News - Follow updates on and Follow @HudsonChemistry March 2017: Welcome to Professor Yoshio Saito of Nihon University spending his sabbatical with us! May 2016: Mama Rachael is back after a leave to bring baby Nelson into the world. Welcome back! April 2016: Dr. Augusto Matarazzo has a Post Doc position at the MaRS Institute in Toronto, congratulations. Don't worry, there is still time for you to establish a marijuana empire! Jan. 2016: End of an era...Dr. Mojmir Suchy is moving to the University of Ottawa - the old gang's farewell lunch. Dr. Mark Milne is currently working with Prof. Luyt at the London Regional Cancer Centre and Dr. Augusto Matarazzo has a job lined up for quality assurance scientist for a medical marijuana production company. Jan. 2016: Welcome to Natasha Ataimehr, new graduate to follow! Sept. 2015: Welcome to Atefeh Rouhi (M.Sc. candidate). Dr. Mark Milne was back for a visit from his PDF at UT Southwestern Medical School (left), and Jonathan Snir (Ph.D. candidate with our collaborator Prof. Bartha, Robarts Research Institute) with Augusto and Dr. Cho relaxing after group meeting. March Open House - Chemistry with a Bang Shows. April 2014: 4491 successes - Gyeongsu (David) Park, and Samraat Paul joint with Prof. Wisner. Celebrating successes - lunch with Dr. Milne and Ms. Ettles, recent graduates. Rachael mentoring the grad club. Professor Hudson is spending some time in Japan while on sabbatical visiting the Labs of Professor Shigeki Sasaki at Kyushu University. Professor Hudson has moved offices - to ChB 219A. ACS National Conference in Dallas - presented the group's work on the development of ParaCEST MRI contrast agents and was able to meet up with former students Dr. David Dodd (UT Southwestern Medical School PDF with Prof. David Corey) and Dr. Mark Milne (UT Southwestern Medical School PDF with Prof. Dean Sherry) Road trip! Mark, Mojmir and Dr. Hudson attended the CEST workshop in Annapolis, Maryland. The scenery was nice but the 11+ hour drive was a bit trying. Mark showing off his prize-winning form - 1st place poster prize in the probe development category at the World Molecular Imaging Conference, Dublin, Ireland, Sept. 2012. The Nucleic Acids Group attended the IRT in Montreal. Kirby brought home a poster prize, congratulations! Augusto Kelly and Kirby Rachael Christie Adam Dr. Dave Dodd congratulating Kirby on his win.
Chemistry Christmas party The last group standing....
Kelly's seasonal hood art Scholar's elective students Adam and Kelly
Evil scientist, by day and night! Kelly's Halloween hood art
Andre successfully defended his M.Sc. thesis and enjoyed a drink from the cup of knowledge.
Farewell lunch for Ibrahim, Professor visiting from UAE, hopefully we`ll see him again!
Andre's enthusiastic presentation style won him a Bio/Med division poster award. Congrats! David Dodd has successfully completed his Ph.D. (April 2011) and is taking up a postdoctoral position with Professor David Corey (UT Southwestern Medical School, Dallas). Congratulations! Dave recently won an NSERC PDF and subsequently a Life Sciences Research Foundation PDF to continue working in David Corey's lab. Enjoying a tasty BEvERage....with my Ph.D. mentor Professor Masad Damha. Professor Hudson with Professor Longstaffe (Provost) and Dr. Chakma (President), receiving the Faculty Scholar Award for 2010-2012, May 2010. Professor Hudson (second from the left) along with the other winners of the University Student Council's Award of Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, April 2010. Fil gets married! Congratulations to Fil and Kathy. The kids cozy up to Uncle Fil. Triple congratulations to Fil Wojciechowski for successfully defending his Ph.D. and winning an NSERC PDF (declined) and a Mary Curie Fellowship. Excellent work, Fil! Fil spent postdoctoral position in the lab of Professor Leumann in Bern, Switzerland and is now completing a second postdoc with Professor Hartig at the University of Konstanz, Germany.
In La Jolla for the FB3 conference with Augusto and Rachael, August 2014.
Professor Hudson presented the groups
Catching up at the Sixth
Cambridge Symposium, Cambridge, UK, Sept. 2011.
Andre St. Amant and Professor Hudson present
at the 94th CSC conference in Montreal, June 2011.
Dr. Suchy presented his work on PARACEST contrast agents (left), Prof.
Hudson presented group work (right), David Dodd gave a nice oral
presentation and Mohamed a poster at the
92nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and
Exhibition held in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. 06,
We met up with former PDF Mike
Goncharenko in Hamilton. 05, 2009. Dr. Suchy travelled to Vienna,
Austria to present his work at 20th International Symposium on Medicinal
Chemistry, August, 2008. Find out more about our group,
research and publications by following these links.
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Department of Chemistry Chemistry Building Laboratory 219A The University of Western Ontario
Tel: 519-661-2111x86349 Fax: 519-661-3022 Email: Robert.Hudson