header image containing d20 logo with name of website: Roll for Initiative Tabletop Roleplaying Games in Libraries

Rules Intensive vs. Rules Light Games

Rules Intensive Games

Rules intensive TRPGs are generally more well-known and include popular titles such as Dungeons & Dragons and Pathfinder. These games tend to be more expensive and often require more than one rulebook or supplement in order to play.

Rules for these games tend to be complex and numerous, resulting in larger rulebooks. The sheer number of rules contained within these tomes are nearly impossible for players and GMs to remember. Instead, rulebooks are designed to be easy to refer to while playing the game. This large number of complex rules often results in steep but rewarding learning curves for players and GMs alike. This steeper learning curve may be mitigated by a knowledgeable and patient GM.

Rules-intensive games tend to prefer rules, statistics, and combat over storytelling and role-playing. Overall, these games may be better suited to players and library staff who have more experience with RPGs and have the time to dedicate to preparing gaming sessions.

Rules Light Games

Rules light TRPGs heavily emphasize storytelling and roleplaying elements of the genre over extensive lists of rules. Not only are the rules simplified in rules-light games, the mechanics are also far less complex, allowing players to improvise and use their own imaginations.

Rules-light games make for a great addition to library collections as they emphasize group storytelling, cooperation, and trust among other players and the GM. These games also tend to be better suited to newer and younger players, as well as groups of varying sizes. Many rules-light TRPGs are widely accessible and generally inexpensive as fewer rulebooks and supplemental materials are required