Graphic of a pink book with course title on its pages

Assignments → List

  1. Participation – 10%
  2. Due Date: Ongoing, though all online interactions must be posted/sent by one week after the final class.

    Can come in the form of, for example:

    • Participating orally in class discussions
    • Submitting written reflections on class discussion, after class, to the instructor
    • Speaking with instructor in Office Hours, or email, or after class
    • Posting in online class forums
  3. Assignment 1: Reading Strategy – 5%
  4. Due Date: Week 2

    In 500-750 words, tell the instructor how you plan to approach the readings this semester. Please draw in 1-2 scholarly articles about effective reading practices.

  5. Assignment 2: Creative Project or Formal Essay Proposal – 10%
  6. Due Date: Week 6

    Submit a proposal for your final project (see below).

  7. Assignment 3: Comparison to the Source Material – 25%
  8. Due Date: Week 10

    Choose one of the novels we read in class and write a 5–7-page double spaced essay critically comparing it to the source material that the story adapted and/or drew from. These will be provided to you in class. Avoid merely summarizing either the novel or the source material. Please bring in minimum 4 scholarly articles to support your analysis.

  9. Assignment 4: Creative Project or Formal Essay – 40
  10. Due Date: Week 12

    For this assignment, you will choose a Young Adult novel not on the reading list (or in the same series, collection, or storyline as any of the texts that are), develop an argument/thesis about that text, and communicate that thesis to the instructor in any way you wish. For assignments with majority written material, they must be at least 3000 words. Performed pieces must be a minimum of 10 minutes long.

  11. Reflection on the Course – 5%
  12. Due Date: One week after the final class.

    In 500-750 words, tell the instructor how you felt about the course this semester, providing any constructive criticism you might wish to. Please draw in 1-2 scholarly articles about what aspect of YA literature you would like to study next.