Yasmeen Shamiya, Aishik Chakraborty, Alap Ali Zahid, Nicholas Bainbridge, Jingyuan Guan, Biao Feng, Dominic Pjontek, Subrata Chakrabarti, and Arghya Paul* (2024). Ascorbyl palmitate nanofiber-reinforced hydrogels for drug delivery in soft tissues. Communications Materials - Nature, 5, 197. LINK
Jiaqi Huang, Aishik Chakraborty, Lakshmi Suchitra Tadepalli, and Arghya Paul* (2024). Adoption of a Tetrahedral DNA Nanostructure as a Multifunctional Biomaterial for Drug Delivery. ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science, 7(8), 2204–2214. LINK
Alap Ali Zahid, Aishik Chakraborty, Yasmeen Shamiya, Rachel B. Wilson, Nica Borradaile, and Arghya Paul* (2024). Cell Membrane-Derived Nanoparticles as Biomimetic Nanotherapeutics to Alleviate Fatty Liver Disease. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2024, 16, 30, 39117–39128. LINK
Clement Lee, Yihong Liu, Yasmeen Shamiya, Arghya Paul, Lijia Liu* (2024). Exploring the Synergistic Properties of ZnGa2O4:Cr3+ and Calcium Phosphate: Longer-Lasting Persistent Luminescent Nanocomposite Using Adenosine Triphosphate As a Phosphorus Source. ACS Applied Optical Materials. 2, 6, 1224–1234. LINK
Saman Modaresi, Settimio Pacelli, Aishik Chakraborty, Ali Coyle, Wei Luo, Irtisha Singh, and Arghya Paul*(2024). Engineering a Microfluidic Platform to Cryopreserve Stem Cells: A DMSO-Free Sustainable Approach. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 13 (29), 2401264. LINK
Cho-E Choi, Aishik Chakraborty, Hailey Adzija, Yasmeen Shamiya, Khaled Hijazi, Ali Coyle, Amin Rizkalla, David W. Holdsworth, and Arghya Paul* (2023). Metal Organic Framework-Incorporated Three-Dimensional (3D) Bio-Printable Hydrogels to Facilitate Bone Repair: Preparation and In Vitro Bioactivity Analysis. Gels. 2023; 9(12):923. LINK
Aishik Chakraborty, Shana Alexander, Wei Luo, Narisse Al-Salam, Mia Van Oirschot, Sudhir H. Ranganath, Subrata Chakrabarti, and Arghya Paul* (2023). Engineering multifunctional adhesive hydrogel patches for biomedical applications. Interdisciplinary Medicine. 2023; 1, e20230008. LINK
Alap Ali Zahid, Aishik Chakraborty, Wei Luo, Ali Coyle, and Arghya Paul* (2023). Tailoring the Inherent Properties of Biobased Nanoparticles for Nanomedicine. ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 9, 7, 3972–3986. LINK
Shruthi Polla Ravi, Yasmeen Shamiya, Aishik Chakraborty, Ali Coyle, Alap Ali Zahid, Jin Wang, Michael S. H. Boutilier, Emmanuel A. Ho, Arghya Paul* (2022). Controlling Differentiation of Adult Stem Cells Via Cell-Derived Nanoparticles: Implications in Bone Repair. ACS Applied Nanomaterials. 5, 12, 17468–17475. LINK
Aishik Chakraborty, Aishik Chakraborty, Settimio Pacelli, Shana Alexander, Sebastian Huayamares, Zachary Rosenkrans, Filippo Elmi Vergel, Yuanyi Wu, Adrija Chakravorty, and Arghya Paul* (2022). Nanoparticle-Reinforced Tough Hydrogel as a Versatile Platform for Pharmaceutical Drug Delivery: Preparation and in Vitro Characterization Molecular Pharmaceutics. 20, 1, 767–774. . LINK
Cho-E Choi, Aishik Chakraborty, Ali Coyle, Yasmeen Shamiya and Arghya Paul* (2022). Contact-Free Remote Manipulation of Hydrogel Properties Using Light-Triggerable Nanoparticles: A Materials Science Perspective for Biomedical Applications. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 11(8):e2102088. . LINK
Alap Ali Zahid, Aishik Chakraborty, Yasmeen Shamiya, Shruthi Polla Ravi, Arghya Paul* (2022).Leveraging the advancements in functional biomaterials and scaffold fabrication technologies for chronic wound healing applications. Materials Horizons. 9, 1850-1865. (Editor’s Choice) . LINK
Harshavardhan Budharaju, Allen Zennifer, Swaminathan Sethuraman, Arghya Paul, Dhakshinamoorthy Sundaramurthi* (2022). Designer DNA biomolecules as a defined biomaterial for 3D bioprinting applications. Materials Horizons. 9, 1141-1166. . LINK
Yasmeen Shamiya, Shruthi Polla Ravi, Ali Coyle, Subrata Chakrabarti, Arghya Paul, Dhakshinamoorthy Sundaramurthi* (2022).Engineering nanoparticle therapeutics for impaired wound healing in diabetes. Drug Discovery Today. 27 (4), 1156-1166. . LINK
Sayantani Basu, Aishik Chakraborty, Abdul-Rahman Imad Alkiswani, Yasmeen Shamiya, Arghya Paul, Dhakshinamoorthy Sundaramurthi* (2022). Investigation of a 2D WS2 nanosheet-reinforced tough DNA hydrogel as a biomedical scaffold: preparation and in vitro characterization. Materials Advances. 3, 946-952. . LINK
Aishik Chakraborty, Shruthi Polla Ravi, Yasmeen Shamiya, Caroline Cui and Arghya Paul* (2021). Harnessing the physicochemical properties of DNA as a multifunctional biomaterial for biomedical and other applications. Chemical Society Reviews. 2021,50, 7779-7819 (2022 Emerging Materials Investigator Issue). LINK
Settimio Pacelli, Aparna R. Chakravarti, Saman Modaresi, Siddharth Subham, Kyley Burkey, Cecilia Kurlbaum, Madeline Fang, Christopher A. Neal, Adam J. Mellott, Aishik Chakraborty and Arghya Paul* (2021). Investigation of human adipose-derived stem-cell behavior using a cell-instructive polydopamine-coated gelatin–alginate hydrogel. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 1–14. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.37253. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34189837. LINK
Shruthi Polla Ravi, Yasmeen Shamiya, Aishik Chakraborty, Cynthia Elias and Arghya Paul* (2021). Biomaterials, biological molecules, and polymers in developing vaccines. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences. 42(10), 813-828. LINK
Aishik Chakraborty, Avinava Roy, Shruthi Polla Ravi and Arghya Paul* (2021). Exploiting the role of nanoparticles for use in hydrogel-based bioprinting applications: concept, design, and recent advances. Biomaterials Science. 2021 (Emerging Materials Investigator Issue). LINK
Aparna R. Chakravarti, Settimio Pacelli and Arghya Paul* (2020). Investigation of human adipose stem cell-derived nanoparticles as a biomimetic carrier for intracellular drug delivery. Nanoscale. 2020,12, 24273-2428. LINK
Sayantani Basu, Rhea Johl, Settimio Pacelli, Stevin Gehrke and Arghya Paul* (2020). Fabricating Tough Interpenetrating Network Cryogels with DNA as the Primary Network for Biomedical Applications. ACS Macro Letters. 9, 1230-1236. LINK
Sayantani Basu, Settimio Pacelli, Arghya Paul* (2020). Self-healing DNA-based Injectable Hydrogels with Reversible Covalent Linkages for Controlled Drug Delivery Acta Biomaterialia. 105, 159-169. LINK
Settimio Pacelli, Patrizia Paolicelli, Stefania Petralito, Siddharth Subham, Drake Gilmore, Gabriele Varani, Guang Yang, Dong Lin, Maria Antonietta Casadei, Arghya Paul* (2020). Investigating the role of polydopamine to modulate stem cells adhesion and proliferation on gellan gum-based hydrogels. ACS Applied Biomaterials. 3, 2, 945-951. LINK
Jonathan Whitlow Settimio Pacelli Towne Walston, Arghya Paul* (2020). Bioactive Hydrogel Platforms for Spatiotemporal Delivery of Baculoviruses in Biomedical Applications. Advanced Therapeutics. 3(1), DOI: LINK
Saman Modaresi, Settimio Pacelli, Siddharth Subham, Kavya Dathathreya, Arghya Paul* (2020). Intracellular Delivery of Exogenous Macromolecules into Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Double Deformation of the Plasma Membrane. Advanced Therapeutics. 3(1), DOI: LINK
Sayantani Basu, Abdul-Rahman Alkiswani, Settimio Pacelli and Arghya Paul* (2019). Nucleic Acid-Based Dual Cross-Linked Hydrogels for in Situ Tissue Repair via Directional Stem Cell Migration. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. DOI: 11(38), 34621-34633. LINK
Renae Waters, Siddharth Subham, Settimio Pacelli, Saman Modaresi, Aparna R. Chakravarti and Arghya Paul* (2019). Development of MicroRNA-146a-Enriched Stem Cell Secretome for Wound-Healing Applications. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 16, 10, 4302-4312. LINK
Mitchell C. VeDepo, Eric E. Buse, Arghya Paul*, Gabriel L. Converse, Richard A. Hopkins (2019). Non-physiologic Bioreactor Processing Conditions for Heart Valve Tissue Engineering. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 10(4):628-637. LINK
Perwez Alam, Bereket Haile, Mohammed Arif, Raghav Pandey, Miso Rokvic, Michelle Nieman, Bryan D Maliken, Arghya Paul, Yi Gang Wang, Sakthivel Sadayappan, Rafeeq PH Ahmed, Onur Kanisicak* (2019). Inhibition of Senescence Associated Genes Rb1 and Meis2 in Adult Cardiomyocytes Results in Cell Cycle Reentry and Cardiac Repair Post–Myocardial Infarction. Journal of the American Heart Association. 8(15) e012089. LINK
Sayantani Basu, Settimio Pacelli, Yi Feng, Qinghua Lu, Jinxi Wang, and Arghya Paul* (2018). Harnessing the Non-Covalent Interactions of DNA Backbone with 2D Silicate Nanodisks to Fabricate Injectable Therapeutic Hydrogels. ACS Nano. doi: 10.1021/acsnano.8b02434. LINK
Aparna R. Chakravarti, Settimio Pacelli, Perwez Alam, Samik Bagchi, Saman Modaresi, Andras Czirok, Rafeeq P. H. Ahmed, Arghya Paul* (2018). Pre-Conditioning Stem Cells in a Biomimetic Environment for Enhanced Cardiac Tissue Repair: In Vitro and In Vivo Analysis. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. Page 1-16.
Selected in 2018 Young Innovators Special Issue LINK
Settimio Pacelli, Kyle Rampetsreiter, Saman Modaresi, Siddharth Subham, Aparna R. Chakravarti, Stefan Lohfeld, Michael S. Detamore, and Arghya Paul* (2018). Fabrication of a Double-Cross-Linked Interpenetrating Polymeric Network (IPN) Hydrogel Surface Modified with Polydopamine to Modulate the Osteogenic Differentiation of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. 10 (30), 24955–24962. Selected for Supplementary Cover Art for the Issue. LINK
Settimio Pacelli, Sayantani Basu, Cory Berkland, Jinxi Wang, Arghya Paul* (2018). Design of a Cytocompatible Hydrogel Coating to Modulate Properties of Ceramic-Based Scaffolds for Bone Repair. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. 11(3), 211–217. LINK
Saman Modaresi, Settimio Pacelli, Jonathan Whitlow, Arghya Paul* (2018). Deciphering the role of substrate stiffness in enhancing the internalization efficiency of plasmid DNA in stem cells using lipid-based nanocarriers. Nanoscale. 10 (19) 8947-8952. LINK
Mitchell VeDepo, Eric Buse, Arghya Paul, Richard Hopkins, Gabriel Converse* (2018). Comparison of Candidate Cell Populations for the Recellularization of Decellularized Heart Valves. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. 11 (3), 197–209. LINK
Renae Waters, Perwez Alam, Settimio Pacelli, Aparna R. Chakravarti, Rafeeq P.H. Ahmed, Arghya Paul* (2018). Stem cell-inspired secretome-rich injectable hydrogel to repair injured cardiac tissue. Acta Biomaterilia. 69, 95-106. LINK
Settimio Pacelli, Francisca Acosta, Aparna Chakravarti, Rafeeq Ahmed, Johnson Rajasingh, Arghya Paul* (2017). Nanodiamond-based injectable hydrogel for sustained growth factor release: preparation, characterization and in vitro analysis. Acta Biomaterilia. S1742-7061(17)30307-0 LINK
Jonathan Whitlow, Settimio Pacelli, Arghya Paul* (2017). Multifunctional nanodiamonds in regenerative medicine: Recent advances and future directions. Journal of Controlled Release. 261:62-86. LINK
Ryan Maloney, Settimio Pacelli, Aparna R.Chakravarti, Jonathan Whitlow, Sayantani Basu, Saman Modaresi, Stevin Gehrke, Arghya Paul* (2017). Controlling Adult Stem Cell Behavior Using Nanodiamond-Reinforced hydrogel: Implication in Bone Regeneration Therapy. Scientific Reports - Nature publisher. 7. Article number: 6577(2017) doi:10.1038/s41598-017-06028-y. LINK
Raghav Pandey, Sebastian Velazquez, Shazia Durrani, Min Jiang, Joshua Benoit, Jack Rubinstein, and Arghya Paul, Rafeeq Ahmed* (2017). MicroRNA-1825 Induces Proliferation of Senescent Adult Cardiomyocytes and Promotes Cardiac Regeneration post Ischemic Injury. American Journal of Translational Research. 9(6):3120-3137. LINK
Settimio Pacelli, Sayantani Basu, Jonathan Whitlow, Aparna Chakravarti, Francisca Acosta, Arushi Varshney, Saman Modaresi, Cory Berkland, Arghya Paul* (2017). Strategies to develop endogenous stem cell recruiting bioactive materials for tissue repair and regeneration. Advanced Drug Delivery. Special Issue: Advances in Stem Cell-Based Therapy . LINK
Mohammed Arif, Raghav Pandey, Perwez Alam, Shujia Jiang, Sakthivel Sadayappan, Arghya Paul, Rafeeq Ahmed* (2017). MicroRNA-210 mediated proliferation, survival, and angiogenesis promote cardiac repair post myocardial infarction. Journal of Molecular Medicine . 95 (12), 1369-1385. LINK
Neslihan Alemdar, Jeroen Leijten, Gulden Camci-Unal, Jesper Hjortnaes, Joao Ribas, Arghya Paul, Pooria Mostafalu, Akhilesh K Gaharwar, Yiling Qiu, Sameer F Sonkusale, Ronglih Liao, Ali Khademhosseini* (2016). Oxygen-generating photocrosslinkable hydrogels support cardiac progenitor cell survival by reducing hypoxia-induced necrosis. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering. doi: 10.1021/acsbiomaterials.6b00109. LINK
Jonathan Whitlow, Settimio Pacelli, Arghya Paul* (2016). Polymeric nanohybrids as a new class of therapeutic biotransporter. Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics. (Selected in Talent Articles category to highlight outstanding young scientists - Front Cover Page). LINK
Anwarul Hasan*, Renae Waters, Boustany Roula, Rahbani Dana, Seif Yara, Toubia Alexandre, Arghya Paul* (2016). Engineered Biomaterials to Enhance Stem Cell-based Cardiac Tissue Engineering and Therapy. Macromolecular Bioscience. DOI: 10.1002/mabi.201500396. LINK
Arghya Paul*, Vijayan Manoharan, Dorothee Krafft, Alexander Assmann, Jorge Alfredo Uquillas, Su Ryon Shin, Anwarul Hasan, Mohammad Asif Hussain, Adnan Memic, Akhilesh K. Gaharwar and Ali Khademhosseini* (2016). Nanoengineered biomimetic hydrogels for guiding human stem cell osteogenesis in three dimensional microenvironments. J Materials Chemistry B . doi: 10.1039/C5TB02745D. LINK
Renae Waters, Settimio Pacelli, Ryan Maloney, Indrani Medhi, Rafeeq P. H. Ahmed, Arghya Paul* (2016). Stem cell secretome-rich nanoclay hydrogel: a dual action therapy for cardiovascular regeneration. Nanoscale. doi: 10.1039/C5NR07806G. LINK
Settimio Pacelli, Vijayan Manoharan, Anna Desalvo, Nikita Lomis, Satya Prakash*, Arghya Paul* (2016). Tailoring biomaterial surface properties to modulate host-implant interactions: implication in cardiovascular and bone therapy. J Materials Chemistry B. doi: 10.1039/C5TB01686J. LINK
Arghya Paul* (2015). Nanocomposite hydrogels: an emerging biomimetic platform for myocardial therapy and tissue engineering. Nanomedicine. 10(9):1371-4. LINK
Anwarul Hasan*, Arghya Paul, Adnan Memic, Ali Khademhosseini* (2015). A multilayered microfluidic blood vessel-like structure. Biomed Microdevices. 17(5):9993. LINK
Anwarul Hasan*, Ahmad Khattab, Mohammad Ariful Islam, Khaled Abou Hweij, Joya Zeitouny, Renae Waters, Malek Sayegh, Md Monowar Hossain, Arghya Paul (2015). Injectable Hydrogels for Cardiac Tissue Repair and Regeneration. Advancened Science - Wiley VCH Publisher. doi: 10.1002/advs.201500122. LINK
Mohammad T Alrefai, Divya Murali, Arghya Paul, Khalid M Ridwan, John M Conne and Dominique Shum-Tim* (2015). Cardiac tissue engineering and regeneration using cell-based therapy. Stem Cells Cloning: Advances and Applications. 8: 81–101. LINK
Juliane F. C. Viana, Jéssica Carrijo, Camila G. Freitas, Arghya Paul, Jarib Alcaraz, Cristiano C. Lacorte, Ludovico Migliolo, César A. Andrade, Rosana Falcão, Nuno C. Santos, Sónia Gonçalves, Anselmo J. Otero-González, Ali Khademhosseini, Simoni C. Dias and Octávio L. Franco * (2015). Antifungal nanofibers made by controlled release of sea animal derived peptide. Nanoscale. Mar 26;7(14):6238-46. doi: 10.1039/c5nr00767d. LINK
Wei Shao, Arghya Paul, Laetitia Rodes, Satya Prakash (2015). A New Carbon Nanotube-Based Breast Cancer Drug Delivery System: Preparation and In Vitro Analysis Using Paclitaxel. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 71(3):1405-1414. LINK
Akhilesh K Gaharwar# , Reginald K. Avery# , Alexander Assmann , Arghya Paul , Gareth H. McKinley , Ali Khademhosseini* , and Bradley D. Olsen* (2014). Shear-Thinning Nanocomposite Hydrogels for the Treatment of Hemorrhage. ACS Nano. 8(10):98332-42. LINK
Hamood Al Kindi, Arghya Paul, Zhipeng You, Oleg Nepotchatykh, Adel Schwertani, PhD, Satya Prakash, Dominique Shum-Tim (2014). Sustained release of milrinone delivered via microparticles in a rodent model of myocardial infarction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 148(5):2316-23. LINK
Anwarul Hasan, Md Nurunnabi, Mahboob Morshed, Arghya Paul, Alessandro Polini, Tapas Kuila, Moustafa Al Hariri, Yong-kyu Lee, and Ayad A. Jaffa (2014). Recent Advances in Application of Biosensors in Tissue Engineering. BioMed Research International. 2014:307519. LINK
Anwarul Hasan, Arghya Paul, Nihal Vrana, Adnan Memic, Mehmet R Dokmeci, Ali Khademhosseini* (2014). Microfluidic techniques for development of 3D vascularized tissue. Biomaterials. 35(26):7308-7325. LINK
Arghya Paul, MD Anwarul Hasan, Hamood Al-Kindi, Akhilesh Gaharwar, Mehdi Nikkhah, Mehmet Dokmeci, Dominique Shum-Tim, Ali Khademhosseini* (2014). Injectable Graphene Oxide/Hydrogel-Based Angiogenic Gene Delivery System for Vasculogenesis and Cardiac Repair. ACS Nano. 8(8):8050-62. LINK
Arghya Paul, Cynthia Elias, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2013). Bioactive baculovirus nanohybrids for stent based rapid vascular re-endothelialization. Scientific Reports - Nature Publisher. 3:2366, doi:10.1038/srep02366. LINK
Arghya Paul, Anwarul Hasan, Laetitia Rodes, Satya Prakash* (2014). Bioengineered baculoviruses as new class of therapeutics using micro and nanotechnologies: Principles, prospects and challenges. Adv Drug Deliv Rev. 71C:115-130. LINK
Arghya Paul, Vincent Pisanoa, Alessandro Polini, Mehmet R. Dokmeci, Ali Khademhosseini* (2013). Research Highlights. Fabrication of nanofibres using bioinspired microfluidic spinnning strategy. Lab on a Chip. 13(20):3989-92. LINK
Hsin-Yi Hsieh, Gulden Camci-Unal, Ronglih Liao, Tsung-Ju Chen, Arghya Paul, Fan-Gang Tseng*, Ali Khademhosseini* (2013). Gradient static-strain stimulation in a microfluidic chip for 3D cellular alignment. Lab on a Chip . 14(3):482-93. LINK
Wei Shao, Arghya Paul, Laetitia Rodes, Satya Prakash (2013). Carbon Nanotube Lipid Drug Approach for Targeted Delivery of a Chemotherapy Drug in a Human Breast Cancer Xenograft Animal Model. Biomaterials . S0142-9612(13)01090-9. LINK
Alice Huu, Arghya Paul, Xu, L., Satya Prakash & Dominique Shum-Tim(2013). Recent advancements in tissue engineering for stem cell-based cardiac therapies. Therapeutic delivery . 4(4), 503-16. doi:10.4155/tde.13.13 ISSN: 2041-5990. LINK
Anwarul Hasan, Adnan Memic, Nasim Annabi, Monowar Hossain, Arghya Paul, Mehmet Dokmeci, Ali Khademhosseini (2014). Electrospun Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering of Vascular Grafts. Acta Biomaterialia. S1742-7061(13)00414-5. LINK
Anwarul Hasan, Wojciech Swieszkowski, Kim Ragaert, Šeila Selimović, Arghya Paul, Gulden Camci-Unal, Mohammad Mofrad, Ali Khademhosseini* (2014). Biomechanical Properties of Native and Tissue Engineered Heart Valve Constructs. Journal of Biomechanics . S0021-9290(13)00446-6. LINK
Ali Tamayol#, Mohsen Akbari#, Nasim Annabi, Arghya Paul, Ali Khademhosseini*, David Juncker* (2013). Fiber-Based Tissue Engineering: Progress, Challenges, and Opportunities. Biotechnology Advances. 31(5) 669-687. LINK
Marc Fakhoury, Michael Coussa-Charley, Arghya Paul, Laetitia Rodes, Wei Shao, Hani Al-Salami, Iman Kahauli, Satya Prakash* (2013). Anti-inflammatory potential of artificial microcapsules containing thalidomide for use in treating Crohn's disease. Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics . 3(5):11-17.
Arghya Paul, Sapna Srivastava, Guangyong Chen, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2013). Functional assessment of adipose stem cells using myocardial infarction immunocompetent models: comparison with marrow stem cells. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 67(2):263-73. LINK
Laetitia Rodes, Catherine Tomaro-Duchesneau, Shyamali Saha, Arghya Paul, Meenakshi Malhotra, Daniel Marinescu, Wei Shao, Imen Kahouli, Satya Prakash* (2013). Enrichment of Bifidobacterium longum subsp. infantis ATCC 15697 within the human gut microbiota using alginate-poly-l-lysine-alginate microencapsulation oral delivery system: an in vitro analysis using a computer-controlled dynamic human gastrointestinal model. Journal of Microencapsulation . 13(3): 230-38.
Laetitia Rodes, Afshan Khan, Arghya Paul,Michael Coussa-Charley, Daniel Marinescu, Catherine Tomaro-Duchesneau, Wei Shao, Imen Kahouli, Satya Prakash* (2013). Effect of probiotics Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium on gut-derived lipopolysaccharides and inflammatory cytokines: an in vitro study using a human colonic microbiota model. Journal of microbiology and biotechnology . 23(4), 518-26.ISSN: 1017-7825.
Wei Shao, Arghya Paul, Sana Abbasi, Amin Kamen, Satya Prakash* (2012). A novel polyethyleneimine-coated adeno-associated virus-like particle formulation for efficient siRNA delivery in breast cancer therapy: preparation and in vitro analysis. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 7:1575-86. LINK
Arghya Paul, Wei Shao, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2012). The attenuation of restenosis following arterial gene transfer using carbon nanotube coated stent incorporating TAT/DNAAng1+Vegf nanoparticles. Biomaterials. 33 (30): 7655–7664 .(McGill MedStar Best Paper Award 2012). LINK
Arghya Paul, Wei Shao, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2012). PAMAM Dendrimer-Baculovirus Nanocomplex for Microencapsulated Adipose Stem Cell-Gene Therapy: In Vitro and in Vivo Functional Assessment. ACS Molecular Pharmaceutics. 9 (9):2479-88. LINK
Arghya Paul, Guangyong Chen, Afshan Khan, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2012). Genipin-crosslinked microencapsulated human adipose stem cells augment transplant retention resulting in attenuation of chronically infarcted rat heart fibrosis and cardiac dysfunction. Cell Transplantation. 21 (12), 2735-2751. LINK
Jasmine Bhathena, Christopher Martoni, Arun Kulamarva, Catherine Tomaro, Meenakshi Malhotra, Arghya Paul, Satya Prakash* (2012). Oral probiotic microcapsule formulation ameliorates non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in Bio F1B Golden Syrian hamsters. PLoS ONE. 8 (3), e58394.
Zyad Binsalamah, Arghya Paul, Satya Prakash, Dominique Shum-Tim* (2012). Nanomedicine in cardiovascular therapy: recent advancements. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 10(6):805-15.
Jasmine Bhathena, Catherine Tomaro-Duchesneau, Christopher Martoni, Meenakshi Malhotra, Arun Kulamarva, Alexandra Urbanska, Arghya Paul, Satya Prakash* (2012). Effect of Orally Administered Microencapsulated FA-Producing L. fermentum on Markers of Metabolic Syndrome: An In Vivo Analysis. J Diabetes Metab. S2:009. doi:10.4172/2155-6156.S2-009.
Arghya Paul, Madhur Nayan, Afshan A Khan, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2012). Angiopoietin-1-expressing adipose stem cells genetically modified with baculovirus nanocomplex: investigation in rat heart with acute infarction. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 7:663-82
Laetitia Rodes, Afshan Khan, Arghya Paul, Michael Coussa-Charley, Daniel Marinescu, Catherine Tomaro-Duchesneau, Wei Shao, Imen Kahouli, Satya Prakash* (2012). Effect of probiotics Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium on gut derived- lipopolysaccharides and inflammatory cytokines: an in vitro study using a human colonic microbiota model. J Food Microbiology and Biotechnology. 23(4):518-26
Arghya Paul, Zyad Binsalamah, Afshan Afsar Khan, Sana Abbasi, Cynthia B. Elias, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2011). A nanobiohybrid complex of recombinant baculovirus and Tat/DNA nanoparticles for delivery of Ang-1 transgene in myocardial infarction therapy Biomaterials . 32(32):8304-18. (McGill MedStar Best Paper Award). LINK
Laetitia Rodes, Michael Coussa-Charley, Daniel Marinescu, Arghya Paul, Marc Fakhoury, Sana Abbasi, Afshan Khan, Catherine Tomaro-Duchesneau, Satya Prakash* (2011). Design of a novel gut bacterial adhesion model for probiotic applications Artificial Cells Nanomedicine Biotechnology . 41(2):116-24.
Madhur Nayan, Arghya Paul, Guangyong Chen, Ray Chiu, S. Prakash, Dominique Shum-Tim* (2011). Superior therapeutic potential of young bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells by direct intramyocardial delivery in aged recipients with acute myocardial infarction: in vitro and in vivo investigation. Journal of Tissue Engineering. 2011:741213.
Sana Abbasi, Arghya Paul, Satya Prakash* (2011). Investigation of siRNA-loaded polyethylenimine-coated human serum albumin nanoparticle complexes for the treatment of breast cancer. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics. 61(2):277-87. LINK
Afshan Afsar Khan, Arghya Paul, Sana Abbasi, Satya Prakash* (2011). Mitotic and antiapoptotic effects of nanoparticles coencapsulating human VEGF and human angiopoietin-1 on vascular endothelial cells. International Journal of Nanomedicine. 6:1069-81.
Tom Burdon, Arghya Paul, Nicolas Noiseux, Satya Prakash, and Dominique Shum-Tim* (2011). Bone Marrow Stem Cell Derived Paracrine Factors for Regenerative Medicine: Current Perspectives and Therapeutic Potential. Bone Marrow Research. Article ID 207326, doi:10.1155/2011/207326.
Sameer Apte, Arghya Paul, Satya Prakash, Dominique Shum-Tim* (2011). Current developments in the tissue engineering of autologous heart valves: moving towards clinical use. Future Cardiology. 7(1) 77-97.
Bhathena J, Kulamarva A, Martoni C, Urbanska A, Malhotra M, Arghya Paul, Prakash S* (2011). Diet-induced metabolic hamster model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy. 2011(4):195-203
Laetitia Rodes, Arghya Paul, Michael Coussa-Charley, Hani Al-Salami, Catherine Tomaro-Duschescneau, Marc Fakhoury, Satya Prakash* (2011). Transit time affects the community stability of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species in an in vitro model of human colonic microbiota. Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology,. 39(6):351-6.
Ziyad Binsalamah, Arghya Paul, Afshan Afsar Khan, Satya Prakash, Dominique Shum-Tim* (2011). Intramyocardial sustained delivery of placental growth factor using nanoparticles as a vehicle for delivery in rat infarct model. International Journal of Nanomedicine . 6:2667-78. (McGill MedStar Best Paper Award)
Afshan Afsar Khan, Arghya Paul, Sana Abbasi, Satya Prakash* (2011). Nanoparticles co-encapsulating hVEGF and hAng-1 can induce mitotic and antiapoptotic effect on vascular endothelial cells. International Journal of Nanomedicine . 6, 1069-81.
Sana Abbasi, Arghya Paul, Wei Shao, Satya Prakash* (2011). Cationic albumin nanoparticles for enhancd drug delivery to treat breast cancer: preparation and in vitro assessment. J Drug Delivery . 2012:686108.
Arghya Paul, Arielle Cantor, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2010). Superior Cell Delivery Features of Genipin Crosslinked Polymeric Microcapsules: Preparation, In Vitro Characterization and Pro-Angiogenic Applications Using Human Adipose Stem Cells. Molecular Biotechnology. DOI: 10.1007/s12033-010-9352-8.
Arghya Paul, Afshan Khan, Dominique Shum-Tim. S. Prakash* (2010). BacMam virus transduced cardiomyoblasts can be used for myocardial transplantation using AP-PEG-A microcapsules: molecular cloning, preparation and in vitro analysis. Biomed Research Intl. Volume 2010, Article ID 858094. doi:10.1155/2010/858094.
Arghya Paul, Dominique Shum-Tim and Satya Prakash* (2010). Investigation on PEG Integrated Alginate–Chitosan Microcapsules for Myocardial Therapy Using Marrow Stem Cells Genetically Modified by Recombinant Baculovirus. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. 1(2):154-164. DOI: 10.1007/s13239-010-0017-3.
Aleksandra Urbanska, Arghya Paul, Jasmine Bhathena, and Satya Prakash*. Suppression of Tumorigenesis: Modulation of Inflammatory Cytokines by Oral Administration of Microencapsulated Probiotic Yogurt Formulation (2010). International Journal of Inflammation. 2010. doi:10.4061/2010/894972.
Arghya Paul, Barbara A Jardin, Arun Kulamarva, Meenakshi Malhotra, Cynthia Elias, Satya Prakash* (2010). Recombinant baculovirus as a highly potent vector for gene therapy of human colorectal carcinoma: molecular cloning, expression, and in vitro characterization. Molecular Biotechnology . 45(2):129-39
Arghya Paul, Elhayek E, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2010). Recent Advancements in Pharmacological Stent Therapy Using Polymeric Materials: Opportunities and Challenges. Current Drug Delivery . 7(3):216-224.
Arghya Paul, Sana Abbasi, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2010). Nano- and Biotechnological Approaches in Current and Future Generation of Cardiovascular Stents. Current Nanoscience . 6(5):469-478.
Satya Prakash*, Afshan Khan, Arghya Paul (2010). Nanoscaffold based stem cell regeneration therapy: recent advancement and future potential. Expert Opinion in Biological Therapy . (12):1649-61.
Arghya Paul and Satya Prakash* (2010). Baculovirus reveals a new pH-dependent direct cell-fusion pathway for cell entry and transgene delivery. Future Virology . 5 (5): 533-537.
Arghya Paul, Ge Y, Satya Prakash, Dominique Shum-Tim* (2009). Microencapsulated stem cells for tissue repairing: implications in cell-based myocardial therapy. J Regenerative Medicine . 4 (5): 733-745.
Meenakshi Malhotra, Arun Kulamarva, Safa Sebak, Arghya Paul, Jasmine Bhathena, Maryam Mirzaei, Satya Prakash* (2009). Ultrafine chitosan nanoparticles as an efficient nucleic acid delivery system targeting neuronal cells. Drug Development and Industrial Pharmacy . 35(6):719 – 726.
Arghya Paul, Hamoudeh, M., Meenakshi Malhotra, Cynthia Elias, Dominique Shum-Tim, Satya Prakash* (2008). Viral vector based gene therapy for angiogenesis of damaged cardiac tissues: a novel approach. The Canadian Journal of Cardiology . 24 Supplement SE.