AI History
When you think about Artificial Intelligence, what comes to mind first? For me, it's robots, flying cars and Siri.
We are becoming more and more aware of the role AI plays in our life. AI is becoming a trend and a buzz word. But it's not new. It's been around for decades. In fact, in 1950s English Mathematician Alan Turing published a paper “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”. He also developed a test of a machine's ability to show intelligent behavior equivalent to that of a human.
About the same time the term “Artificial Intelligence” was developed by John McCarthy, Computer Science professor at Stanford University.
Only over the last decade AI exploded in application and popularity. There are a few reasons for that. First, technology is developing and advancing at a rapid speed. This led to an anourmous amount of data being available (Big Data). With the progress in technology its cost is going down. This makes not only development but also mass production of AI-powered technology more accessible. Plus, AI is becoming more sofisticated through Machine Learning where large amounts of data are searched for patterns and these algorithms are becoming more and more refined as machines perform more and more intelligent tasks.