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Developing Policy on AI for Charities

While AI has entered public and private sectors, AI regulations are lagging in speed of development and clarity of application and enforcement in the society generally and in charities in particular.

Policy on AI and ethical AI is non-existent in the charitable sector despite the fact AI is becoming widespread within the organizations. Nonprofits have a great opportunity to learn from their colleagues in different sectors and to develop an important awareness for future policy.

Policy discussions about AI revolve around ongoing policy debate on privacy and ethics.

To begin investigating current policy framework and implications of AI in charities, let’s get acquainted with the proposed Bill C-27. The highly anticipated Bill C-27 is expected to address this gap in the new privacy law overhaul by the Government of Canada through The Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2022 that includes the Consumer Privacy Protection Act, the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act, and the Artificial Intelligence and Data Act. The Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA), if enacted, will become Canada’s first AI legislation and a novel regulatory framework for AI.

What could this new legislation mean for charities? It should become a trigger to begin reviewing existing data management policies for any gaps.

Now is a perfect opportunity for charities to offer recommendations on addressing policy gaps and informing new policies on the ethical use of AI in charities for social good.