bathori, Jane. [Sur l'interpretation des melodies
de Claude Debussy. English & French.] On the Interpretation of
the Melodies of Claude Debussy; preface by Darius Milhaud; translation
and introduction by Linda Laurent. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press,
c1998. (MT145.D4B413 1998)
Bernac, Pierre. The Interpretation of French Song;
translations of song texts by Winifred Radford. London: Cassell, 1970.
(MT892.B4 1970b)
Bernac, Pierre. Francis Poulenc: the Man and his
Songs; translated by Winifred Radford; with a foreword by Sir
Lennox Berkeley. London: V. Gollancz, 1977. (ML410.P68B53)
Castel, Nico. A Singer's Manual of Spanish Lyric
Diction; foreword by Placido Domingo. New York: Excalibur Pub.,
c1994. (MT883.C27 1994)
Coffin, Berton. Phonetic Readings of Songs and
Arias; authentic pronunciation of 413 Italian, German, and French
lyrics from The Singer's Repertoire in international phonetic alphabet
transcription, by Berton Coffin [and others]. Boulder, Colo., Pruett
Press [1964]. (MT883.C64) (MT820.M599 1996)
Coffin, Berton. Word-by-Word Translations of Song
and Arias by Berton Coffin, Werner Singer, Pierre Delattre. New
York: Scarecrow Press, 1966. (ML54.6.C63 v.1) (ML54.6.C63 v.2)
Copeman, Harold. Singing in Latin, or, Pronunciation
Explor'd; with a preface by Andrew Parrott. Oxford: H. Copeman,
1990. (MT883.C664 1990)
Cox, Richard Garner. Singing in English: A Manual
of English Diction for Singers and Choral Directors. Lawton, Okla:
American Choral Directors Association, 1990, c1988. (MT883.C69S56
1990 )
Cox, Richard Garner. The Singer's Manual of German
and French Diction. New York: G. Schirmer, 1970. (MT883.C69)
Donnan, Thomas M. French Lyric Diction. Lanham,
Md.: University Press of America, 1994. (MT883.D66 1994)
Esselstyn Harrison, Donna. Poetry in Song Literature;
a Handbook for Students of Singing. Evanston, Ill.: Wm. Caxton, c1989.
(ML3849.H32 1989)
*Fischer-Dieskau, Dietrich. The Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
Book of Lieder. New York, NewYork: Alfred A Knopf. 1977.
Grubb, Thomas. Singing in French: A Manual of French
Diction and French Vocal Repertoire; with a foreword by Pierre
Bernac. New York: Schirmer Books, c1979. (MT883.G88)
*Jensen, Karen. Singer's Guide to the IPA: A Multimedia
Course in the International Phonetic Alphabet; [interactive multimedia]
Winnipeg: University of Manitoba. School of Music, [1998?] (MT883.S554
Lehmann, Lotte. Eighteen Song Cycles: Studies in
their Interpretation; with a foreword by Neville Cardus. London:
Cassell, 1971. (MT892.L46E4)
Lehmann, Lotte. More Than Singing: The Interpretation
of Songs; [translated by Frances Holden]. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood
Press, 1975, c1945. (MT892.L46M7 1975)
Magner, Candace A. Phonetic Readings of Brahms'
Lieder. Metuchen, N.J:, Scarecrow Press, 1987. (MT883.M23 1987)
Magner, Candace A. Phonetic Readings of Schubert
Lieder. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1994. (MT883.M25 1994)
Moore, Gerald. The Schubert Song Cycles: With Thoughts
on Performance. London: Hamilton, 1975. (MT892.M6)
Moore, Gerald. Singer and Accompanist: The Performance
of Fifty Songs. London: Methuen, 1965. (MT892.M66)
*Moriarty, John. Diction: Italian, Latin, French,
German; the Sounds and 81 Exercises for Singing Them. Boston:
Schirmer Music Co., 1975. (MT872.M67)
National Association of Teachers of Singing. English
Singing Translations of Foreign Language Art Songs, compiled by
the National Association of Teachers of Singing, Translation Committee;
Arthur Schoep, chairman and editor. Denton, Texas: NATS translation
Committee, 1976. (PN6101.E546 1976)
Odom, William (William McBride). German For Singers:
A Textbook of Diction and Phonetics. New York: Schirmer Books,
c1981. (MT883.O35 )
Singher, Martial. An Interpretive Guide to Operatic
Arias: A Handbook for Singers, Coaches, Teachers, and Students;
translations of the texts of the arias by Eta and Martial Singher.
Pennsylvania State University Press, c1983. (MT892.S5 1983)
Uris, Dorothy. To Sing in English: A Guide to Improved
Diction. New York: Boosey and Hawkes, 1971. (MT883.U75 )
*Wall, Joan. Diction For Singers: A Concise Reference
for English, Italian, Latin, German, French, and Spanish Pronunciation.
Dallas, Texas: Pst Inc., c1990. (MT883.D52 1990)
*Wall, Joan. International Phonetic Alphabet For
Singers: A Manual for English and Foreign Language Diction. Dallas,
Texas: Pst Inc., c1989. (MT883.W35 1989 )
Back to
Blackwood, Alan. The Performing World of the Singer;
with a Profile of Sherrill Milnes. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1981.
*Dornemann, Joan. Complete Preparation: A Guide
to Auditioning for Opera; with Maria Ciaccia, introduction by
Sherrill & Nancy Milnes. New York: Excalibur Pub., c1992. (MT892.D67
1992 )
Legge, Anthony. The Art of Auditioning: A Handbook
for Singers, Accompanists and Coaches; editor, Trevor Ford. London:
Rhinegold, 1988. (MT892.L43 1988)
Lebon, Rachel L. The Professional Vocalist: A Handbook
for Commercial Singers and Teachers. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press,
1999. (MT855.L43 1999)
Maddison, Dorothy. Kein' Angst, Baby: A Singer's
Guide to German Operatic Auditions in the 1990s with Gail Sullivan.
London: Rhinegold, 1991. (MT892.M33 1991)
Owens, Richard. The Professional Singer's Guide
to New York. Dallas, Tex.: American Institute of Musical Studies,
c1984. (ML3795.O9 1984)
Towse, Ruth. Singers in the Marketplace; the Economics
of the Singing Profession. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1993.
(ML3795.T66 1993)
Back to
50 years of great operatic singing [sound recording].
New York: RCA Victor, c1960. (Rec4806 )
Richard Boldrey ... [et al.]. Singers' Edition,
operatic arias: lyric soprano, light lyric soprano, oprano leggiero-lirico,
soprano leger, koloratursoubrette; [editor], Robert Caldwell. Dallas,
Tex.: Pst Inc., c1992. (MT892.S464 1992)
Richard Boldrey ... [et al.]. Singers' Edition,
operatic arias: soubrette. Dallas, Tex.: Pst Inc., 1992. (MT892.S467
*Coffin, Berton. Singer's Repertoire. 2d ed.
New York: Scarecrow Press, 1960-1962. [5 parts] (Ref ML128.V7C64 1962)
(MT820.C644 1989)
*Corri, Domenico. Domenico Corri's Treatises on
Singing; a four-volume anthology, edited with introductions by
Richard Maunder. New York: Garland Pub., 1993-1995. (MT890.D65 1993
v.11993) (MT890.D65 1993 v.21993) (MT890.D65 1993 v.31995) (MT890.D65
1993 v.41995)
Cowell, Henry. The World's Vocal Arts. [Sound
recording] Compiled and edited by Henry Cowell. Folkways Records [1955]
Espina, Noni. Repertoire for the Solo Voice.
2 vols. Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1977. (ML128.V7E78 1977)
*Goleeke, Tom. Literature for Voice: an index of
songs in collections and source book for teachers of singing.
Metuchen, N.J.: Scarecrow Press, 1984. (ML128.S3G64 1984)
*Kagen, Sergius. Music for the Voice. Bloomington,
Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1968. (ML128.V7K31968 (Ref.))
*Kimball, Carol. Song: A Guide to Style & Litterature.
Seattle: Pst Inc., 1996 (MT 110.K54 1996)
Leah, Shirley. The Chester Books of Celebrated
Songs. London: Chester Music, c1981. (MT890.C4 bk.1) (MT890.C4
*McTyre, Ruthann Boles. Library Resources for Singers,
Coaches, and Accompanists an Annotated Bibliography, 1970-1997.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998. (ML128.V7M45 1998)
Mabry, Sharon. Exploring twentieth-century vocal
music: a practical guide to innovations in performance and repertoire.
New York: Oxford University Press Inc., 2002. (MT820.M129 2002)
*McTyre, Ruthann Boles. Library Resources for Singers,
Coaches, and Accompanists an Annotated Bibliography, 1970-1997.
Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998. (ML128.V7M45 1998)
Parisotti, Alessandro. Arie Antiche [translations
by Richardson, Dorothy & Ruta, Tina]. Orleans, Mass.: Paraclete
Press, c1990. (ML54.6.A75 1990)
*A Record of Singers [sound recording]. Hayes,
Middlesex: His Master's Voice, p1982. [Previously released as "The
Record of Singing," (RLS 724) by EMI Records, 1977.] (Rec1497.R42
pt.1) (Rec1497.R42 pt.2) (Rec1497.R42 Suppl.)
*The Record of Singing [Sound recording]. London:
His Master's Voice, 1977. (Rec4221 v.2) (Rec4221 v.3)
Rich, Martin. Art Songs, and Their Interpretation.
Bryn Mawr, Pa.: T. Presser, c1960. (MT892.R55)
Royal Conservatory of Music. Studies in recitative.
Oakville, Ont.: F. Harris Music, c1991. (MT885.S6542 1991)
Royal Conservatory of Music. Studies in Vocalization.
Oakville, Ont.: F. Harris Music, c1991. (MT885.S6543 1991)
Royal Conservatory of Music. Vocalizes [grades
5-7]. 2d ed. Oakville: Frederick Harris Music, c1998. (MT885.R69V657
Royal Conservatory of Music. Vocalizes and Recitatives
[grade 8]. 2d ed. Oakville: Frederick Harris Music, c1998. (.MT885.R69V68
1998 )
Royal Conservatory of Music. Vocalizes and Recitatives
[grades 9-10] 2d ed. Oakville: Frederick Harris Music, c1998. (MT885.R69V69
Royal Conservatory of Music. Voice Syllabus.
2d ed. Oakville, Ont.: F. Harris Music, c1998. (MT10.R798 1998)
Schmidt, Jan [compiled by]. Basics of Singing.
3rd ed. New York: Schirmer Books, c1994. (MT825.S33 1989 [2nd ed.])
(MT825.S33 1994 [3rd ed.])
Vaccai, Nicola. [Metodo pratico di canto italiano.
English.] Practical Method of Italian Singing; edited, with introduction,
translation and notes by John Glenn Paton. New ed. New York: G. Schirmer,
c1975. (MT845.V113 1975)
Back to
Steane, J. B. Singers of the Century. Portland,
Ore.: Amadeus Press, c1996-. (ML400.S826 1996 v.1) (ML400.S826 v.2
Back to
National Association of Teachers of Singing (U.S.).
Bulletin. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Oct. 1944)-v. 18, no. 4 (May 15, 1962).
New York, N.Y.: The Association, 1944-1962. (ML27.U5N38 )
*The NATS Journal. Vol. 42, no. 1 (Sept./Oct.
1985)-v. 51, no. 5 (May/June 1995). Oberlin, OH: National Association
of Teachers of Singing, c1985-1995. (ML27.U5N38 )
*Journal of Singing, the official journal of
the National Association of Teachers of Singing. Vol. 52, no. 1 (Sept./Oct.
1995. Jacksonville, FL: National Association of Teachers of Singing,
c1995 (ML27.U5N38 V.521995/96) (ML27.U5N38 V.531996/97) (ML27.U5N38
Opera. London, Rolls House Publishing Co.,
1950-. (ML5.063)
Opera Journal. Univerity of Mississippi, 1968-.
Cambridge Opera Journal. Cambridge, Cambridge
Univerity Press, 1989-. (ML1699.C35)
*Opera Canada. (ML5.065)
Opera News. New York, Metropolitan Opera Guild.
Opera Quarterly. Chapell Hill, North Carolina,
Universty of North Carolina Press, 1983-. (ML1.0646)
The World of Opera. New York, M. Dekker. 1978-.
Back to