North American Kant Society Midwestern Study Group

Location: University of Western Ontario
Date: October 23-24, 2010
Keynote Speaker: Angelica Nuzzo, Brooklyn College
About the Conference
The Midwest Study Group of the North American Kant Society (MWNAKS) was founded in 1995 by Manfred Kuehn, then at Purdue University, in order to advance the discussion of Kant and to promote interaction among Kant scholars. Weekend meetings, held annually in late Fall, feature several refereed papers and plenty of time for discussion and interaction. Recent meetings have also featured invited speakers.
The 2010 meeting of the MWNAKS will be held at the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario (Canada) from October 23rd-24th. The keynote speaker will be Angelica Nuzzo (CUNY Brooklyn).
The program committee for this meeting is Corey W. Dyck (UWO), Brigitte Sassen (McMaster), and William Harper (UWO).
We are grateful for the support of the sponsors for our 2010 meeting:
Department of Philosophy, McMaster University
Research Western
Dean's Office, Faculty of Arts and Humanties UWO
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, UWO
UWO Kant Research Group