Romantic Narrative: Shelley, Hays, Godwin, Wollstonecraft. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010. Pp. 324.
Deconstruction and the Remainders of Phenomenology: Sartre, Derrida, Foucault, Baudrillard. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2002 (cloth and paper). Pp. Xxi + 363.
The Supplement of Reading: Figures of Understanding in Romantic Theory and Practice. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990 (cloth and paper). Pp. xii + 361.
Dark Interpreter: The Discourse of Romanticism. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1980 (paperback edition, 1986). Pp.281.
William Godwin, Mandeville: A Tale of the Seventeenth Century in England. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 2015. Pp. 526. [includes Introduction of 36pp., notes, appendices]
Mary Shelley. Valperga: Or, the Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca. Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1998 (paperback). Pp. 492. [includes Introduction and Notes, 76 pp.]
(with Daniel Whistler). The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Poststructuralism. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023. Pp. xxx + 523.
(with Antonio Calcagno). Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. Pp. viii + 268.

(with Joel Faflak). William Blake: Modernity and Disaster. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. Pp. 328.
(with Lilla Maria Crisafulli and Diego Saglia). Transforming Tragedy, Identity and Community. London: Routledge, 2011). Pp. vi + 174.
(with Arkady Plotnitsky), Idealism Without Absolutes: Philosophy and Romantic Culture.Albany: State University of New York Press, 2004. Pp. Vii + 262. Paperback edition, 2012.
(with Michael O’Driscoll). After Poststructuralism: Writing the Intellectual History of Theory. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. Pp. viii + 344. My contribution: 50%.
(with Julia Wright). Romanticism, History and the Possibilities of Genre: Re-forming Literature 1789-1837. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. Pp. xiv + 291. My contribution: 50%.
(with David L. Clark). Intersections: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Contemporary Theory. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995 (cloth and paper). Pp. vii + 386. My contribution: 50%.
Myth in a Metal Mirror. Calcutta: Writers Workshop, 1967. Pp. iv + 34.
Special Issues of Journals Edited
The Rights of the Negative. Romantic Praxis (2017).
(with Sean J. McGrath), “Schelling After Theory,” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 19:1 (2015): 1-197. My contribution: 70%.
(with Lilla Maria Crisafulli). "Transforming Tragedy, Identity and Community." Proceedings of the 2008 NASSR/Centro Interdisciplinari di Studi Romantici supernumerary conference at the Università di Bologna. European Romantic Review 20:5 (2009): 613-732.
(with Nick Groom and John Halliwell). "Emancipation, Liberation, Freedom." Proceedings of the 2007 NASSR Conference at University of Bristol. European Romantic Review19:2 (2008): 81-197.
(with Linda Woodbridge). "Imagining History Before 1900." PMLA118:3 (2003): 427-603.
(with Angela Esterhammer). "Romanticism and the Ideologies of Genre." The Wordsworth Circle 25: 1 (1994).
(with Angela Esterhammer). "Nietzsche and Romanticism." Studies in Romanticism 29: 1 (1990). 3-149.
Articles and Book Chapters Published (121)
“Hegel’s Irritability,” European Romantic Review 32:5-6 (2021): 499-517.
“Openings: Biology and Philosophy in Esposito, Bichat, and Hegel,” Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy. Ed. Rajan and Calcagno. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. 118-36.
(with Antonio Calcagno). “Introduction: Beyond Biopolitics - The Space and General Economy of Esposito’s Work,” Roberto Esposito: New Directions in Biophilosophy. Ed. Rajan and Calcagno. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2021. 1-23.
“System(s), Body, Corpus: The Autogenesis of Blake’s Lambeth Books,” William Blake: Modernity and Disaster. Ed. Rajan and Faflak. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. 54-76.
(with Joel Faflak). “Introduction: From Prophecy to Disaster,” William Blake: Modernity and Disaster. Ed. Rajan and Faflak. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020. 3-29.
“Elements of Life: Editing and Arranging the Work of John Hunter.” Studies in Romanticism 59 (Spring 2020): 133-59.
“Against Institution.” Special issue on Institutions. Ed. Peter Logan. Symploke 27:1-2 (Dec. 2019): 427-33.
“Sophia Lee’s The Recess and the Epistemology of the Counterfactual,” Counterfactual Romanticisms. Ed. Damian Walford Davies. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019. 107-28.
“Godwin’s Irritability: the Stalled Work of the Negative in Fleetwood.” European Romantic Review 30:4 (2019): 383-401.
“Godwin’s Fleetwood and the Persistence of Dissensus,” The Politics of Romanticism. Ed. Pascal Fischer and Christoph Houswitschka. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2019. 91-105.
“System, Myth, Symbol: The Lambeth Books,” Blake in Context, ed. Sarah Haggarty. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 155-62, 353-4.
“Incorporations: The Gothic and Deconstruction,” The Gothic and Theory: An Edinburgh Companion. Ed. Jerrold Hogle and Robert Miles. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2019. 220-39.
“Immunitary Foreclosures: Schelling and British Idealism,” Schelling’s Afterlives. Special double issue of International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, ed. Daniel Whistler and Johannes Zachuber. Vol. 80.1-2 (2019): 39-56.
“Blake, Hegel, and the Sciences,” The Wordsworth Circle 50:1 (2019): 20-35.
“The Asystasy of the Life Sciences: Schelling, Hunter, and British Idealism,” Kabiri: The Official Journal of the North American Schelling Society 1 (2018): 47-68.
“Sophia Lee’s Baroque Narratology: The Recess and the (Dis)simulation of the Real.” Romanticism and Narrative. Ed. Katharina Rennhak and Sandra Heinen. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2017. 123-35.
“The Vitality of Idealism: Life and Evolution in Hegel’s and Schelling’s Systems,” Marking Time: Romanticism and Evolution. Ed. Joel Faflak. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2017. 239-69.
“Introduction.”The Rights of the Negative. Ed. Tilottama Rajan, Special issue of Romantic Praxis (2017) [9 paragraphs; 3309 words]
“‘Something Not Yet Made Good’: The Tropology of the Negative in Godwin’s Mandeville.” The Rights of the Negative. Ed. Tilottama Rajan. Special issue of Romantic Praxis (2017) [25 paragraphs; 7233 words].
“Models for Systems in Idealist Encyclopedics: The Circle, the Line and The Body.” Romantic Systems. Ed. Mark Canuel. Romantic Praxis (March 2016). [44 paragraphs; 15,120 words] https:/
“Unspacing: The Architecture of Poetry in Shelley’s Alastor and Keats’ The Fall of Hyperion.” SEL: Studies in English Literature 55:4 (2015): 787-816.
“The Gothic Matrix: Shelley Between the Symbolic and Romantic.” Percy Shelley and the Delimitation of the Gothic. Ed. David Brookshire. Romantic Praxis (November 2015). [27 paragraphs; 8263 words].
“Smooth and Tangled Systems: Philosophy as Metadiscipline in German Idealism.” Romanticism and Knowledge. Ed. Stefanie Fricke, Felicitas Meifert-Meinhard, Katharina Pink. Trier: Wisssenchsftlicher Verlag, 2015. 37-54. [same as above article]
“Smooth and Tangled Systems: Philosophy as Metadiscipline in German Idealism.” Romanticism and the Philosophical Tradition. Ed. Thomas Constantinesco and Sophie Laniel-Musitelli. Presses Universitaires de Nancy, 2015. 19-43.
“Blake’s Body Without Organs: The Autogenesis of the System in the Lambeth Books.” European Romantic Review 26:3 (2015): 357-66.
(with Sean J. McGrath), “Introduction: Schelling After Theory.” Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 19:1 (2015): 1-12.
"Evolution and its Resistances: Transferences Between Disciplines in Hegel's and Schelling's Systems." Symposium: Canadian Journal of Continental Philosophy 19:1 (2015): 153-175.
“Idea: A Genealogy of the Word From Kant to Schelling.” Analecta Hermeneutica 5 (2014): 1-18.
“The Life of the ‘Idea’: Hegel, Schelling and Schopenhauer.” Special issue on “Schelling: Powers of the Idea.” Pli: Warwick Journal of Philosophy 26 (Fall 2014): 35-56.
“Between Individual and General History: Godwin’s Seventeenth-Century Texts.” Special issue on Godwin, ed. Rowland Weston. Nineteenth-Century Prose 41:2/3 (Spring/Fall, 2014): 111-60.
“The Abyss of Emotion: Mary Shelley, Godwin, and Romanticism.” Romanticism and the Emotions. Eds. Richard Sha and Joel Faflak. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 147-68.
“‘The Signs and Shocks of a More Radical Event’: Poetry After Urbanization in Shelley and Keats.” Romantic Cityscapes. Eds. Jens Martin Gurr and Berit Michel. Trier: Wissenschaftliche Verlag, 2013. 43-52.
"The Work of the Negative: Symbolic, Gothic, and Romantic in Shelley and Hegel." Studies in Romanticism 52:1 (2013): 3-32.
"Romanticism and the Unfinished Project of Deconstruction," European Romantic Review 23:3 (2012): 293-303.
"Excitability: The (Dis)Organization of Knowledge from Schelling's First Outline (1799) to Ages of the World (1815)," Romanticism and Modernity. Ed. Thomas Pfau and Robert Mitchell. New York: Routledge, 2012. 47-64.
"The Poetry of Philology: Burckhardt's Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy and Mary Shelley's Valperga," Dante and Italy in British Romanticism. Ed. Frederick Burwick and Paul Douglass. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 105-16.
"'Something Not Yet Made Good': Byron's Cain, Godwin and Mary Shelley's Falkner," Byron and the Politics of Freedom and Terror. Ed. Piya Pal-Lapinski and Matthew Green. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. 84-101.
"Difficult Freedom: Hegel's Symbolic Art and Schelling's Historiography in Ages of the World (1815)," Inventions of the Imagination: Romanticism and Beyond. Ed. Richard Gray, Nicholas Halmi, et al. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2011. 121-40.
"The Dis-Figuration of Enlightenment: War, Trauma, and the Historical Novel in Godwin's Mandeville." Godwinian Moments: From Enlightenment to Romanticism. Ed. Robert Maniquis and Victoria Myers. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. 172-93.
"Judging Justice: Godwin's Critique of Judgment in Caleb Williams and Other Novels," Special Issue on Judgment, Ed. Vivasvan Soni, Eighteenth-Century Theory and Interpretation 51:3 (2010): 341-62.
"Excitability: The (Dis)Organization of Knowledge from Schelling's First Outline (1799) to Ages of the World (1815)," European Romantic Review 21:3 (2010): 309-25.
"The Psychonanalytic Turn of Idealism: Friedrich Schelling's The Ages of the World (1815)," Romanticism Today. Ed. Lars Eckstein and Christoph Reinfandt. Trier: Wissenschaftliche Verlag, 2009. 53-68.
"The Epigenesis of Genre: New Forms From Old." The Cambridge History of English Romantic Literature. Ed. James Chandler. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 507-26, 731-4.
"The Abyss of the Past; Psychoanalysis in Schelling's Ages of the World (1815)" Romantic Psyche and Psychoanalysis, ed. Joel Faflak, Romantic Circles Praxis (December 2008): (14,328 words)
"First Outline of a System of Theory: Schelling and the Margins of Philosophy, 1799-1815," Studies in Romanticism, 46 (2007): 311-35.
"The Scene of Judgment: Trial and Confession in Godwin's Novels." British and European Romanticisms. Ed. Christoph Bode and Sebastian Domsch. Trier: Wissenschaftliche Verlag, 2007. 215-26.
"Derrida, Foucault, and the University," Following Derrida: Legacies, a special issue of Mosaic, 40: 2 (2007): 133-50
"The Encyclopedia and the University of Theory: Idealism and the Organization of Knowledge." Textual Practice 21:2 (2007). 335-58.
"The Gender of Los(s): Blake's Work in the 1790s." In Women Reading William Blake. Ed. Helen Bruder. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006. 200-208.
"The Prose of the World: Romanticism, The Nineteenth Century, and the Reorganization of Knowledge." Modern Language Quarterly 67:4 (2006). 479-504.
"Organicism." English Studies in Canada. 30:4 (2004): 46-50. [published in 2006]
"On (Not) Being Postcolonial," Postcolonial Text 2:1 (2006):
"F.W.J. Schelling." The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. 2nd ed., ed. Michael Groden, Martin Kreiswirth, and Imre Szeman. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004.
"How (Not) To Speak Properly: Writing 'German' Philosophy in Hegel's Aesthetics and History of Philosophy," Clio 33:2 (2004), 119-142.
"Philosophy in a Foreign Language: Hegel's Writing of Spirit in The Aesthetics," La Questione Romantica: Aesthetics, Philosophy and Politics, ed. Anna Maria Sportelli, 10 (2001): 17-26. (published 2004)
"Promethean Narrative: Overdetermined Form in Shelley's Gothic Fiction." In Gothic: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. 2 Vols. Ed. Fred Botting and Dale Townshend. London: Routledge, 2004. II.318-329. [Reprint of earlier article]
"Introduction." In Idealism Without Absolutes: Philosophy and Romantic Culture. Ed. Tilottama Rajan and Arkady Plotnitsky. Albany: SUNY Press, 2004. 1-14.
"Toward A Cultural Idealism: Negativity and Freedom in Hegel and Kant." In Idealism Without Absolutes. Ed. Rajan and Plotnitsky. 51-72.
"(In)Digestible Material: Illness and Dialectic in Hegel's The Philosophy of Nature." In Cultures of Taste/ Theories of Appetite: Eating Romanticism. Ed. Timothy Morton. London: Palgrave, 2004. 217-36.
"Baudrillard and Deconstruction," International Journal of Baudrillard Studies 1:1 (December 2003).
"The Unavowable Community of Idealism: Coleridge and the Life Sciences," European Romantic Review 14:4 (2003): 395-416
"In the Wake of Cultural Studies: Globalization, Theory, and the University," Diacritics 31:3 (2001), 67-88. [dated 2001, but published in Fall 2003]
"Spirit's Psychoanalysis: Natural History, The History of Nature, and Romantic Historiography," European Romantic Review 14:2 (2003), 187-96.
"Introduction: Imagining History," PMLA 118:3 (2003): 427-35.
"Dis-Figuring Reproduction: Natural History, Community, and the 1790s Novel." In At the heart: of Jean-Luc Nancy. Special issue of CR: The New Centennial Review 2:3 (2002): 211-52.
"The Double Detour: Sartre, Heidegger, and the Genealogy of Deconstruction." In After Poststructuralism: Writing the Intellectual History of Theory. Ed. Tilottama Rajan and Michael O'Driscoll. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. 43-67.
(with Michael O'Driscoll). "Introduction." In After Poststructuralism: Writing the Intellectual History of Theory. Writing the Intellectual History of Theory. Ed. Rajan and O'Driscoll. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. 3-21.
"The University in Crisis: Cultural Studies, Civil Society, and the Place of Theory," Literary Research/Recherche Littéraire, 18:35 (2001). 8-25.
"Framing the Corpus: Godwin's 'Editing' of Wollstonecraft in 1798." Studies in Romanticism 39 (2000). 511-31.
"The Mask of Death: Foucault, Derrida, the human sciences and literature." Special issue on "Rhizomatics, Genealogies, Deconstruction." Ed. Constantin Boundas. Angelaki 5:2 (2000). 211-21.
"Between Romance and History: Possibility and Contingency in Godwin, Leibniz, and Mary Shelley's Valperga." In Mary Shelley in her Times. Ed. Betty T. Bennett and Stuart Curran. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 2000. 88-102, 247-50.
"System and Singularity From Herder to Hegel." European Romantic Review 11:2 (2000). 137-49.
"Theories of Genre in Romanticism." In The Cambridge History of Romantic Criticism. Ed. Ernst Behler and Marshall Brown. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 226-49.
"'Nothing Sooner Broke': Donne's Songs and Sonets as Self-Consuming Artifact." John Donne: New Casebooks. Ed. Andrew Mousley. London: Macmillan, 1999. 45-62. [Reprint of earlier article].
"The Phenomenological Allegory: From Death and the Labyrinth to The Order of Things." Poetics Today 19:3 (1998). 439-66.
"Uncertain Futures: History and Genealogy in William Godwin's The Lives of Edward and John Philips, Nephews and Pupils of Milton." Milton Quarterly 32:3 (1998). 75-86.
"Introduction" to Mary Shelley, Valperga: Or, the Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca. Milton Quarterly Peterborough: Broadview Press, 1998. 7-42.
"Keats, Poetry, and 'The Absence of the Work'," Modern Philology 95:3 (1998), 334-51.
"Autonarration and Genotext in Mary Hays' Memoirs of Emma Courtney." Romanticism, History, and the Possibilities of Genre. Ed. Tilottama Rajan and Julia Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 213-39.
(with Julia Wright). "Introduction." Romanticism, History and the Possibilities of Genre: Re-forming British literature 1789-183. Ed. Tilottama Rajan and Julia Wright. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 1-1
"(Dis)figuring the System: Vision, History, and Trauma in Blake's Lambeth Books." In Robert Essick, Joseph Viscomi et. al. William Blake: Images and Texts. San Marino: Huntington Library, 1997. 107-36.
"Coleridge, Wordsworth, and the Textual Abject." In Rhetorical and Cultural Dissolution in Romanticism. Ed. Thomas Pfau and Rhonda Ray Kercsmar. Special issue of South Atlantic Quarterly 95:3 (1996). 797-820.
"Promethean Narrative: Overdetermined Form in Shelley's Gothic Fiction." In Shelley: Poet and Legislator of the World. Ed. Betty T. Bennett and Stuart Curran. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. 240-52, 308-9.
"Phenomenology and Romantic Theory: Hegel and the Subversion of Aesthetics." In Questioning Romanticism. Ed. John Beer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. 155-78, 298-300.
"Radical Phenomenology: Hegel and the Dis(place)ment of Art." In Constructive Criticism: The Human Sciences in the Age of Theory. Ed. Martin Kreiswirth and Thomas Carmichael. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1995. 23-43.
"Deconstruction or Reconstruction: Reading Prometheus Unbound." In Romanticism: A Critical Reader. Ed. Duncan Wu. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1995. 192-214. [Reprint from The Supplement of Reading]
(with David L. Clark). "Speculations: Idealism and its Rem(a)inders." Intersections: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Contemporary Theory. Ed. Tilottama Rajan and David Clark Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. 1-35.
"Language, Music and the Body: Nietzsche and Deconstruction." Intersections: Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Contemporary Theory. Ed. Tilottama Rajan and David Clark. Albany: State University of New York Press, 1995. 147-69.
"'The Web of Human Things': Narrative and Identity in Alastor." In New Romanticisms: Theory and Critical Practice. Ed. David L. Clark and Donald C. Goellnicht. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994. 27-51.
"The Other Reading: Transactional Epic in Milton, Blake, and Wordsworth." In Milton, The Metaphysicals and Romanticism. Ed. Lisa Low and Anthony John Harding. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994. 20-46.
"Mary Shelley's Mathilda: Melancholy and the Political Economy of Romanticism." Studies in the Novel. 26: 2 (1994). 43-68.
"Arthur Schopenhauer." In The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Ed. Michael Groden and Martin Kreiswirth. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. 657-58.
"Hermeneutics: Nineteenth Century." In The Johns Hopkins Guide to Literary Theory and Criticism. Ed. Michael Groden and Martin Kreiswirth. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994. 375-78.
"Autonarration and Genotext in Mary Hays' Memoirs of Emma Courtney." Studies in Romanticism 32: 2 (1993). 149-76.
"Representation and Self-representation: The Canonical Hermeneutics of Hegel and Kierkegaard." In Aesthetic Illusion Parabasis 5 (1993). 69-81.
"Idealism and Scepticism in Shelley's Poetry." In Shelley. Ed. Michael O'Neill. London and New York: Longman, 1993. 241-63. [Reprint from Dark Interpreter]
"The Broken Mirror: The Identity of the Text in Shelley's The Triumph of Life." In Romantic Poetry: Recent Revisionary Criticism. Ed. Karl Kroeber and Gene W. Ruoff . Rutgers, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1993. 352-65. [Reprint from The Supplement of Reading]
"The Year's Work in the Nineteenth Century." Studies in English Literature 33: 4 (1993). 875-937.
"Trans-Positions of Difference: Kristeva and Post-Structuralism." In Ethics, Politics, and Difference in Julia Kristeva's Writing. Ed. Kelly Oliver. London and New York: Routledge, 1993. 215-37.
"En-Gendering the System: Blake's Thel and Visions of the Daughters of Albion." In The Mind in Creation: Essays in Honour of Ross Woodman. Ed. J. Douglas Kneale. Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1992). 74- 90, 155-57.
"Teaching Keats from the Standpoint of a Deconstructive Phenomenology." In Approaches to Teaching Keats' Poetry. Ed. Walter H. Evert and Jack W. Rhodes. New York: Modern Language Association, 1991. 70-76.
"Intertextuality and the Subject of Reading/Writing." In Influence and Intertextuality in Literary History. Ed. Jay Clayton and Eric Rothstein. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. 61-74.
"The Web of Human Things: Narrative and Identity in Alastor." In The New Shelley: Later Twentieth Century Views.Ed. G. Kim Blank. New York: Macmillan, 1991. 85-107, 251-252.
"Allegories of Intertextuality: The Controversy Over Paul de Man." Modern Philology 89:2 (1991). 231-46.
"The Eye/I of the Other: Self and Audience in Wordsworth's Lyrical Ballads." Symposium on Romanticism. Ed. Deirdre Coleman and Peter Otto. Adelaide: Centre for British Studies, 1990. 49-89.
"The Erasure of Narrative in Post-Structuralist Representations of Wordsworth." Romantic Revolutions: Criticism and Theory. Ed. Kenneth Johnston et al. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. 350-370.
"Introduction" to issue of Studies in Romanticism on "Nietzsche and Romanticism." 29: 1 (1990). 3-8.
"Is There a Romantic Ideology? Some Thoughts on Schleiermacher's Hermeneutic and Textual Criticism." Text: Transactions of the Society for Textual Scholarship. 4 (1988). 59-77.
"Reading the Secrets of the Political Novel: Godwin and Wollstonecraft." Studies in Romanticism 27: 2 (1988). 221-152.
"The Future of Deconstruction in Romantic Studies." Nineteenth-Century Contexts 11 (1987). 131-147.
"The Supplement of Reading." New Literary History 17: 3 (1986). 573-594.
"Deconstructing Wordsworth." InApproaches to Teaching Wordsworth's Poetry. Ed. Spencer Hall and Jonathan Ramsey. New York: Modern Language Association, 1986. 157-162.
"Displacing Post-Structuralism: Criticism of the Romantics after Paul de Man." Studies in Romanticism 24: 4 (1985). 451-474.
"Romanticism and the Death of Lyric Consciousness." Lyric Poetry: Beyond New Criticism. Ed. Patricia Parker and Chaviva Hosek. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1985. 194-207.
"Deconstruction or Reconstruction: Reading Prometheus Unbound." Studies in Romanticism. 23: 3 (1984). 317-338.
"'Nothing Sooner Broke': Donne's Songs and Sonets as Self-Consuming Artifact." English Literary History 49 (1982). 805-828.
Articles and Book Chapters Forthcoming
“Mind and Matter in Hegel and Schelling,” Living Ideas: Coleridge and Other Dynamic Idealists on Life and Matter. Ed. Peter Cheyne. 37pp. Submitted and accepted by editor. Book will be read by Oxford University Press.
“Systems of Knowledge: Kant, Hegel, Schelling.” The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Post-Structuralism. Ed. Tilottama Rajan and Daniel Whistler. Palgrave, forthcoming, 2023.
“Schelling and Medicine.” The Palgrave Handbook to F.W.J. Schelling, ed. Sean McGrath and Kyla Bruff. Palgrave, forthcoming 2022.
“Anon., Last Words of a Maniac (1818),” The Cambridge Guide to the English Novel, 1660-1820, ed. April London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2020.
“William Godwin, Mandeville (1817),” The Cambridge Guide to the English Novel, 1660-1820, ed. April London. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2020.