Geography 180b 2001
Geographic Visualization
Department of Geography
The University of Western Ontario
Lecture: Tuesday 10:00 - 12:00, SSC 3010
Instructor: Dr. Micha Pazner
Website Guy and GIS Lab Coordinator: Daniel Fox
Office Hours: Course staff will be available for consultation during office hours (see below) and, when warranted, on an individual appointment basis.
- Dr. Micha Pazner: Thursday 3:305:30pm. Room SSC 1416
Course Description:
180a/b. Geographic Visualization. The organization and visualization of geographic data. Principles of graphic design and data organization.
2 lecture hours, half course.
Required book: Tufte, Edward, (1990) Envisioning Information, Graphics Press, Connecticut. [UWO Bookstore price should be approx. $51.- ]
*** Bring the book to Class ***
Midterm Test |
20% |
Final Examination |
30% |
Project Proposal |
10% |
Final (single/team) Project |
40% |
Instructional Objectives:
- As a result of the Course on GeographicVisualization, students will be able to:
- Demonstrate understanding of a set of information organization and visualization concepts by answering exam questions.
- Provide accurate definitions of key information and graphic design concepts mentioned in class and in the texts.
- Explain, relate, or discuss, in short answer or in a mini-essay mode, information and graphic design concepts presented in the class or texts.
- Summarize and comment on a main lecture or text topic in an essay that may include examples and diagrams.
- Contribute to the body and quality of a creative Final (single or team) Project containing lucid, well-organized and presented (including graphically) explanation and commentary.
- Provide a written assessment of the value of a given information (or graphic): structure, process, representation, or information/visualization application.
Term Schedule and Lecture Notes:
Envisioning Information readings appear in italics. Readings are discussed in class during the lecture in which they are listed. Students are expected to read the material before it is discussed in class.
Tuesday January 9 :
Introduction to the course
Introduction (p9. - p.10)
Tuesday January 16:
Escaping Flatland I (p. 12-23)
Brief on the Assignment: "Final (single/team) Project"
Tuesday January 23:
Escaping Flatland II (p. 24-36)
Clarifying the "Final (single/team) Project"
Tuesday January 30:
Micro/Macro Readings (p.37 - p.52)
Tuesday February 6:
Layering and Separation (p.53 - p.65)
Preparing Project Proposals
Project Examples
Tuesday February 13:
Small Multiples (p.67 - p.80)
Sample examination questions
Project Examples
Tuesday February 20: * Conference Week *
Tuesday February 27: * MidTerm Exam *
MidTerm Examination
Tuesday March 6:
Submit Project Proposals
Narratives of Space and Time (p.97 - p.119)
Color and Information I (p.81 - p.87)
Tuesday March 13:
Solving the MidTerm exam
Color and Information II (p.88 - p.95)
Tuesday March 20:
Information Organization and Visualization (IOV)
IOV: Structure (I)
Final Project Design I
Final Project Editing
Tuesday March 27:
Preparing for the Final Examination
Final Exam format and sample questions
IOV: Structure (II)
IOV: Process
Final Project Design II
Tuesday April 3:
IOV: RepresentationNumeric and Symbolic
IOV: RepresentationGraphic
IOV and course Wrap-up
Friday April 6:
DUE: "Final (single/team) Project" Assignment