header image containing d20 logo with name of website: Roll for Initiative Tabletop Roleplaying Games in Libraries

Tabletop RPG Programming for Libraries

The best way to promote and engage with a library's collection of TRPG materials is through programming as it provides many benefits to both patrons and the library.

  • Programming is a great way to build social networks among patrons, especially if they are provided a safe space in which to do so.
  • TRPG groups within libraries tend to appeal to adolescent males. Depending on the library, this group tends to be difficult to attract.
  • TRPG programs often attract individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Librarians are encouraged to use TRPG sessions to recommend fantasy and science fiction literature as a tool to promote literacy and the use of a library's collection.

Creating a TRPG program does not require much investment: just a rulebook, pencils, paper or character sheets, and dice. Read more about it here.