Recent Chemistry Outreach and Science Promotion



Chemistry presentation for 'Choose Your Own Adventure', a grade 8 early outreach leadership conference that the USC hosts. May 9, 2009, 2 shows, approx. 70 people.


Movies from the presentation:  the thermite reaction and nitrogen triiodide




Hosting a Grade 2 + 3 class (45 young people) - and the rewards of working with kids (at least one recruitment!).


Collaborating with Professor Martin



Pirate themed show, November 28, 2008, including a cannon (methanol cannon, works really well!) and volcano.


Fall Preview Day, November 15 2008, liquid nitrogen tricks and other explosions (such as the thermite reaction).


Chemistry presentation for 'Choose Your Own Adventure', a grade 8 early outreach leadership conference that the USC hosts.  Kirsten Tomlin, Andre St. Amant, Elyse and Jonathan assisted with liquid nitrogen tricks, explosions and slime-making!  May 10, 2008, 2 shows, approx. 65 people.



Fil and Dave help public school children enjoy making SLIME!  April 30, 2008 at St. Georges Public School.


“Colour” presentation and hands-on workshop on the origin and nature of colour for 20 Grade 1 students, St. Georges Public School, London, ON.  Community Workers Presentation Series, Feb. 29, 2008.


"Star Wars" themed show.  Demos included the destruction of the Death Star, making lava (like the volcanic planet Mustafar!), and testing of Jedi powers. December 2007.

"Dramatic Chemistry Demonstrations" for Health Careers Week Camp for Indigenous Students grades 9 to 11, July 11, 2007, with Prof. Martin.


“Forms of Matter” Presentation for SK (18 persons), St. Georges Public School, London, ON. June 23, 2007.  Assisted by Fil Wojciechowski.


The Chemistry Genie gets out of the bottle.               Hands on demonstration with "Mr. Chemistry"



“Pure Substances, Mixtures, Physical and Chemical Changes” Presentation for Grade 2 class, hosted at the Department of Chemistry, UWO (18 persons), from St. Georges Public School, London, ON.  June 8, 2007.  Assisted by Fil Wojciechowski and David Dodd.


The growling gummy bear.                                         Visit to the scientific glassblower - Yves Rambour.

“Chemistry with a Bang” show for high-school graduates, for the Faculty of Science, Outreach.  May 12, 2007.  Assisted by Fil Wojciechowski, David Dodd and Andre St Amant.

Judge, Bluewater Regional Science and Technology Fair, Owen Sound, ON. April 4, 2007.


“Matter and Energy - Chemistry with a Bang” demonstration for approximately 14 young people in the Neighbourhood Playground Program, at Ryseron Public School, City of London, with Filip Wojciechowski. August 16, 2006.


Making slime - a favourite of the kids!                      "The volcano", a nice demonstration on a hot day.

“Forms of Matter” Presentation for Grade 1 class, hosted at the Department of Chemistry, UWO (17 persons), from St. Georges Public School, London, ON. May 12, 2006.


Fun with the periodic table.

Judge, Formative/Transition Division, Bluewater Regional Science and Technology Fair, Owen Sound, Ontario. April 6, 2006.

“I am a Scientist” presentation to 17 Grade 1 children.  St. Georges Public School, London, ON. November 29, 2005.

“Matter and Energy - Chemistry with a Bang” demonstration for approximately 16 young people in the Neighbourhood Playground Program, at Ryseron Public School, City of London with Fil Wojciechowski and Andrew Wallman.  July 18, 2005.

Judge, Senior (10-11-12) and Transition (7-8-9) Division, Bluewater Regional Science and Technology Fair, Owen Sound. April 2005.

“Forms of Matter” Presentation for JK/SK (18 persons), St. Georges Public School, London, ON. February 2005.


“Chemistry with a Bang” show for Big Brothers of London. March 2004.


490 Day


2010-2011:  Kirby Chicas, Leslie (Matt Lafreniere not pictured)



2009-2010:  Jackie Schulmann


2008-2009:   Christopher Engbers



2007-2008: Tony Pianosi and Kalen Swanick (front row, third from left)

2006-2007: No students taken


2005-2006:  Martin Valvano and Erin Ozarko


2004-2005:  Jen Hickey, Andrew Wallman, Courtney Foster


Recent Group Meetings/Outings


Dave's farewell lunch



At Fil's farewell BBQ


Cheers, Fil!


Chemistry picnic


Chemistry picnic 



Laser Quest:  Andre didn't admit to being an expert at Laser Quest - until afterwards!


July 2007


Dr. Dre (Andre) laying it down in group meeting.


Wild Parties

....still waiting to be invited!


Find out more about our group, facilities, research and publications  by following these links. 
Follow this link for directions to UWO

Applying to the Department and Faculty for Graduate Studies

Department of Chemistry

Chemistry Building Laboratory 219A

 The University of Western Ontario
London, ON CANADA N6A 5B7

Tel:  519-661-2111x86349   Fax:  519-661-3022  Email:  Robert.Hudson