Graphic of a pink book with course title on its pages

Assignments → Grading → Grading Scheme

The grading scheme for this course follows closely with that of other academic courses and departments. It is as follows:

  A+             90-100%

A               85-89%

A-              80-84%

B+             77-79%

B               73-76%

B-              70-72%

C+             67-69%

C               64-66%

C-              60-63%

D               50-59%

F               0-49%

You might have heard anecdotally or from other courses that oftentimes a course average of 76-78% is aimed for when grading. I don’t really follow that line of thinking, as I think it’s difficult to determine an average when each class, and each student in that class, has different strengths and is coming from different places.

I also like to grade based on individual improvement. I don’t compare one student’s paper to the rest of the student’s papers. I compare each student’s work to the work they have already submitted in the course. So, an 80% might not mean the same from one student to the next. The goal is to have your grades get better and better from assignment to assignment.