header image containing d20 logo with name of website: Roll for Initiative Tabletop Roleplaying Games in Libraries

Resources and Selected Readings

Additional Readings

Ewalt, D.M. (2013). Of dice and men: The story of Dungeons & Dragons and the people who play it. New York: Scribner, a division of Simon & Shuster.

    Ewalt's book is a fun read that details the creation and story of Dungeons & Dragons while touching upon the reasons people are drawn to TRPGs.

Torres-Roman, S.A., & Snow, C.E. (2014). Dragons in the stacks: A teen librarian's guide to tabletop role-playing. Santa Barbara, California: Libraries Unlimited.

    Torres-Roman and Snow's book is a great resource for librarians looking to collect TRPGs for their libraries. Additionally, this title is useful as it provides a listing of TRPGs, as well as an explanation of how these games are played and their complexity.

Online Resources

American Library Association (ALA): Games & Gaming Round Table
    This particular ALA round table provides library-specific resources for developing TRPG collections and programs.
    Astral is a unique digital tool for playing TRPGs both in-person and online. The service allows GMs to build maps and for players to import their character sheets and set up virtual dice.
Bits and Mortar
    Bits and Mortar provides free digital PDF downloads of affiliated TRPG games upon proof of purchase of a hardcopy of the same material.
    DriveThruRPG is the largest RPG download store and carries a wide variety of popular, indie, free, and quick-start RPGs and expansions.
Meeple Like Us
    Meeple Like Us is a website dedicated to testing tabletop games for accessibility, but focuses on board games over role-playing games. The website also contains an interesting section on building an accessible game library.
    Roll20 provides a suite of digital tools for playing TRPGs, including Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder RPG, 13th Age, and more.
    RPG.net contains a games index and is great for reviews.
    RPGGeek publishes news and game reviews, and provides forums to encourage player discussion.
Unpossible Journeys
    Unpossible Journeys is a great resource for those new to TRPGs and for those seeking indie and free quick-start downloads.