Welcome to the Huang Research Group Webpage!

Reserving NMR Time

We carry most of our solid-state NMR experiments on the 9.4 T Varian Infinity Plus 400 (I+400) spectrometer located in the J.B. Stothers NMR Facility at the Department of Chemistry. To use the spectrometer, NMR time must be reserved using the login form below.

login Form

Important information

Before booking the spectrometer time, please make sure you have enough samples and they are ready.

If you need help setting up the spectrometer and/or experiments, select a time slot during weekdays when help will be available. Let us know in the 'Aditional Information' question of the form if you need someone to help you with your experiments.

You can book two slots in a row (8 days), but it will depend on the availability of the instrument.