header image containing d20 logo with name of website: Roll for Initiative Tabletop Roleplaying Games in Libraries

About the Site

This website was built as a way to publish the findings of my MLIS Independent Study, titled "Roll for Initiative: Tabletop Role-Playing Games in Libraries". In my paper, I wrote about all the areas represented in this website, ranging from collecting TRPGs, to programming, to accessibility. New to this website is an expanded list of selected titles.

The secondary purpose of this website is to provide library professionals with information and resources pertaining to TRPGs.

How it's Built

This website was built from scratch using Brackets. Logos and other special elements were created using Adobe Photoshop. The fonts used throughout the website are Open Sans, as it is a widely accessible font, and Segoe Print.

This website has been built with accessibility in mind, from font sizes to colour palettes to alt tags. Everyone should be able to access content on this website.