ChatGPT's efficiency on Library work

In Reddit's case, Chatgpt AI's posts appear at a rate of about one per minute, and the posts are long, mostly around six paragraphs. And a large amount of knowledge allows GPT to relate to the content of articles in different fields, including kitchen recipes, sports tips, and quantum mechanics and military politics. ChatGPT is already smart enough with a strong knowledge base to provide better answers to off-the-shelf reference type questions than some other tools. Hence, ChatGPT has the potential to be used to improve the services provided by libraries.

For example, chatbots can be used to answer frequently asked questions, provide recommendations for books or other materials, or assist in finding information online. This frees up librarians to focus on more complex tasks and allows them to better serve their patrons.ChatGPT's knowledge of computer codes can also effectively help librarians solve problems. Huge database allows it to help other people who are not good at coding. Systems librarians and other library staff often need to create or modify software code, but they are usually not expert coders. Using ChatGPT can quickly correct bugs in the code (although this website does not use ChatGPT to assist in homework), thus greatly increasing the work efficiency of librarians.